“en? ”

The sudden change made even Zichen two apparently stunned. However, due to the limited battle strength, they should be investigated. No reason.

However, I can truly feel that the surrounding space is frozen by a mysterious force, and time is the same, I can't feel the slightest passing by.

Stay still!

Whether the collapsing building is splashing with rubble, or the body they control, they are all frozen in a fixed scene.

"What is this?"

Ning Tianlin outside the space, browses tightly knit, faintly, he feels through Divine Consciousness, a faintly discernable oppression force, since then The spider spread quietly over the giant web.

The pressure that he had never touched made him feel uncomfortable. The corners of his eyes jumped, took a deep breath and suppressed the discomfort in his heart.

"Heavenly Dao is blocking?"

Ning Tianlin couldn't help but laughed.

He knows that this kind of secret technique that goes against the sky, there will be a certain probability that Heavenly Dao will block it. Otherwise, the powerhouse of the universe will resurrect whoever wants to resurrect. Wouldn’t it be long ago? It's messed up.

The higher the battle strength of the resurrected person, the greater the chance of Heavenly Dao appearing.

He would never have thought that for the first time he used this secret technique, and he was only resurrecting a star cave and star king Martial Artist, he would encounter this kind of love. There is no luck. .

Now, although he controls some Heavenly Dao Law, simply is not his opponent. If he resists hard, he won't get any benefits.

"It doesn't matter, it's not resurrecting the Lord of Universe."

"This Heavenly Dao block will definitely not be too strong!"

Ning Tianlin in The heart made up his mind, it was almost the last step, he was not reconciled.

If you don't even try, let him stop doing it. That's not his Ning Tianlin style.

No one can stop what he decides to do. Even if the opponent is a tiger, he has to pull out one of the sharpest teeth from the tiger's mouth.

Every time he makes progress, isn't he stepping on the powerhouse corpse, which is several levels higher than him, climbing up?

Can't fight, but if he escapes, he may not be able to escape!

"Today, I am going to walk the heavens-defying road!"

"The fate of these two people, I have changed it, it doesn't count if you say it!"

Ning Tianlin eyes slightly narrowed, the tone gloomily said.

Immediately, the blood essence of the whole body is fully mobilized, and the Life Source essence in the body, Primordial Chaos Purple Energy, Chaos Ancient Qi, Yin-Yang Energy, and Wild Qi are all mobilizations of a brain.

The terrifying breath of ancient times, diffuses out of its body.

"Nine Emperors Star Record!"

As the lips turned up and down, the obscure Fajue was in Ning Tianlin's mouth, changing in a low voice in a hasty tone.


Six Paths' energies with completely different properties, like six wandering dragons of different colors, quickly intertwined and gathered together.

Form a colorful dragon with a strong body shape, which is much smaller than other giant dragons.

Although it is a mini version of the colorful dragon, the energy contained in its body is terrifying matchless!

Ning Tianlin looked indifferently at the light curtain in front of him, his steps lightly stepped forward, and the light curtain in front of him was twisted.


The condensed energy of the colorful dragon, like a tiger rushing to eat, twists the lower body strangely, and it is instantly disappeared.


The next moment, like a ghost, rushing into the space, bringing a fierce wind, and going straight to the mysterious rune spider web away.

Everywhere I passed, the space collapsed.


As soon as the two met, the low explosion sound spread immediately, and the energy ripples were ring-like, spreading out at the collision of spider webs.


Ning Tianlin's body trembled, his steps glared backwards, stabilized his body, and used it to resist the force of the back shock.

"Fortunately, the Heavenly Dao that appeared this time is not that terrible."

Ning Tianlin's eyes flickered and said, if there is a heavenly punishment similar to the advanced centipede, I'm afraid that if he doesn't borrow the Invincible Golden Body, he will only have to escape.


The spider web, which was originally abnormally tenacious, trembles fiercely, as if a bottle of sulfuric acid has been poured by someone, causing harsh corrosion. Voice.


Ning Tianlin, who often comes to the sweetness, has a slightly stretched brow, continuously energy, moved towards that space is poured into it.

"bang! bang! ..."

