
"The traitor from Earth, Shen Gongbao got the news."

Ning Tianlin hesitated slightly , Choose to let Shen Gongbao carry the pot.

Actually, he didn't get any useful information from the opponent's Sea of ​​Consciousness. This place was still known from the battle strength system.

"This traitor?"

"Have you fought against him?" the Great Emperor Golden Crow asked.

"Well, yes."

"It's just defeated."

"By the way, Senior Wu, can you tell me about it, Ancient Earth What happened back then?"

Ning Tianlin, who didn't want to discuss this topic too much, said what he had been paying attention to.

Although he cannot get a response from the battle strength system, as he continues to grow, the level he comes into contact with becomes more and more different.

Some conjectures about the ancient Earth also need to be verified. He believes that at this level of the Great Emperor Golden Crow, he must know more than others.

"What happened back then..."

After taking a long breath, the Great Emperor Golden Crow looked into the distance, frowned, and said slowly.

"If you know that Shen Gongbao is a traitor to Earth, you must have some understanding of that battle."

This is also the reason why he chose to answer Ning Tianlin's question. Otherwise, telling the other party this hastily will only have some bad effects.

"Well, the kid knows a little bit." Ning Tianlin slightly nodded replied.

"The old man will first talk about why that war broke out in Earth."

"Everything has cause and effect, and its outbreak is not without warning. "

"Not without warning?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback for a moment, and then secretly nodded, which was the same as he expected.

All wars are issued, mostly because of the distribution of resources and benefits.

The ancient Earth was the absolute strongest planet at that time. Even those greedy powerhouses of foreign races should avoid its edge and won't do it for this reason.

That is another reason, because of the threat.

Earth's existence threatens a stronger existence than him.

Existence more powerful than the ancient Earth, it is very likely that the real master of this universe!

"What are the signs in advance?" Ning Tianlin asked quickly.

"Old man, let me tell you so."

"If a person is sick, although he has taken some medicine, the therapeutic effect has not been achieved."

"You said, is this medicine a sign?"

The Great Emperor Golden Crow felt that it was not thorough enough, and continued to decompose it.

"There are two kinds of medicine, you can understand it as Heavenly Dao insight, or heavenly punishment!"

"Heavenly Dao insight, in fact, equivalent to is a tonic, you should obey this The rules of the universe, he will give you authority, make you powerful, and at the same time kill those unstable factors."

"Tonic? Authority?"

Ning Tianlin thought in his heart Dao, if a person's body is weak or sick, this medicine can indeed help him be strong and heal.

Can this permission?

Does it mean that with the help of medicine, this organ or cell will have more rights, and it will be able to better help that person to eliminate the cause of the disease?

The Great Emperor Golden Crow deliberately paused before continuing. He knew this information, Ning Tianlin would definitely need some time to understand and digest.

"And this heavenly punishment is aimed at the most difficult role that neither medicine nor cell can eliminate."

"To be more precise, he is like A potion of poison, what the owner of the body has to do is fight poison with poison."

"Although he knows that it will definitely have a bad effect on his body, he must pass punishment to He feels that the uncontrollable factors are killed in time when they first show signs."

"Heavenly punishment is poison. To kill the uncontrollable factors?"

This Ning Tianlin is better to understand, the Wanzu centipede around him is the best example.

Every time he evolves, he will endure the painful Force of Heavenly Punishment. After all, he truly grows up and can make the universe collapse.

Ning Tianlin frowned thinks, if this universe, or this person, is good for his body, he will help and grant authority, while what is bad for him is to stifle decisively.

After swallowing heavily, Ning Tianlin said solemnly.

"Isn't this the meaning of submit to me and prosper, oppose me and perish..."

"Yes, you can understand that too!"

The Great Emperor Golden Crow looked at Ning Tianlin, whose mind was shaking, and said in agreement.

"The ancient Number One Person of that year has already inferred some clues in advance by observing the changes of Heavenly Dao."

Since this topic has been mentioned, Great Emperor Golden Crow didn't conceal anything, and then said with a sigh.

