"Do you remember, I told you, why everyone in the Holy Land of Human Race is immortal?"

While speaking, Ning Tianlin Deliberately increased the pitch, while looking at everyone in Lin Yu Pavilion.

He believes that just the two points of Human Race Holy Land and immortality are enough to make everyone listen carefully to what the City Lord will say next.

Although the Holy Land of Human Race disappeared out of thin air that year, it is already news of as everyone knows, but that does not affect everyone's curiosity in the slightest.

"Master Hui Ning's words, I will remember the conversation of that day in my heart."

City Lord of Zhongdu carefully recalled the conversation of that day, and immediately, his face was pondered then seriously. said.

"The people in the Holy Land of Human Race are Eternal and Undying. That's because there is something more in their bodies than ordinary people, called the soul!"

" It is this soul that allows everyone to reincarnation in the Netherworld of the Human Race Holy Land after death, change to a fleshy body, and live again."

The words of Ning Tianlin that day were enough to make The City Lord of Zhongdu engraved it into his mind, so he said it almost as if it were the original words.

The news like a blockbuster bombed everyone in a daze.

More souls? What is that again? How come they have never heard of it?

With it, can it really do Eternal and Undying?

Do you really know Eternal and Undying? What is the explanation for the disappearance of the Human Race Holy Land? Is it hidden?

Even, among them, someone has faintly guessed that the disappearance of the unfathomable mystery of Human Race must have a great relationship with Ning Tianlin.

Everyone in Lin Yuge is willow eyebrows tightly knit, but none of them dared to express their ideas. They believed that since Ning Tianlin took the initiative to open up this topic, there must be more to say next.

Wait, as long as you wait, they will definitely know.

"Well, not bad."

Ning Tianlin was satisfied and nodded, and then asked again.

"Do you still remember, how can I enter the Holy Land of Human Race?"

"Master Huining, you need a token, which is a reward for good!"

Because the City Lord in Zhongdu has just been resurrected, and I don’t know about the Human Race Holy Land, it is truthfully replied to Ning Tianlin.

"hehe, yes."

hearing this, Ning Tianlin slightly nodded, I wanted to enter the human race holy land of Tashan King that day, indeed.

Staring at the City Lord in Zhongdu, after giving the affirmation, Ning Tianlin's words suddenly changed.

"But today, what I want to tell you is that it is wrong, and there is no need for rewards."

The scalp of the City Lord being stared at in Zhongdu City Lord has a little hair. numb.


He gave a fierce heart, obviously stunned.

What Ning Tianlin said that day was rigorous, not like telling lies, even more how at the level of Ning Tianlin, there is absolutely no need to deceive him!

Even if it's really fake, then you just don't ask me if it's OK, and now you ask and deny what you said before, isn't this slap yourself in the face?


The City Lord of Zhongdu was speechless for a while, and sighed helplessly in his heart, "Well, who made you a powerhouse? Whatever you say What, just be happy..."

"The Human Race holy land belonging to Tashan King has long been removed from the universe, and the reward for good will no longer exist!"

Ning Tianlin's words, once again turned the stormy sea in the hearts of everyone.


Sure enough, the disappearance of the Holy Land of Human Race is related to Ning Tianlin!

Ning Tianlin's words are tantamount to acknowledging the causal relationship between the two in disguise.

You need to know that even those old powerhouses in the universe, up to now, I still don’t know the real reason for the disappearance of the Human Race holy land.

This news is absolutely violent, if it spreads out, it will definitely explode in the circle of Lord of Universe.

But no one dares to do this, because of fear, the fear of the Lord of Universe is even the fear of Ning Tianlin.

The most shocking thing is that City Lord and Zi Chen are two of Zhongdu City Lord and Zi Chen. They feel that the Ning Tianlin they know about, not even the tip of the iceberg.

When I first learned about Ning Tianlin, he was just a Martial Artist of the galaxy, but now he is not only the Lord of Universe, but the disappearance of the Human Race holy land is also related to him...

Even if you are sitting in the universe, the fastest cultivation of the sky monkey, is not so fast, right?

Human Race Holy Land, in their eyes, it really exists like a Holy Land, sacred and inviolable...


Ning Tianlin waved his hand, and everyone in Lin Yu Pavilion who was still whispering immediately calmed down.

