"Really able to pretend!"

The swallowing trend is still spreading, and even Ning Tianlin has to marvel that the appetite of Nether Space is really big.

"Fortunately, Jin Senior Wu and them, they have already come here a few days ago."

After releasing Divine Consciousness, Ning Tianlin said to himself with a smile.

It’s not that they are afraid of seeing this scene.

As for the other creatures wandering in the desert sea sand, Ning Tianlin has no compassion. If nothing happens, all of them will be swallowed in.



In this way, the golden talisman swallows more and more space, since it can't be controlled, then Ning Tianlin simply no longer paid attention to, just watch it quietly from the side.


Beyond the golden light, some indigenous ominous beasts with scarlet pupils, all expressions of horror, looked at the strangeness ahead inconceivably.

Like the rising golden sun, the golden glow swayed down, quickly moved towards their direction and enveloped the past.

“roar! ”

Another low roar sounded, those ominous beasts wanted to escape out of instinct, otherwise, they guessed that they would be swallowed by this golden glow of.

Because of the space behind the golden glow, they can't detect anything at all, and the Divine Consciousness is forcibly cut off.

The unknown is the most terrifying.


The ominous beasts that were originally scattered are all huddled together and fleeing desperately at this moment. The sound of falling footsteps, hong long long resounded.


"It's a waste of effort."

Ning Tianlin doesn't think they have the possibility of escape alive.

Although the speed of Cang Desert creatures is fast, compared with golden light, it is simply not a level, because this golden glow directly swallows a piece of space.

"oh la la ..."

After a while, the ominous beasts that escaped the slowest were unable to fight back in the golden light, and they had no time to struggle. It was swallowed directly.

The result was completely different from what they expected. Not only did the flesh and blood break up, there was almost no damage to the whole body, and even the surrounding environment did not change in the slightest.

The golden mang, as if simply penetrated from them.

It’s just that, how do they know that the nether space swallows everything in the entire space, including sky, earth, air, yellow sand, etc., they are just incidental.

If you look at the face in a little bit, naturally you can't find any changes.


Although the surrounding environment has not changed, but soon, some ominous beasts found abnormalities in their bodies.

The battle strength is compressed to an unprecedented low, even lower than when they were born.

After all, these aboriginal ominous beasts, some have just been born, and the battle strength is around the Lord of Universe section.



In this way, after the ebbing of time, half a month, the swallowing of the desert sea sand has come to an end.

"I just don’t know if the Nine Nether Sacred Land and the deep sea of ​​the desert can be swallowed in."

After a month of waiting, Ning Tianlin is somewhat numb. At the two Secret Realms, there were some expectations for a while.

half a day later, what Ning Tianlin expected did not happen. The golden glow that continued to cover the two Secret Realms suddenly stopped at the same time.

When this happens, Ning Tianlin also doesn't know whether the Nether Space stopped because it had been swallowed to a certain extent, or the progress was blocked by two Secret Realms.

I don't care about it anymore. It's a good thing to stop.


The golden glow of the sky has also begun to move quickly towards the interior of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, and is gathered up.


After a while, under the push of the Ning Tianlin secret technique again, a golden streamer did not penetrate into his eyebrows and disappeared.

At this point, it means that the desert sea sand of the 1st Secret Realm in the universe has been completely removed from the territory of the universe.

At the same time, the strangeness of the Cangmo Haisha has long been noticed by many powerhouses. They are just afraid of the terrifying of the golden glow and dare not step forward to check it out.

The Cangmo Sea Sand is gone!

They are also immediately spreading this news.

"What? Cang Desert Sea Sand?"

"It is the Cang Desert Sea Sand called the 1st Secret Realm of the Universe?"

"Suddenly disappeared? How is this possible? Even if the Lord of Universe gets there, he has to be a man with his tail sandwiched!"

The shock that this news has brought to people is no less than the effect of a blockbuster bomb. , The title of 1st Secret Realm is enough to make it spread towards every planet in the universe at a rapid speed.

In the depths of the starry sky, there is a hidden planet.


A grim-faced three-eyed old man suddenly shattered the electronic screen in front of him with a fierce punch.

The news that has just been broadcast on the screen is exactly the news about Cangmo Haisha.