Affected by the terrifying energy, the color of the giant spider web is obviously dimmed, and from time to time, a white mesh is broken.

"hmph, how powerful do you think it is?"

"It turned out to be just this, just a paper tiger dressed up as God, playing the Devil!"

Ning Tianlin outside the space hummed coldly, but the energy output in the body did not weaken at all. At this moment, the two of Zi Chen have not been rescued, and it is not the time to be taken care of.

Ning Tianlin asked himself if he hadn’t lost because of the tyrannical power of energy. Primordial Chaos Purple Energy alone would be able to easily resist the Spiritual Power of several powerhouses that are even bigger than him. Go down.

Not to mention that the six energies are now condensed together, and there is also the blessing of the Nine Emperor Gods Record, which is a terror.


However, just when Ning Tianlin thought he was about to succeed, an incredible color appeared in his eyes.

Because he saw the spider web re-imagined because of the collapse, he showed a very humane suspicious look.

That expression is like regretting because of the carelessness just now. It seems that destroying the opponent's companion who wants to resurrect is a very simple thing, very easy, but now it has failed!

At the same time, the humanized expression seemed to be surprised by the fact that the other party could suddenly condense, such a tyrannical energy, which was quite playful.

It seems that this energy does not pose any substantive threat to it. It is more interested in those who display the energy!


Ning Tianlin suddenly felt an inexplicable anxiety. He didn't know the specific reason. He just wanted to quickly take Zichen away from here. Place.

He didn't hesitate at all, he clenched his teeth and increased his strength again.


The giant hands that have just condensed quickly separated, moved towards the position of the two Zichens, and slammed together, without paying attention to the two of them. Whether it will be severely injured by his strength.

As long as there is a battle strength system, any injury is fine.

At the moment when Ning Tianlin was about to successfully detain the two of them, that spider web weirdly avoided the energy colorful dragon and moved towards the giant hand again.

For a time, the vast coercion hiding the sky and covering the earth rushed out of the giant net, and that power, even this space was shiver coldly for it.

"hmph, your opponent is here!"

"oh la la!"

Following, the energy colored dragon controlled by Ning Tianlin , The imposing manner soared sharply, and its entire body also shrugged, expanding to hundreds of times its size.

The huge body revolved at a rapid speed, and then rushed out with a scream, and slammed into the giant net.


Two extremely terrifying energies collide heavily, and at this moment, even the light in this space has dimmed.

A terrifying energy storm swept out from the contact point, and the giant spider web filled with powerful coercion unexpectedly stopped the advancing trend.

But the terrifying power contained in it was quickly backlashed into Ning Tianlin's body outside the space.


Ning Tianlin was violently shaken out of a mouthful of blood, and deng deng under his feet retreated dozens of steps before barely stopping the trend of retreat, and that horror The backlash force of his was also slowly dissipated.

"Sure enough, very strong!"

Ning Tianlin's complexion also turned pale in an instant, the previous consumption was not small, and he suffered a heavy blow, which obviously made him a little overwhelmed. .

"Never mind, miss this opportunity, it will be even more difficult!"

A sneer appeared on Ning Tianlin's pale face, no matter what, he was just talented. That blow was blocked.

Then, he has the opportunity to successfully detain the two of Zichen out of this space.

"Hey du!"

Ning Tianlin put a medicine pill directly into his mouth, and swallowed it together with a mouthful of blood. .

Taking advantage of the time difference between the energy colorful dragon and the spider giant web facing each other, Ning Tianlin felt fierce, and wrapped the giant hands of Zichen and Zichen in the palms, violently violent outside the space. Skimmed over.

"Not good!"

Seeing that the space is about to be swept away, the giant spider web turns strangely again,

At a fierce and unusual speed , With a sharp whining sound, moved towards behind the giant hand rushed past.


Faced with this scene, Ning Tianlin was also a facial expression grave, with palm strength pouring out again, and the two bodies of Zichen, like a cannonball, suddenly moved towards the outer space spurts out.


The two Zichens who flew upside down, shattered several huge pillars in the Linyu Pavilion hall and forcibly shattered them. Stopped his figure, and finally fell heavily on the ground.