"I just didn’t expect that not only did the opponent suddenly start earlier, but the medicine was also much stronger than before."

"The Heavenly Dao rule was directly Suddenly, all creatures received orders, and the target of the attack was directed at Earth!"

Ning Tianlin on the side was also nodded. This news is basically the same as what I heard from Sophie senior before. .

"Since the clue has been figured out."

"Then why not take some measures in advance?"

Ning Tianlin asked eagerly, he didn't believe it The ancient Number One Person is a person who sits and waits for death. It doesn't matter if there is no warning in advance. Since you know in advance, you will definitely do something.

"Measures? Of course there are!"

"Under the Heavenly Dao rules, there will be a large number of traitors. These ancient Number One Persons have also been expected."

"At that time, every creature had the right to choose between life and death. He also respected their choices and did not pay too much attention to these."

"Because those people did not It will affect the final result. At most, they are just some pieces of the game between the two sides. Even if they do not betray, the result is still the same."

"Even powerhouses like ours are also It's no longer the balance of victory or defeat."

Ning Tianlin took a deep breath. Even the old powerhouse like the Great Emperor Golden Crow can't play a substantial role.

"The key factor that determines victory or defeat lies with the ancient Number One Person!"

"He will succeed only one step away, when the time comes, even Heavenly Dao The rules can't kill him!"

When he said this, the Great Emperor Golden Crow couldn't help but increase his tone a lot.

"Only one step away?!"

"What exactly is that step that the ancient Number One Person couldn't do?"

And Ning Tianlin's entire The body was also slightly trembled, and he asked more eagerly.

"Is it the breakthrough Lord of Universe?

Which step is it, I can ignore the Heavenly Dao rules.

At the same time, he also addressed this question. To himself.

Because he is convinced that in the near future, his achievements will definitely reach the position of the ancient Number One Person.

In other words, the ancient Number One The many problems that Person faced at that time were also what Ning Tianlin would face and deal with.

"Is it a breakthrough Lord of Universe? This old man is not very clear. After all, so far, no one has been able to Really got there. "

Great Emperor Golden Crow frowned shook his head, sighed, and continued.

"Back then, all cells in the body of the ancient Number One Person had been refined by him. The stars. "

" Countless large and small planets, including nebulae, star caves, star kings, star statues, star saints, star omens, etc., even as large as star hordes, wherever there are cells. Turned into stars. "

"Running in his body, it can be said that the stars are shining, Shining Upon All Heavens! "


After hearing this news, Ning Tianlin secretly took a deep breath and started. He felt that the heartbeat at this time was based on the original foundation. Obviously speeded up a lot.

Isn’t the situation in the ancient Number One Person at that time the situation in his body now?

"Then it's the last? "Ning Tianlin couldn't help but urgently asked.

"You first listen to the old man to finish. "

Ning Tianlin's reaction was abnormal. The Great Emperor Golden Crow didn't have too much, so he went to other places to think about it.

He felt that no matter who it was, he heard it for the first time This news will definitely be shocked and surprised.

At that time, when he learned the information from the ancient Number One Person, he also had the same expression.

"Although the cells in his body have successfully transformed into stars, the countless stars are all operating independently, and there is no overall planning. "

"The stars collide indiscriminately, each is king, saying that they are disordered and in a mess, which is not an exaggeration. "


Ning Tianlin thought of what his battle strength system had mentioned to him, that the creator of "The Ancient Stars Jue" was not just because of this reason. Died!

Is it?

The ancient Number One Person was the creator of the law?

The real reason for the destruction of Earth, isn’t it? Because the stars in his body are disordered and collapsed directly from the inside, which is the result of self-destruct?

No, it should not be.

As soon as this idea appeared, he was caught by Ning. Tianlin himself denied it.

He didn't doubt whether the self-destruct of the ancient Number One Person would produce such destructive power. There is no doubt about this, it will certainly be.

If the destruction of Earth was caused by self-destruct, then all races in the universe joined forces to besiege Earth, what is the explanation?

So, it must not be like this.

