At the same time, after feeling the cold killing intent from his back, the black robed man immediately started violently and hit a shield involuntarily.

"Not good, someone!"

Realizing that the situation is not right, he quickly turned his head, wanting to see the other person's face clearly.

Black robed man can be regarded as an old world after all. The stress response is naturally not weak, let alone those ordinary powerhouses that can mention on equal terms.

While turning his head, the black robed man quickly reduced the look of surprise on his face, and replaced it with that very ruthless gaze.

"Who is the newcomer?" contains the killing intent anger, which suddenly spread from the black robe.

"It's you!"

After seeing the other person's face clearly, the black robed man's complexion seemed to suddenly think of something, and immediately became gloomy again.

"You really don't know the immensity of heaven and earth."

"What are you doing here?"

In that black robed man suddenly As he turned and shouted, the gazes of the other seven black robed man also shifted.

In the end, they all had the same expressions of astonishment, and they all stopped their eyes on the youngster who suddenly appeared.

"Who is this youngster?"

"How could he sneak in here?"

"It should not be the essence of the body being compressed into slag Is it?"

"Looking at him, it seems that there is nothing wrong with him. Does he also have this mysterious medicine pill?"

The other seven people whispered in a jumbled manner, but suddenly The youngster who appeared had an ominous premonition in his heart.

One thing they dare to say is that the mysterious youngster's ability to appear during this time period must have something to do with the Great Nether Ship trapped in their hands.

Otherwise, who would be stupid to do nothing and run here to find excitement.

"It seems that we are in trouble..."

The seven people looked at each other, the expressions on their faces became more cautious, and they secretly released their hands. Essence has accelerated a lot.

In this situation, unless they remove the giant energy net in their hands, they simply have no room to fight back. It is not too much to describe it as being slaughtered by others.

But everyone also understands that when it’s not as a last resort, it’s absolutely impossible to let go. It’s not known for hundreds of millions of years. It’s never been so close to success like this time. .

"Let's wait and see, maybe this youngster will retreat when it's hard to come."

Everyone still has some confidence in their horror lineup. In the universe, Enough to scare away some forces.

They who are going to wait and see, there is another reason, that is, their Divine Consciousness is blocked, and they can't figure out the true strength of the youngster for a while.

However, judging from the opponent's age, their battle strength will never go high, and it will definitely not cause any substantial threat to them.

As long as the things on hand are completed as soon as possible, then this youngster will be courting death, no one can blame others.

Moreover, the black robed man they took the lead has obviously met this youngster before. In this case, maybe they can stabilize the other person first.

But looking at the hatred of the two sides, it seems that the two have some personal grievances, which is a bit difficult.

"What am I doing?"

"Is it possible that came down to swim?"

"You Old Guy, knowingly ask!"

Ning Tianlin's expression did not change in response to the angry shout of the black robed man, as if listening to the bark of a dog, looking at the other party jokingly.

"I might as well let you know in advance."

"I have all the treasures on this Nether Wheel!"

While speaking, Ning Tianlin glanced at the black robed man again, and scanned the past coldly.

"As for you, if you want to survive, get out!"

Finally, his eyes fell on the black robed man again. The tone of his speech also instantly became cold.

"He must stay today, and who will stop and die!"

Think of the black robed man who suffered the shame of the youngster in Nine Nether Sacred Land that day. The sullen face became sullen.

"Asshole boy, his tone is still that arrogant."

"I really thought that the old man day was because I was afraid that you might not succeed!"

"Ignorance kid! "

If it wasn't for the essence of the body to control this huge amount of energy, he would pounce on it long ago and strip Ning Tianlin alive.

Although, for this youngster, being able to appear here intact at this critical moment, he is also very surprised.

But he didn't want to ask too much about these. With that youngster's arrogant style of doing things, if he asked too many questions, he would only be slapped in the face in vain.

"Who is this youngster? Every time it appears, it is so mysterious." The black robed man in the heart meditated in secret.

The city in his heart is not as impetuous as it is on the surface, searching quickly in the heart, it may have an intersection with the youngster of the universe.

He doesn't believe that there is no huge force behind this youngster, and he dared to appear alone in Nether Sacred Land.

Now that I can go deep into this deserted and deep sea again, the medicine pill that can break the seawater's suppressive force is really no one who can do it.

"Hehe, are you not afraid of me? Then what did you run that day?"

Ning Tianlin stared at the other side closely without waiting for the black robed man to continue thinking about it, Said in a provocative tone.

"If you are not afraid, come over and hit me and try!"

When the word "run" was heard, the remaining seven black robed man felt fierce at the same time. For a moment, among them, the black robed man has not only the highest battle strength, but also the most methods.

It's incredible that such a strong leader has escaped from a youngster who is smell of mother's milk not yet dried!


The black robed man headed by Ning Tianlin's provocative words, the angry black robe began to rise and fall with his chest, helpless for a while Can't make it.

"You are courting death!"

Because it was in front of everyone, the shameless scar was uncovered, the black robed man immediately flew into a rage out of humiliation.

"damned bastard!"

After a fiercely slapped Ning Tianlin, the black robed man exhaled the evil air in his body.

Compared with the Nether Giant Wheel, the personal grievances between the two of them are lighter and heavier. The black robed man is naturally clear, and now he forcibly suppresses the anger in his heart.

"The old man doesn't have time to pay attention to you today. If you are acquainted, get out!"

The tone of the black robed man has a slight disdain. With his battle strength, indeed Few people can become his opponent, even more how a youngster who has only lived for a few hundred years.

Are not afraid of old man? The old man is the true Lord of Universe nine-duan realm, and it is also the old powerhouse in that level.

What kind of strength is you brat, do you really have no idea in your heart? Let you go, you go quickly.

