Ning Tianlin stared at the huge pavilion with fierce eyes, and said loudly, "Let’s do it!"

As soon as he was about to take a step forward, Ning Tianlin suddenly Suddenly noticed that this Netherworld Treasure Pavilion was shaking violently.


An ancient breath of vicissitudes of life, slowly diffused out of the Netherworld Treasure Pavilion.

Under this ancient breath, Ning Tianlin on the side felt it inexplicably, a coercive force on his soul.

"Is it turned on like this?"

When the shaking of the Netherworld Treasure Pavilion stabilized, Ning Tianlin looked at that road, without any external force, suddenly slowed down The open dark door, said solemnly.


Ning Tianlin's words just fell, and a huge sound erupted from the depths of the door.

Immediately, a space channel the length of several feet came directly from the depths of the dark gate towards the direction of Ning Tianlin.

"The space channel is interesting."

Ning Tianlin muttered to himself as he watched the space channel that continued to extend until it reached his feet.

He naturally understands that after stepping on this space channel, his figure will be randomly transmitted to any area in the Netherworld Treasure Pavilion.

It may be transmitted to the deepest core area, or it may only be transmitted to the outermost peripheral zone.

"hong long long!"

As soon as Ning Tianlin's feet touched the space channel, the dark gate suddenly burst out bursts of hong long long The loud noise.

Immediately, Ning Tianlin's figure disappeared out of thin air in the place where he stood.

After another violent energy fluctuation, the gate of the Netherworld Treasure Pavilion slowly closed.

"One day, that's six days outside!"

Ning Tianlin in the space channel faintly muttered to oneself, after entering, he must hurry up, be sure to follow the regulations here Within time, bring out the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

“bang! ”

As soon as the gate was closed, the previous Nether Treasure Pavilion condensed into substance, and after another violent shaking, it became It gradually became illusory.

The rich aura originally gathered in the Netherworld Treasure Pavilion eventually dissipated into a thin mist as time passed, and this area also returned to its original appearance, as if it had never appeared before.

The space inside this Nether Giant Wheel fell into deathly silence once again.


The space channel that extended into the dark gate suddenly twisted in the Nether Treasure Pavilion. When it gradually stabilized, Ning Tianlin's silhouette changed from Stepped out of that space.

As soon as he entered this unknown area, the essence of Ning Tianlin's body began to operate secretly, watching the surroundings cautiously, and he needed to be cautious in the unknown environment.

After not discovering any potential threats, Ning Tianlin was relieved and began to look at the surrounding environment seriously.

Looking around, it is all foggy, this space seems to be shrouded in a kind of dead silence, without the slightest vitality.

And Ning Tianlin’s long silhouette, after only staying in place for a while, gradually disappeared into the fog,

I don’t know how long this dead silence lasted. For a long time, there were sudden bursts of slight energy fluctuations.


The low voice came from the distant mist along the energy fluctuations, and his eyes followed the direction of the sound. However, a vague silhouette can be vaguely seen.

I pulled my eyes closer, and then discovered that a long silhouette of Xin was standing with his hand at his back. At the same time, a cloud of gray mist beside the right hand attracted his attention,

Turning his head, after a pair of dark eyes glanced carefully, the slender right hand slowly lifted, and then shook it sharply.


Along with the sudden attack of that silhouette's fist wind, the energy that was hit thinned rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the above The gray mist also dissipated.

An illusory circular light curtain is the appearance of faintly discernible, in the sight of that silhouette.

The whole body of this circular light curtain is covered with a light energy body, while the latter function is equivalent to, which is a protective cover around the former.

If you want to obtain the treasure hidden in the circular light curtain, you need to break the energy shield. This can be considered a test in disguise for the treasurer.

If your own strength is not strong, even if you find a good treasure, you can only stop on the spot if you can't smash the protective energy shield, otherwise it will be just a waste of effort.

And the kind of energy body similar to the protective cover, its hardness also have nothing common with each other, the richness mainly depends on the level of the treasure in the light curtain.

The higher the level of treasure, the stronger the protective energy shield will be, and vice versa, the weaker it will be.

Treasure has always been prepared for a powerful powerhouse. The same is true in this Netherworld Treasure Pavilion. Various levels of treasure are obtained based on personal abilities.

"Break for me!"

I glanced at that thin layer of energy protection, that silhouette flicks with the finger, an attack energy condensed at random from the fingertips , Is the target found in the moved towards eyes, flying towards the past.


The energy shield that was attacked suddenly appeared cracks, and immediately, peng sound burst and burst when it could not withstand the pressure. open.

Immediately, a streamer the size of a nail clip swiftly flew toward that silhouette, and was finally held in his palm.

"This kind of medicine pill again."

That silhouette spread out the palm of your hand and glanced roughly at the medicine pill in your hand. It was just one pill, with a bit of inferior quality. Ordinary medicine pill only.

This level of energy protection cover, the treasure hidden in it, can only be some ordinary goods.

"Forget it, something is better than nothing."

After shook the head, that silhouette simply put the medicine pill into the space ring in his hand, planning to After going out, directly exchange into essence points.

It is not very difficult to find a level of treasure like this in this space. You will find a lot of them with a little care.

Although the types of treasures of this energy shield are different, the levels are also the same. They may be considered good treasures in the outside world.

But from that silhouette's point of view, they are all junk goods. In the system, you can exchange some ordinary goods at random, which is much better than these.

Since entering the Netherworld Treasure Pavilion, Ning Tianlin has not been able to fly for too long due to internal pressure, so he has been walking in one direction for more time. .

This state has lasted for nearly a day.

During this period of time, he was unable to start from the beginning, and until now, he has smashed hundreds of protective covers.