The ancient Number One Person body can become stars on its own. Perhaps it is the practice of "The Desolate Ancient Stars Art", but it is by no means the creator of this cultivation technique.

Is it...?

"However, I have to admit that the ancient Number One Person is indeed a peerless genius. "

Without waiting for Ning Tianlin to think more, Great Emperor Golden Crow continued to say.

"This risk of self-destructing at any time, in his constant groping , Was resolved. "

"In other words, he had already found a way to connect these stars. "

"It is to turn the countless meridians in the body into paths, which are used to communicate with individual stars so that they can operate in a regular manner. "


Sure enough! The ancient Number One Person, is the reformer of "The Record of Ancient Stars"!

In an instant, Ning Tianlin secretly in the heart , Verified the conclusion he had just speculated.

"It’s just that the last step is the most important step. "

Great Emperor Golden Crow sighed with great regret.

"Although the method was found, no one has practiced it since ancient times. He is only in theory. Level. "

"The real operation is not so easy, it can be said to be quite dangerous. "

"Every time he tried, he was very cautious..."

"When he successfully condensed countless virtual meridians, it was already too late! "

Speaking of this, the Great Emperor Golden Crow swallowed again, and the muddy eyes became a little moist again.

"A virtual meridian was condensed? "

"That is, it hasn't turned into substance yet! "

Ning Tianlin, who was still in shock, did not notice the changes in the eyes of the Great Emperor Golden Crow.

At this time, all his thoughts were placed on the stars, Meridian waits for these things.

This question, the battle strength system has mentioned to him, and part of the content is not much different from what the Great Emperor Golden Crow said.

The self-destruct creator of "The Ancient Stars Record" died.

The ancient Number One Person was the reformer of the "The Ancient Stars Record", and he has not appeared since the battle. Yes.

This cultivation technique was given to him by the battle strength system, and it is an improved version. The meridian in his body can be condensed into substance.

The battle strength system What is his true identity?

Hs, is it the ancient Number One Person?

Ning Tianlin can't help but speculate boldly in the heart, all the known signs seem to have indicated.. .

"No answer again! "

For Ning Tianlin's inquiry, the battle strength system still did not reply this time, as if it had not heard it.

It is very likely.

Even if it isn't, it definitely has a lot to do with the ancient Number One Person.

Ning Tianlin, who can't figure out his thoughts, is temporarily in the heart so judged.

"Then it happened. You should be able to guess some of the things. "

"The Universe Rule was changed ahead of time. All races joined forces to besiege Earth. The ancient Number One Person is still whereabouts unknown. "

"The most important purpose of the other party's doing this is to prevent the real formation of stars in his body. "

The Great Emperor Golden Crow sighed helplessly. The reason for using the word whereabouts unknown is that he believes that the ancient Number One Person must not have fallen, but is somewhere in the universe.

"Then Jin Senior Wu, if the ancient Number One Person connects meridian successfully, what will it be like? "

"Can the outbreak of that war be stopped, and the Universe Rule can be re-customized?" "

Ning Tianlin doesn’t know, does the Great Emperor Golden Crow know this, and asks with an attitude of trying it.

"As for what kind of breakthrough it will be, the old man also doesn’t know. Not sure. "

"But what is certain is that it is possible to fight against the Heavenly Dao rules and keep Earth! "

The Great Emperor Golden Crow shook his head first, and then replied for sure.

"Fight against the Heavenly Dao rule? "

"Doesn't that mean that there will be two kinds of Heavenly Dao in this universe, how is that possible? "

Ning Tianlin asked suspiciously, if Heavenly Dao is disordered, let alone Earth, the entire universe will completely collapse.

"Well, what you said is just one of them. This situation. "

"There is another situation, that is, the ancient Number One Person, destroying the old one, and creating a new Heavenly Dao Law! "

The Great Emperor Golden Crow said solemnly, and at the same time, on the old face, a look of hope appeared, as if it were opening a brand new door.

Unknown, brand new world, the most important thing is that it will be Sovereign by Earth powerhouse...

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