The two creatures are almost getting used to the work style of this mysterious youngster.

He has only one purpose every time he comes here, and that is to pick their growing fruits regularly.

For Ning Tianlin's brutal behavior, Nine Nether Lan Ji and Nine Nether Hong Ji are also quite speechless, but they dare not speak, and there is no way.

Ning Tianlin is just a star wild realm, but they of Lord of Universe can't beat him to death.

Not only that, the youngster called Ning Tianlin actually has the means to kill them at any time with one move.

The roles of Martial Artist and Lord of Universe are as if they were on both of them, and vice versa.

When they meet such a weird freak, whoever they find to be reasonable, they can only admit that they are unlucky.

The so-called not seeing is not upset, the two of them simply closed their eyes and let Ning Tianlin pick the magic crystals from them at will.

Anyway, he will leave every time he finishes harvesting, and the magic crystal fruit can grow again if he is gone. If he is dead, then there is really nothing left.

Finally, after Ning Tianlin picked up all the magic crystal fruits, nodded with satisfaction, and left with a leisurely smile.

"Well, you guys are doing pretty well."

"Next time I will try to grow more fruit. This is not enough for my teeth."

As Ning Tianlin left, he left such a sentence indifferently, something that the two of them heard was very arduous.

Stuff your teeth? Is this magic crystal something to eat?

Do you bite? I'm not afraid to choke you to death and blow you up!

"This shameless brat is really getting more and more rampant!"

On the trunk of Nine Nether Lan Ji, that very humane face, looking at Ning Tianlin already Li's silhouette, said angrily.

"Hey, forget it, don't worry about him."

"Anyway, these fruits will fall off automatically even if no one picks them anyway, let him Go."

The helpless Nine Nether Hongji comforted and said, if Ning Tianlin gave a good face, Nine Nether Lan Ji would be so angry.

However, even the calm-tempered Jiuyang Hongji was shocked at this moment, not because of Ning Tianlin's attitude, but because of his battle strength.

"This youngster, it’s been less than five years since I saw him last time, right?"

"But his battle strength realm has been from Xinghuang One paragraph, it has been upgraded to eight paragraphs!"

At the same time, Nine Nether, who has always been dissatisfied, said that after Lan Ji heard it, he was nodded. He also felt the abnormal speed of Ning Tianlin's improvement just now.

"In a few years, I am afraid that there will be no one in this universe, so this brat can be done."

"His growth rate is not only quite terrifying, but also temperamental. , Is also indifferent to others."

"If such a character really grows up, it is estimated that it will cause foul wind and bloody rain in the universe..."

.. .

Ning Tianlin, who has left with a full load, naturally cannot hear the two of them, these trivial comments.

At this time, he did not return according to the original route, but while there was still some time, he continued to explore the inside of the nether space.

In the process of moving forward cautiously, Ning Tianlin exchanged nearly 10,000 magic crystal fruits that were picked this time into essence points.

Remove those small odds and exchange out ten thousand Nayuta's essence points.

Although this number is not a lot for the current demand of Ning Tianlin, he still understands the truth of even if a little, it's still better than nothing.

Along the way, the realm of these creatures in the nether space has been continuously improved from the fourth or fifth paragraph of the original Lord of Universe, and now the area he is in is almost the same as the seventh or eighth paragraph of the Lord of Universe. .

Occasionally, some Lord of Universe nine-dan creatures appeared in front of him, but they all passed away in a flash and did not stay here too much.

"The deeper the depth, the stronger the strength of these creatures!"

Ning Tianlin in the invisible state, the expression on his face changes along the way, too Gradually got serious.

Although he hasn't really reached the depths of the nether space, the environment here is obviously more complicated than the surrounding chaos.

The scenes of different creatures of various shapes fighting with each other for some resources on survival and cultivation, will burst out beside him from time to time.

The most primordial nature of living things is vividly and thoroughly performed here. They still believe in the simplest and rude rules.

That is the law of the primordial forest on Earth, the law of the jungle.

weak are prey to the strong, survival of the fittest!

The weak have no rights here.

Powerhouse, here, there is no restriction.

