As Ning Tianlin's figure gradually appeared, the other creatures staying in the nearby area, after hearing the noise from this side, continued to surround themselves from the side.

One after another looked at the conflict that took place here indifferently, but no creature dared to step forward.

They are all cautiously shrinking the huge body, and the distance between the spirit swallowing rat is always kept within a safe range.

Obviously, these creatures who came to watch were all afraid of the mighty strength of the Soul-Swallowing Rat, otherwise, they would have been rushing forward to kill Ning Tianlin alive.

The Martial Artist of a trifling realm, it's not that they can torture them as they want, and it won't pose any threat to them at all.

Just like watching a show, these creatures’ faces are full of humane jokes. In their eyes, Ning Tianlin’s soft skin and tender meat is a rare delicacy. Delicacy.

Amidst the extremely surprised eyes of the surrounding creatures, Ning Tianlin slowly closed his eyes.


Looking at the situation of Ning Tianlin, the Soul Swallowing Rat suddenly roared loudly. With its fighting experience, it does not feel that the opponent is a sign of surrendering. .

It's more like contempt, contempt for its Lord of Universe Jiudan.

As its prestige, when has it been so despised?

When those prey saw it, either they knelt down and begged for mercy, or they were spare no effort to fight against it.

Close your eyes? What an arrogant guy!

The vigorous essence rushed out of the Soul Swallowing Rat's body. Suddenly, the huge stones in its surrounding area burst open with peng sound.

The fierce aura rising from the soul-swallowing rat made the surrounding creatures take a few steps involuntarily for fear of being affected by the battle circle.

The moment the body sank slightly, the Soul-Swallowing Rat screamed fiercely again, breaking the surrounding silence.


When the giant claw stepped on the ground, the huge body of the soul-swallowing rat, like an out-of-the-box cannonball, mixed with sharp sound bursts, moved towards Ning Tianlin's direction rushed past.

The pair of sharp giant teeth, with a bloody aura of killing, as if they were about to pierce the earth, pierced towards Ning Tianlin in a wide open.

"Now, it's your turn!"

Just at the moment when the huge body of the Soul Swallowing Rat jumped up.

Ning Tianlin's closed eyes suddenly opened. In the dark eyes, after a flash of cold glow, all kinds of strange colors burst out.


An illusory human snake-head appearance, condensing extremely fast under the color, as if it were substance, it appeared in Ning Tianlin's pupils.

The two eyes of Medusa are all opened in an instant!

The Eye of Medusa, which is restricted by Ning Tianlin battle strength, can't reduce the battle strength of the soul swallowing rat, but it can be petrified instantly.

The Soul Swallowing Rat has only one sense left on its five senses. That doesn’t mean it really can’t see anything. Ning Tianlin has already learned from the battle strength system that there are two tentacles on the Soul Swallowing Rat’s head. It's its eyes.

This Medusa is equally applicable to the petrification of the powerhouse as well as to the Soul Swallowing Rat!


In the pupils of the eyes, the sharp teeth of the Soul-Swallowing Rat are rapidly expanding, and an angry shout came from Ning Tianlin's mouth, resounded.


Dualbladed Halberd, with his palm pointing obliquely to the ground, at the moment when Medusa's Eye was condensed, sharp energy burst out, Deep marks were left on the ground.


The palm was lifted lightly, and the unusually hard Dualbladed Halberd suddenly moved up and collided with the soul-swallowing rat that contained horrible energy.


At the moment it touched, the pair of tentacles of the Soul Swallowing Rat violently touched Ning Tianlin's weird eyes.

The soul-swallowing rat that didn't have time to roar, it was a murderous aura with a fierce face, but it suddenly stagnated.

Immediately afterwards, the entire huge body that was in the burst shot stopped in an instant, staying in front of Li Ning Tianlin like a petrification.

Leaving only a visible energy ripple of naked eye, spread out from the contact between the two, setting off a huge energy storm.

"Gu du!"

Although the soul-swallowing mouse's powerful offensive did not exert all its strength, the terrifying impact energy made the breath in Ning Tianlin's body tremble. Endlessly, forcibly swallowed the churning qi and blood.

