Ning Tianlin, who has recovered, lifts the head to look forward. At that end, vaguely, he seems to see a plate-like golden mark shining with a slight glow!


Others may not know what it means, but Ning Tianlin, who already owns the 4-Layer Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, couldn't be more clear.

That is the mark of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!

"Finally let me find you."

Ning Tianlin said with excitement, and even his breathing became quicker. On this floor of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, he has already I've been talking about it for a long time, and today I finally let him find it.

At the same time as the voice fell, Ning Tianlin's silhouette turned into a stream of light and swept towards that place.

At this moment, his all around is full of gray mist, only the golden mark stands alone in this space.

Lonely and lonely, even though it has been silent for hundreds of millions of years, there is still an indescribable breath in the golden mark.

This kind of breath, although not very strong, can make people feel an inexplicable tremor in their hearts.

Ning Tianlin without any hesitation, directly stretched out the slender palm, as the fingers slowly grasped, the golden mark was already absorbed in his hand.


Then, Ning Tianlin controlled the heart to cover the mark of Divine Dynasty, and slowly penetrated his divine sense into the mark.

As he expected, Divine Consciousness was not hindered when entering this mark, and it could indeed be a masterless object.

"From today, your master is me, Ning Tianlin!"

Ning Tianlin, who took back his mind, stared at this golden mark and said loudly, as long as he removes this layer After the successful integration, anyone could easily take it away.

As long as he does not die in one day, this Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, anyone who looks at it, should not even think about getting infected.

Entering the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, Ning Tianlin is the god of the world, absolutely in control, the law comes out of the mouth, and the body moves with the heart.

Whether it is to survive or die, it is all within his thoughts, and it is up to him to decide whether all things will recover or destroy.

"There is still some time, I will integrate this layer!"

Ning Tianlin, who made the decision, once again released the Divine Consciousness, especially the position of his eyebrows, Suddenly ejected a bright glow and shot directly at the golden mark.

At the same time, while flipping up and down in the mouth, one after another obscure law was summoned, condensing thousands of laws in the void, moved towards that golden mark and gathered.

The time lasted for a while, and the golden mark that was successfully fused, seemed to be completely activated, and began to spin at high speed.

Finally, it turned into a golden streamer and swept directly into the depths of Ning Tianlin's eyebrows, disappeared.


After successfully integrating the golden mark into the center of the eyebrows, Ning Tianlin felt that inside the center of the eyebrows, the opening was not gradually beating.

The original 4-Layer in the body is like welcoming the brother sisters who have been away for a long time, cheering and jumping inside, hugging each other tightly, and feeling happy for the reunion of this layer.

After a brief gathering, the inside of Ning Tianlin's eyebrows gradually calmed down, and that new layer of imprints was directly condensed on the layer that belonged to it.

An illusory reduced version of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower, quietly hanging from the center of his eyebrows, among a total of 9-Layer up and down, 5-Layer is already lit.

Respectively the first, second, third, fifth, and 7 layers, while the remaining four, six, eight, and 9-Layer are still in an illusory state and are dark.

"Total 9-Layer, already 5-Layer, left 4-Layer!" Ning Tianlin said with a smile.

This level of universe sacred relic has a total of 9-Layer, he alone monopolizes 5-Layer, in this universe, it is absolutely unique and unmatched, and he alone.

In addition to Fifth Layer in the hands of Wheel King, the Eighth Layer in the hands of King Yama, there are only 2-Layer in the outside world.

Ning Tianlin also knows the situation of these two layers. The Fourth Layer Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, in the hands of the six-toed Heavenly Dragon Ao Ming, was besieged and shattered hundreds of millions of years ago. .

In other words, if you want to obtain this Fourth Layer, in addition to going to the battle strength system to exchange for this method, simply impossible will appear in the universe again.

In this way, only the Ninth Layer is left, and this layer is hidden in the void. So far, it has not been discovered by any powerhouse.

