"Boy, what do you mean?" The black robed man carefully stared at Ning Tianlin on the side and asked in surprise.

He doesn't simply think that the other party suddenly discovered his conscience and wanted to heal his injuries.

"You old bastard, what do you care about so much."

"Just ask you, are all the injuries healed?"

The corners of the mouth are up Ning Tianlin, who looked up, swept his eyes on the black robed man, and asked softly in his ears.


The black robed man sighed, hesitated, and responded with a faint mosquito-like voice nodded.

Ning Tianlin's words are true, no matter what the other party's purpose is, the torn wounds on his body have indeed healed completely.

However, he still has an ominous premonition in his heart, but he couldn't guess it for a while. What is the intention of Ning Tianlin's doing this...

Just leave it aside for now Now, the most important thing is to quickly get the Nether Wheel, even more how, the injury can heal, and the benefit to him is the greatest.

"tsk tsk, you old bastard, if you were so obedient, it wouldn't be enough." Ning Tianlin smiled and said slowly.

At the same time in the heart, thinking about the importance of these eight black robed men to trapping the Nether Giant Wheel.

He originally planned to take advantage of this opportunity to use super stealth to sneak into the interior of the Nether Giant Wheel and search for the treasures inside.

But this idea was quickly rejected by him. From the battle strength system, he knew that the lack of treasure in the ship would directly affect the energy fluctuation of the hull.

When these black robed man discover that the hull is abnormal, the giant energy net in their hands will not look like it is, as it is now.

Once the Nether Giant Wheel gets out of its trap, under the threat of navigation, it is very likely to disappear directly from this deserted deep sea.

It is precisely for this reason that Ning Tianlin even wants to infiltrate the "healing medicine liquid" in his hands into the bodies of the remaining seven black robed man one by one.

And this so-called medicinal liquid is indeed Ning Tianlin's exchange of good healing medicine from the battle strength system.

However, Ning Tianlin is mixed with some other things in it. On the basis of healing, it adds other functions...

"We must hurry up. ..."

Ning Tianlin feels that this giant energy network has become more and more stable. It is best to infiltrate these medicinal liquids one by one before they can take a shot, and the premise is not to be When the other party is aware of it.

Otherwise, if the person then really fights with him desperately, then this Great Nether Wheel will definitely take the opportunity to flee without anyone controlling it.

"It's you!"

After a cursory glance around all around, Ning Tianlin's figure moved towards the target in his eyes and flashed past.


Looking at the moving silhouette of Ning Tianlin, the black robed man coldly snorted, who took the lead, flashed a sneer sneer in his eyes.

At this moment, the thin lines of energy in the hands of these black robed men are only the last step, solidifying the giant net into substance. Once completed, it means that they can free their hands...

Ning Tianlin is naturally lazy to pay attention to the cold hum behind him, as long as they don't stop the energy output in their hands.

"What to look at, I just came to find you..."

Ignore the black robed man, the fierce and suspicious eyes, Ning Tianlin is still The expression of harmless to humans and animals, said with a smile.

"Ask you a question."


"What does it mean to not speak?" Ning Tianlin asked rhetorically.


The compressed energy in Ning Tianlin's hand suddenly shot out before the voice, exactly the same as the previous technique.


The same wound appeared on the black robed man who was hit.


After the painful roar ended, the black robed man glared sullenly and cursed in the heart.

"Boy, you wait for me!"

"Just ask questions if you step on the code, so what do you do with me!"

"tsk tsk, what is your expression?"

"Why, not convinced?" Ning Tianlin said while looking at the other party's expression.






After bombarding the opponent ten times with compressed energy, Ning Tianlin sprinkled "healing medicine liquid" on the wound just like the leading black robed man before.


Ning Tianlin muttered, then turned around, moved towards any one of the other six black robed man, and flashed past.

"Ask you..." Ning Tianlin said.

"You ask, you ask!"

Without waiting for Ning Tianlin to finish speaking, the black robed man directly interrupted and replied.

He could not help but shudder when he saw his companion's bloody wounds that were blown up. So, now I am afraid that like that companion, he will be bombarded for answering late...

"Did I let you talk?"

"Dare to interrupt me!" Ning Tianlin said.




"Si!" Another painful roar.

"Who made you stare at me with innocent eyes?"






"You are the Lord of Universe, your eyes should be fierce."

"Yes, the expression in the eyes will be like now." Ning Tianlin said with a smile.

In the case of this black robed man "cooperating", Ning Tianlin bombarded the opponent with compressed energy seven times in a row.

Similarly, after sprinkling "healing medicine" on the wound on his body, he moved towards the next black robed man with satisfaction and flashed past.

"Ask you a question." Ning Tianlin said.

"You ask." said one of the remaining five black robed man.

This time, this black robed man is obviously smarter and has learned some experience from his previous companions.

Wait for Ning Tianlin to speak the words completely before answering "in time".

Although they knew that after Ning Tianlin bombed, they would apply healing medicine to them, but they really didn't want to suffer this skin and flesh suffering for no reason.

"Well, yes, better than them." Ning Tianlin said nodded with satisfaction.


"What is the look in your eyes?"

"I didn't hit you, why do you look at me so fiercely?"





again A painful roar came out...

This "smart" black robed man simply closed his eyes and didn't look at Ning Tianlin.

At the same time, cursed cursed in the heart.

"Are you sick?"

"I didn't say it just now, the look in Lord of Universe's eyes should be fierce!"

After the six bombings, Ning Tianlin was satisfied once again, using the "healing medicine" in his hand to treat his wounds "kindly".

"Ask you a question."

"You ask."


"How do you give your eyes Closed?"

"Don't you want to see me like that? I disrespect people too much!"





