
"Must run away from here!"

"Master Ning, I must be busy casting spells, I can't care about it Ours."

"Yes, just take advantage of it now. If he is free for a while, we will definitely not be able to escape!"

Once someone takes the lead in suggesting, Someone immediately followed suit.

For a while, except for a few who were still calm, the idea of ​​running away grew wildly in the hearts of the rest of the people.


"xiu!" ...

The entire void in the planet, the sky full of Martial Artists swiftly sweeping, one by one The speed that he showed, I was afraid that even the energy to suckle was used, and the scene fell into chaos for a while.

“dong! ”...

But all Martial Artists, without exception, are blocked by an invisible barrier at the moment they are about to fly out of the planet .

"The east is not good, then we will try the west!"

"Can't the west work?"

"It's okay, there is the south!"

"What, not even the north side?"

A crowd of Martial Artists were all exhausted and sitting on the ground, panting heavily. They tried various methods. It's useless.

"It's over, it's over, it's completely over..."

All faces panicked, looking at the sky over the sky, the golden light shrouded in incredible.

They simply don't know what the space behind the golden glow means. Out of instinctive fear, they want to resist, but they can't do anything.

"oh la la!"

One, ten, one hundred...

Not only are Martial Artists covered by golden glow, but even Shops, streets, pavilions and pavilions have the same result.

Anything that this planet possesses, animate, inanimate, and even ordinary dust, has not been missed...

After a while...


"It's finally over."

Looking at the skyless golden light, the moved towards Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower quickly gathered back, Ning Tianlin said with a smile.


Under the urging of the secret technique, a golden streamer penetrated into the center of Ning Tianlin's eyebrows and disappeared.

This also means that the originally empty Yang Sector has begun to have new lives in it.


The unmoved Ning Tianlin, directly controlling Divine Consciousness, appeared in the Yang Sector of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

Divine Consciousness turns into a void, the entire void is the shape of Ning Tianlin, and his smile and anger are the smile and anger of the void.

From above, looking down, as long as he wants to see, everything is unobstructed. Even towering trees, buildings, lakes and seas can't stop his Divine Consciousness exploration.

He is the only god here, the absolute controller, only a divine sense is needed to decide whether the flower blooms or the flower falls, the vigorous recovery or the lifeless destruction...

oh la la ...

A new ray of sunshine pouring down from the sky.


"It is exactly the same as before, no change!"...

As the planet gradually stabilizes, everyone’s first reaction , Are all chuckles.

"No, there are still some changes."

"Is it my illusion, this day seems to be higher!"

"This Spiritual Qi, it seems It’s more energetic than before!"...

The people who avoided a catastrophe suddenly became very lively, talking with each other's emotions, overwhelming majority people are full of curiosity. .

Lin Yu Pavilion, in the discussion hall.

"This is the new space created by Master Ning with Great Divine Ability?"

"No, the new space is impossible to retain these buildings!"

"Will this be the Holy Land of Human Race that Master Ning said?"

"Could he move the entire planet into the Holy Land of Human Race, right?"


Think carefully and fear!

Everyone, sucked in a breath of cold air fiercely, if that's the case, wouldn't Ning Tianlin's methods be able to reach the sky!

Just now, they have already released Divine Consciousness, nothing has changed, but Spiritual Qi has indeed improved a lot...

"Divine Consciousness is at most only It can cover the outermost periphery of the planet, and it won’t be able to get out."

"I don’t believe it, try again!"

An Elder who doesn’t believe in evil, continue Release Divine Consciousness, trying to figure out what happened.

"Human Race Holy Land opens today!"

The empty voice of Ning Tianlin sounded in the hall, only the sound was heard, but the person was not seen.


Human Race Holy Land!

Although some people have guessed this kind of probability, they are still full of shock. They never thought that they would enter the Holy Land of Human Race in this way.

"Within the holy land, the area is vast, and the scope of activities of you all person is limited to this planet. Indiscriminate intruders are directly buried on the wall of nothingness."

Ning Tianlin said loudly, his body turned into nothingness, but his voice was limited to the hall. As for what he said, someone would naturally go outside to announce the execution later.

Now he has no need to do it himself. Since he is the god here, the more mysterious the better, and there is nothing wrong with being behind the scenes.

