
"Really look down on this place."

Ning Tianlin, who was about to move forward, suddenly found the surrounding area The space is a bit distorted, now frowned, whispered softly.

"There is a space barrier here!"

After a sigh, Ning Tianlin didn't pay much attention to it. This space barrier is far from being able to be arranged with him. Out of the space barrier mention on equal terms.

The barrier laid out by Formation contains Space Law Power. When it runs, it not only consumes almost negligible energy, but the effect is much stronger than this.

The space barrier in front of me was condensed by powerhouse with essence energy. When it was arranged at that time, it must have consumed a lot of energy.

Its main function is to warn the guards inside while resisting their invasion when other powerhouses from outside come.

"hmph, at this level, it’s still too scumbag..."

Based on Ning Tianlin’s current accomplishments on Formation, just a cursory glance at it to find the solution This way of space barrier comes.

"break for me..."

After looking at the most critical position of the barrier, Ning Tianlin quietly moved towards that place.


At the same time, there is an obscure rune in the palm of the hand, and then gently draw a circle as wide as one person in that space.

With a push of the palm, the space inside the circle quietly turned into nothingness in an instant, an invisible space hole appeared in front of Ning Tianlin's line of sight.

His technique is quite brilliant. Without disturbing the guards inside, he cleverly opened the space barrier.


Under the cover of the faint cold fog, Ning Tianlin's figure dashed past the circle.

Fumbling out a trail, facing the black building in the low-lying area, moving cautiously.


Ning Tianlin didn't have it this time. Instead, he chose to rush in from the gate, but turned into a light and shadow, flashing up towards the wall of the building.

The reason for being so cautious is mainly because of the safety of the Great Emperor Golden Crow. These guards of the powerhouse can be handled by himself.

But if the opponent notices his whereabouts in advance, if he directly kills the Great Emperor Golden Crow first, it will be troublesome.

Didn't touch the situation, it is better not to venture into it.

Looking down from the top down, Ning Tianlin could see that in the depths of the black building, there is a large square occupying a large area.

The central area on the square is a platform above the ground.

On its platform, a hundred zhang high black stone pillars stand upright from the ground in a diagonal position, and a total of eight pillars stand upright in the sky.

On the eight black stone pillars, all are covered with countless weird runes, and occasionally a trace of black light flashes on top of it.

one after another The dark chains respectively extend from the black stone pillar of the eight pillars. The thick iron chains meander forward like a black python.

The eight iron chains gradually intertwined and outlined each other, and finally floated horizontally on the eight stone pillars, in the middle of the center.

And inside this mid-air position, there is a light group with a little faint light suspended.

In the light group, a lonely silhouette is sitting cross-legged with eyes closed.

At this moment, those eight sturdy and weird black chains, like vines, entangled the limbs of that silhouette, making him unable to move even a little bit.

Look at the silhouette, on the old face, there is a bit of painful frowned, as if it is silently suffering, and the energy erosion caused by the iron chain.

And the silhouette of that person is impressively the master that Wu Daoxuan wanted to find, the Great Emperor Golden Crow!

...silence and weirdness enveloped this square.

Even the breath that pervades here is revealing the smell of gloom and death.

This situation didn't last long. On the periphery of the square, a patrol squad composed of more than a dozen people was coming in according to the prescribed time and route.

"Give me the spirit of starting point, don't be lazy!"

"If the guard sees it, the end will only be worse than the one on the chain! "

A man who seemed to be patrolling Captain tightly tightened his spear, foul-mouthed reminded.

Another timid patrol soldier glanced at the position in the center of the square, and hurriedly retracted his gaze.

He didn't want to try that kind of inhuman torture.

Next, relying on the good personal relationship with Captain, he asked with some doubts.

"Boss, is it as serious as you said? Don't scare us..."

Obviously, he still has some doubts about Captain's reminder.

No one knows how many years they are in this place, and there has never been an outsider breaking in, so there is no need for such a high level of guard at all.

He still remembers that a few years ago, they were all ordered to go out to do errands, so that there was no guardian here, and there was no accident?

The old bastard detained must have been abandoned long ago.

"Hehe, will the boss kill you?"

"You don't have to think about it. If it is not serious, the guardian will come back and sit down in person?"

Due to his duties, this Patrol Captain knows better than these ordinary patrolmen.

He was also out of good intentions and reminded the following brothers, lest they lose their lives because of carelessness.

"Listen to the above, during the last time we went out, a Soul Body broke into it!"

While speaking, patrol Captain The voice was suppressed very low, and the patrolmen under him gathered curiously...


"His, really?"

"This is the first time it has been for so many years!"

"No wonder that even the guards who didn't show up very often in the past few years have been Stay here..."

The dozen or so patrolmen, all with incredible expressions, couldn't help but sigh in a low voice.

"Now, there are guards sitting here, forgive those young people who dare not come here again..."

Speaking of guards, all the patrols are also like Take a reassurance pill.

The strength of the guards, they are obvious to all. The ordinary nine-dan of Lord of Universe, they don't care about it at all.

If anyone dares to rescue this old bastard, they will definitely let them won but never returned.

"Well, it's like this."

The patrol Captain was sure to replied after hearing this.

It's just that he still hopes that there will be no accidents, otherwise, the guards will not care about their lives.

Regardless of the results of the rescue, their guards will always be the first batch of cannon fodder to die.

"Boss, you said this old bastard, what the hell is it, there are still people who are still thinking about it!"

After everyone was relieved from shock, a somewhat curious The patrolman asked in a low voice in doubt.

They have been detained for so long, and they still don't know the information of this old man.

"I'm not very clear about this..."

This information is not at his level, and Captain continues to say vaguely for those who can be contacted.

"I heard that it seems to be from a powerhouse of some kind of planet?"