"Check, check it out for me!"

An indisputable password came out angrily from his mouth.

In the past few years, it is said that he has paid the most attention to Cangmo Haisha.

The current patriarch of the Hou clan, Hou Ling.

Not for other reasons, because the Young Master of the Hou clan never came out after entering the Cangmo Haisha.

Bo Wen is a key factor in whether he can break through the Lord of Universe. If she has an accident, his cultivation will stop at the current achievement.

This is why he has always sent clansman to guard the exit of Secret Realm.

As long as the two come out, no matter whether the integration is successful or not, he will forcibly take Bo Wen into the clan.

If Bo Wen successfully merged the Wuyou Julian successfully, then Ning Tianlin would make him a wedding dress for nothing.

If Bo Wen fails, he must detain the opponent within a controllable range.

As long as they reach their roar clan, if Ning Tianlin dares to chase after him, he has his own way to deal with it.

He can use this time to promote Bo Wen to the Lord of Universe, and then forcibly absorb her energy, breakthrough to the first in the universe.

At that time, Ning Tianlin was just a persimmon in his hand.

But he never thought that Cang Mo Haisha disappeared, so how could he not be angry?

He knows the horror of Cangmo Haisha better than anyone else. Wuyou Jiulian brought it out from there.

Aware of the seriousness of the problem, he roars and sucks. After a breath, coldly said.

"Release the news of Ning Tianlin in Cangmo Haisha!"

In this universe, he is not the only one who is interested in Ning Tianlin, powerhouses of other races are comparable to him To be more concerned.

After a little thought, Hou Ling added again to his hands.

"Send messengers to various races to pass my password."

"As long as you can catch Ning Tianlin alive, you can marry my Young Master, Bo Wen."

Hou Ling gave the last command in a cold voice, since he and Bo Wen had already torn his face, then he didn't need to pretend to be a good person.

"patriarch, Young Master, she is..."

The old man who listened to Ling didn't know patriarch's true thoughts, and asked cautiously.

How could the future successor of the Hou clan be so rashly betrothed to others? Then the bloodline of the Hou clan is completely messed up.

This was in the past, but it has never happened.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, just pass my password."

"One day, you will be happy for my decision today!"

Hou Ling directly interrupted what the old man wanted to say, and responded strongly.

The future of the Hou Clan lies with him, not with that shit Young Master. The Young Master in your eyes is just a stepping stone for his advancement.

Marriage of the two races?

That is just a guise for soliciting thugs, letting those Martial Artists who begin to stir work for the roar.

The bloodline of the Hou clan is not tolerant of tarnished by outsiders.

If you want to form an alliance with the Hou clan, you can marry? That also has to have that fate!

A few days later.

The news about the battle between Human Race and the machine clan was quickly squeezed out.

First, the 1st Secret Realm in the universe, the blockbuster news that disappeared in the desert sea sand for no reason, occupies the top of the hot list.

Then, with the help of the headline party, two explosive news items occupy the first and second place respectively.

The news about Cangmo Haisha, Human Race and the battle of the machine clan fell to the third and fourth respectively.

No. 1 on the hot list of the universe.

"An inadvertent action may save your life. Martial artists who are practicing outside must see it! 》

Click to open the content inside: High energy ahead! Ning Tianlin, the public enemy of the universe, has forbeared for five years and re-emerged in the universe. Now he has appeared in the desert sea sand, and the universe will usher in foul wind and bloody rain again!

The editor’s warm reminder: Please evade as soon as possible. No matter if you have enemies or not, as long as you hear Ning Tianlin haunting, don’t doubt the truth or hesitate, just turn around and run right away. By the way, all Great Family rewards are not false, it also has to have a life flower.

According to the gossip, Ning Tianlin can't get rid of the disappearance of Cangmo Haisha this time. If you search for the terrifying of Cangmo Haisha, you will be frightened.

Dear Martial Artists, take care of themselves. The editor risked his death and wrote this report. Now I am on my way to escape, don’t ask me why I didn’t sign it, because my name is **. (Ps: I heard that the guy has a special grudge, I am afraid that this report has already been watched by him. At this time, when I don’t run, it’s important to survive...)

