"This old bastard, we must self-destruct!"

Ning Tianlin, who had made a pre-judgment in advance, flashed with silver light under his feet, and exploded with a burst of energy. When the sound, his figure almost turned into a black line, and shot aside like lightning.


With a dull loud noise, the fleshy body of the black robed man detonates directly from the inside, and the whole body of minced meat is like popcorn that has just been exploded. burst.

The energy impact generated by the nine-dan self-destruct of Lord of Universe is naturally quite terrifying. Any powerhouse in close range is not willing to touch it when it is not as a last resort.

Even Ning Tianlin who had evaded in time, at this moment, was also shocked by the energy after wave produced by the explosion.


After coldly snorted, Ning Tianlin forcibly suppressed the qi and blood in his body that was shaken, and even the skin on his body felt a fiery pain.

"Do you think you can escape by self-destruct?"

With his head slightly tilted, Ning Tianlin's Divine Consciousness suddenly gushes out, passing through the cracks of broken flesh that burst everywhere. , Moved towards the black robed man just now the center of self-destruct, shrouded in the past.


And the soul in the black robed man, at the moment of success of Fleshy body self-destruct, it has moved towards the top of the sea, crazy Fleeing past.

After the Divine Consciousness probe failed, Ning Tianlin's pupils shrank slightly, staring coldly at the Soul Body farther and farther, shouted in a low voice.

"Old Guy, stop for me!"

The extreme speed of Lord of Universe, which runs wildly, is quite fast.

At Ning Tianlin's current fastest speed, it is not easy to catch up with Soul Body in a short time. The probability of letting the other party escape is great.

However, his slow speed does not mean that he will not be able to catch up!

"Super sonic!"

Ning Tianlin's throat turned up and down while his mind was running, and the sonic energy, like the essence, burst out from his mouth suddenly.


Under the control of Ning Tianlin, the sonic energy is extremely precise and shuttles through the waters rapidly.

Although the invisible sound wave energy can penetrate freely along with the space, the speed of its diffusion in this Sea Territory is slightly slower than that of normal.

In the waters, the Soul Body is also affected by the speed.

Under the same resistance, the invisible sonic energy is obviously much faster than that Soul Body, which flees madly.

"Ning Tianlin, you madman!"

Feeling the energy fluctuations behind, the corner of Soul Body's mouth twitched, fiercely cursed loudly.

"Old man is self-destructed, and you have to chase after you step!"

I thought that using the gap time produced by self-destruct, Soul Body could improve its speed. With the advantage of Ning Tianlin, he escaped smoothly from Ning Tianlin.

Unexpectedly, the other party obviously didn't mean to stop here, and there is a great potential to kill him to the last one.

"You must not be caught up, or you will die."

Thinking of Ning Tianlin's very ruthless means when he shot, Soul Body couldn't help but shudder, but he The speed has reached its limit...

Although it’s still uncertain, how the energy fluctuations that are catching up from behind will affect his Soul Body, but I really don’t want to have anything to do with that energy. touch.

Because of the resistance of the Soul Body, it is inherently fragile, far less powerful than the Fleshy body.


The energy sound wave with the advantage in speed is sent first, fiercely towards the back of the Soul Body, and diffuses in.


As soon as the sonic energy invaded, Soul Body felt a burst of numb energy, which quickly spread in his body.

"Damn it!"

"So dizzy..."

After expelling the sound wave energy to no avail, Soul Body suddenly felt dizzy. Even his chest became suffocated immediately, and he was completely in a coma.


As soon as the super sound wave was released from the mouth, Ning Tianlin's figure followed the burst shot, and in the continuous flash, he 'S silhouette appeared next to Soul Body.

"hehe, old bastard, I run quite fast."

"You keep running!"

The corner of the eye has a glimpse and has fallen into A comatose Soul Body, Ning Tianlin jokingly shouted.

Immediately, a pair of slender palm slowly flicked out of the sleeves, the five fingers were separated, and the area around the Soul Body was scratched.