"The next time I'm looking for it is Ninth Layer."

Ning Tianlin, who thought about it for a while, muttered in his mouth.

Wheel King and King Yama are in the same camp, fighting for Earth. Both of them own the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower, which will only benefit the ball. Moreover, King Yama once said that the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower can be given to him at any time.

Even Ning Tianlin knows that, if necessary, for the safety of Earth, I am afraid that Wheel King can contribute the layer in his hand to resist foreign powerhouses.


After taking a deep breath, Ning Tianlin shook his head and stopped thinking about it. With the battle strength system, Ninth Layer will be a matter of time. .

For the first level of Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower that has just been integrated into the body, Ning Tianlin is naturally aware of the original chaotic scene, and you can know a pretty close without going in.

However, I still couldn't hold back the excitement when I first got this floor, so I decided to go inside and inspect it.

This kind of mood is like buying a long-time favorite item online. Although you know what it is like, when it is delivered to you by the express little brother, the moment you go to unpack the package, it will still Excitement and joy.


Immediately, with the flash of Ning Tianlin's eyebrows, he has entered the space of this level.


When he opened his dark eyes again, the scene in front of him had changed into another scene.

Not only are all the scenes fresh, but there are also a lot of standard equipment in the space.

There are empty Netherworld, the constantly churning Yellow Springs Water, the unchanging three-life stone, the Bridge of Helplessness that connects the two sides of the strait, the hell of a total of 18 layers up and down, the unfathomable nether space and so on with its own treasure.

"It still feels the same."

After being excited, Ning Tianlin's expression on his face has also returned to normal, and it feels like this should be here.

Except for the uncontrollable nether space, the World's All Living Things here are all his own.

He is the god here.

With only one thought in his mind, his body can go wherever he thinks of it.

Ning Tianlin was soaring on the top of the mountain in the last second, and in the next second he has dived to the bottom of the deep sea. The bushes, mountains and gullies, lakes and oceans here all left the breath he had patrolled.

His figure, beside the scene everywhere, flashes past one by one, although it is a brand new space, it still feels familiar.

After a while, his figure stopped in Netherworld and scanned the past. Apart from some of his own scenes, there were no living creatures there.

Looking at the imposing manner magnificent great hall in front of me, there is nothing on the stone plaque standing in the center.

"Tianlin Temple!"

With a flick of his sleeves, Ning Tianlin's wordless stone tablet suddenly outlined three powerful characters.

These three characters represent the existence of oversee a area in the Netherworld. They are the Absolute Controller here. Future instructions will also be issued here.

Although there are no creatures in this Netherworld right now, it is only temporary. He believes that it won’t be so deadly here again in a short time.

"The nether space is left!"


At the same time as the voice fell, Ning Tianlin had appeared in front of an ancient bronze door .

The front of the line of sight is the Nether Space, and the back is the jurisdiction of Netherworld. The two that are almost bordered by this ancient bronze door are entirely different.

The ancient bronze door exuding a simple atmosphere, more than ten thousand zhang high, and wide with a thousand zhang, just like a wild ancient giant creature, creeping on this huge between Heaven and Earth.

"Since you are here, let's go in and take a look."

In the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, only this place is unknown, driven by curiosity. , Ning Tianlin still decided to go in for a while.

In order not to suppress the battle strength, he still exchanged a star shining bead from the battle strength system. In this way, even if he encounters an emergency, he can respond with peak state.


With the opening of the ancient bronze door, with a richer and simpler atmosphere, he rushed towards Ning Tianlin.

Because of Xing Yaozhu, the blood essence in Ning Tianlin's body did not appear to run slowly.

However, he is still curious about how the current Nether Space's suppression of battle strength has evolved.

"Xing Zhan, how many times is the suppression of battle strength here?" He directly asked the battle strength system.

"One trillion times!"