"Next, after I have finished speaking."

"Whether you continue to choose to stay in this hall or leave here is up to everyone's wishes."

Ning Tianlin ignored everyone's reaction and continued to speak loudly.

"Human Race Holy Land is about to reopen. If you don't want to enter, you can leave!"

oh la la.

Everyone was shocked, and their eyes were filled with unbelievable expressions. If you are not excited, it is false.

Entering the Holy Land of Human Race, they didn't even dare to even think about it before, but now they know that they can have Immortal Body there, which is even more powerful.

No one doubts the authenticity of what Ning Tianlin said. Who would use this kind of thing to joke with them, that is impossible.

It's just that, when I thought that Ning Tianlin was being wanted by all forces in the universe, everyone in Lin Yu Pavilion was shivered as if they had been splashed with cold water.

If you agree, it means you are on the same front with Ning Tianlin, and you will face the entire enemy, almost all Martial Artists in the universe.

This is also the main reason for their lingering attitude. Choosing bread requires a life that can be eaten.

"Master Ning, is that okay?"

The City Lord of Zhongdu spoke first, even his voice trembled a little, he wanted to confirm again.

Human Race holy place, that's until now, where he is yearn for something even in dreams.

"Do you think I am joking?"

Ning Tianlin disapproved, he now needs to form his own force and build his own team, and this group of people It is also a good choice.

The City Lord of Zhongdu can manage the Ranked 1st Zhongdu City among the 100 cities of Human Race, so this talent is in his hands and cannot be buried.

"When the time comes, you are still the Lord of a hundred cities!"

"Furthermore, I personally appointed the first City Lord, this weight, you weigh it yourself "Hey."

Ning Tianlin added, he believed that even if he didn't say that, the City Lord of Zhongdu would definitely choose to agree.

Ning Tianlin originally didn't need to spend such a lot of time, just forcibly integrate them into the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

But in that way, it would only rely on coercion to rule the people, not the result he wanted.


"I agree!"

The City Lord of Zhongdu almost didn't even think about it, so he expressed his expression with excitement and entered Human The Race Holy Land, to him, is like a pie in the sky.

Obviously, he still doesn't know all the deeds of Ning Tianlin in the universe, and he didn't realize what kind of huge monster he will face in the future.

"I am willing too!"

After that, Zi Chen expressed his opinion.

"Zi Chen..."

An Elder next to him quickly grabbed the cuff that Zi Chen wanted to come forward, and wanted to say something in secret.

"Don't be sneaky, just say it out loud."

"City Lord, you might as well listen to it before making a decision."

Ning Tianlin said in a calm manner, and didn't mind those broken words at all.

This group of people in the hall, whether they agree or disagree, will all be included in the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

Is it just treatment? That is completely different. Whether to choose to become a powerhouse in charge of one party or to become a mediocre slave forever is all in their decision for a while.

His Ning Tianlin olive branch will only be thrown out once, and if it fails to catch it, it is all their good fortune.

...After a while, the named Elder of Lin Yuge, trembling with fear, told Ning Tianlin's deeds as the most important one.

The use of words is also quite objective and cautious, after all, what Ning Tianlin did in their eyes is not a good word to describe.

"Well, I don't have much patience anymore."

"Only one minute, I want to know your results."

I'm impatient After waving his hand, Ning Tianlin simply closed his eyes directly and lay on the back of the seat lazily.

"Master Ning, Lin Yuge dísciple Zi Chen, express my willingness!"

However, before the time was thirty seconds, Zi Chen was the first to express his opinion.

Ning Tianlin's deeds have no influence on her choice. It is impossible, but if you want to be rich in life, don't you need to be gambled?

She made the right bet with Lin Jiayi, so this time, she is willing to bet again. She firmly believes that Ning Tianlin has the strength to make her comeback. This is her instinct that Zi Chen has always been very accurate!

"Well, very good."

The reclining Ning Tianlin glanced down casually, and at the same time, the determination in Zi Chen's eyes was in his heart, nodded secretly.

Only when Zi Chen sheltered Lin Jiayi back then, Ning Tianlin would not treat her wrongly.

"Master Ning, City Lord Kufi of Zhongdu, express his willingness!"