The last time you sneak attacked an old man, did you think that the old man didn't feel your realm? That's it, Martial Artist, it's still the kind of super starry three stages at most!

Although the secret technique is used to raise the attack method to the level of Lord of Universe, the old man is not stupid. When you mobilized your energy, you felt your real realm.

"You old bastard, you are what it is now, and you dare to rely on age to show of age."

"Swearing? What a courage!"

Not at all afraid of the black robed man's fierce eyes, Ning Tianlin flicks with the finger, a wave of essence energy that has been condensed in the body in advance, flies out from his fingers.


A sharp wave of sea water was brought up in the sea, and the black robed man shot away like lightning.


Seeing Ning Tianlin's sudden move, the black robed man's complexion sank, coldly snorted, mobilized a little energy in the body, clinging to the surface of the body, intending to resist it This blow.


However, as soon as the body of the black robed man touched that energy, an extremely terrifying compressed energy suddenly collided, moved towards Spread in the body.


The strength contained in the compressed energy is also extremely precise. Ning Tianlin directly collapsed the skin without injuring the other party severely. Shattered.


The pain on the surface of the body is much more intense than the black robed man previously expected. I thought that the youngster was just a casual blow. The fleshy body is strong enough to resist.


The severe pain directly made his complexion look horrified, but fortunately, he is not one of those ordinary people. Suffered from the pain.

It wasn't until the compression energy lasted and gradually dissipated that the black robed man's face eased slightly.

"sneak attack?"

"Sneak attack again!"

"You little bastard, you only met twice in total. You actually got a sneak attack The old man twice!"

Even if the black robed man's physical tolerance is strong, his mood is about to be blown up at this moment. This is the second time he has been attacked by this youngster sneak attack.

His powerhouse of Lord of Universe 9dan actually took a Martial Artist. There is no way, every time he was battered and exhausted by the other party. For hundreds of millions of years, how could he be so embarrassed? Bend over.

"Boy, the old man warns you, there are no more than three things!"

"If you dare to do it again, the old man swears to you irreconcilable!"

black Robed man threatened coldly. After he got the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, he had already decided that the first thing to do was to kill the youngster himself!

"old bastard, my mouth is quite hard."

"Threat is the most useless to me."

Ning Tianlin is still the same It looks indifferently said, and at the same time in the heart thinking about how to smoothly take away the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

These black robed man definitely can't move them for the time being. If they have any accidents, the giant energy net that binds the Great Wheel of the Nether will definitely disappear.

when the time comes, it’s too difficult to find it in the deep sea again...

"Isn't it three things? Hehe..."

Ning Tianlin The tone, the black robed man gnash the teeth directly, immediately, after realizing that something was wrong, he shouted angrily.

"Boy, do you dare..."

Don't give the black robed man any reaction time, the compressed energy in Ning Tianlin's hands bombarded the past wave after wave.





"Old Guy, it's the twentieth time now..."

As soon as Ning Tianlin's words fell, the black robed man felt another sharp pain coming from his body.

After being bombarded by the compressed energy, his painful expression gradually disappeared after a while.

At this moment, not only his black robe is broken, but almost no part of his skin is complete. They are all torn skin and gaping flesh...

"This guy, looking at harmless to humans and animals."

"Starting up, it's really cruel, I'm afraid it will be tortured to death!"

"Then we guess it's hanging..."

This bloody scene caused the other black robed man to shiver involuntarily.

Didn't expect their leader, just to put out a cruel remark, he was completely embarrassed.

This face is really too lost!


"youngster, the old man takes you!"

After some torture, the black robed man is gone The previous hard tone, in the tone, actually had some meaning of begging for mercy.

"You Old Guy, wouldn't it be okay?" Ning Tianlin looked at the painful appearance of the black robed man and said with a smile.

"Hey, although I hit you, it hurts in my heart..."

After a sigh, Ning Tianlin actually walked to the side of the black robed man. , Pretending to be compassionate, gently stroked the wound on his body.


If there hadn’t been the scene where Ning Tianlin bombed the black robed man before, the rest of the black robed man would almost believe it. Feelings are the kind of acquaintances in the year after year, Ning Tianlin really loves the latter.

"What's the situation?"

"I was hitting so hard just now, why do I feel so distressed now?"

"Is it?"

" p>

"Love and want to kill? Damn it, gay..."

This style of painting has changed so fast that the rest of the black robed man is incomprehensible. mind.

However, those thoughts only dared to speculate in the heart, and none of them dared to speak out.

They are still a little afraid of taking the lead in the black robed man. After looking at each other, they continue to honestly control the giant network of energy in their hands.

"Boy, don't touch the old man anymore..."

The pampered look on Ning Tianlin's face made the black robed old man get goosebumps. .

"Or, you should continue to beat me!"

This extreme contrast gives the black robed man an urge to vomit blood. The torment he suffered, and the mental devastation at this moment made him even more panicked.

"You are all too old, I am a softhearted person and can't handle it."

"tsk tsk, it seems to be heavier just now, you see it bleeding ..."

After that, Ning Tianlin exchanged a bottle of healing medicine from the battle strength system. With a vacant palm, he pretended to take it out of the space ring.

"Come on, apply it, and your injury will be healed." Ning Tianlin looked at the black robed man whose face had been extremely distorted, said with a faint smile.


Before he could say anything, Ning Tianlin slammed directly and sprinkled the bottle of healing medicine against the wound of the black robed man.


Just as the black robed man instinctively wanted to mobilize the body's essence and resisted, an unexpected magical scene happened.

He felt that the wounds on his body, under the nourishment of the medicinal liquid, started to recover. It only lasted for a moment, and his injury had already recovered for most of it.

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