"How did you guys make such a big movement!"

In the middle of Captain's frown, there are a few more dark shadows, from behind the square Inside the stone chamber.

Furthermore, the tyrannical aura exposed on their bodies is obviously much higher than that of the Arc Master Captain.


The black shadow that suddenly appeared, just after reprimanding Master Arc Captain, only the last of the nearly 100 people who stepped forward and besieged The guard fell heavily at his feet.

Immediately after, pu chi a mouthful of blood spurted, the breath is now gone...

"Go to death, go away!"

Sleeve gown With a single wave, Sombra shook the blood that seemed to be sprayed on the boots, directly to the side.

"A bunch of useless waste!"

The gloomy black shadow glanced coldly, and the pile of corpses lying on the ground under his feet, shouted in a deep voice .

"Cannon fodder is cannon fodder!"

Immediately, his fierce gaze continued to move upward, staring closely at the youngster standing with a halberd, surprised coldly snorted and said.

"Martial Artist?"

The black shadow is very clear. The battle strength of these guards is almost the same paragraph of the Lord of Universe.

How can this level gang fight be wiped out by Martial Artist?

Obviously, that is not the true battle strength of this youngster!

"Who the hell are you?"

"The concealed thing is the female talent, you dare to show your true colors!"

Black Shadow It has been determined in the heart that this "youngster" must be an old monster, dressed in disguise through the secret technique.

Not only the appearance is changed, the battle strength is also hidden.

With such a young appearance, how could it be possible to kill all the guards under his siege.

This is fundamentally impossible!

"hmph, at first glance, I have never seen the goods in the world!"

Ning Tianlin, who couldn't help but sneered in his heart, how could he not know what the other party was thinking.

Who stipulated that youngsters can't have high battle strength? Have to be older?

Have you never heard of the word genius? There is also the word a genius amongst geniuses!

"cough cough .."

"The old man is you Old Ning!"

Simply, after Ning Tianlin laughed heartily, he pretended to respond to the vicissitudes of life road.

Didn't expect, it’s just a fight, and you can take advantage of words, and recognize a group of Old Guys as grandchildren...

"Old Ning's grandfather? "

The black shadows who believed that they were true all looked at each other suspiciously, indicating that they had never heard of such a person.

"It's him...?"

The Great Emperor Golden Crow under the shackles in the center of the square, after hearing the word "Ning", immediately face changed and said in confusion. .

He suddenly recalled a word that the enlightened Taoxuan in his soul state a few years ago had said to him while meeting for a short time...

"Go back to master, Earth Still, he is slowly recovering in the hands of a young man named Ning Tianlin!"...

Master Old Ning?

Ning Tianlin young people...?

"It's him!"

"Ning Tianlin!"

While the two titles overlap each other, the Great Emperor Golden Crow couldn't help crying out in the heart In surprise, even if he has hundreds of millions of years of cultivation, his heart is shaken at this moment.

"It is the rising star of Earth, Ning Tianlin!"

After taking a deep breath fiercely, the Great Emperor Golden Crow slowly closed his eyes. In the quiet, a touch of dampness surged.

It was for those people who defended Earth in the past. Rather die than submit...

It is also for now, Earth, after hundreds of millions of years, is quietly recovering. ...

For the future, Earth can have a descendant with outstanding talents like Ning Tianlin...

"No matter what, kill this old bastard!"


With an order, several black clothed powerhouses erupted at the same time. That powerful imposing manner spread out all over them, directly causing those around them to lie down. The corpse ran wildly.

Who cares about Mr. Old Ning!

Anyone who dares to break into here will have to die!


In those black clothed powerhouses, the Dualbladed Halberd in Ning Tianlin's hands moved at the moment of the explosion.

The fierce and majestic anger, rising from the same place volleyed in the air, mixed with splitting the air sound, violently smashed.


Then, directly forcibly patted a black clothed person at the outermost periphery into the ground under his feet, turning it into a pool of flesh.


The powerful energy that just broke out of his body, at that moment, was disappeared by Dualbladed Halberd.