From the perspective of the nearby creatures onlookers, Ning Tianlin is holding the Dualbladed Halberd in one hand, and the Soul Swallowing Rat is firmly pressed on the halberd, and can no longer move forward.

The huge body of the Soul Swallowing Mouse and the thin silhouette of Ning Tianlin are almost two extremes. This strong contrast makes those bystanders even more frightened.

They all looked at the scene in front of them with a stunned face. Not only did the fierce offensive of the Soul-Swallowing Rat be easily resolved by the opponent, it also formed a "stalemate" state.

You must know that this Soul Swallowing Rat, in their eyes, although the strength is not as Peak, it can also be ranked in this nether space.

Normally, it’s even more unfavorable. I don’t know how much the pair of sharp teeth will be pierced by its majestic outlaw.

However, today, the arrogant and despotic soul-swallowing rat is blocked by a youngster, neither fast nor slow.

And the most important thing is that this youngster's realm is just a Martial Artist!

Also, what makes them even more incredible is that the completely motionless soul swallowing rat frozen in midair, the body has changed at this moment, and it started to petrify at the speed visible by naked eye.

First, the hideous head, then the huge body, and finally, even the hard tail like steel essence, almost all petrified at the same time.


The corner of the mouth outlines a sneer of Ning Tianlin, and directly passes through the Power of Space to cover the battle strength Formation moved towards Soul Swallowing Rat.

"Battle strength weakens Formation and weakens the opponent's battle strength by 50%!"

"Super Strengthening Formation, combined with weakening Formation, weakens the opponent by 70% in total The battle strength of five!"

Under the cover of this terrifying space energy, even if the Soul-Swallowing Rat has the battle strength of Lord of Universe 9th dan, it will be weakened by 75%.

That is to say, the battle strength of the Soul Swallowing Rat at this moment is only a little bit more than the three stages of Lord of Universe.

The battle strength formation controlled by Ning Tianlin is very subtle. The creatures onlookers simply cannot feel the strange mutation on both sides.

"However, this is still not enough!"

Ning Tianlin in the heart estimates the strength gap between the two sides, and the other side is still the fleshy body of the Lord of Universe.

And the battle strength of his Xinghuang realm, simply won't cause any substantial harm to the opponent.

Now he is the Martial Artist of Xinghuang, that does not mean that next moment he is still Martial Artist of Xinghuang.


The essence of the body is running to the extreme again, and the six-color cells slowly become active in the body, condensing into the different essence of Six Paths.

""Nine Emperors and Stars"!"

The essence of Six Paths of different colors, running along the specific weird route in the magic judgment, meridian everywhere in the body In, constantly interweaving and converging with each other.

Finally, it condensed into a new terrifying energy, a surging imposing manner, slowly gushing out of the body.

The combined battle strength of Six Paths, coupled with the assistance of battle strength equipment, is enough for the realm of Ning Tianlin to enter the Lord of Universe in one step.

After doubling again, that is, six times the combined battle strength, now the battle strength of Ning Tianlin has soared to the eighth stage of the Lord of Universe.

One is weak and the other is strong, the Ning Tianlin in the eighth stage of Lord of Universe, and the soul-swallowing rat in the third stage of the Lord of Universe, is naturally more than enough.

Ning Tianlin's sudden increase in imposing manner shocked the surrounding creatures once again. After looking at each other, they all saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

Raising their own battle strength to this perverted level is beyond the limit they can understand.

“hmph! ”

After coldly snorted, the Dualbladed Halberd in Ning Tianlin's hand was pulled out abruptly, and the entire silhouette suddenly rose to the ground, then volleyed down, directly facing the swallowing soul The mouse's head was smashed fiercely.

“bang! ”

“bang! ”...

Ning Tianlin, who is very ruthless, has the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand, just like a carrier Like a sledgehammer of a thousand pounds of force, every time it fell, it accurately smashed the key position of the Soul-Swallowing Rat.

Ignore the blood bursting out of the soul-swallowing rat's head at all, Ning Tianlin's body at this time has already been stained with blood red.

Only those dark and bright eyes, under the reflection of blood red, looked quite dazzling.


Between the sparks of calcium carbide, the Dualbladed Halberd in Ning Tianlin's hands has swung down hundreds of times.