A burst of invisible energy gushes out through the palm of Ning Tianlin, wrapping the Soul Body tightly.

"old bastard, I will find a good place for you!"

Without giving Soul Body any chance to struggle, Ning Tianlin took advantage of the trend and squeezed his five fingers in the void. Soul Body, still entered the Netherworld in the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

When you get there, no matter how hard the Soul Body is, even if it runs for 100 million years, it will not escape the palm of Ning Tianlin.

He only needs a thought to determine the life and death of Soul Body, let alone sit upright and confine him.

At the same time, in a wide dark space, it is full of dead silence, and a cool temperature makes this already dull space even more depressing.

An old man sits cross-legged on the stone platform in the space, his eyes closed tightly, and his body is surrounded by the mighty Soul Power.

Just now, the old man who was still in the cultivation state suddenly sensed a strange energy fluctuation in his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

After running the meridian in the body, the old man began to probe the source of the strange energy fluctuations, and then asked softly.

"Shen Gongbao has an accident..."

The strangeness that the old man felt before was exactly the layer he used to reinforce the secret technique in Shen Gongbao's Sea of ​​Consciousness. Energy shield, what is passed back.

It’s not known how many years have passed, and it has never happened before.

If it were not for the secret technique fluctuations that were suddenly reported back, the old man would have almost forgotten that he had strengthened such a layer of energy shield in Shen Gongbao's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Because, the destruction of Earth back then has been hundreds of millions of years, and it is indeed too long...

From the secret technique energy shield, Looking at the strength of the feedback during fluctuations, the loosening of the Shen Gongbao Sea of ​​Consciousness energy cover was caused by a certain powerhouse when it struck forcibly.

Fortunately, the other party’s attack method was not brilliant, and it did not succeed. The protected memory was not read by anyone.


The ten fingers, like a dead tree, flickered like a flower arrangement in front of the old man, and with every change of the ten fingers, the whole body was filled with Vigorous Soul Power, there will be waves of fluctuations.


After the movement in his hand continued for a while, the old man suddenly opened his muddy pupils, and the look on his face also changed drastically.

"It turned out to be disappeared..."

The secret technique used by the old man can be seen through the energy shield in Shen Gongbao Divine Consciousness.

However, after some investigation, there was no result. The breath of Shen Gongbao seemed to disappear from the universe out of thin air.

"Shen Gongbao may have been killed."

After shook the head, the old man took out a jade pendant from the space ring, which contained a strand of Shen Gongbao's soul. , Now there is no need to stay.

"en? That's not right..."

The old man’s Divine Consciousness shoots out like electricity, sweeps into the jade pendant that is still gleaming, and the energy fluctuates in it. Did not dissipate.

That means that the master of this soul is still alive.

I was alive, but through the secret technique, I couldn't detect any breath of Shen Gongbao. This situation made the old man a little surprised.


After a moment of contemplation, the old man's eyes shrank slightly, and his face looked a little ugly, said solemnly.

"It's the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower!"

The Sea of ​​Consciousness in Shen Gongbao's soul, with his secret technique left, is not difficult to find the other party.

In this universe, the soul breath of Shen Gongbao can be hidden so cleanly. Except for the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, it seems that no treasure can do it.

"Come here!"

At the same time as the old man's voice fell, a hidden corner in the dark space suddenly became dark mist.

When the black fog reached a certain degree of intensity, a black shadow appeared strangely from it.

From the formation of the black fog to the appearance of the black shadow, there was no space fluctuation in the short time, and the black shadow seemed to be standing there.


In a few flashes, the black shadow appeared behind the old man like a ghost.

"Go and check and see who did it on Shen Gongbao."

The old man who didn’t turn his head back gave instructions to the dark shadow behind him. He must Figure out the whole sequence of events.

"Let's go down!"

There was no hesitation in the shadows. After receiving the instruction, it turned into a cloud of black fog. After leaving a period of space fluctuation, it disappeared.

After the dark shadow disappeared for a while, the old man sitting cross-legged, the expression on his face returned to the original look of ancient well without ripples.

"I hope it's not what I think..."