City Lord Kufi once again firmly stated that there is no other reason, but Ning Tianlin's reconstruction today Well, it is enough for him to serve.


The seemingly short forty seconds, it was such a long time, and Ning Tianlin was not impatient.

"Master Ning, I am willing to..."

"I am... the current Saintess of Lin Yuge, Lin Ruowen."

A slightly cowardly voice sounded, and the soft words made Ning Tianlin feel a little numb for a while.

The third person who expressed his position was the Saintess who had never spoken before. This surprised Ning Tianlin somewhat.

Youngster is really more courageous than those Old Guys, at least not so restless and fearful.


In fifty seconds, Ning Tianlin, who was lying on his back, stood up.

"Ning Da..."

Not waiting for the voice to finish speaking, Ning Tianlin directly interrupted.

"The rest of the people don't need to express their opinions anymore, I don't need it anymore."

Those who hesitate, Ning Tianlin is not annoying, but it is definitely not. Like, when the time comes, he issued a password, don't these people want pester and chirp to execute it?

Give you one minute to consider, do you really think there will be one minute? Even if he is loyal, he is a pedantic person, so he doesn't need to.

Even in Lin Yu Pavilion, the Pavilion Lord Lin Lingyi with the highest battle strength, Ning Tianlin, has no regrets.

On her little battle strength, in Ning Tianlin's eyes, it is really not enough. If you really want a high battle strength, he goes outside to be plentiful and easily available.


Connect several sighs, which sounded in different corners of the hall, seeming to be an annoying regret. Why couldn't I just state my position earlier...

Even if Lin Yuge breaks through the sky, it is impossible to get the blessing of Lord of Universe. Now they finally have such a powerhouse, but they missed the opportunity.

If you have regrets, you will naturally feel fortunate. The Human Race holy land is certainly desirable, but they don’t like Ning Tianlin. They think he is just a grasshopper after autumn, and it won’t be long. NS.

Can the Holy Land of Human Race be Eternal and Undying? What a joke, didn't you Ning Tianlin just say that the Human Race holy land of Tower Mountain King was destroyed, aren't those people already dead?


After so many years of experience, Ning Tianlin's eyesight has long been tricky. After scanning down, the little nine in everyone’s heart, what about him? I don't know.

For those people, I can only say yes, short-sighted, a frog in well...

"I have given you a chance, but you don't know to cherish it."

"You know, the fate is in your own hands!"

Ning Tianlin, standing with his hand holding his hand, muttered with emotion.

At the beginning, the system chose him, but if he was timid and afraid to accept the tasks released by the system, he would still be a useless person. You must know that when he was killed in Earth, it was true. Will be shot.

For Lin Jiayi, the only Sect in the universe, Ning Tianlin asked herself that she has done her best.


Ning Tianlin's figure flickered, and suddenly disappeared in the hall of Lin Yu Pavilion.

"It's time to make some preparations for the arrival of Earth Martial Artist."

In the next second, he has already appeared. Over the air position.


After an indifferent look, Ning Tianlin's eyebrows flashed suddenly, a golden glow shot out, and the golden talisman-like Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower appeared.

Immediately after, he used the secret technique to move the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower, which was originally stationary, to spin at extreme speed.


When it suddenly stopped, a golden glow shot out from the inside of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, showing a tendency to spread, moved towards the entire planet It shrouded in all directions.

"hua! ”

At the same time, the yin and yang of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower inside the yin and yang are divided abruptly, and moved by the palm-size at the beginning. towards Expansion on both sides.

The entire planet where Lin Yu Pavilion is located, seems to be adsorbed by some kind of powerful Rule Power, trembling ceaselessly, and began to move towards Yang Sector's space.



"What's the matter? How do I feel that the whole land is shaking?"

"No, the whole sky is shaking, Master Ning is going to take us to Human Race Is the Holy Land?"

"The three of them agreed, but we didn't agree!"

"Stop! Master Ning, stop!"

"We don't want to go. We can live for a few more years. We don't want to be an enemy of the forces of the whole universe!"


Not sure about the situation Everyone was at a loss, and there was a lot of discussion.

There are surprises, excitement, fear and fear, but they all know in their hearts that the changes at this moment must have nothing to do with Ning Tianlin.

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