Below the man's left hand is a middle-aged woman, dressed in a white robe, with long dark hair pulled up and tightly wrapped by a simple hairpin.

Although she is the old lady of Xu, it is still not difficult to see the beauty of her youth. It can be said that she still has the charm, and the imposing manner of the perennial superiors is well restrained by her.

She is the Ranked 1st Lin Yu Pavilion Pavilion Lord Lin Lingyi with the most right to speak except the man in this hall.

Below the man's right hand is a young woman. Although she is in a white robe, her slender and graceful posture is vaguely revealed.

She is the key training target of Lin Yuge, and the only candidate who will take over the position of Pavilion Lord in the near future, Saintess Lin Ruowen.

The rest are all high-level figures of Lin Yu Pavilion, arranged in order according to each other's identities.

In the hall at this moment, although a lot of people gathered, except for the man in the center, all the others did not even dare to breathe.


Even if a silver needle falls, you can hear the crisp silence.

One after another cautiously cast his eyes on the floor of the hall, not dare to look at each other at all.

Emotions of panic, nervousness, and doubts enveloped each of them, and even the white robe on their bodies was somewhat dampened by sweat.

"Why did he suddenly appear here?"

"Aren't all the big and small forces in the universe looking for him? How dare you just and honorable sit there!" "

"Why, is Lin Yuge about to be extinguished sect? Barren's where he passed!"

"But, Sect doesn't seem to provoke him This evil god, is it possible that is the female sex in the pavilion, want to...?"

"How is that possible? Although he has a sinister reputation, his reputation in this area has always been It's still very good."


In every woman's heart, there are different speculations about the person's arrival, but no one dared to ask.

Even the Pavilion Lord Lin Lingyi did the same. Originally, this time he recalled the senior staff in the cabinet to discuss some Sect development issues.

But who would have expected that the man would suddenly be in the hall out of thin air as soon as the meeting was about to start.

They were originally going to draw their swords in anger, but when they saw each other's face clearly, they shuddered at the same time. All of their anger was dumbed for a while, and they couldn't raise the slightest resistance.

Then the above scene happened.

As for the man's appearance, although they have not seen Daoist, his portrait and deeds can be remembered clearly.

There is no way. Now not only on the Internet, but also various topics in the shop are almost all around the man. It is difficult to know.

It's not that they don't want to resist, it's that they don't dare to resist before they figure out the situation.

What's the joke? The opponent can kill Lord of Universe with one move!

As for this group of people, it is estimated that they are not enough for people to crush with their little thumbs. At this moment, what they hope most now is that the person sits for a while and leaves quickly.

This is simply a evil god, a plague god.

"I came to Linyu Pavilion this time."

"For one person, Zichen!"

The indifferent voice, from the name in the center There was a loud voice from the young man's mouth, drifting to every corner of the hall.

And that man, surprisingly, is Ning Tianlin coming out of the Cang Mo Haisha!


"Is Inner Sect's Zichen?"

"Didn't she have fallen?"

Everyone's heart suddenly stunned, and the entire Lin Yu Pavilion was called by this name alone, and it fell into the middle of the city hundreds of years ago.

They also sent someone to investigate what happened that year. Zi Chen fell into the hands of a Mu Clan powerhouse.

It's not that they haven't thought about revenge, but Mu Clan is so powerful that they can't shake them at all, so they endured it all the time.

Later, I heard that Mu Clan's that powerhouse was killed by Ning Tianlin in front of their patriarch Mu Chen.

This was a big trouble at the time, and Lin Yuge was happy about it for a while.

Regardless of whose hand, Zi Chen's hatred is retribution, no matter how Ning Tianlin kills without blinking an eye, it is also for them to get rid of a powerful enemy.

"Sir, will it be...?"

Lin Lingyi who reacted first couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air, she thought she might have overlooked one Important details.

It was when Zi Chen was killed, it was the Mu Clan powerhouse who was harmed for no reason when he was hunting down Ning Tianlin.

At the time, their senior officials thought it was just a coincidence, because not only Zi Chen, but even the entire City Lord's Mansion was not spared.

Thinking about it now, it doesn't seem to be the case.

The death of Zi Chen was caused by Mu Clan powerhouse, and Ning Tianlin went deep into Mu Clan alone, just to kill that powerhouse.

Now Ning Tianlin suddenly came to Linyu Pavilion, and the first one mentioned was Zichen, doesn't it mean that it was simply not an accident back then, and the two knew each other.

