However, Ning Tianlin did not stop because of their screams, but continued the movements in his hands.


His vague silhouette, like Death God, appeared one after another behind the other six black robed man.

They didn't give them any chance to breathe. The Dualbladed Halberd in their hands was infused with terrifying force and smashed into their heads under the black robe one by one.


Suddenly, the sound of one after another skull cracking sounded.

One after another head, directly under the impact of the pillar of blood, bounced off into the distance.

The blood dyed reddened the waters all over them, which looked extremely bloody.

Except for the black robed man who took the lead, the Life Aura on the other seven people was harvested by the Dualbladed Halberd in the hands of Ning Tianlin, one after another.

Casually, he killed seven Ning Tianlin of the Lord of Universe in a row. At this moment, he was walking indifferently in the direction of the only black robed man left.

"Now, it's your turn."

Ning Tianlin's indifferent voice directly caused the black robed man to shudder, and even his hands and feet became cold.

Even, he felt something strange, as well as the essence of the body.

I don't know if it is his illusion, but feel that the essence of the body is running more and more slowly, and it is almost inexplicably imprisoned by something.

"old bastard, do you know why you are left?"

Ning Tianlin is not in a hurry to work on this black robed man, but first uses battle strength formation to make it difficult Live, the voice asked calmly.

"The old man is left, how would the old man know?"

You found it with your conscience, you want to let me go?

How is this possible? You are a killer move. You are not a softhearted person. You will definitely not commit this kind of low-level mistake of If One Doesn't Cut The Grass At Its Roots.

"Would you like to discuss with the old man? Well, I guess so."

But old man and you, it seems that there is nothing to discuss, right? I've only seen each other twice, and the one who stumbles every time is the old man.

To ask for an explanation, it should be the old man looking for you!

Although he was thinking about various possible reasons in his heart, the black robed man did not dare to show it.

In his eyes, Ning Tianlin can kill at will, seven Martial Artists of the Lord of Universe eight paragraphs, then it should be extremely easy to deal with him.


Out of fear of Ning Tianlin's secret methods, the black robed man took a heavy breath, before he wanted to retaliate wildly. Converge.

The fear in his heart was also suppressed by him. As long as he could escape, he would still have a chance to take revenge.

"youngster, no matter what your reason is."

"The old man swears by his soul that you will take away the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower. You will definitely not tell the third person! "

No matter what Ning Tianlin left him behind, but in order not to be killed a witness to silence them, the black robed man still

is solemnly vowed with the soul.

Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower and other cosmic treasures, it is true that the fewer people who know the better, he can still think of this little thought.

But even if he swore, it doesn't mean that he won't get revenge in the future!

"Hehe, since I dare to come and take it, naturally there are means to keep it!"

"The "third person" you said does not include the forces behind you, right? "

Ning Tianlin's seemingly indifferent words, but in the heart of the black robed man, turned up a great storm.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"The old man doesn't understand!"

The real power behind the black robed man, what the universe really knows , There are not a few people, and how could Ning Tianlin know that there is still a protection of forces behind him?

"No, he definitely doesn't know, he must be cheating!"

With the eyesight that black robed man has trained for many years, he can naturally find out that Ning Tianlin There is no sign of changing bone age, he is only a few hundred years old at most, he.

The forces behind him have hardly any actions in the universe for nearly a hundred years.

Even if there is, the deeds are very hidden. It is simply impossible to be discovered, so the black robed man concluded that Ning Tianlin must be deceiving him and wanting to confuse him.


"You plan to carry it down by yourself?"

Ning Tianlin stared at the black robed man disapprovingly, rubbing his chin , Continued in a playful tone.

"Earth traitor, when did you become so stiff?"

When he heard the word "Earth", the black robed man suddenly hit a shivered.

Ning Tianlin's last sentence is undoubtedly like a blockbuster, making the black robed man's mind confused.

A horrified look appeared on his face. The word Earth is too far away for him.