Although the quantity can be said to be plentiful harvest, the quality of treasure has not changed much.

"The three hundred and seventy-sixth."

After smashing an energy shield again, Ning Tianlin muttered to himself while looking at the treasure in his hand.

In this deadly environment, it's not bad for simply looking for treasures, so you don't have to worry about being disturbed by outsiders.

It's just that, so far, the level of these treasures has made Ning Tianlin a little helpless, and none of them can be eye-catching.

"Go down further, it should be better." Ning Tianlin said while looking at the direction in front of him.

Along the way, although the hardness of the energy cover has not changed very much, Ning Tianlin still found the difference.

The dozens of energy shields that were smashed at the end were a bit stronger than the energy shields he smashed at the beginning.

This also means that the further you go, the higher the level of treasure hidden in these wandering energy shields.

If it’s good luck, it’s not too difficult to meet the energy shield of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower in the back.

"I don’t know how far we have to go."

Ning Tianlin faintly muttered to oneself said, since the end of the line of sight is also foggy, it is impossible to calculate the specific return. How much distance is there.


After taking a deep breath, Ning Tianlin took a strong step and continued to walk quickly towards the depths of the Netherworld Pavilion, time is running out , Can not tolerate him to have time to rest.

Hurrying in this dead space, although Ning Tianlin feels a bit boring, it is still within a tolerable range.

Under this boring situation, the protective energy shields that Ning Tianlin passed along the way were all shattered by it, and then the treasure inside was placed into the space. in the ring.

The level of these treasures, as he had expected before, has become higher and higher.

From the first move, an energy shield can be destroyed, and then, after three or four consecutive attacks by Ning Tianlin, an energy shield can be solved.

Finally, as the hardness of the energy shield continues to increase, the number of consecutive attacks has become more frequent.

It wasn't until the last half day that the hard energy shields that Ning Tianlin encountered were not worthy of being destroyed after dozens of consecutive attacks.

However, there will be rewards for what he pays. The type and level of treasures he has received are already much higher.

Ning Tianlin has collected more than a dozen of battle strength formation, a very rare cultivation technique in the universe.

His state continued until the fifth day, and there was a change.

"Energy wall?"

As it moves forward continuously, Ning Tianlin looks at the wall of energy light that appears at the end of the line of sight, as if pouring from the end of the space And the next is general.

The closer you get to the energy light wall, the more Ning Tianlin can feel, and the energy pressure pervading it becomes stronger and stronger.

"Used to get in the way?"

This is the first time he encountered such an energy light wall when he entered the Netherworld Treasure Pavilion, and he blocked the direction of his advancement. I can’t help but say a little surprised,

At this moment, Ning Tianlin is full of the smell of have endured the hardships of a long journey. A black hair looks a little messy, but it’s dark. within both eyes, but it still flickers, Shuo Shuo is brilliant.

Ning Tianlin's figure stopped outside the wall of energy light, touched it lightly with his palm, felt the powerful energy fluctuations, and said guessingly.

"There is only one day left, I hope that behind this is the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!"

Squinting your eyes, looking at this energy light wall, Ning Tianlin knows the rest Time is running out, and there is no hesitation anymore.

Finding the footsteps of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, how can it be blocked by a wall of energy light?

After the essence of the body suddenly accelerated, a cold light flashed in Ning Tianlin's black eyes, and the tightly clenched fist was wrapped in the energy condensed by a layer of essence.

The fear of energy burst out from the fist, without hesitation, moved towards the energy light wall in front, heavy strikes passed by,

It was almost a blink of an eye, both Fiercely's impact came together.


Along with a dull blast, the energy wall spread from the heart of Ning Tianlin's fist, and spread the crack in the debut.

"hmph! I think you are hard, or my fist is hard!"

I feel that my fist is blocked, Ning Tianlin's eyes are also slightly cold, and the energy in his body is hiding the sky and covering The earth rushed out and poured into the fist.


With the energy in Ning Tianlin's body, continuously moved towards the fists burst out, and the cracks in the energy wall spread again.

After a while, the energy wall was forcibly cracked open at the moment when the support reached its limit.


On the other hand, on Ning Tianlin's arm, there were blood drops oozing out, and these blood drops slipped down the arm.

In the end, like raindrops, a line connecting the city, constantly moved towards the bottom and fall away.

"I look down on you, really strong backlash power!"

I feel that the blood vessels in the entire arm have been shocked by the terrifying backlash power of the energy wall. Open.

Ning Tianlin's complexion changed slightly, the energy contained in this energy wall was much more violent than he had imagined.

"Not good!"

Seeing the broken pieces of energy wall, they are beginning to splice and condense at a lightning speed, Ning Tianlin I cursed in my heart.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this, he ignored the unrecovered injury in his arm. Sneered, it was a "boom", and he directly chose to take the fleshy body self -destruct.

Immediately, with its spirit strength, controlling the countless pieces of meat, carrying the space ring, and moving towards that energy wall burst into the air.


After a sharp sound of breaking through the air, Ning Tianlin was able to stand up to the energy wall, and only a thumb-sized hole was condensed. , Violently drilled over.

Ning Tianlin, who has recondensed the fleshy body, has a slightly pale face, eyesbrows slightly frowned, and the energy wall condenses too fast.

If he were forcibly shattered again, the energy wall would probably re-condense at the same speed, so that it would continue to circulate, I'm afraid it would waste more of his energy and time.

Turning his head, Ning Tianlin looked at the wall of energy light behind him, coldly snorted, a cold glow flashed across his dark eyes, and said coldly.

"I really thought it would be able to block me?"

At the same time, after putting a medicine pill into his mouth, his breathing gradually stabilized. The pale color on his face also disappeared quickly,

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