How is this possible?

Zi Chen knows Ning Tianlin? How could she be able to come into contact with that level, when she was killed, she was only a star cave Martial Artist!

And what is Ning Tianlin? Killing the powerhouse of Lord of Universe, how exactly did this intersect?

"I don’t know, is this intersection good or bad?"

Lin Lingyi thought in her heart that if the two had enemies back then, wouldn’t Lin Yuge have to be extinguish sect.

"It shouldn't be..."

Although it was possible, she quickly denied it. If that was the case, Ning Tianlin even dared to break through Mu Clan back then. , Isn't it a matter of minutes to find Lin Yuge to seek revenge.

But Zi Chen has fallen for hundreds of years, how could Ning Tianlin suddenly mention her name?

At this moment, not only Lin Lingyi, but all the senior members raised their hearts to their throats, listening to what Ning Tianlin would say next.

Because, what the other party will say next is whether they are Lin Yuge alive or dead!

"Zi Chen's Life Source Blood Essence is still there?"

Ning Tianlin asked, the plain tone made the people sitting unable to hear whether it was happiness or sadness for a while .

"Yes, still."

"Chang Elder, go to the Nvying Pavilion yourself, get it quickly!"

Lin Lingyi hastily Anxiously replied, and immediately, spit out a breath of air, even though the boulder in my heart has fallen.

Although she didn't know the reason for the other party, she wanted Zichen's Life Source Blood Essence, but she was definitely not a bad thing.

If it's revenge? What does that have to do with Life Source Blood Essence?

People have fallen for hundreds of years, and then destroy the blood essence? It is estimated that no one in this universe will be boring to that point.

Any dísciple that can enter the Inner Sect will leave a drop of Life Source Blood Essence in the cabinet, mainly for viewing and going out to experience the life Aura of the dísciple.

The Nüying Pavilion is the Life Source Blood Essence of the powerhouse that has passed away. It can not only worship and remember, but also alert other dísciple to strengthen the cultivation.

At that time, Zi Chen had just been promoted to Inner Sect, and he was out to do errands, so he was naturally eligible to enter the Nvying Pavilion.

"Chang Elder, never reveal the news of Ning Tianlin, here!"

"Don't seek any rescuers!"

In Chang While Elder was leaving, Lin Lingyi used a secret voice to spread her voice, and she was able to sit in the position of the master of a pavilion. She naturally had some city and mind.

Send the coordinates of Ning Tianlin. It is estimated that they will all have to die before the Great Family powerhouse arrives.

To move rescue soldiers? I am afraid that there is not a single force in this universe, so I am willing to offend Ning Tianlin for them Lin Yuge!

"Yes? That's good."

Ning Tianlin slightly nodded, he just asked casually, if Zichen's blood essence is still talking, he would save some Trouble, if you don't, you have to go to the battle strength system to redeem it.

Zi Chen never stayed in the Holy Land of Human Race before his death, so it is impossible to generate a soul. Otherwise, Ning Tianlin will go directly to the Netherworld and detain her.

"It's still a smart person."

Ning Tianlin heard Lin Lingyi's secret message just now, and he hummed softly in his heart.

Since he dared to show up, he is naturally not afraid of revealing his whereabouts!

But if Lin Yuge dared to spread the news without his permission, he wouldn't mind expelling this Sect from the universe.

It's true that Zi Chen is resurrected, but it is another matter to kill Lin Yuge. In his eyes, the two are not directly related.

"Master Ning, this is what you want, please check it out."

Chang Elder, who went back quickly, stepped forward, facing Ning Tianlin in the center, After giving a salute respectfully, he said in awe.

"Well, just let it go."

Ning Tianlin slightly nodded, his eyes motioned to the famous Chang Elder, who placed Zichen’s Life Source essence in front of him Top of wooden table.


Ning Tianlin stood up directly, and the imposing manner on his body suddenly radiated out. The seemingly slender body was filled with endless coercion.

crash-bang ...

The high-level Lin Yuge, who is in a high degree of tension, is also like a conditioned reflex, hurriedly standing up after it, for fear that it will be one step at night than others.

Although the battle is not like an enemy, it is like walking on thin ice.


The pressure of powerhouse made every Lin Yuge high-level in the hall breathless.

Lord of Universe? Ning Tianlin turned out to be Lord of Universe!

Otherwise, how could there be such a powerful pressure?