This time the black robed man was bombarded five times by Ning Tianlin with compressed energy...


Finally, the remaining three black robed man, no matter how "smart" answers, did not escape, they were bombarded by Ning Tianlin with compressed energy ending.

After "treating" the wound on the body of the last black robed man, Ning Tianlin stopped his movements.

After scanning the black robed man again, Ning Tianlin was quite satisfied and nodded.

Immediately, slowly moved towards the black robed man who took the lead, and walked over. The expression of harmless to humans and animals on his face also converged in an instant, replaced by a forest. Cold face.

"old bastard, what good things do you say in this ghost wheel?"

After breathing out slowly, Ning Tianlin held the empty bottle in his hand The potion bottle was thrown aside smoothly, his cold eyes were directed at the black robed man, and then coldly said.

"Can you eight Lord of Universe, take such a great effort to get it?"

As soon as Ning Tianlin's voice fell, the black robed man's heart was fierce Trembling, frowned, said gloomily.

"The old man doesn't understand what you mean? We just want to try one's luck."

"As for what treasures you can get, it depends on your own destiny. "

Seeing Ning Tianlin's calm appearance, the black robed man frowns locks tighter, and the gloomy color on his face becomes more dense.

"However, if you don’t dislike it, the old man is willing to give you a few treasures after he succeeds."

While he speaks, the black robed man is slightly lowered A pair of turbid eyes flicked across his head and a deep chill.

This is just that the black robed man wants to stabilize Ning Tianlin first, and he is looking for a lame excuse. He can't wait to smash Ning Tianlin into pieces, how can he give some treasure.

"Oh? That's okay."

A glance at the black robed man, Ning Tianlin still has a calm face, and his voice is flat without any emotion, and then said.

"I only need one treasure. I don't know if you, Old Guy, will do it?"

"One piece is too little, how about ten?"

black robed man solemnly replied, and said with a smile coldly in my heart, "I'm afraid you kid, you have life, but you are useless!"

"Hehe, do you pretend to be confused?"

Ning Tianlin laughed heartily, and said loudly to all the black robed man, the essence of the body is also hiding the sky and covering the earth.

"The Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, don’t you know if you Old Guy are willing?"


All the black robed man’s eyes are on At this moment, they all shifted fiercely, and finally gathered on the thin silhouette of Ning Tianlin.

"Damn it, how did he know the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower?"

"Looks so young, his level is not something he can touch, it's really difficult Believe it!"

"Who the hell is he! Why haven't I heard of such a man before? It's so mysterious!"

I heard the whispers of the black robed man Ning Tianlin directly filtered it out of his ears, turned his head, and cast his gaze on the black robed man who took the lead again, and said coldly.

"What's the matter, do you want to go back?"

When Ning Tianlin directly named the name of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, the pupils of the black robed man were obviously tightened, and immediately After sneered, he said.

"Boy, the old man really underestimated you!"

"You actually know the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!"

"So today, you are even more Don't want to leave here!"

The black robed man's killing intent towards Ning Tianlin is even stronger. The mysterious level of this child has surpassed his understanding. If you just let it go, it will definitely be in the future. It is a big hidden danger.

"Hehe, threat? The most useless thing!"

"I also know that it is the First Layer of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!"

At the same time as the voice fell, Ning Tianlin stepped forward violently, and the powerful imposing manner was also released violently.

"Good! Good! Good!"

After saying three good words, the mood of the black robed man is shocked every time.

The youngster in front of him was able to accurately tell which level of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower was on the Great Nether Wheel. This has not only shocked him, but even a little panic.

The secret history of hundreds of millions of years in this universe, black robed man asks himself that he knows no less than others, only more.

Even he himself didn't know how many floors of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower were, and this youngster, who was only a few hundred years old, knew, how could he not panic?

In this universe, the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower can be known so accurately, it will certainly not exceed the number of slaps...

Seeing that the giant energy network has been condensed into substance, The black robed man's complexion also became extremely ugly.

"No matter who you are, you must die today!"

After a cold anger, the black robed man's shriveled palm suddenly shook, trying to take the essence of his hand Shrink back.

"Go to hell!"

However, the essence of the black robed man is not as expected, let him control and mobilize at will, and in a faint, he starts to feel To a trace of anxiety.

"What's going on!"

This kind of situation that has never happened before makes the black robed man's complexion gradually heavier. This is the most commonly used contraction of the essence, and it actually appears Problem.

He who does not believe in evil, stepped down heavily, adjusted his breath again, and wanted to forcibly withdraw the essence from his hand.

But it still has no effect. The essence that originally belonged to him is always attracted by the giant web of energy, and simply cannot be withdrawn.

"It's awful!"

Not only did he have this weird situation, but after looking at each other, he found that the other seven black robed men were all the same. situation.

"I advise you, no more struggling, it's useless!"

"Be good, continue to strengthen this giant Internet cafe for me!"

Ning Tianlin squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the black robed man who kept trying to get rid of the energy in his hand, coldly said.

"It's you?"

Immediately, those black robed man who realized the reason changed their complexion drastically, looking at Ning Tianlin in amazement, their complexion was also ugly To the extreme.

"You did it!"

"It must be just now. He did something while healed us!"

"Damn it , I’ll just say that this kid is definitely not so kind!"

After trying several black robed man to no avail, he was a little bit depressed for a while. No matter how they control it, the essence of the body will only flow along. With a fixed output route, it continues to reinforce the previous giant energy network.

"hehe, a bunch of mindless things!"

"I didn't do it, is there anyone else here?"

Ning Tianlin said loudly , As his voice just fell, his complexion changed, his eyes staying provocatively on the ship of the Great Nether Ship.

"Only you, want to take the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower from me?"

"Idiot dreams!"

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