"Is it cool to be watched by you for a long time?"

"Then, I should pay some interest now!"

Senran's voice came out from his mouth, the voice mixed with the residual blood smell, drifting towards the surrounding area.

Hearing the unabashed provocative tone of Ning Tianlin's mouth, those desperate ghosts suddenly sank.


The nether creatures' violent anger sounded. They thought they were the dominant party, and they hadn't started attacking the other party, but the other party was the first to provoke.

I really think that their ghostly creatures are fancy and can kill the soul swallowing rats, but it does not mean that they can withstand their siege.

Slightly glowing pupils with red glow, passing a touch of cold and hard to hide, staring coldly at Ning Tianlin who is holding a halberd in front of him.

The battle between the two sides suddenly became with swords drawn and bows bent.

Obviously they are not good at each other, only see the truth under their hands, the loser will pay the price of life for that blind confidence.


There is no room for hesitation anymore. Those ghost creatures who couldn't bear it first, after a roar.


Giant claw slammed on the ground, and the huge body first turned into a black shadow, rushing away in the direction of Ning Tianlin.

Immediately, the ghosts behind them all follow closely from behind when they see the leading creatures, and shadows rise from the ground one after another.

Netherworld creatures want to rely on their quantitative advantages, in the shortest time, Ning Tianlin will directly take it, lest he use any weird means to come out.

What they believe in is the simplest and rude law of the jungle.

Since he is facing Ning Tianlin's opponents, who can't figure out the details, it is natural to temporarily put down the gap between them and choose the safest way to use more enclosures and less.


"xiu!" ...

In the void, a large sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded, nearly enough Ten dark shadows, on the sharp claw glowing with cold, are all with fierce vigor.

Ning Tianlin shot out from different directions, forming a siege in the void, locking Ning Tianlin tightly at the most central position.

At the same time, in order to guard against the unexpected, it is to block Ning Tianlin's possible escape position in advance.

"hmph, let's go together?"

"That's okay, it saves me some time!"

After coldly snorted, the vigorous spirit comes from Ning Tianlin's body burst out, and the tyrannical aura directly shook all the debris on the ground nearby and shot it out.

"Super Sonic!"

As the throat rolls up and down, strong sonic energy is suddenly ejected from Ning Tianlin's mouth.

It is like a substance in the void, with it as the center, moved towards all directions into a circular shape, spreading out quickly like ripples.


When the sound wave energy is Tearing Space, the weng sound produced by it suddenly sounded, one after another fierce energy fluctuation, directly all the besieged creatures are accurate Cover it in.


As soon as the ghost creatures touched the energy sound waves, the creatures that impacted all felt a dizziness in their heads, even their chests. It also became dull immediately.

“bang! ”

As the sonic energy continues to invade, all ghost creatures feel inside their bodies, restrained by a puff of invisible energy, and are still moving towards quickly , Spread in the meridian that moves in the body.


No matter how they forcefully transfer their essence and want to drive out the sound wave energy, they will not have any effect.

The creature who took the lead in rushing over, the powerful offensive originally carried on his body has also suddenly weakened a lot.

Even the violent color on his face has disappeared, and instead, he is about to fall into a state of coma.

"hmph, if you think that there are too many, it can turn the sky upside down?"

"A group of beasts with overestimate one's capabilities!"

Ning Tianlin shouted in a gloomy heart. , He did not intend to give these creatures any chance to react, and the situation in the nether space must do it quickly.


As soon as the super sound wave was released, the Dualbladed Halberd in the hands of Ning Tianlin also moved.

Suddenly drew a strange arc in the void, the murderous-looking Dualbladed Halberd, mixed with a sharp air-breaking sound, flashed past the sound wave energy.

Before the creatures were completely unconscious, the last vague scene they saw was the scene of Ning Tianlin who bullied himself up in the sky, waving the weapon in his hand, and wantonly killing their companions.


Dualbladed Halberd, who was infused with terror, fiercely faced those ghost creatures that were still in the future before falling to the ground, and slammed them through.