Unlike the so-called powerhouses in the outside world, there will be more or less external constraints and suppression.

The brutality here is more pure, and strength can determine everything.

As long as you fancy the resources, go straight up to grab it, and there will be no obstacles from other creatures at all.

Of course, if you dare to do this here, in addition to your own strength enough to deter others, there is also a prerequisite, that is, you have to pick the bully.

Otherwise, the end may be quite miserable. In the outbreak of conflicts that Ning Tianlin saw, the weak may sometimes be more terrifying than the powerhouse.

There is only one reason. They also have to survive the cultivation here. In order to survive, when they fight, they will be even more crazy and understand the importance of winning each other's lives.

The outermost periphery of the nether space may occasionally have a powerhouse, but it can almost be said that it is the most primordial zone that has not been stepped into.

Cultivation techniques, battle strength weapons, medicine cauldron, medicine pill and other treasures that are difficult to appear in the outside world, although not can be seen everywhere here, the probability of appearance is much greater than that in the outside world.

Ning Tianlin, who did not deliberately search for these, has already seen that those self-reliant creatures have plundered several treasures that are rare in the outside world from the bodies of several dead creatures.

"Sure enough, without the strength, no matter where he goes, he is bullied."

He has already killed Guogan, and he is almost numb to such a scene. , There is no feeling of pity, just can't help but sigh with emotion.

Even, for these scattered corpses, Ning Tianlin feels that they are still here, which is a pity.

So, while his sleeves were swung up and down, he controlled the centipede, swallowing the bodies of the dead creatures into the mouth one by one, and acted as a scavenger of the environment here.

"It's another one without a space ring."

Without a list, the space rings on these bodies were forcibly deprived of the past by other creatures when they died. NS.


As soon as Ning Tianlin took the ten thousand centipede back into his body, the area he was in, a space not far away, began to continuously twist.

A strange-looking creature slowly revealed its hideous figure from the torn space.

"Lord of Universe Jiudan?"

In the area where Ning Tianlin is now, although the creatures of Lord of Universe Jiudan will flash past occasionally, so far, there has not been I'm here to take the initiative.

This creature turned out to be the 9th dan of Lord of Universe. Its appearance is somewhat similar to that of a mouse on Earth, but its body shape is much larger, with several feet high and several hundred zhang long.

"This guy who is like a mouse but not a mouse, what is going to do?"

Suddenly, the strange creature that appeared in Tearing Space attracted the attention of Ning Tianlin, dark eyes, moved Scan the past towards that direction.

This guy, the whole body is very shriveled, unlike the common rat tribe with a fat and round belly, the whole body is as dark as ink, and the roots are as hard as steel needles. It looks like it has grown nearly a hundred meters. The barbs are generally densely packed.

A pair of long pointed fangs stand straight on the huge fishy mouth. Except for these, there are no other four sense organs on the entire face. It seems that they are all covered by hair, except for the upper two. The antennae, which resemble an antenna, swayed up and down from time to time.

Different from a four-legged mouse, this creature's stubby eight legs support its entire huge body.

A long and slender tail made of steel essence fell off the ground, and while sweeping left and right, it made a piercing sound.

"Is there any non-mainstream in the nether space? No more eyes..."

"This shape, it is weird to be able to see the road clearly!"

While Ning Tianlin is teasing, this weird giant beast swings with eight legs that are disproportionate to the body, and the direction it moves forward is exactly where Ning Tianlin is hidden.

"Fuck, isn't it."

When the weird giant beast is only a few feet away from him, Ning Tianlin’s eyes are slightly narrowed, staring coldly The other's actions.

"Xing Zhan, what is this guy's background? Did you find me?" At the same time, he asked the battle strength system.

"Well, yes, you are exposed."

After hearing the system's answer, Ning Tianlin's brows couldn't help but wrinkle. It seems that he guessed right, this guy It's not accidental to appear here suddenly.

"I'm invisible, can he find it too?"

"Yes, I can find it."

"This giant beast is called, Tun The soul mouse is unique to this nether space. Its five senses have only one sense, that is the mouth."