Lord of Universe is only seven or eight paragraphs, one stroke is enough to kill.

"Hurry up, kill!"

Ning Tianlin, who suddenly shot, pulled out the Dualbladed Halberd from the ground, and when the remaining black clothed powerhouse hadn't had time to react, he stormed again. Rise.

Volley flip, Dualbladed Halberd in his hand adjusts accordingly, the vertical split is changed to a horizontal grip, and immediately, three hundred and sixty degrees of void horizontal rotation.

"ding, ding, clang..."

The symphony of metal due to collision, resounded.

The unusually hard Dualbladed Halberd directly besieged those black clothed persons with sharp weapons, blasting them all off one by one.

“bang! ”

Ning Tianlin, who was like a wolf into a flock, shook those black clothed persons and hurriedly backed away. They never thought that this person was bold To take the initiative to attack them.

Moreover, the speed is too fast, so it's better to post first!


They didn't give these black clothed persons any chance to breathe. Ning Tianlin followed the trend, and the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand harvested their lives one by one.

On those faces that were about to die, they were filled with amazement until death.

"Boom, boom, hiss..."

The screams resounding endlessly in the square finally attracted the attention of the true core powerhouse deep in the secret room.

"Dare to come here to make trouble, courting death!"

The angry roar was immediately resounded, followed by five silhouettes, full of murderous aura, and rushed over.

His eyes swept away, and finally fell on Ning Tianlin.


Hearing the sudden voice, Ning Tianlin couldn't help being slightly frowned. After looking at the five silhouettes on the void, he handed the last black The clothed person smashed into pieces of meat all over the sky.


Under the black robe, a cold voice rang out.

"Listen to my password, let's go together, life and death!"

"Yes, deputy guard!"

Four black robed man in the void, together shouted.


The deputy guard who took the lead directly threw away a majestic black energy chain, like a black python snake, whizzing through the sky, to this Ning Tianlin stormed down.

"Is it empty?"

"So soft!"

When I saw it, Ning Tianlin suddenly coldly shouted, holding his palm, one was wrapped in energy The imaginary big hand that was moving, smashed the black energy into pieces.


Immediately, the several black robed men were furiously shouted, rushing down quickly, carrying fierce murderous aura, and collided with Ning Tianlin Together.


After a short while, a fierce battle broke out.


The horrible energy constantly rushed out of the fighting circle of both sides, and directly smashed some close rooms around them into a pile. Used waste residue.

The huge black stone pillar also burst into one after another, cracks of different sizes.

"Boy, no matter how vigorous you are!"

"Today, this is your land of burial!"

Quit from the battle group The five black robed men who came here, after taking a deep breath, shouted with a surging killing intent in their eyes.

After the short contact, all five of them were injured to varying degrees. The strength of the youngster has exceeded their expectations.


For the angry roar, Ning Tianlin turned a deaf ear to it, and secretly adjusted the aura in the body.

The cooperation between these five people was obviously honed after a long period of running in and out of the enemy. Both offense and defense are well grasped.

At the moment, he does not dare to underestimate the enemy and distract him.

The five people who dared not to be careless, looked at each other as if they had reached some kind of acquiescence, all secretly nodded.

"Black python strike together!"

The deputy guard revealed his gloomy old face under the black robe, shouted coldly.

The technique of summation can superimpose their respective powers together, and coupled with extremely tacit cooperation, it is completely controlled by the same person.

Although there is no way to talk about Formation, it uses the simplest and rude principle to jointly attack.


At the same time as the shouts fell, the other four did not say a word of nonsense, and they all yelled.


Immediately, the silhouettes of the five people stood in different positions like Iron Pagodas, and the black mist in the body revealed an extremely powerful pound. Stubborn breath.


The black mist rushed out of their bodies, and then gathered together and directly turned into a huge black python with a huge zhang.


As soon as black python took shape, it was a roar from the sky, the snake's head spit out the black tongue letter, with strong wind pressure, to this Ning Tianlin fiercely The impact is gone.

Wherever black python passed, the strong wind pressure shattered the hard ground.