The empty voice floats from the old man's mouth, without any emotional tone, making people unable to hear any sadness or joy. .

This pitch-black space has once again returned to its original dead silence, and the old man, like an old monk, has continued his previous cultivation.

Shen Gongbao, who had already recovered from the dizziness, glanced roughly at the environment in front of him, and couldn't help but shudder.

Yellow Springs Road, Bridge of Helplessness...

These iconic sights are clearly unique to Netherworld.

Although he has not really been to Netherworld, he is still considered to be Earth's powerhouse back then. He still has some understanding of Netherworld.

"It seems that he has successfully integrated the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower..."

After a sigh, Shen Gongbao is also completely decadent. He knows that when the integration is successful, it means What's going on.

In this Netherworld, Ning Tianlin is an absolute controller, and only a Divine Consciousness is needed to completely wipe out his soul.

The destruction of the soul is real death, and it is impossible to resurrect it.

Not only that, he must be unable to escape from this Netherworld, even the forces behind him, it is estimated that it is difficult to find him.

Thinking of this, Shen Gongbao couldn't help but shudder again, and a cold breath shot up from the bottom of his feet to the top of the head.

Just as Shen Gongbao sighed, a light shout suddenly sounded from the sky.

"Old Guy, how about this king's Netherworld?"

"Would you like to go to the 18th Fiefdom prison for a round..."

Suddenly The sound also instantly changed Shen Gongbao complexion, and immediately, his turbid eyes turned to where the sound came from.

I saw that one silhouette on the void, with both hands folded, stood in the air, and that rosy silhouette was surprisingly Ning Tianlin.

And this silhouette standing in the void is not his real body, but an illusory shadow that he has transformed with Divine Consciousness.


"No, it's good here..."

Shen Gongbao's trembling voice is carefully replied, he knows , In the current situation, it would be of no benefit to him if it was profitable.


Ning Tianlin slightly smiled, took a deep look at Shen Gongbao, and went on to say, the threat of entrainment in the tone, it goes without saying Metaphor.

"Then can you tell this king now, who did the tricks in your Sea of ​​Consciousness!"

Ning Tianlin in this Netherworld is originally King- The existence of like, its status is like King Yama's control of Yin Sector, so he directly calls himself the king.


Hearing Ning Tianlin's slightly pointed words, Shen Gongbao's already ugly expression became even more unnatural.

As a direct participant in Earth's battle that year, he naturally knew some of the secret history that others did not know.

But these things are not a glorious good thing for the descendants of Earth, moreover.

He once swallowed a poisonous oath with his soul, and coupled with the terrorism of the forces behind him, Shen Gongbao swallowed it again and again when he reached his lips.

"This, the old man can't say..."

Shen Gongbao, fiercely's clenched the teeth, replied in a low voice, as if they had exhausted all their strength.

Don’t say it, maybe it’s just death.

But if you say it, even if you can go out alive, it's not as good as life and death.

There is another main reason, because Shen Gongbao still has a fluke mentality for the forces behind him.

This universe sacred relic Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower is not as invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable as it is on the surface.

Back then, the forces behind him, through several Lord of Universe, jointly used the secret technique, forcibly shattered the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower on the first floor.

"Okay, very good, spine..."

Seeing the hesitation and determination across Shen Gongbao's face, Ning Tianlin gave a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Because he found that there was such a moment of hesitation in the other party's hesitation, and a touch of cunning flashed quickly, although it was short, it was still caught by the sharp-eyed Ning Tianlin.

This Old Guy, it’s all like this, it’s not honest yet, and it’s still making other selfish calculations in his heart. It’s really old and not dead, it’s a demon...


The sneer at the corner of Ning Tianlin's mouth is even more serious, his face suddenly sinks, and a Divine Consciousness flashes in his mind.

A huge energy tornado, rising from the open area of ​​Netherworld,

It is becoming more and more intense, and it condenses in the void more and more densely.


Like a raging earth dragon-like slashing through the void, it bursts in the direction of Shen Gongbao.

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