"It can be Devouring Soul, and the two antennae on its head can detect Fangyuan several The souls in the hundred zhang area, including the souls in invisibility."

Devouring Soul? After hearing this message, Ning Tianlin had to re-examine the spirit swallowing rat. Among the thousands of races in the universe, only Human Race has a soul.

Doesn’t that mean that this spirit swallowing rat grew up by relying on soul, but in this nether space, there is simply no soul.

"Wrong, you can Devouring Soul, it does not mean that only the soul can grow it."

"Are you sure there is no soul here?"

"Don't forget that Netherworld and Netherworld are just separated by a wall."

The tone of the battle strength system is flat and unremarkable to Ning Tianlin, but it is no less than in his mind and dropped it. A small bomb.


Just as Ning Tianli was about to continue to ask in depth, he had been staring coldly at the dark eyes of the Soul-Swallowing Beast, and suddenly tightened.

"Damn, dare to hit my idea!"

With an angry shout, Ning Tianlin's face changed suddenly, and the year-round leapfrog fighting gave him a keen nerve.

Therefore, at the moment when the Soul-Swallowing Beast was in trouble, Ning Tianlin pulled back the thoughts in his mind like lightning, and when his toes touched the ground, his body was moved towards the rear violently retreated.

"Sir, it's not good!"

However, although Ning Tianlin's reaction was quite sharp, he still underestimated the special battle strength of the Soul-Swallowing Beast.

So when his figure just retreated, he found that the soul control in his body had become much weaker.

That kind of state is like having a fleshy body like a boxing champion, no matter the speed, agility and explosive power are excellent.

However, the soul that controls the Fleshy body of the boxing champion is a sickly patient who simply brought out the original strength of the boxing champion.

In Ning Tianlin's dark eyes, the spirit swallowing rat's body is getting bigger and bigger. The fangs that catch up with you mysteriously are like two sharp weapons flashing cold glow, facing each other like lightning. He burst out.


Ning Tianlin, who was unavoidable, was heavily pierced through his chest by one of the fangs.

As if his chest was hit by a huge boulder, Ning Tianlin's eye pupils suddenly tightened, and immediately, a mouthful of blood, ejected from his mouth.


The sharp teeth in the mouth of the Spirit-Swallowing Rat are perfused by the essence of the body, and the cold glow flashes more and more, and after the moment of success, it makes a beast Roar.

With a fierce paw stomping on the ground, the huge ferocious rat head swayed violently from side to side, and Ning Tianlin, who was mixed with splitting the air sound, was thrown out fiercely.

The body is like an upside-down cannonball. Ning Tianlin forcibly flies in the void, turns over in the air, and removes a lot of this upside-down strength.


Even so, Ning Tianlin, who flew upside down, was hit on the ground heavily, and after a few tumblings, he was able to stop his body. .

Ignoring the cracked ground beneath her body, Ning Tianlin's original hidden figure gradually appeared faintly discernible under the tossing of inner Qi blood.

Strongly propped up Ning Tianlin, and reluctantly swallowed a Healing Medicine Pill exchanged from the system.

That delicate and pretty face also turned pale, in sharp contrast with Yin Hong's blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth. A pair of dark eyes, like night, looked extraordinarily dazzling.

Ning Tianlin, in this faintly discernible state, seemed a little cold and strange.

The palm of the hand wiped the blood from the corner of the mouth, and the injury in Ning Tianlin's body was quickly recovering after the medicine pill entered.

"hehe, great, soul swallowing rat!" Ning Tianlin, who twisted his neck, said coldly.

At the same time, I thought in my heart that it is worthy of the powerhouse that survived in the nether space, and it is far from the metaphors of those outside.

The offensive of this soul swallowing rat is not only simple and rude, but also quick and effective. It is full of killing and cutting aura. Just in such an imposing manner, I don’t know how many life-and-death fights can be tempering. .

"But, what about it?"

"Today you are afraid that you picked the wrong person, I, Ning Tianlin, you cannot afford to offend!"

Ning Tianlin raised his head slowly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and the drooping right hand palm, Dualbladed Halberd flashing cold glow, slowly emerged.

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