After hearing the terrifying numbers reported by the battle strength system, Ning Tianlin was obviously taken aback.

It turned out to be as much as a trillion times!

Absolutely is a hundred million, and a billion is a trillion. Although a trillion and a billion are only a word difference, the amount represented is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Continue to expand exponentially on the basis of trillions. Even if it only doubles, it will also be twice the trillions. This way of evolution can no longer be described by metamorphosis and terror.

"Much greater than expected suppression force."

Ning Tianlin compares the suppression of battle strength based on the previous layers of nether space, and knows here. Suppressive power will continue to evolve.

But I never thought that it would grow wildly at the rate of this deformity.

The distance from the last time he merged with that level at the Peak of the Blood Race has only increased to a trillion times.

At that time, he already felt that the rate of increase was terrifying. At that time, it was only the fusion of 4-Layer, but the suppression force had reached trillion times.

Because the nether space will automatically merge after recognizing that there is a new nether space, unlike other places, which exist independently in a certain layer and will not proceed. Fusion.

So the trillion of suppressing power reported by the system now is the combined suppressing power of the 5-Layer.

5-Layer, one trillion times!

The suppression of battle strength has become stronger, which means that the footprint of the nether space has also been successfully integrated at the same time, so on the original basis, it has also expanded too much.

"The two plants from the machine clan, I’m afraid it’s even harder to find."

Thinking of the expansion of the territory in the nether space, Ning Tianlin couldn’t help but shook it. The head, the two trees that can devour emotions, don't know where they go.

These two plants, one red and one blue, are alien species transplanted by Ning Tianlin from the machine family Secret Realm, except for their special characteristics.

Ning Tianlin has to go there and go around every time he enters the nether space. Another reason is that they can produce fruits regularly, which can be exchanged for some essence points.

This is tantamount to providing him with a cash machine for free.

If the patriarch of the machine race knew that the parents who gave them racial life were raised in captivity by him and reduced to a machine for creating essence points, I wonder if he would vomit blood on the spot with anger.

"Go and see in that direction, you should be able to find it."

After seeing the direction, Ning Tianlin speeds up and flies past. After the last verification, he already knows. The boundaries of the Nether Space are simply spread.

So the animals and plants above will not be randomly transferred to other places, but the distance is extended infinitely.

In order not to cause unnecessary friction with the creatures in this nether space, Ning Tianlin turned on the secret technique of invisibility along the way.

Ning Tianlin flying at full speed is unimpeded along the way.

Along the way, I glanced at the battle strength of these creatures. Realm levels have nothing common with each other. The creatures of the Lord of Universe realm are a bit more than the last time he met.

It is probably because of these changes that occurred after the nether space melted.

Ning Tianlin did not pay too much attention to these unremarkable changes, even if the cultivation speed of these creatures really accelerated.

So what? As long as their advancement speed is not faster than Ning Tianlin's upgrade speed, then there is no need to be afraid. Ning Tianlin still has this kind of confidence.

After flying by for nearly six hours, Ning Tianlin saw the two plants again.

Nine Nether Lan Ji and Nine Nether Hong Ji.

"Sure enough, there are more magic crystals!"

After seeing the number of magic crystals growing on the two plants again, Ning Tianlin looked thoughtful and whispered.

It has been less than five years since he picked magic crystals last time, but the number of magic crystals is not less than what he saw last time.

No need to guess, Ning Tianlin knows that this change of the two plants must be due to the fusion of the nether space.

Just when the nether space began to concuss and merge, the two plants had already noticed the changes in the space.

The earth is being forcibly torn and stretched, and the sky is also spreading infinitely.

In short, the most intuitive feeling of the two of them is that this space has to be expanded like last time.

The two people after looking at each other, even if they understood what was going on, the last time the youngster appeared, there had been such a strange appearance in the nether space.

So, when the two saw Ning Tianlin's silhouette and appeared inside again, they didn't feel any surprise.

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