And the entire head of the Soul-Swallowing Rat, which has been knocked to pieces, mixed with the blood of a slurry-like liquid, littered under Ning Tianlin.

Looking at the soul-swallowing rat lying softly on the ground, Ning Tianlin only shook, because he frequently waved the Dualbladed Halberd, his wrist was a little numb.

"Bah, bad luck!"

After spitting out a trace of minced meat on the corner of the mouth fiercely on the ground, Ning Tianlin slowly walked to the position of the stomach of the soul swallowing rat .

Wipe the blood from the Dualbladed Halberd in the hands on the fur on the abdomen that is still clean.


Except for the harsh sound of the Dualbladed Halberd in Ning Tianlin's hands due to friction, there is silence all around.

After seeing Ning Tianlin’s repeated actions, the creatures who were originally full of jokes only really reacted after being dull for a long time, letting the strong bloody smell, Permeated before them.

This one-sided ending is the same as they imagined, but it's not the same.

The two sides with huge differences in strength, this kind of crushing battle, the result must be one-sided.

But, shouldn’t it be the powerhouse who abused the weak? How come this has become the powerhouse for the weak, and this method seems to be too ruthless. The whole head is bombarded into a pile of pieces of meat. NS.

Before, those creatures who still had the soul-swallowing beasts to eat meat, and their thoughts of drinking soup, finally completely died of their hearts.

Although, I didn't understand how the Spirit Swallowing Rat was defeated, but they are not stupid, I am afraid that they are just in front of the youngster.

Some savvy creatures saw that Ning Tianlin's moves were all killers, the whole technique was clean and backward, without any hesitation, and quietly withdrew from the onlookers.

If this kind of very ruthless character is freed up, it is estimated that they will not even have the chance to escape.

And there are still some creatures who are holding a wait-and-see attitude. They don’t have any pity for the tragic death of the Soul-Swallowing Rat in their eyes. It deserves it when it dies, and it kills others in its lifetime. When you are a creature, you should have thought that you have such a day.

They are more concerned about this youngster. They think that the youngster's leapfrog battle will definitely consume a lot of money. It is already a grasshopper after autumn, and it will not be able to jump a few times.

The space ring on the Soul-Swallowing Rat also began to stir, and even a small number of them, after looking at each other, hit Ning Tianlin with their crooked attention.

They believe that there must be a lot of good things in the space ring on this youngster. The set of cultivation techniques that can leapfrog against each other has already made them very jealous.

Assault in groups, they think they may not be defeated.

They still understand the truth about danger lurks within the riches and honour. With the hint that outlaw takes the lead, some Spirit Beasts who are still lucky enough have also chosen to continue to stay.

Anyway, if the conflict really breaks out again, it must first be those outlaws and a melee with the youngster.

And they don’t dare to play against each other, but they have the courage to use some tricks in the melee, by the way, fish in troubled waters.

Those who have such a fluke idea don’t think that youngster has the ability to put them all together.

If the situation is a little bit wrong, there must be a chance to escape...

At this time, Ning Tianlin didn’t pay attention to the surrounding creatures, all kinds of things in his mind. Sinister thoughts.

If no one was around, he slowly lifted the other free arm up, and immediately, the intricate blood vessels in his arm swelled up like congestion.

When the expansion range of blood vessels reaches the limit that they can bear, they burst directly with a "bang".

As a mass of blood mist disperses, the centipede that constantly twists the body, slowly emerges from the cracked arm.

As soon as the Wanzu centipede appeared, he stared at the huge body of Cang Lingmo with scarlet eyes.

Under the knowing of Ning Tianlin, the centipede of Wanzu fiercely opened bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, moved towards the position of the soul-swallowing rat, and swallowed it wantonly.

After a while, in the almost abnormal swallowing speed of Wanzu centipede, Ning Tianlin's side was empty.

Only a small amount of minced meat scattered randomly under the feet, and a pool of sticky blood, proves that this bloody scene has just happened here.

After retracting the ten thousand centipede into his body, Ning Tianlin shook the somewhat numb arm, and the part of its blood vessels that had been cracked was also regrowing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ning Tianlin turned his head, squinted his eyes, glanced at the surroundings, and still left those creatures who were watching.

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