"Zi Chen is out!"

Ning Tianlin said in an undoubted tone.


Zi Chen, who was suddenly named by her name, trembled in her heart, took a step forward, and bowed down to the top of the hall with a solemn expression.

Although she can't see Ning Tianlin's figure, she is sure that Ning Tianlin will be able to see her.

"Lin Yuge inner sect disciple, Zi Chen, I would like to listen to Master Ning's instructions."

Zi Chen’s voice is powerful, she knows that her opportunity is here, and she must To grasp it, I secretly feel fortunate for the choice just now.

Only three people expressed their opinions to Ning Tianlin, and her Zichen was one of them, so how could she be unhappy.


Ning Tianlin in the void is satisfied and nodded, this Zi Chen's performance has a trace of the style of a wealthy female general.

"Inner sect disciple Zichen, from now on, I will take the post of Linyu Pavilion Pavilion Lord."

"The current Pavilion Lord Lin Lingyi has retired to the post of Elder. One heart assists Zichen Pavilion Lord!"


All the Linyu Pavilion high-levels in the hall were in an uproar.

She Zichen have what skills and abilities? How can I be the Pavilion Lord?

I don’t know how many Lin Yuge is stronger than her, even more how the current Pavilion Lord, is it that Ning Tianlin said he would avoid it?

No, Lord Ning’s decision was too hasty. We have to express our opinions.

"Master Ning, Lin Yuge Elder has something to say!"

Some Elders who are still confused about the form, after looking at each other, choose one The representative, boldly, stepped forward and said.

"This name is really suitable."

Ning Tianlin secretly hehe in his heart.

He was not convinced by this, named Elder's devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, but stared at the other person’s face with interest, no more, no less than three Mole.

Three moles have grown, and his head is still not open at all. Even Ning Tianlin feels sorry for the Elder's IQ.

Don’t you understand the truth behind the shot?

There are still three fires for the new official to take office, even more how this is the first command issued by Ning Tianlin, you have something to say, because you have three moles on your face?

Okay, just look at the face of your three moles, let you say some last words.

"Three moles Elder, just talk about it, it doesn't hurt to say more."

Ning Tianlin said as if looking at a dead person, neither sad nor happy.


Hong San Mo felt happy. First, Master Ning was willing to listen to her, and second, Ning Tianlin's address to her made her feel kind.

The full name is used to address other people, but the three moles are different to her, even the last name is not included. This is obviously the rhythm of treating her as one's own person.

"Lord Ning, Pavilion Lord, please think twice, inner sect disciple Zichen, in the cabinet of aptitude, simply cannot shoulder this important task."

"Besides, for the development of Sect, Lin Pavilion Lord, until now, is dedicated to her work, she has worked hard, and there is hard work without credit." At this moment, everyone's mood has nothing common with each other.

"I want you to talk too much when I do things? Let me say something, you still have your nose on your nose!" Ning Tianlin was coldly snorted in his heart.

"Three moles Elder, why are you mentioning me at this time? You don't want to live anymore, don't bother me."

"You didn't see it, even I dare not speak Already? Giving up is not giving up. What are you afraid of? As long as Lin Yuge can develop well, it's okay."

As the Pavilion Lord, Lin Lingyi cursed secretly in her heart. The Lord, how could she not predict the fate of Hong Elder.

I am afraid that a word is wrong, and her life will also be taken in.

"Rainbow Elder said so well, he deserves to be the mainstay in the cabinet!"

Some Elder praised secretly.

"Rainbow Elder is afraid that he will suffer. What the Lord of Universe says is all the spilled water. How can it be collected back?"

The other part of Elder thought An ominous premonition.

"Actually, it is enough for Master Ning to let me take the position of Elder Ren."

Zi Chen is somewhat contradictory. He wants Lin Pavilion Lord to continue to take charge of Lin Yu Pavilion, but he She thinks it's more appropriate to think of a way out.

City Lord Kufi in the capital city disapprovingly looked at Hong Elder who was standing there stupidly. He, who was once a master, didn't have to think about what the result would be.

Zi Chen has been appointed the lord of the first pavilion, and City Lord Kufi is more now, expecting Master Ning how to arrange him...




"Three moles Elder, what should you do?"

Ning Tianlin asked knowingly.


