While the voice fell, Ning Tianlin directly ignored the black robed man's fierce and ferocious eyes.

The reason why these people can still stand here intact is only because they still have some remaining use value.

After he comes out of the Nether Giant Wheel safely, these black robed men are afraid that they will really become cold corpses...


After coldly snorted, the essence of Ning Tianlin's body was suddenly mobilized, and in that moment, he stepped forward again with his footsteps.

The silhouette is completely in the eyes of the black robed man, it begins to slowly become illusory, and after a while, it disappears completely, leaving only the afterimages.

Stimulated by Ning Tianlin's new hatred and old hatred, the black robed man who took the lead, staring at scarlet eyes, a crazy sharp scream, roared out.

"Boy, this hatred, the old man and you are absolutely irreconcilable!"

The black robed man who lost his mind, no matter how strong his body shakes, he can’t really control The essence of the body.

I can only watch Ning Tianlin's silhouette disappear into the Nether Giant Wheel, but he doesn't have the strength to stop him.

The old voice in the black robe, at the end of the scream, has become hoarse, the whole person's breath.

In just an instant, he became collapsed to the extreme, and he seemed to be tens of thousands of years old again...

Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, he was looking forward to it. After nearly hundreds of millions of years, he was about to get it, but suddenly there was such an unexpected change. How could he keep his sense?

"Remember my name, Ning Tianlin, is the end of your life!"

"Enjoy, the last time of your life!"

"This is also the end of your trip, and it will be your burial place!"

With the disappearance of Ning Tianlin silhouette, a voice permeating the cold killing intent, like Declaring these people fateful, slowly spread out from the Nether Giant Wheel.

Finally, it resounded in the ears of these eight black robed man, echoing...

Inside the Great Wheel of the Nether.

For this mysterious giant ship, Ning Tianlin, like most powerhouses, is full of curiosity. The outside world knows too little about it.

As soon as Ning Tianlin stepped onto the Great Nether Wheel, what came into view was the center of the splint.

A huge wall of energy stood upright and exuded from it. A faint purple glow.

At a glance, the seemingly thin wall of energy, but can’t see the end, the weird depth, and the diffuse and powerful aura, make people a little instinctively jealous,

At this time, the up ahead of the energy wall, Ning Tianlin's long silhouette, is standing in the air, with a pair of dark eyes, carefully looking at the weird energy wall, trying to find its loopholes.

"Just walk over, it's okay!"

Just as Ning Tianlin was thinking about how to break this energy wall, the sound of battle strength was in his mind. Sounded.

"Okay, listen to you!"

Ning Tianlin nodded, there is no hesitation in moving towards the direction of the energy wall, carefully moving past.

When he was only three steps away from the energy wall, the calm energy wall seemed to be triggered, suddenly bursts of rippling energy fluctuations.

"hua! ”

Immediately, Ning Tianlin felt an extremely terrifying space fluctuation. From the space in the energy wall, at the speed visible by naked eye, diffuse And open.


When this terrifying space fluctuation reaches its peak, an extremely bright vortex-like energy suddenly rotates clockwise from the center of the energy wall.

Finally, when the vortex rotates to a certain extent, it starts to reverse and rotate again at the same speed.

"hong long long!"

When the second rotation was completed, the space in the vortex suddenly heard a thunderous sound.

After a while, in Ning Tianlin's curious eyes, the light purple energy wrapped in vortex was slowly torn apart.

A circular space gate leading to the unknown depths suddenly appeared in Ning Tianlin's line of sight.

"The space leading to the Great Nether Wheel is already open, go in!"

Just as Ning Tianlin was watching the space gate that appeared strangely in the center of the vortex, the battle strength system The voice, in his mind again, reminded.

As soon as the sound of the battle strength system fell, Ning Tianlin's silhouette swept down to a height parallel to the gate.

Without any extra thoughts, Ning Tianlin stepped into it slowly. Regarding the battle strength system, he was always at ease.


In the vortex, the moment the door was pushed open by Ning Tianlin, a small low voice suddenly came out.


As Ning Tianlin's figure quickly disappeared, the door in the vortex suddenly closed, and again after a wave of vortex fluctuations, it disappeared.

The energy wall of light purple also gradually recovered, just like the original appearance.

The real inner space of the Great Nether Wheel is far from the size seen outside, it seems to be extended, much larger.

At this moment, there was a sudden violent fluctuation in the internal space, and immediately, a dark space door appeared strangely out of thin air.


In this Space Gate, shortly after it appeared, a silhouette slowly emerged, and finally, suspended in this unfamiliar space .

"This is the inside of the Great Nether Wheel?"

After the appearance of the Ning Tianlin silhouette, the voice that came out of his mouth was the silence that continued here for hundreds of millions of years, It gradually broke.

Feeling the rich energy fluctuations in this space, Ning Tianlin also touched a touch of surprise on his face, and said after taking a deep breath.

“It’s a strong energy fluctuation, at least several times stronger than the outside world!”

If some Martial Artists can cultivation here, the progress will probably be better than those outside. , The so-called cultivation treasure land is several times faster.

However, these blessed places are of little use to him. His advanced method, unique and unmatched, has nothing to do with the intensity of this energy.

"It’s no wonder that so many babies can be bred and stored, it is probably inseparable from this factor."

"Not only that, the time in this space is slower than the outside world. A lot.” The battle strength system continued to add.

"Stay here for six days is just a day equivalent to the outside world."


I heard the explanation of the battle strength system, Rao is the arrogance of Ning Tianlin, and can't help but look at this Nether Giant Wheel again, there is such a magical thing about this Giant Wheel unexpectedly.

"Six days inside and one day outside?"

"Doesn’t that mean that after staying here for a year, only two months have passed outside."


