"Dualbladed Halberd!"

With a scream of anger in my heart, there was a huge halberd of several hundred zhang, suddenly rushed out of the halberd, and then heavily Cleaved on that dry palm.


However, the seemingly fierce wind only caused the black-shirted old man to pause.


Don't give Ning Tianlin time to react, and then, the old man in black shirt speeds up again, and a flash appears in front of Ning Tianlin, fierce Pat it on his chest.

"This old bastard, so fast!"

Even with Ning Tianlin's reaction speed, it was a little rushed for a while. In an emergency, he put Dualbladed Halberd upright, just horizontally. Get in front of you.

"clang clang!"

The dry palm of the old man in black shirt, fiercely falling on the Dualbladed Halberd, a dull collision sound, resounded!

When the two collided, Ning Tianlin's face suddenly changed slightly.

The palms that seem to be skinny as firewood, but like mountains, are extremely heavy, and the strength contained in them is even stronger.


At the moment of contact, Ning Tianlin's arms were all shaken to a slight, skeleton squeezing sound.


Ning Tianlin's feet, under the fierce force, are deeply embedded under the ground, but the hard ground is like tofu, fragile, Several cracks burst out.

"Hiss, it's really strong!"

Without any fancy moves, Ning Tianlin was completely raw, and took a palm of the old man in black yarn.

"Hey du!"

After a secret cry, he forcibly swallowed the turbulent blood in his body.


Dualbladed Halberd flipped again and stepped on the soles of his feet, and Ning Tianlin's figure was close to the ground, swooping back, and removing all the remaining strength.


Then he stomped his feet, straightened his body, and glanced at Dualbladed Halberd, but was surprised to find that a shallow palm print was left on it. .

Although this palm print is not deep, for Ning Tianlin, it is quite shocking.

Dualbladed Halberd until now are all weapons he exchanged from the battle strength system. He knows how hard it is better than anyone else.

But the old man in black shirt who can leave palm prints on this is the first one since his debut.

"This old bastard is really beyond my expectation!"

Ning Tianlin secretly said, but soon after thinking about it, Dualbladed Halberd was in the eighth period of the star shortage. The exchanged one is also somewhat relieved.


In front of Ning Tianlin, a space outside the several feet was distorted.

The figure of the old man in black shirt slowly appeared, he glanced at the Dualbladed Halberd in Ning Tianlin's hand, said with a sneer.

"A very hard battle strength weapon!"

At this moment, he is much more shocked than Ning Tianlin. The trick he used just now is called Shou Cang Shou.

It is also one of the Absolute Art that he can take. This trick is about being vigorous and fierce, mainly relying on the attack power of the superimposed dark energy in the body.

A palm can break the sky, I thought it was just now, and definitely can shatter the opponent's weapon.

Didn't expect, but only left a slight palm print. Although it has nothing to do with the reduction of battle strength, even he has to admit that the opponent's weapon is hard.

"Boy, you really like the old man more and more."

"I gave the old man more and gave me a baby!"

The black shirt old man made no secret of the greedy color in his eyes, and said grimly.

"old bastard, you also have something, I really like it."

"That is your old life!"

Ning Tianlin Looking at the old man in black shirt with caution, he replied coldly.

In the current battle situation, he wants to kill the Old Guy purely with battle strength skills, which is obviously somewhat difficult.

If you continue to entangle like this, it will definitely consume the other party to death, but it will be a waste of time.

"Hehe, don't think about any tricks anymore, old man won't give you this opportunity!"

It seems that Ning Tianlin has other methods, and the old man in black has a heart Tightly.


A little toe on the ground is like an offline arrow. This time, the speed of his shot is obviously much faster. Obviously, he doesn't I plan to continue to consume it with Ning Tianlin.

The more he consumes, the more uneasy he feels. Ning Tianlin's methods and treasures are too much!

"hmph, are you afraid?"

Ning Tianlin also noticed the changes in the old man in black shirt. move.

"Super Avatar!"

The ability of Wanzu centipede after evolution is exactly the same as instinct, and simply does not require advance gestation time.

Ning Tianlin only needs a movement of mind to perform.