Each time the Dualbladed Halberd spins, it will leave a bursting dent on the head of a ghostly creature, and Blood spurting out.

Ning Tianlin has already controlled his agile figure while the blood is falling, and has re-turned the angle of Dualbladed Halberd.

There is no trace of muddy in the whole set of movements. He is like a cobra containing a poisonous cobra, agile and very ruthless, moving purposefully in the ghostly creatures.

Siege and anti-siege are going on cruelly in this area!

It was an immediate group siege, but it turned into a one-sided anti-siege and crush, which is more like a solo performance.

Between the calcium carbide firelight, Ning Tianlin's figure has drifted and flashed nearly a hundred times.

And the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand on every ghost creature in the void left a fatal blow.


Ning Tianlin, who fell in the sky, stepped indifferently and stopped a hundred meters away from this bloody battlefield.


Due to the high frequency of violent bombardment, his breathing at this moment seemed to be a little quick.

On the Dualbladed Halberd, which is slantingly pointed in the palm of the palm, the blood of the crimson creatures gradually drips to the ground along the sharp halberd body.

Behind Ning Tianlin, there is a continuous muffled sound.

“dong! ”...

Every sound, it means that a ghost is falling from the void.

He smashed heavily to the ground. After struggling a few times instinctively, those ghost creatures still fell weakly, and the only breath left in the body was also completely collapsed.

"Thousands of centipede, these are all yours, faster!"

Ning Tianlin, who didn't turn his head back, directly gave instructions to the ten thousand centipede in his body.

In the sleeve robe, as soon as the centipede just emerged, he opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, turned into a light and shadow, and moved towards the corpses on the ground.

After a while, the ten thousand centipede was beside Ning Tianlin, hiccuping with satisfaction, and vomiting a total of forty-two spatial rings from his mouth.

After a rough check, Ning Tianlin directly exchanged the battle strength system for essence points.

Together with the essence points produced by the forty-two creatures killed by him, Ning Tianlin obtained a total of essence points in this battle, nearly 70 million Nayuta.

In addition to the 10,000 Nayuta essence points provided by the two plants of the machine clan, Ning Tianlin obtained a total of 17,000 Nayuta essence points during this trip to the nether space.

"This time the exploration of the nether space, this is the end."

Thinking that the time to enter the nether treasure pavilion is about to come, Ning Tianlin stopped the step of going deeper.

"If you delay any longer, the black robed man outside may take the opportunity to run!"

After taking a deep breath, Ning Tianlin took the Dualbladed Halberd back home. in vivo.

At the same time, after turning his head and looking at the depths of the nether space, he moved towards the original route where he came.

The thin silhouette, just like this, slowly disappeared in the direction of the ancient bronze door.

Because his body has long been stained with the blood of those high-level nether creatures, he did not use super stealth as he did when he came along this way.

These ghost creatures on the periphery, due to blood pressure, before Ning Tianlin's figure was around, they fled to the Safety Sector domain aside early out of instinct.

For a time, Ning Tianlin's way back was unimpeded.

Occasionally, there are very few ghost creatures. When they are inevitable, they are all cleaned up by Ning Tianlin. They directly pass through the battle strength system and turn them into essence points.

Half an hour after Ning Tianlin's figure disappeared, a little energy fluctuation suddenly appeared over the area where the conflict broke out.

These energy fluctuations, like ghosts, slowly drift away towards the area below.

After wandering on the remaining blood for a while, the energy fluctuated, and finally stopped in the thick liquid of the soul swallowing rat.

With humanized energy fluctuations, I tapped a few times on the residual liquid, and suddenly adjusted the direction, facing the direction Ning Tianlin was leaving, and drifted away.

Where it passes along the way, it leaves a trace of energy one after another faintly discernible.

As for the strange appearance here, Ning Tianlin didn't notice anything. At this time, he had already walked out of the ancient bronze door.

With the disappearance of Ning Tianlin, the nether space has once again returned to its previous primordial condition.