One after another crack, where it passes by, the lightning moved towards Ning Tianlin spreads away.

"hmph, do you think you will become stronger?"

Facing an attack that is not weak on the opposite side, Ning Tianlin sneered across his face.

Zheng Chou didn't know how to deal with the five-person joint attack, but they took the initiative to send it to the door.

This five-in-one attack, he only needs to face a single energy to break an equivalent to the enemy five.

Although the attack power is fierce, it is not unbreakable, it can be battled!

"Super strengthening!"

Ning Tianlin's whole body imposing manner has grown rapidly on the original basis.

Immediately afterwards, a sonic boom suddenly sounded, and he did not retreat but rushed forward. With the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand, with the terrifying force of the carrier, the speed of the forward rush suddenly accelerated.

"A crazy kid, how dare you fight hard?"

"You will pay for your ignorance."

"You must be explodes into waste !"

The five people all sneered slyly. I don't know how many self-sufficient powerhouses are buried under the total of the five black pythons.

This youngster is no exception, and it will definitely end in the same way.

The two different energies about to collide together appear extremely disproportionate.

The Dualbladed Halberd in Ning Tianlin's hand is just like the tip of a needle, and the rushing black python is really like a huge black python compared with the tip of the needle.

But even the tip of the needle collided, with a shocking effect like two meteorites colliding.

"hong long!"

The two fiercely hitting together suddenly exploded with a shocking explosion at the first moment of contact.


The energy ripples swept out like a storm from the place of impact, and the surrounding buildings burst in a ka-cha.


Ning Tianlin's figure, like a kite with a broken line, was bombarded and flew out, hitting the ground heavily.


With a burst of ka-cha sound, his limbs were shaken to pieces, and the more serious arm was directly shattered into a mass of blood and blood. Of mashed meat.

"You were bombed stupid, right? It's all like this, it's definitely not far from death!"

"I thought this kid was so powerful, he was still bombed. Adult-like!"

"hmph! It is an honor for him to die under the total of the five of us..."

The five people forced their bodies to be After the shaking blood, looking at the youngster limp on the ground, the cold voice was taunted.

Although they are all affected by energy ripples, some are even shocked to spurt a mouthful of blood.

But what about it, even more how the opponent is already an arrow at the end of its flight, and the damage they have suffered is at most Less than 50%.

It's definitely worth it to use this injury to replace the youngster's life!

After a while, the guardian came back and saw that they were successful in killing the enemy. If they were in a good mood, they would reward the Healing Medicine Pill again. Wouldn't the injury recover in minutes?

Maybe they can be rewarded with some more resources on the cultivation, so these injuries are completely profitable for blood!

"Beard, you go and unplug that kid's space ring."

"Look at what good things are, let's divide it together!"

The deputy guard was proudly instructed at the person next to him. The resources in the youngster's hands would certainly not be scarce. The secret technique that suddenly became stronger was enough to make them jealous.

Regardless of now, they will all fall into the hands of the guards later.

Immediately, watching the silhouette of the beard leaving, the negative guard continued to add.

"The secret technique belongs to me, and you just divide the rest."


After the beard that went to complied, nothing Concealing the greed in his eyes, staring at Ning Tianlin's space ring because his arm was blasted into mud, and he fell into the underground space ring, striding forward.


Beard didn't even glance at Ning Tianlin, the palm of his hand was sucked out, and the space ring still mixed with minced meat was absorbed into his hand.


After casually removing the remaining spit blood in his mouth, the beard fiercely glanced at the "crippled" Ning Tianlin.

You have been blasted like this, can you turn the sky upside down?

I took your space ring today, how about it?

You are not convinced? Then you have the ability to get up and bite me!


Just as the beard was about to turn around and return to the deputy guard, his face changed drastically in an instant, and there was no time to turn around and back.


Attached to the space ring minced meat Ning Tianlin, quietly and quickly condensed an arm, immediately rushed up, directly to the beard called The human heart was shattered in an instant.

The sudden change in the fire of calcium carbide caused the careless beard to be killed instantly before he had time to react.

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