In a flash, three exactly the same Ning Tianlin came out, not only the appearance, each The same is true for the battle strength of an Avatar.


As soon as Avatar was formed, the offensive of the old man in black followed suit.


The three silhouettes flashed silver light on the soles of the feet at the same time, hurriedly retreating toward the rear, and at the same time they retreated, they quickly gathered together.

"Look at the halberd!"

Then Dualbladed Halberd suddenly used it, and a violent energy spread from the halberd body.


As soon as the beam of energy appeared, Fiercely struck the old man in black shirt, and Ning Tianlin's violent retreat stopped abruptly and did not retreat. Regressively followed the beam of energy and stormed up.


The sudden explosion like thunder resounded through the void, and terrifying energy swept out toward the black-shirted old man.

The entire square was also bombed into a mess.

"I have been pressed and beaten by you for so long."

"Now, it is time for me to fight back!"

Without the slightest relaxation, he knew that just splicing this move, and impossible to truly kill the old man in black.

"Sure enough!"

As expected by Ning Tianlin, an old silhouette at the center of energy, stood up in embarrassment, and his clothes were completely shattered. .

Obviously, the energy contained in that blow just now was beyond his expectation.

When you are sick, you will die!

"Super sound wave!"

As the throat rolls up and down, it is like a substantial sound wave, rippling directly through the energy aftermath, moving towards the black shirt old man radiating past.


"Boy, you are courting death!"

The sharp roar of the old man in black shirt, as the super sound wave penetrated into the body Later, it became weaker and weaker, and wanted to mobilize the essence of the body to resist, but it did not have any effect.

"The old man is going to kill..."


The sudden nausea in the chest, and the The sound of Weng Ming made the black shirt old man completely dizzy.


As soon as the old man in black shirt closed his eyes, the Dualbladed Halberd, which was slashed in the air, slammed down its facade.


Ning Tianlin, who was full of murderous aura, looked at the old man in black shirt who was blown out, and Dualbladed Halberd quickly turned his angle.


To this old man in black shirt is still in the void silhouette, just like a ghost, rising from the ground, once again strikes the past.


A casual spit of blood shot by the old man in black shirt, Dualbladed Halberd in Ning Tianlin's hands burst out again.



Six seconds later, the old man in black shirt closed his eyes because of the dizziness. After hundreds of high-intensity strikes, I can't open it anymore.


Ning Tianlin, who was splattered with blood, fell to the ground, and the Dualbladed Halberd slanted in his hand, one after another blood flowed down the halberd.


There was another muffled sound, and the old man in black shirt smashed down into the void, his bloody appearance, and he could not see any original appearance.

"You old bastard, no matter how powerful, I will still get on the ground!"

After taking a look at the flesh and blood on the floor, Ning Tianlin said coldly.

"oh la la!"

With a flick of a big hand, the blood stains all over his body instantly disappeared, and with a light swing of his wrist, the remaining Yin Hong blood on the Dualbladed Halberd also disappeared. , By the way, it was taken back into the space ring.

"Ten thousand centipede, go, it's all yours!"

Ning Tianlin looked at the ten thousand centipede rushing past, satisfied and nodded.


There were not many corpses, and they were thoroughly devoured by the centipede of the ten thousand races within a short time.

"A total of one hundred and thirty-two space ring."

After a rough check, Ning Tianlin directly used the battle strength system to convert all of them into essence points.

"The number of exchanged essence points is 85 million Nayuta."

This number is the number that is combined with the masters of those space ring and the final combination. The contribution of the old man in black shirt is the most.

"In addition, in the yellow sand mountain range, the more than 60 million Nayu his essence points obtained by killing those creatures."

"This time, I got a total of 60 million Nayu his essence points. He has nearly 150 million Nayuta's essence points!"

Ning Tianlin estimated that plus, the nearly 400 million essence points left by the previous upgrade can almost directly sprint to Lord. of Universe.

"Well, when the Great Emperor Golden Crow is properly arranged, I will upgrade directly!"

"Lord of Universe!"

Although it has not really reached Lord of Universe, but Ning Tianlin was a little excited about it.