About a few minutes later, the energetic mist that followed closely floated to the ancient bronze gate, only several zhang away and stopped.

Finally, floating in the area where Ning Tianlin was passing by, a low voice of doubt came from the energy mist.

Immediately, after hesitating, the energy drifted back toward the depths of the nether space according to the path it came.

On the way, Ning Tianlin was also thinking about what the battle strength said at the time, "Netherworld and Netherworld are just separated by a wall."

There is also the Soul Swallowing Rat, which can not only Devouring Soul, but also a creature unique to Netherspace.

Netherworld can store souls, while the Devouring Mouse is Devouring Soul, and there is only a wall between the two.

"The two that seem to be completely separated do not seem to be as simple as they appear on the surface."

Ning Tianlin, who can't get his thoughts, shook the head helplessly During this period, he also asked the battle strength system, but he did not get the answer he wanted.

Looking back again, when Yan Luo Big Brother Wang mixed with the six-toed Heavenly Dragon Ao Ming senior, he was afraid of the nether space, and his thoughts were even more chaotic.

Ning Tianlin simply no longer thinks about these questions, when he really wants to face the nether space, what he wants to know will naturally appear.

So, what he can do now is to improve his strength as soon as possible, no matter what it is, under the crush of battle strength, everything is imaginary.

At the same time.

The black robed man who besieged the Great Wheel of the Netherworld, the essence and energy in the body, when the medicine pill is exhausted, has also wilted.

The black robed man who took the lead looked at the Great Nether Wheel in front of him with an extremely gloomy face.

"Boy, as long as you let the old man free his hands, you will definitely suffer the pain of slashing the flesh!"

The spiteful and chilling voice, from Hoarse in the black robe.

Obviously, this cursing time has been going on for a long time, and even the voice can't bear it.

From the changes in the energy fluctuations of the Nether Giant Wheel, these black robed men have roughly known that the young man should have succeeded.

Because after Ning Tianlin entered, the energy fluctuation of the Great Nether Wheel was not only getting smaller and smaller, it was almost faint to an illusory state by now.

It seems possible at any time, from their eyes, completely disappeared.

"Ten thousand knives to cut meat?"

"old bastard, I'm afraid you don't have this chance!"

Ning Tianlin just appeared, just listen When the black robed man screamed, he couldn't help but dig his ears with his hands, scanning these black robed man.

"Do you remember what I said before?"

"Today, you all must die!"

Ning Tianlin said with a smile, It's just that the smile reveals a touch of unconcealed sorrow.


Feeling the undisguised killing intent of Ning Tianlin, the black robed man couldn't help but shudder, but thinking of the difference in strength between the two A lot of peace of mind.

"Boy, you can't help but value yourself too much, and arrogance must have that capital!"

"Even if you are trapped by you, did you kill us?"

"Lord of Universe's fleshy body, can your Martial Artist destroy it?"

In addition to the silence of the black robed man named the leader, the remaining seven black robed man , It is a joking way with fearlessness.

What about being trapped, this Nether Giant Wheel is about to disappear, which means that the control of the essence in their bodies will return to their own hands.

This youngster is called Ning Tianlin. Although it can break their fleshy body and make them suffer a lot, it does not threaten their lives.

"It's really noisy!"

"It seems that you don't know anything about my methods!"

At the same time as the voice fell, Ning Tianlin right hand In the palm of the hand, Dualbladed Halberd appeared out of thin air.


His figure turned into a vague silhouette, looking towards the first one of the seven black robed man to speak, flashing past.

While flying with the halberd, the battle strength formation quietly used the black robed man's body, and the magic decisiveness recorded in the Nine Emperors Stars in the body began to work secretly.


As the hand lifted and dropped, the black robed man's head shattered in response to the sound, and the bursting eye still maintained its incredible appearance during his lifetime.

"Don't come here!"

The tragic situation of a critical strike made the rest of the black robed man's face changed suddenly, and he shouted in horror.

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