Everyone looked at each other, all with shocked faces.

As far as they know, Ning Tianlin has only just stepped into the ranks of Xinghuang Martial Artist when he showed up last time.

How can I not think that Ning Tianlin has become the Lord of Universe in only a few years!

Terror, just this cultivation speed is enough to make everyone feel terrified!

All the high-levels are brace oneself, forcibly resisting the pressure released in the hall, and dare not have the slightest idea of ​​going out to escape.

Pavilion Lord Lin Lingyi is a little better. Although her face is pale, she can barely stand up.

The rest is a look of pain, biting thin lips, willow eyebrows tightly knit, and a pair of jade hands firmly on the back of the table, forcibly supporting a somewhat trembling loving body .

Didi da da...

In the whole hall, one after another string sounded from time to time, the ticking sound of fragrance dripping on the ground.

"Fortunately, it's just the Star Hole Martial Artist, and it won't consume too much."

Ning Tianlin didn't pay attention to the surrounding reaction, muttered in his heart.

Zi Chen, who was forcibly resurrected, did not intend to exchange it with the battle strength system, but wanted to give it a try with his own strength.

After all, he has now stepped into the ranks of Lord of Universe, and these methods are still necessary.

oh la la!

The heart flashed, and the static Life Source Blood Essence on the desktop of the next moment had floated half an inch away from the palm of Ning Tianlin.

“weng! ”

Suddenly, Ning Tianlin was mobilized all over his body, and the tyrannical Divine Consciousness condensed in the void. When compressed to the size of the needle tip, moved towards that blood essence burst. Shot past.


After a crisp sound, Ning Tianlin's Divine Consciousness, through the residual breath on the blood essence, looked towards Zi Chen.

The entire space within the blood essence suddenly began to oscillate, and the remaining light from the original was also quickly dissipated.


The entire space with increasing frequency of oscillations, under Ning Tianlin's tyrannical Divine Consciousness, began to twist in a weird posture.

Like a tornado that rises in the sky, it is constantly spinning and winding...

The surrounding time, even at the center of the eye of the wind, began to rapidly collapse and shatter.

Scatter in time and space, turn back time!


Ning Tianlin is secretly happy, this is the first time he has performed such a secret technique. Although he knows the method, he has no bottom in his heart. Now I see the time Changing, retreating quickly in front of him, was also a little excited.

In the eyes of the wind, there is darkness, one by one without light and important pictures, flashing past his eyes and disappearing into endless void.

If you hadn't become the Lord of Universe, and wanted to fight Heavenly Dao Law in this way, the fleshy body would have been shattered long ago.

Even so, densely packed sweat oozes out of Ning Tianlin's forehead in the hall, and even the entire back has been soaked.

You know, even if he leapfrogs powerhouse, he has never sweated like this.

"Finally here!"

Under the control of Ning Tianlin Divine Consciousness, time changes to a designated location.

The eye of the wind twists in a weird way, condensing a nearly transparent light curtain. Although there is only a picture and no sound, it is enough.

In the City Lord's Mansion, Sect ranked top ten Dingtianmen, Elder Hunfeng and his son Hunqiul were killed on the spot by Ning Tianlin.

Ning Tianlin and Lin Jiayi stand together, the City Lord of Zhongdu is standing aside, and Zi Chen is opening the mouth and said thanks to Ning Tianlin’s life-saving grace.

Immediately afterwards, a big withered hand fell from the sky without warning, and directly photographed the sky above the City Lord's Mansion.

"Just now!"

Ning Tianlin said tensely, if he missed this opportunity, his efforts would be in vain.


The City Lord's Mansion house is broken, and in the middle is the City Lord, Zichen's fleshy body, and at the moment when it is about to be broken, Ning Tianlin has started!


The tyrannical Divine Consciousness suddenly condenses into substance, turning into a pair of giant hands.

The surging suction in the palm of the palm began to forcibly penetrate into the weird space. With a giant hand on the left and right, the two of the City Lord and Zichen of Zhongdu must be quickly grabbed out. This space.


Just when the giant hands were about to touch the bodies of the two, a mysterious force suddenly appeared, like a piece of The mysterious rune is like a giant web of spiders.

The horrible suction between Ning Tianlin's palms is forcibly resisted, from appearing to blocking, although it is between the light of calcium carbide, but the giant spider web appears with no difficulty, just like It was the same as it was blown by the breeze, but it bounced back slightly.

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