Like his advanced speed, this is the only example of the Lord of Universe. In only a hundred years, it will be a breakthrough Lord of Universe.

Besides horror, it is horror!

"Gold Senior Wu, it is safe now, you can come out."

Restraining the excitement in my heart, Ning Tianlin softly reminded the old man in the space ring.


"Little Friend Lin, how are you, are you okay?"

A ray of light flashed down, and Great just came out Emperor Golden Crow looked at Ning Tianlin and asked with concern.

"It’s okay, it’s just a small injury."

Then, Ning Tianlin peaceful replied, as if what I experienced just now was not a desperate fight, but a casually Ordinary matches that can be resolved are average.

"It's okay..."

I couldn't help but get the Great Emperor Golden Crow sighed in relief. Without even thinking about it, I knew that the previous match must be extremely dangerous.

At the same time, in the heart was even more secretly surprised at Ning Tianlin's methods.

In such a short period of time, by the strength of oneself, to solve a Lord of Universe 9-dan Peak powerhouse, it is not something anyone can do.

"Little Friend Lin, can you tell the old man about Earth, the current situation?"

Looking at Ning Tianlin's face, Great Emperor Golden Crow asked eagerly.

For so many years, Earth has always been the deepest concern in his heart, but no matter what, he is trapped in such a ghost place every day.

If not, he will go to Earth to take a lap even if he travels throughout the universe.

"Earth, is now recovering..."

"It is far from being compared with your time."

After that, in order to be more intuitive To show the status quo of Earth, Ning Tianlin waved a big hand, and an electronic screen appeared in front of the two people's sights.

"oh la la!"

The state shown on the screen is exactly what Earth looks like now.

The picture from the video is expanded from far to near.

The first thing to be played is a round planet hidden in the void, and it slowly emerges...

Then the camera zooms in and reflects The line of sight is the various defensive measures established on the periphery of Earth, as well as the whistle of large and small left in the dark...

As the lens continues to advance, Earth’s ten thousand zhang high is above the sky, There are various lights and shadows flying by. There are Martial Artists flying on the fleshy body with battle strength, and flying machines that are as fast as Martial Artist...

The lens looks down and spreads all over. Spiritual Qi from all over the world is becoming more and more substantial...

In the process of declining, it is possible to take a cursory glance at the state of human life, and everything is in order. Vigorously developing...

The final picture of the lens falls on top of a school. In the classroom, the teacher is explaining about battle strength and technology.

On the huge playground outside the classroom, students in one square array are learning martial skills, shouting from the sky, resounded from time to time, and in the other square array, all kinds of weird technologies are being carried out. experiment.

These students in the school, young and old, have nothing common with each other, from preschool toddlers who have just learned to walk, and young people of sixteen or seventeen, and even the occasional white-haired elderly.

No matter what age you are, you are constantly improving...


After playing, Ning Tianlin waved, The light curtain disappeared.

"Earth is so small now..."

"Why is the battle strength of those Martial Artists so low..."

. ..

The Great Emperor Golden Crow was excited first, then sighed, and sighed from time to time throughout the process.

Seeing the ever-changing expressions of the Great Emperor Golden Crow, Ning Tianlin did not step up to bother him, and gave the other party enough time to adjust.

"Good! Good! Good!"

After a while, the Great Emperor Golden Crow, who readjusted his thoughts, said three good words repeatedly.

"Earth, at least it is saved!"

"As long as the roots are still there, there is hope!"

"Gold Senior Wu, this It's the coordinate position of Earth, you keep it!" After that, Ning Tianlin waved his hand, and a brand-new information device flashed past the hands of the Great Emperor Golden Crow. When it was exchanged in the system just now, He has already marked the specific location of Earth.

"Well, the old man is disrespectful."

Glancing at the information device in his hand, the Great Emperor Golden Crow carefully placed it in the space ring.

His Divine Consciousness is not extinguished, and it is useless for others to get the space ring, so it is kept by one.

At the same time, he looked at Ning Tianlin and asked with some doubts.

"Little Friend Lin, how did you know that the old man was being held here?"

You know, this has been hundreds of millions of years, Ning Tianlin is looking for How could he not be surprised at Number One Person here.

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