Ning Tianlin's strength is also extremely accurate, and all the attack power is stopped at the back of the beard, only separated by a layer of skin.

So, from the direction behind the beard, the rest of the people, including the deputy guard, simply couldn't see any loopholes or weak spots.

I only saw the back of the beard. The moment I touched the space ring, it suddenly became stiff.

They didn't think about other places either. They thought it was the beard who was shocked by the baby in the space ring.

At the same time, the greedy smiles on their faces have grown stronger. Treasures that can startle the beard are definitely good things.

At this level, they are not tempted by any treasure.

The only people present were these people. The youngster was half-dead. Obviously there was more air out than air in. What other bad things could happen to the beard?

How can there be accidents, everything is under their control.

"This little fellow, it really is not so easy to die!"

The Great Emperor Golden Crow in the shackles was sighed in relief. He was worried for a while.

His old life is certainly important, but compared with such an excellent talented youngster on Earth, it is nothing compared to the original, die without regret.

It is not difficult to find with the old spooky eyes of the Great Emperor Golden Crow that the youngster called Ning Tianlin will surely reach his level in a short time.

He is only a few hundred years old and possesses such battle strength. The Great Emperor Golden Crow asked himself when he was young, he did not have such horrifying achievements.

Although he knows that the youngster uses the secret technique, he can possess the secret technique and learn it within hundreds of years of trifling. That is his ability!

"Courageous and careful, but decisive, it’s no wonder that Wu Daoxuan’s discipline would rate him so high..."

The location and direction of the Great Emperor Golden Crow is It just happened to be able to see some subtle movements when Ning Tianlin killed that person.

"This child, at such a young age, has such a skill, he can take that evaluation!"

The evaluation of Ning Tianlin in his heart is even higher, Earth It is definitely a blessing to be able to have such descendants.

By the strength of oneself, alone in this dragon's pool and tiger's den-like cage, how many people in the universe can have this kind of courage.

And who among those few people has the means and ability to do this step?

The courage must be proportional to the strength, so that it can be called a real powerhouse!

"Beard, you fellow, usually muffled, but now you fart!"

"Do you want to swallow the space ring alone?"


The leading deputy guard urged a little impatiently. Although he shouted like this, he knew in his heart that the other party would definitely not dare to do that.

Beard doesn't have the guts yet, dare to make small moves under his eyelids!

"Hurry up and get it right, get me back!"

The few of them will quickly divide the treasure in the youngster space ring while there is still time. Otherwise, if the guardian comes back suddenly, they won't have their share.

As long as the points are fast enough and clean enough, the guardian will definitely not be able to find anything.

At most, in the space ring, leave some things that even they don’t like, just rubbish.

No way, who made this youngster so poor?

All the belongings of the poor, there are only some bad street goods, it is really pitiful!

"By the way, the last breath of that kid in the body was shaken away!"

The deputy guard did not look at Ning Tianlin, who was collapsed in a pool of blood, his face was full of Contemptuously added, as if it was a trivial matter like ordering to kill a chicken, he continued to yell at the beard.

"If he doesn't die, none of us will even want to open the space ring."

"Wait, what seems to be wrong?"

"Beard, you even The space ring hasn’t been opened yet. What are you doing there!"

"There are flowers on the ring!"

The deputy guard who noticed the abnormality yelled in confusion, and at the same time, An uneasy feeling arose in my heart inexplicably.

"This beard, something is wrong..."


The beard controlled by Ning Tianlin, the right hand swung backwards stiffly , Without turning his head back, put the space ring to the position of the deputy guard.


The deputy guard also hesitated for a moment. Out of instinct, he wanted to attach the space ring to his hand.

No matter how wrong the beard is, this space ring is still coming.

And it was the ring that was pulled from the youngster's hand. This can't be faked!

The promotion of the battle strength secret technique must be there!

"Not good!"

In the greedy eye pupils of the deputy guard, the increasingly larger space ring, when it is about to reach the palm of the hand, his face changes dramatically!