In this case, if a martial idiot has been cultivating here for tens of thousands of years, after he comes out, he will directly become a super powerhouse?

With this doubling of time, even if there are no idiots with cultivation talent, they will be able to obtain a lot of cultivation realm.

"The Great Nether Wheel, in the universe, is a unique and unmatched existence."

"However, he also has limitations, not only every billion years, Appear once."

"And everyone, within one year of its appearance, can only stay inside for one day, which is six days outside." Battle strength system said.

Hearing the system explain this way, Ning Tianlin silently nodded, unless it is the Great Nether Ship that can be truly controlled, otherwise this particularity is just like a chicken rib, and it is not very useful.

"hong long!"

While Ning Tianlin sighed, there was a sudden muffled thunder in the distant void.

Immediately, he felt the energy around him, hiding the sky and covering the earth's moved towards, the direction from which the sound came, converging in the past.

"That's it?"

Ning Tianlin squinted his eyes slightly, watching the final position of energy movement. After a while, the pupils of his eyes suddenly shrank.


It turned out that the energy that was absorbed in the past actually condensed into an illusory attic in the void.

Looking from a distance, the attic of that building, as the energy continues to gather and condense, has slowly become as real as it is.

The huge attic standing out of thin air, mixed with the sound of energy, is like carrying a thunder.

That huge momentum, majestic and majestic...

"Look in the past!"

When the energy fluctuations there are completely stabilized, Ning Tianlin After seeing that there were no other mutations, he hesitated for a while, then flashed his figure, moved towards the pavilion, and flew past.

Ning Tianlin really felt the hugeness of the pavilion at a distance of several feet from the pavilion. Standing next to him, it seemed extremely small.

Ning Tianlin looked up at the huge pavilion in front of him, couldn't help but marvel at the magnificent structure of its imposing manner.

The length of the plaque of the huge attic is painted with four ancient fonts of "Netherworld Treasure Pavilion", and the strokes are full of vigor and force.

The red black plaque is slightly grayish, and the irregular vicissitudes of life on the plaque show its age.

This attic that appears out of thin air is the Nether Giant Wheel, the most mysterious place, the Nether Treasure Pavilion.

In the Great Wheel of Netherworld, all the treasures that have appeared, whether it is cultivation technique, martial skill, Formation, medicine pill, etc., are all here.

Only in this year's time, if someone is lucky enough to step into this space, this Netherworld Treasure Pavilion will condense.

As for the destined person, what treasure can be taken away from this Nether Treasure Pavilion depends on his own opportunities.

This Netherworld Treasure Pavilion is extremely mysterious, and the number of treasures in it is extremely terrifying, but after the changes over the years, the various treasures that appear every 100 million years are also different.

As low as the most common bad street cultivation technique in the universe, as high as the battle strength formation of the outside world may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, as well as various high-low-grade medicine pills, All appear randomly.

If it is good luck, high-level cultivation technique, Formation, medicine pill, etc. can be easily obtained.

However, if you are unlucky, the treasures you get are all rubbish. It is estimated that the real value, even the family property of a small Sect in the universe, is incomparable...


"Xing Zhan, will the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower appear this time?"

When Ning Tianlin learned about these rules from the battle strength system, he asked him with some uncertainty.


After hearing the answer from the battle strength system, Ning Tianlin is nodded without worry, otherwise, he will be busy on this trip, it is better to look for it directly The system is redeemed.

"Netherworld Treasure Pavilion?" Looking at the four characters, Ning Tianlin's eyes flashed with light.

Go deep into Baoshan, but return empty-handed. That's not Ning Tianlin's style of doing things. Goose will have to pluck their hairs, and what's more, this huge treasure pavilion can't get nothing.

"I'm definitely not going home empty-handed!"

"Otherwise, even if you blow up your treasure pavilion, I will blow up those treasures."

Slightly squinted his eyes, glanced around in the attic, and found nothing unusual,

He released the keen Divine Consciousness.

At the same time, I envelop this Netherworld Treasure Pavilion in every possible way. I want to see if I can accurately find the energy fluctuations in treasure,


However, it didn't have any desired effect. After his Divine Consciousness enveloped the Nether Treasure Pavilion, he could no longer move forward.

"Divine Consciousness is useless!"

The entire Netherworld Treasure Pavilion is always blocked by an invisible energy cover, and simply cannot detect the situation inside.

"Host, don't waste your effort, it's useless."

The battle strength system sound, when Ning Tianlin was about to release Divine Consciousness again, it was in his mind Sounded in.


"Xing Zhan, didn't you even do it?"

"Only six days, not relying on Divine Consciousness Under the circumstances, the probability of finding the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower is not high."

Ning Tianlin asked the system with some dissatisfaction about the strange rule of the Nether Treasure Pavilion.

He wants to use such a short time to find the treasure he wants in this huge treasure pavilion. It is not an easy task.


"You can stay here for a month," the system said.

"That's good, I don't have to scruples."

Ning Tianlin said disapprovingly, since the system can extend the time, it is easy to handle, at worst consumes some energy That's all for the points.

"However, the amount of energy consumed is not something you can afford."

"I advise you, don't think about it!"

Ignoring the slight under-beat tone of the battle strength system, Ning Tianlin shook the head speechlessly.

Now he still has a lot of energy points in his hands, at least hundreds of millions of dollars in inventory.

Is this enough? You look down on people too much, right? What is unaffordable? Why doesn't the system grab it?

However, Ning Tianlin doesn't want to worry about these too much. If he really stays for a while, it is estimated that the system will really "grab" his essence...

Just now, he also asked the system if he could send the location of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, but the other party wanted the same energy points as redeeming a new one.

Ning Tianlin will certainly not be satisfied with the shameful behavior of the battle strength system. If you can’t find it, then...

"Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, you Just wait for me to collect you!"

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