He knows exactly what the word Earth means.

The forces behind him have not stopped searching for Earth for hundreds of millions of years, but they have never found any clues.

So much so that they have already determined that Earth was not only completely explodes into waste in the war that year.

And there is no sign of recovery yet, obviously it is truly destroyed.

Back then, he was even a direct participant. The popularity of the battle far exceeded everyone's expectations.

After receiving the mysterious order, all the forces in the entire universe have fallen into an irreconcilable situation with Earth.

So that the real high-levels of the two sides, in the final stage, were all red eyes, and Earth, as the main battlefield, was directly shattered by the terrifying energy.

All powerhouses that defended Earth fell one after another. Even those who survived by chance were all equivalent to the waste, and they couldn't overcome any storms.

For the tragic battle between the two sides at that time, there is obviously no room for adjustment.

When two tigers fight, there must be one injury.

Earth was the absolute strongest planet at the time. It was not only much larger in scale, but also the powerhouse inside. It was also countless. Such a terrifying formation was indeed a golden soup.

But the forces that attacked Earth are even more menacing. The successive attacks of the human sea war also made Earth suffer a lot.

Strong fortresses are often breached from within.

The destruction of Earth is the same.

At that time, any creature on Earth had two choices, either to fight for Earth, to resist the joint attacks of other planets, or to destroy Earth.

Individuals who are timid and afraid of death are accepting the conditions of that force and turning back on the spot.

In order to make a vote, he expressed his determination and waved the warblade in his hand to the Earth compatriots, and chose to join the team attacking Earth.

Obviously, this black robed man just chose the latter with a higher winning rate, and survived on the corpse of the Earth powerhouse.

"Who on earth are you!"

"How do you know Earth?"

The muddy eyes stared at Ning Tianlin, even The shriveled lips also trembled slightly, and asked in shock.

"The descendants of Earth!"

Ning Tianlin's imposing manner turned abruptly, his eyes gradually narrowed, and a thrilling sound slowly sounded.


"Descendants of Earth?!"

The figure of the black robed man, fiercely shivered again, above his face , Is full of incredible looks.

"Isn't Earth already destroyed..."

The exclamation of astonishment was even more unconsciously murmured from the mouth of the black robed man.

Earth was destroyed that year. At that time, it was a fact recognized by all powerhouses.

And Ning Tianlin said that he is a descendant of Earth, doesn't that mean that Earth has recovered from that year!

"Earth, it really is not that easy to be destroyed!"

Not only is it revived, it seems to have become stronger.

Earth, the powerhouse as clouds back then, did not have a young powerhouse like Ning Tianlin.

Ning Tianlin is strange and powerful, in the eyes of black robed man, he thinks that Earth is already powerful!

The news of Earth's recovery is too shocking.

"It’s your master, did you tell you this?"

After experiencing the initial shock, the black robed man also gradually came back to his senses, on his old face , Asked with a gloomy color.

"Boy, who is your master!"

It is a miracle that Ning Tianlin can have the battle strength that can kill the Lord of Universe at such a young age. .

Then, the black robed man can conclude that his master must be the powerhouse that Earth survived that year.

Apart from Earth’s powerhouse back then, who can teach such a terrifying discipline in the current universe?

As long as it is Earth’s powerhouse back then, he must know him!


"You don't deserve to know!"

Coldly snorted, a sneer was raised at the corner of Ning Tianlin's mouth, and his dark eyes closed slightly.

"Long and long, let me see it by myself!"

At the same time as the voice fell, Ning Tianlin's powerful Divine Consciousness swept out, moved towards the sea of ​​Consciousness of black robed man Shrouded in.


Ning Tianlin has no scruples about Earth traitors like the black robed man with compatriot blood on his hands.


The power of resistance in the opponent's Divine Consciousness was directly violently shaken.

Although the battle strength system told him some brief information about black robed man, it is not very comprehensive. He needs to learn more, what he wants to know.


