"I have played with the eagle for a lifetime, can I still let the eagle peck my eyes today?"

Looking at the place where the red dot stays jokingly, Ning Tianlin With a sneer in his heart, he said in a playful tone.

"Hehe, to be able to penetrate into the depths of the Sea Territory during this period of time, obviously came prepared."

While feeling surprised, Ning Tianlin is also in the heart I am curious, which powerhouse is the one that worked in the deep sea?

He was able to calculate the exact time when the Great Nether Wheel appeared only once every 100 million years, and this had to make him cautious.

"It's definitely not a good thing."

"But, what? With me, I'm afraid it won't be what you want..."

Ning Tianlin's eyes flickered, and even the evil sand clan, he dared to use the thunderous method to destroy them, even more how these are the unknown powerhouses who want to encroach on the giant wheel of the Ning.. .

"Xing Zhan, redeem a set of combat equipment that matches my current body."

The battle strength realm has been upgraded to Ning Tianlin after Xinghuang 8th dan. This set of the original battle strength equipment must not be worn anymore.

A good horse needs a good saddle. Even more how is the most important battle strength equipment, so naturally it should not be sloppy.

"Ding, the exchange begins..."

As the battle strength system's voice in Ning Tianlin's mind fell, the surface of his body was covered with waves of surging energy fluctuations. .


After a muffled sound, Ning Tianlin's whole body, the tightly wrapped battle strength equipment, also dried up in an instant.

It wasn't until the equipment became invisible on his body that the ripples of energy fluctuations on the body's surface gradually disappeared.


As he waved his fist, the strong sound of the fist wind became louder.

"Well, not bad!"

After feeling the additional energy brought by this set of battle strength equipment, Ning Tianlin was satisfied and nodded.

"It’s good to be well equipped."

"It’s the essence points consumed. It seems to be too much..."

Listen to the battle Ning Tianlin said in a painful tone for the last essence points reported by the strength system. With this complete set of equipment, he consumed nearly 100 million essence points.

"Good goods are not cheap."

Although he felt so self-comforting in his heart, Ning Tianlin felt relieved after feeling the effects of the whole set of equipment.

After all, it is the full-attribute equipment used by the Martial Artist of the Star Desolation Eighth Duan. It is extremely rare in the entire universe. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as having a price and no market.

With the blessing of this set of equipment, Ning Tianlin, even if he does not use those secret methods, directly fights against the Lord of Universe, he will definitely not be afraid.

Ning Tianlin, who was fully prepared, was about to step into the deep sea, suddenly thinking of something, forcibly stopped the advancing figure.

"Sin, I forgot..."

"I just went into the sea so hastily, just to find excitement for myself."

After making a mockery of himself, Ning Tianlin said to the battle strength system again.

"Xing Zhan, redeem a medicine pill for me!"

Don't talk about the current situation of Ning Tianlin, even if it is the lord of the universe, the 9th dan has penetrated into the Sea Territory, it is estimated Before you see the outline of the Great Nether Wheel, the battle strength will be crushed into slag.

"The kind that can get rid of this deep-sea bondage and suppression..." Ning Tianlin continued to add.

On the way to this deserted deep sea, the battle strength system has briefly told Te about the particularity of this deep sea. Now that it is decided to go to sea, it must be exchanged for this life-saving medicine pill. Indispensable.

"Host, the medicine pill you need now is called Youhaidan, please choose its grade."

"First Rank Youhaidan, the user is in the original state If you don’t become a circumstance, you can stay in the deep sea of ​​the desert for seven days, and you need a million essence points."

"Second Rank Youhai Pill, the user is keeping the original state unchanged. It can be maintained in the deep sea for 15 days and requires three million essence points."

"The third rank Youhaidan, the user can keep the original state unchanged. It takes six million Essence Points to maintain for thirty days in the deep sea."


..."No need to introduce, just redeem First Rank Youhaidan will do!"