The distance between the two is too close. When he discovered the problem, it was too late to back off.


Ning Tianlin, who suddenly raged on the space ring, was reuniting the fleshy body at an extremely fast speed, holding the Dualbladed Halberd and then whizzing out.


Fercely's strikes are on the head of the deputy guard with a halberd infused with ferocity in advance.

"Pu chi!"

The shredded brain shot out instantly, and the guard died, but he didn't understand how the youngster did it.

There is only a pool of rotten meat that has been severely damaged. How can they recover silently in such a short time under their noses?

Moreover, the speed of reshaping the fleshy body is too fast, much faster than breathing. What's more, the battle strength after reshaping is not affected at all.


All this happened too abruptly. The other three black clothed persons also reacted violently, just about to make a counterattack. At the same time, it’s too late...




In the light of the calcium carbide fire, three muffled sounds were connected, and the three of them were all headshot by Ning Tianlin.

He still kept his face full of consternation and fear until he died. Without even the pain of struggling, he completely lost his breath.


After four fierce combos, killing four black clothed powerhouses, Ning Tianlin stood coldly snorted, and immediately passed some fierce light in his eyes , Shouted in a harsh tone.

"Anyone who stands in my way, deserve to die!"

Continuously rushing to kill, Ning Tianlin's all around has long been a mess, all corpses scattered on the ground Flesh and pieces of blood.

"Now, there is only that one, the so-called guardian!"

After solving these troubles, Ning Tianlin just remembered what those people mentioned in the conversation. The guardian.

That person must be the strongest battle strength here.

"Gold Senior Wu, I am saved, no one can stop it!"

Ning Tianlin's bloody face, it also became more and more cold, and his heart was settled. Note that as long as the person doesn’t come, if you come, just...

"Whatever your background!" The dark eyes cast into the mid-air position in the center of the square, watching it spread like a spider web. After the opened black chain, after a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, he suddenly said with a cold heart.

"As long as I dare to come, I will dare to kill!"

"Shua!" The arrows off the string were just like arrows, and they swept toward the center of the square above the square like lightning.

After a few breaths, he stopped his figure and stared blankly at the weak old man who was wrapped around his body by eight huge chains and sitting cross-legged.

"Golden Senior Wu, Ning Tianlin, descendant of Earth, come to wish you out of trouble!"

In Ning Tianlin’s voice this time, there is no such sorrow and indifference as before. More is revealing the meaning of inner excitement and concern.

In the previous impression of the Great Emperor Golden Crow, Ning Tianlin only stayed on the legend of Earth. This was the first time he saw the "real" daoist.

The gray-haired old look is no longer so majestic as Earth uploaded.

Some, it's just a weak like a late old man, this scene in front of me makes Ning Tianlin feel inexplicably sad.

In these hundreds of millions of years, the Great Emperor Golden Crow was trapped. Although he did not harm his life, he was obviously tortured. He did not live well. At best, he was alive. ..

While Ning Tianlin spoke out, the eyes of the Great Emperor Golden Crow in the shackles were constantly shaking, and his turbid eyes looked at the youngster in front of him.

Immediately there was a smile of excitement and relief on his face, his voice hoarsely said.

"youngster, old man knows you!"

"Thank you so much for taking such a big risk to save my old bones."

A few short sentences express the excitement and sadness of the Great Emperor Golden Crow.

He had also imagined that the capable of Earth could come here and rescue him, but he waited so long that he didn't hold any hope in the end.

Even if Earth is still out of the universe, he can’t be sure...

But the sudden appearance of Enlightenment Daoxuan a few years ago made him rekindle hope, Earth Is recovering!

Today, I am even more excited to see that Earth can cultivate such outstanding descendants.

But in this cage, he doesn't have much time to sigh. Everything has to wait until he leaves here completely.

"Golden Senior Wu, bear with me again, this kid will save you from your troubles!"

Ning Tianlin, who also knows that time is tight, dare not slack too much, adjust well State, told the other party.