The second in the hot list of the universe.

"If you do this, it will be difficult for you to survive! "

Click to open the content, do you want to set foot on the peak of life? Back to the big tree to marry Ms Perfect? Then your chance is here, the rare race Patriarch is paying a lot of money for his son-in-law,

Don’t want your wealth, and you don’t want to battle strength deep and unmeasurable, just find Ning Tianlin! Just find Ning Tianlin! As long as you find Ning Tianlin, the Young Master Houzu will take it home! It really only needs Ning Tianlin!

According to the official certification of the Hou clan, there is absolutely nothing false about this marriage. If you miss it, then the editor congratulates you, you survived!

What are you waiting for, what are you hesitating about, quickly pick up the long knife in your hand and run as far as you can.

Catch Ning Tianlin alive? Is your life left? Do you have? Do you have! My heart is not as good as my action. I see Ning Tianlin running quickly.

Don’t ask me what I’m doing, I won’t tell you, I’m on the way to escape, I’m not going to give up the beautiful girl in the universe for Ning Tianlin.

The Young Master of the Hou clan is very precious, and if he provokes Ning Tianlin, he pays a higher price!

Mu Clan.

patriarch Mu Chen, Lord of Universe 9th Duan, it is also because of his existence that Mu Clan can stand firmly among the powerhouses of the universe.

But it is also correct him, because of the momentary blindness, they ruined the root of their Mu Clan's rise.

Nine Heavens Breath Soil, this treasure-like treasure of the universe, once contributed a lot of energy to Mu Clan. For his clansman, it was a real item of great nourishment.

But Ning Tianlin from Earth didn't know what method was used to search Nine Heavens Breath Soil cleanly.

This also means that their Mu Clan's hope was completely stifled by Ning Tianlin. In a short period of time, their family is basically impossible to cultivate a powerhouse.

For Mu Clan, the importance of Nine Heavens Breath Soil cannot be replaced by any treasure.

That is what he plundered from the ancient Earth, and the level of treasure is simply not conceived in the current universe.

In Mu Chen's eyes, Ning Tianlin was a shameless robber who took away Mu Clan's Supreme Treasure by some means.

As everyone knows, this treasure was originally plundered from Earth, and that Ning Tianlin is the descendant of Earth, this belongs to the original owner of the thing.

The robber is used to it, and he really takes his identity as legal!

The unexplained disappearance of Cang Mo Haisha is related to Ning Tianlin, and this news is exactly what he sent his subordinates to take a walk.

Being able to quietly take away the sacred treasure of the universe Nine Heavens Breath Soil, he believes that Ning Tianlin has the ability and means.

Isn’t that guy’s style of acting like that?

As long as you can see him, you can take whatever you see!

Isn't he the best example of what he did under the name of League of Legends?

As long as any item contains energy, no matter how high or low, his Ning Tianlin will accept everything correctly. This is not just what you see, what is it?

This time Ning Tianlin, definitely because of the energy of Cangmo Haisha, he used the secret technique to forcefully take it away.

"This Ning Tianlin is really hateful!"

Is there a king's law?

The universe belongs to him? Whatever you want?

Now, let’s collect the Cangmo Haisha!

This is 1st Secret Realm, the desert sea sand!

Thinking of these behaviors of Ning Tianlin, even Mu Chen's current state of mind, can't help but be puffed up with anger.

After calming down, and then thinking of Cang Mo Haisha's terrifying, Mu Chen couldn't help but shiver, Ning Tianlin's methods were too terrifying.

The Demon Spirit King of the machine clan, the Yin Yang King of the Human Race, the Qin Family patriarch, and some powerhouses in the Lord of Universe, all immediately issued different instructions.

But another one is the same, that is, always pay attention to the movements of Ning Tianlin, and at the same time send envoys to the Hou clan.

Meanwhile, among the top 100 Sects of Human Race, Lin Yuge ranked 18th.

In the imposing manner in the magnificent great hall.

The spacious and magnificent discussion hall, among which the high-level Lin Yuge is sitting neatly on both sides.

The one sitting right above the hall is a young man with an indifferent expression. Compared with the all beautiful and pretty women in the hall, he looks a little out of place.

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