While battle strength continued to introduce the ranks of Youhaidan, Ning Tianlin interrupted it directly and said his answer in his mind.

"Ding, the exchange is successful."

With the sound of the prompt, Ning Tianlin will look at the gaze in the distance, shrink back from the surface of the sea, and carefully look at what he is doing. Locator, said solemnly.

"Seven days?"

"Perhaps such a short time was not enough before."

"But in this situation, it is indeed enough! "

At the same time as the voice fell, a gleam of light flashed past Ning Tianlin's pitch-black eyes.

If there is no outsider's sudden intervention, it might take more time and effort for him to find the Great Nether Wheel in this deep sea.

But now, there is no need to consider this factor at all, since someone is willing to help him trap the Nether giant wheel.

Then it’s much simpler now, just rely on military force and means to take away the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

Based on his current strength, if he wants to do this, seven days is not only enough, but also more than enough...

To deal with the uninvited guests in the deep sea, it can be far away It's much simpler than looking for the Nether Giant Wheel. He's most fearless is to leapfrog against various powerhouses!

During the first period of Star Desolation, I dared to slaughter Lord of Universe 9th dan frontally, even more how now, the equipment and battle strength are already the original Star Desolate 8th dan!

"Hope you guys don't let me down."

"It's best to fight a little bit!"

Shook my fists in the handshake, some be eager Ning Tianlin, who to have a try, coldly said, is still a little looking forward to the battle after meeting the opponent.

For the upgraded battle strength, he is also looking for a powerhouse to try it out. He feels hunger for a big knife...

When ready Ning Tianlin, who turned his gaze to the surface of the sea again, squeezed the locator in his hand, and said loudly.

"Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower First Layer, no one can take it from me!"

"Into the sea!"

While speaking, Ning Tian Lishun slid You Haidan into his mouth. Immediately, without any hesitation, the silver light under his feet was flashing, and he was already in the position where he was standing, disappeared...

When the whole body was just now When the desert entered below the surface of the sea, Ning Tianlin's keen perception felt the pressure of the sea water to suppress the essence of his body.

This unexpected abnormality did not make him panic at all, and continued to keep the speed of the dive unchanged.

It only lasted for a moment. When medicine efficacy took effect in Ning Tianlin's body, the invisible confinement force from the sea water immediately collapsed all over his body, and the essence of The running speed is also restored to the original state.

"The system is produced, and it is really good."

Ning Tianlin in the heart secretly praised a good thing about the system, and focused his attention on the deep sea. .

In this vast Sea Territory, looking around, the scene is exactly the same on all sides. With the interference of the energy in the sea, it is difficult for him to distinguish the specific direction and position.

"In that direction!"

Glancing at the red dot on the locator in his hand, Ning Tianlin reconfirmed the direction he was moving forward.

As the essence of his body accelerates, his figure turns into an afterimage, and the moved towards the designated position bursts past.

Under this galloping electric storm, the area Ning Tianlin passed along the way brought a long ripple of energy.

Like above the sea, there is also dead silence in the deep sea, and there is hardly any Life Aura found.

Ning Tianlin, with an expressionless face, always keeps the same posture and advances at extreme speed. The distance between the two on the locator is getting closer and closer as time goes by.

"According to my current forward speed, the general distance has been shortened."

Holding the locator in his hand, Ning Tianlin shook the head helplessly, this Sea Territory Not only the area is slightly smaller than that of Cang Mo, but also in depth.

In half a day, Ning Tianlin, who was advancing at full speed, only drove half of the distance. This was the shortest forward path chosen without the hint of positioning.

As Ning Tianlin ransacked at full speed, the countless thin energy lines controlled by the hands of the black robed man were almost gathered.

During this period, the medicine pill prepared in advance in their space ring, which is used to replenish essence, has been almost taken by them.

The gathering of this cage-like energy giant net consumes a lot of energy in their bodies.

If they continue to maintain the giant net like this, the medicine pill they have prepared in advance will not be scarce.