This is because he, as Captain, overheard that sentence from the guardian by chance. .

"That planet, it seems to be called Earth?"

Originally, his curiosity is not very heavy, and he is not interested in the news. Until now, he will do it with peace of mind. , The tasks assigned above will do.

However, when the guardian mentioned those two words, his expression became very cautious. Even when he faced the powerhouse of the same level, he never showed that expression.

It is precisely because of this that this Captain remembered the name of this planet, and immediately continued to add.

"Earth, it seems to be very powerful!"

Ignoring the different reactions of the soldiers, Captain reluctantly dealt with it, and then softly asked again.

"No matter what, you'd better pull yourself together, but don't get muddled during this time period!"

"Otherwise, if something really happens, I can't keep it You guys..."

Then he waved his hand, and the Captain motioned for the people to follow the prescribed route and continue to patrol.

These soldiers who know how serious they are, don't dare to take the slightest care at the moment, and follow Captain's footsteps.

As the end of the square was about to disappear, the last patrolman couldn't help but glanced back, and the group of chains in the chain was trapped and muttered in a low voice.

"Earth? Is it powerful?"

"Hmph, we still have to be held here for so long."

"If it is true So amazing, your planet’s powerhouse will rescue you soon..."

I heard that sentence left by the squad patrolman when he disappeared to the end.

"Earth is so powerful that you can't imagine it!"

Ning Tianlin, who slowly lifted the head from the bird's eye view, passed the stubbornness of reviving Earth with his dark eyes.

"One day, it will go to Peak again, so that all races are acknowledged allegiance!"

When he left Earth for the first time that year, Earth was only an extreme Backward planet.

However, in his step-by-step efforts, today's Earth, not only the recovery level of Spiritual Qi, but also the number of powerhouses that continue to return, have already experienced an increase in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Earth, which was broken into pieces, will one day break the waves and set sail again!


After confirming the safety of the Great Emperor Golden Crow, Ning Tianlin grinned at the corner of his mouth with a cold smile, and the sharp aura slowly filled his body. Out.

Dualbladed Halberd in his hand quietly used, and the Nine Emperors Star Recorded in his body began to move.


Ning Tianlin adjusted to the challenge state, and then the silver light flashed under his feet, and flew downward.

In some stone chambers around the square, there are a lot of dark shadows. These people are all haunted in the black mist, filled with a gloomy atmosphere.


As Ning Tianlin approached gradually, in a stone chamber closest to him, a silhouette covered in black mist suddenly appeared Surprised.

The black mist quickly dissipated, revealing a somewhat pale face, frowned looking at the dark shadow.

Startled first, and then shouted hurriedly.

"Who is rushing..."

No blame for his slow response, it's just that this hasn't happened in too many years.

Suddenly someone broke in, making him a little surprised for a while.


His words haven't completely fallen yet, and the space around him is violently distorted. Immediately, the Dualbladed Halberd, which bursts over, split it into one. Group meat sauce.

"Enemy attack!"

This sudden change caused several black clothed persons next to the stone chamber to immediately appear terrified look on their faces.

"Send the alarm!"

The stern shout, resounded from the stone chamber.


Just as the shrill cry sounded, the handle of the Dualbladed Halberd that was thrown out as a hidden weapon was suddenly pulled out by the young silhouette who followed.

"Pu chi!"

"pu chi..."

Mixed with the fierce Dualbladed Halberd, it rushed out again, Then, as fast as lightning, it shot through the necks of the rest of the people.


While several people screamed, Dualbladed Halberd, who was infused with terror, directly blasted the stone chamber apart.

"hong long!"

A sudden explosion broke the dead silence here.

Immediately after dozens of black shadows, they all broke out of different stone chambers with their faces in astonishment. They were all face changed. They looked at that place in astonishment, which was already covered with bloody meat. Broken stone chamber.

Immediately, the silhouette of Ning Tianlin slowly walked out of the stone chamber in the horrified eyes of the guards.

Then, the majestic breath burst out unreservedly at this moment.

The Great Emperor Golden Crow in the chain yoke was also alarmed, and his closed eyes suddenly opened suddenly.

The scene before him was also a little stunned for a while. He had never encountered the breath of this youngster before.

Moreover, this person’s age is extremely inconsistent with the displayed strength, a few hundred-year-old Peak Martial Artist!

Earth did not have such a existence back then...

"All the guards, work together and kill him for me!"

Can not tolerate Great The Emperor Golden Crow thought about it, a black clothed person who seems to be of high status, browses tightly knit, and shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes, Captain Arc!"

hearing this, hundreds of dark shadows who have gathered together shouted in unison.

Immediately, one after another black shadow holding a sharp weapon rushed out, and then surrounded the youngster, who was standing with a halberd, tightly and orderly.

"Pu chi!"...

As soon as the two sides touched, the guards who came under the siege were all flying out at a faster speed than before.

“dong! ”...

one after another dull sound of smashing the ground frequently sounded, the guards lying on the ground, after spurt a mouthful of blood, never again There is no breath.

Fatal wounds have nothing common with each other, but all of them are a critical strike. The neck and heart are mostly cracked, and the rest are directly shattered internal organs...

"This child, so strong!"

After a while, looking at the youngster not far away, the Great Emperor Golden Crow couldn't help sighing.

The fierce offensive on Dualbladed Halberd seems simple and rude, but it is the most direct and effective.

"This youngster is a personal thing!"

This kind of killing and courageous means, without real combat experience, can't be honed at all.

"Martial Artist is not his real battle strength at this time!"

With the eyes of the Great Emperor Golden Crow, he can naturally judge from the movement fluctuations of the youngster Some strengths come out,

At the same time, I searched in my mind for the true identity of this youngster...

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