Although I was secretly surprised, how did the older powerhouses of Earth know him? But obviously, now is not the time to talk about these.

Ning Tianlin's gaze swept around the shackles, the Dualbladed Halberd in the right hand slowly lifted upwards, and the vast power in his body suddenly surged out like a tide.


Immediately, one after another invisible ripples of energy oscillated on the thick and dark iron chain. The ripples spread out from the place where they fell, and finally affected The whole group of iron chains.


After shaking the numb wrist, Ning Tianlin looked at the iron chain that was not broken, and couldn't help frowning.

"It's so hard!"

This chain is much stronger than he thought, and several consecutive strikes did not cause any substantial damage to it. .

After some operation, Ning Tianlin didn't need to think too much to know that this iron chain is not Mortal Grade, otherwise it would not be used to imprison such powerhouses as the Great Emperor Golden Crow.

It was also because he was eager to save people for a while and ignored this.

"This black iron chain is extremely hard, and it is not easy to destroy it!"

The Great Emperor Golden Crow couldn't help but laughed at Ning Tianlin, whose strikes failed. Said.

"This group of guys spent a lot of effort to trap the old man."

Ning Tianlin frowned, only then took a closer look at the dark iron chain with light palms. In the touch, a gloomy feeling of coldness suddenly surged along the palm of his hand.


However, this gloomy air just got into Ning Tianlin's body, and was evaporated into nothingness by the ancient chaotic air in his body.

"This iron chain can imprison Divine Consciousness?"

Ning Tianlin asked in surprise, because he just felt that the ancient chaos in his body had moved.

This situation will happen, basically when Ning Tianlin, Sea of ​​Consciousness or Divine Consciousness are under attack.

"Well, yes."


After the Great Emperor Golden Crow was slightly nodded, he could not help but sigh softly, this chain But let him suffer for too long.


Ning Tianlin on the side shook the head a little embarrassed.

The reason why he shook his head was not because he couldn't break the dark iron chain, but because he was thinking about which method should be used to break it, which would be a little safer.

By attaching the ancient chaos to the palm of your hand, you can definitely break the iron chain. It even the gloomy color that has just invaded the body can instantly turn into nothingness, even more how to strike this iron chain.


The ancient chaos is too mysterious, Ning Tianlin doesn't want to expose it so early, he feels that it is more appropriate to use the second method.

Immediately, after shaking his head, he secretly nodded.

As everyone knows, the expression on the Great Emperor Golden Crow's face in the shackles is constantly changing in Ning Tianlin's frowning and shaking his head and nodded affirmation.

Although it is not as exaggerated as a roller coaster, it is also very nervous. This is the key to whether he can successfully escape...

"Is it hard?"

"Hehe, I don't believe it, no matter how hard you are, you can have its teeth hard!"

Looking at the iron chain, the slight cleavage left just now, Ning Tianlin eyes flash with a cold light, said solemnly.

So far, in his cognition, there is no centipede in the universe that cannot be broken!

One mouthful is not enough, just two mouthfuls, he is still confident about this.

“roar! ”

Immediately, the blood vessels on the left arm of Ning Tianlin kept raiding, and the blood mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl of Wanzu centipede appeared in an instant, scarlet Staring at the chain, his eyes growled low.


At this time, Ning Tianlin, without the slightest hesitation, stretched his left arm forward to control the centipede, slowly moved towards the chain bite up .

"You actually own these creatures..."

Although the current breath is extremely weak, the experience of the Great Emperor Golden Crow is still there.

"It's the destroyer of the universe!"

The weird-looking centipede, as soon as it appeared, Great Emperor Golden Crow sensed the terrifying aura from it. , There was a touch of surprise in the eyes.

At the same time, guessing in the heart, this youngster was hesitating whether to summon this creature between nodded and shaking his head just now.

This level of peerless ominous beast, you can't show it casually.

Not just who, who dare to summon. There are too many uncontrollable factors. If one is careless, the creatures might attack people violently.

The title of the destroyer of the universe is not for nothing!

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