In the all-round shrinking of this giant net, the trapped Nether Giant Wheel, the force of the collision everywhere is getting more and more fierce.

Following the great haunting ship rammed forward again, the huge hull rushed out like a meteor.

The huge volume is not proportional to the fast speed. In the blink of an eye, it appeared on the wall of the giant energy network.


A huge muffled noise caused by the collision of the two reverberated in the deep sea for a long time.

After the collision, the fierce force on the energy wall backlashed into the palms of the black robed man through the thin energy lines.

Because the palms need to control the thin lines of energy, their palms at the moment are completely output.

When faced with the backlash force transmitted back, there is simply no way to make any Even if you want to remove part of the backlash force, you can’t do it.

"Damn it!"

"The collision force this time is stronger than last time."

The black robed man headed by the head is gloomy Said, and at the same time, forcibly suppressing the qi and blood in the body, the face that was originally a bit ugly was even more pale.

"Everyone, work harder, you are about to succeed!"

Although the price everyone paid at this moment is a bit heavy, the effect is very obvious.

According to his estimation, keeping the current momentum unchanged, they can still support it and completely trap the Nether Giant Wheel.

After a while, as the backlash power in the hands of several black robed man grew stronger, the outline of the Great Nether Wheel gradually appeared in everyone’s sight.

The black robed man headed by him has the highest battle strength and the most vicious eyesight, and he can see farther than his companions.

"It has appeared!"

"The Nether Wheel has appeared!"

At his reminder, the rest of the black robed man all showed their faces Crazy looking at the direction of the giant energy network.

The power of controlling the thin lines of energy in the hand is also unconsciously speeded up a lot.

At the same time, in a water area not far from the several black robed men, the originally silent sea suddenly appeared violently twisted.


A silhouette flashed out of it, and then hung steadily. The dark eyes glanced at all around.

"Nether Giant Wheel?"

Vaguely, that silhouette, at the end of the line of sight, I can see a vague outline appearing.

"It seems that they are about to succeed..."

After discovering the black robed man around, Ning Tianlin suppressed the impatient in the center.

The figure flashed again, but the speed was much slower than before, cautiously moved towards the front.

In less than ten minutes, the color of red and black was filled with Ning Tianlin’s eyeballs, and the giant wheel of the ghost crawling in the giant energy net was as high as several hundred zhang away from the seabed reef. the distance.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a huge monster standing tall, giving people a feeling of vicissitudes of life and grandeur.

I didn't imagine it, so full of domineering, perhaps due to the erosion of the years, it also made this huge ship look a bit rotten.

In addition, the hull and bottom of the ship are covered with weird and obscure lines, and an unusually ancient breath comes out of it.

As it got closer and closer, Ning Tianlin discovered that the Great Nether Wheel was wrapped in a slightly transparent mask.

The mask seems to be weak, but it gives people a sense of pressure as if from the soul, and seems to be guarding this huge ship.

Because the black robed man also paid attention to the energy binding net, and the Divine Consciousness was blocked, no one noticed the sudden appearance of Ning Tianlin for a while.

Averted his gaze from the Nether Giant Wheel, Ning Tianlin turned to the silhouettes of several black robes.

One after another powerful aura comes out of these black robed man's bodies. Although the aura is a little sluggish, you can still feel that these black robed man are not weak.

Except for the 9th dan of Lord of Universe in the middle, the rest are all realm of Lord of Universe 8th dan.

"You are too careless, right?"

"Do you really think no one will be in this deep sea?"

Look at these black robed man After scanning the shadow, Ning Tianlin hummed coldly in his heart, his gaze finally fixed on the silhouette of a black robed man.

"It's him!"

At the moment, the eyes are slightly squinted. The familiar aura exuding from this black robed man is surprisingly in Nine Nether In Sacred Land, the mysterious black robed man who escaped from his hands.

"tsk tsk, really enemies on a narrow road."

"But this is fine, it saves me the time to find you again."

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