"Pu chi!"

At this moment, the blood of the two kept spilling from their mouths, not only on their bodies, but also on the ground.

Not only that, none of the skeletons of the two of them are intact. They are all crushed to pieces by the powerful energy in the space.

The only skin and flesh left are barely connected to the big joints of the two of them.

If it is not judged from the breath, it is difficult to distinguish the true identity of the two from their faces, even the flesh and blood on their faces are blurred.


The sudden change in the sky caused the originally depressive atmosphere in the hall to suddenly become restless.

At this moment, some Martial Artists with weak battle strength are already sitting on the ground.

I wanted to step forward to check, but I was powerless, the breath of Lord of Universe broke out, so that everyone had almost collapsed.

"Who is it?"

The first thing that came out was Pavilion Lord Lin Lingyi with the highest battle strength.

Reluctantly supporting her body, she looked at the scene in amazement, the shock in her heart made her unable to react for a while.

Although she can't see her face clearly, she can tell who it is from her breath.

"It's Zichen!"

The one who was forcibly detained by Ning Tianlin from the space turned out to be Zichen!

It is the inner sect disciple, Zichen, that has fallen hundreds of years ago by Lin Yuge.

Ning Tianlin specially came to Lin Yu Pavilion, actually to revive Zi Chen!

Why is this? Lin Lingyi asked in surprise, she really couldn't think of the reason why Ning Tianlin did this.

You must know that Zi Chen's battle strength is only a star hole Martial Artist, and his appearance can only be regarded as an upper-middle level.

There is nothing better than common martial artist.

In the universe, a woman with higher battle strength and better appearance than her, but she went into the sea.

The resurrection of Zi Chen, if this matter is spread out, I am afraid that no one will believe it!

The uproar in the universe has been reported that Ning Tianlin, who kills without blinking an eye, will go against the sky for a star hole Martial Artist.

Just, who is the other person who was arrested? Lin Lingyi felt that perhaps he could find the answer from this.

But both of them are injured like this, and it is unknown whether they will survive.

Not everyone is like your Ning Tianlin, with Immortal Body, even if it is broken into pieces, it is like a okay person.

Although Pavilion Lord Lin Lingyi very much hopes that Zi Chen and that person can survive, the current injuries on the two of them do not seem to be optimistic.

The secret technique of resurrecting others against the sky is not allowed by the Heavenly Dao rules!

Yi Lin Ling Yi once again marveled at Ning Tianlin's methods. At her level, she would naturally not be able to access these, but there is a lot of information about the rules of Heavenly Dao in the network of the universe.

Lord of Universe are very shrewd Lords, and there is no absolutely generous return. They will not take risks for nothing and violate the Heavenly Dao rules.

Without being a last resort, there is no Lord of Universe who is willing to use this secret technique. The risk is too great.

Otherwise, how could Ning Tianlin face deathly pale at this moment?

Even the blood spilling from the corner of the mouth can't be wiped off. Obviously, it was backlashed during the detention.

It's just that this person has already been arrested, but what is the situation where he still stands still?

Is it entangled by something and can't get out of it?

Heavenly Dao!

Heavenly Dao!

Lin Lingyi couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air, Ning Tianlin was actually resisting Heavenly Dao, this is too crazy!

At this time, Ning Tianlin's pale complexion was getting more and more ugly.

It looked like he was suffering from some kind of pain, and even the space around him began to fluctuate violently.

"Ten thousand centipede, hurry up and swallow it for me!"

Ning Tianlin hurriedly issued instructions. At this moment, the energy in his body is stalemate with the giant spider web. NS.

For a while, the two entangled and touched, Ning Tianlin wanted to withdraw Divine Consciousness in a short time, it was not easy, and the other party actually the more fights the more brave is, faintly stranded will have the upper hand the trend of.


The centipede that rose into the air, staring at the scarlet pupils, moved towards the light curtain at the position of the wind eye, carefully moving past.


Look at the well-timed centipede, the already opened bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, suddenly closed, and directly brought Ning Tianlin's Divine Consciousness and energy are forcibly blocked outside the light curtain.

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