With the Divine Consciousness of Ning Tianlin, scanning continuously in the black robed man Sea of ​​Consciousness, the pictures of trivial events flashed quickly past.


After a while, Ning Tianlin, who noticed something wrong, couldn't help but shook the head, and her brows were also frowned.

"Divine Consciousness is blocked?"

Ning Tianlin whispered in doubt, part of the memory in this black robed man Sea of ​​Consciousness, seems to be a weird secret technique Be protected.

The Divine Consciousness he is scanning is blocked to the outside. No matter how hard he strengthens the Divine Consciousness, the weird secret technique will not be broken.

This secret technique was obviously not used by the black robed man to resist independently, but was forcibly reinforced by outsiders in its Sea of ​​Consciousness.

As Ning Tianlin Divine Consciousness continues to deepen, that strange secret technique seems to be completely activated.

It turned into an energy shield printed with a mysterious rune, and selectively memorized part of the black robed man, and wrapped it tightly.

Ning Tianlin tried to strike the energy shield several times without success. At most, it only left a small crack on it.

If you forcefully increase the intensity, Ning Tianlin estimates that at the same time that the energy shield is shattered, the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the black robed man will be completely shaken away by him.

In this case, he will lose out. If Sea of ​​Consciousness is shaken away, it means that he will never get any useful information from the black robed man.

In the black robed man Sea of ​​Consciousness, the person who strengthens the secret technique can be described as brilliant.


Ning Tianlin simply contracted Divine Consciousness back, and the closed eyes opened slowly.

Following the moment his Divine Consciousness just quit, the black robed man's dilated pupils only gradually recovered.

In the black robed man Sea of ​​Consciousness, the aftermath of several tough attacks almost shattered his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Fortunately, the Divine Consciousness of the other party retreated. Otherwise, if he strikes a few more times, the black robed man will become a fool even if he does not die.

"Good risk..."

The black robed man who avoided a catastrophe immediately sighed in relief, letting the sweat on his forehead ooze out, and said secretly with joy.

"Sure enough, what do you want to hide!"

Ning Tianlin with his eyes twinkling, although combined with some trivial pictures in black robed man Sea of ​​Consciousness, he can Some things were roughly deduced, but they were all insignificant parts.

The really useful parts are all wrapped in the mysterious energy cover.

"Who is in your Sea of ​​Consciousness, the hands and feet that moved?"

Ning Tianlin looked at the black robed man with a little surprise, an invisible imposing manner, moved towards He spread over.

Being able to use secret technique in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of others, these methods are not something that can be used casually.

"The old man won't tell you!"

"Even if he died, he won't!"

Black robed man's pale face, There was a gloomy look, staring straight at Ning Tianlin, shouted with stubborn stubbornness.

The black robed man shuddered at the thought of the terrorism of the forces behind him.

If he let the forces know that he had sold him, he guessed it would be as simple as death.

Death is considered a luxury. The torture that life is not as good as death, just thinking about it makes him a little scared.

The torture of the soul is far from comparable to the fragmentation of the fleshy body.

"If you don't tell me, I will know how to know!"

Facing the black robed man shouting, Ning Tianlin slowly clenched his fists, his eyes filled The gloomy and cold meaning was quietly revealed, staring at the other party coldly.

"hmph, just try it!"

"The arrogant and conceited boy, the power behind the old man, how can you wait to shake it!"

black robed man stared at Ning Tianlin with a grim complexion, and a sharp sneer appeared on his pale face.

The forces behind him once told him that in the case of a last resort, let him choose a self-destruct way to escape. As long as the Soul Body is still there, they have a way to resurrect him.

Although the process is more troublesome, the black robed man believes that the forces behind him will choose to do this for him.

Because he is still valuable to them.

Such thought flashed in my heart, the sneer on the black robed man's face became stronger and stronger, and the aura in his body quickly soared.


"Not good!"

Perceiving the horrible energy fluctuations in the black robed man, Ning Tianlin's face suddenly changed .

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