Shen made a long groan, it seems that Ning Tianlin was thinking and hesitating, and then continued.

"Why don't you do this, please raise your watch and show your hands to support the three moles Elder, and see how many."

"I am the fairest, I will definitely Respect everyone's opinions."

While speaking, I respect the word, I was bitten by Ning Tianlin very seriously.

He wants to pave the road for Zi Chen in advance, otherwise, these high-levels will sooner or later be emptied.

The scattered hands raised by Xixi Suosuo...


"Rainbow Elder, there are not many people who support you. Don't I give them some more time to think about it?"

After a cursory glance, Ning Tianlin opened the mouth and said, he was waiting for those who had hesitated, and finally made a decision.


"Ten place..."

"Three moles Elder, it's almost halfway soon."

"Fifteen, tied?"

There are 30 people in all Lin Yuge's senior management, Ning Tianlin's tone is a little questioning.

"It’s not easy to do, Elder, you fifteen, please work harder."

"There is no valid reason. It's not easy to withdraw..."

Ning Tianlin tempted and said, it seemed that it was really difficult to do, and it gave them the feeling that they wanted to withdraw the appointment, but it was because of face.


"Sixteenth place?"

"Very good!"

"Three moles Elder, you are really an indispensable talent! "

Ning Tianlin is a little convinced of the other party's appeal, just those two brushes, when they gang up and engage in treason, they are definitely a good hand.

"Master Ning, you praised it."

Ning Tianlin's irony is very pleased in one's mind when I heard it in Hong San Mo.

At the same time, she kept looking in the direction of Lin Lingyi, the Pavilion Lord, which seemed to mean.

"Lin Pavilion Lord, you see, even Master Ning praised me, so please hurry up and hold your watch!"

"I am right for the position of Pavilion Lord I've successfully won it back for you, but your great hero!"

However, Lin Lingyi has always been indifferent, and simply closed his eyes and cursed secretly in his heart.

"Rainbow Elder, you idiot, my old lady's winks are just like farting!"

"I thought I was flirting with you? Also a hero? I'm afraid it's Lin Yuge's sinner!"

"It was originally you who died, but now it is estimated to be half, and all of them are high-level people!"

Lin Lingyi can't wait to do it now Stepping forward, Hong Elder gave the result.

Do you understand the general trend?

even more how, Ning Tianlin seems to be from the very beginning, but Lin Yuge did not show any malice to them.

We have already arrived at the Holy Land of Human Race, so what are you going to do? A wise man submits to circumstances, don’t you know?


A dark and simple knife suddenly appeared in the sky above the center of the hall, and the cold glow that flashed out from time to time made everyone's heart tight.

"Three moles Elder, what do you think of my knife?"

Ning Tianlin at a moderate pace asked, playing with the knife handle with Divine Consciousness from time to time, turning it up and down, hu hu exploded.


Every time you call, everyone's heart chuckles.

Playing with a knife in this situation is not a good sign. Even more how the knife doesn't look like Mortal Grade. It's cold and it feels like it might be pierced at any time.

"Sir Hui Ning, this knife is a good knife..."

Hong Elder was stunned obviously, then frowned replied in a low voice, with an unknown premonition in his heart.

"A good knife? What's so good about it, do you know?"

After Ning Tianlin continued to ask questions, he didn't wait for the other person to answer, as if talking to himself, and then introduced Play the role of this broad knife.

"This knife is called the armor piercing knife!"

"The only effect is that it can break through the defenses of any creature, whether it is a spirit mask or battle strength equipment. It’s okay."

... Si, it really is a good knife, everyone is secretly sighed, these treasures rarely appear in the universe.

"If this is the case, it can't be called a good knife."

...Is this not good? It should be good enough! Break the defense, what a powerful battle strength weapon!

"Simple, this armor piercing has a feature, you can ignore the opponent's battle strength realm, even if it is the Lord of Universe, as long as you are bound, this armor piercing can be cut!"


...terrifying, this knife is simply a weapon for decapitation. It is not impossible to take the first level while others are not prepared. This is the most intuitive evaluation of this knife.

I couldn't help but all grumbled and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

After all, Ning Tianlin controls the Divine Consciousness again, and the armor piercing knife is open and closed, and he is tricky in the hall, playing a few tricks.

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