"It turns out that Elder, three moles, want to thank Zichen?"

Ning Tianlin seemed to realize it suddenly, and then continued.

"Then I don't know, what is the way to thank you?"


The bowed head of Hongsan Mole could not help but glance behind him. He glanced, winking vigorously.

I can’t fight this by myself. I’ll stand up for you. You guys come here and intercede together...

The other fifteen people, it’s like they didn’t watch. Just like the pleading of Hongsan Mole, he glanced aside.

"Sir Huining, I will enshrine the tablet of Zichen in the most conspicuous place of the Nuying Pavilion, and worship on time every day."

Hong three moles brace oneself replied.

At the same time, yelling in my heart, Zichen people are already dead, how can I thank them? Isn't this just making her play.

Burning incense and worship is already a good treatment, you Ning Tianlin should be satisfied now.

I dignified an Elder in the pavilion, and went to worship her an inner sect disciple, which was enough to save face.


Ning Tianlin faintly complied, in his tone, it seems that he is not very satisfied.

"Master Ning, not only was the next person to worship, but the other fifteen people also went to worship with the old woman."

Grinning, glanced vigorously towards the rear, and asked them to express their attitude together.

But those people still glanced aside, pretending not to see.

"cough cough ..."

The embarrassed Hong San Mole coughed several times.


Everyone's eyes stared at the fifteen people together, and the scene was deadlocked.


"What Hong Elder said makes sense, I agree."

"I mean the same."

"Me too."...

They are really unavoidable. Fiercely took a glance at the Hongsan Mole and expressed their opinions one after another.

At the same time, a trifling inner sect disciple, is it a trifling inner sect disciple?

She wanted to commit suicide, and we did not force her.

Which eye of yours saw us putting the knife on her neck? no? What does that have to do with us.

The matter was the head picked by Hongsan Mole. Suicide was Zi Chen's personal behavior and had nothing to do with us.

Let’s just fool around for a while, how respectful is Elder’s identity, and he won’t go to worship an inner sect disciple.


"You may have misunderstood what I mean."

Ning Tianlin sighed first, then said jokingly.

"If you want to thank you, of course you have to thank you in person, so that you can appear sincere."

The sixteen people, including Hong San Mo, were all stunned, but listened. Ning Tianlin's tone didn't seem to mean to use them to kick them off.

Speaking and listening, Ning Tianlin's tone is faintly cold.

Thank you in person? Doesn't that mean...!

Sir, it’s not good!

See you at Tuqiong Dagger, the sixteen seniors who believe oneself infallible finally understood Ning Tianlin's intentions.

However, it is too late!


As soon as Hong San Mo was about to speak, he suddenly noticed that this world trembled violently.

A horrible breath slowly diffused from the void of space. Everyone present, in the depth of one's soul, trembled involuntarily.

"Master Ning, finally got to do it..."

Looking at the sudden change, City Lord Kufi said softly.

Yes, Ning Tianlin moved. More precisely, it was only his Divine Consciousness that moved.


As soon as Kufi's words fell, the emptiness broke out with a loud noise.

Immediately, in the hall, a several zhang wide Space Crack burst open. In the center of the crack, a big illusory hand gradually emerged.

In the palm of the hand, powerful coercion is invisibly exerted on everyone.

The expressions of everyone in the hall changed suddenly.

Since it was the sixteen people, they wanted to escape instinctively, but suddenly discovered that they didn't even have the slightest strength.

Forcibly mobilizing the essence of the body many times, but it has no effect, as if it was forcibly suppressed by some mysterious law.

The battle strength in the body simply can't play a role.

Trying to slap a punch, the soft force, I guess even an eight-year-old child can't beat it.

Sixteen people were full of horror.

The rest of the people also turned up the stormy sea in their hearts, because the essence of the sixteen people's body disappeared in an instant, they could feel the unfathomable mystery.

But the battle strength in their bodies was not affected, not more or less, and it happened that the sixteen people had mutations.

Silent, precise and unmistakable rules, how much divine ability is needed to do it?

This method is too terrifying!


The big illusory hand suddenly twisted.


Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled sound, the silhouette of Ten Six Paths standing still, and then turned into a ball under the horrified gaze of everyone blood mist.

This scene caused everyone to take a breath, and the battle strength was a little weaker, and they trembled involuntarily.

A muffled sound bursts the fleshy body of sixteen people!

blood mist, the scum in the scum, the bones and the ashes are no more...

The original illusory and colorless big hand, at this moment, is also full of rich fishy Red, the blood and flesh of sixteen people are all stuck on it!

"hong long long ..."

There was another loud bang, and immediately, that bloody hand, like a mist, moved towards the Space that cracked slowly again Crack, rolled away.

The reckless coercive force also disappeared, and the rest of the people felt relieved and relaxed a lot in an instant.

As Space Crack gradually closes, new spaces are revealed.

There is no residual blood and scum, and there is no strong smell of fishy smell, as if nothing has happened.

Only everyone was left, heavy breathing, obviously, the spirit slowly recovers from the scene just now.

The massacre, what they saw was a naked massacre.

Completely overwhelmed by their strength, their weakness is like ants crawling underground, and there is no room for them to fight back.

But it is more like a weird artistic performance, rough but precise, bloody but clean, from gorgeous appearances to perfect curtain calls, without the slightest muddy, in one go.

"Now, it is quite quiet."

Looking at the sluggish people, Ning Tianlin muttered to himself.

Something that could have been solved quietly, but he deliberately made it so powerful.

If you don't face them and rely on powerful military force to crush, then he believes that the next rainbow three moles will appear soon.

Now? If they dare to have other ideas, then they must first weigh whether they have that means before making a decision.

Although violence is not the best way, it is definitely the most direct and effective method!

For a while, everyone was sluggish except astonishment. They only knew that in front of such powerful terrorists as Ning Tianlin, they didn't dare to think about it.


A slight space fluctuation sounded slowly.

The space in the hall twisted again, but this time, it was much softer.

"oh la la"

A pretty silhouette in a white robe, slowly hovering out, turned out to be Zi Chen who just committed suicide!

"Am I alive again?"

Not only is Zi Chen's face full of inconceivableness, but also the remaining high-rise buildings in the hall.

It's just that the look is much more complicated than Zi Chen.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would be impossible to believe that Ning Tianlin could create destruction and rebirth after turning his hands over.

But it really happened around them.

"I formally congratulate you all for entering the Holy Land of Human Race."

Ning Tianlin announced loudly in the hall.

At the same time, he controlled the Divine Consciousness, turned into an illusory appearance, and stood directly above the hall with his hands in his hands.

The look is indifferent and natural, and the aura of not anger and prestige makes everyone afraid to take the slightest care. The style of a side powerhouse has begun to take shape.

Everyone is sighed in relief, for fear that Ning Tianlin will have another disagreement. If you give them such a palm, they will all belch on the spot.

Fate is gone, not to mention the Human Race Holy Land, it is the Heavenly Clan Holy Land. What's the difference, it's just that the place of death is different.

Fortunately, what they imagined did not happen. From the moment Ning Tianlin appeared, they were always out of high tension.

No way, the companion is like a companion tiger, even more how is Ning Tianlin, who is "famous" in the universe.

"From now on, I changed this planet to Jiayixing."

Without questioning, Ning Tianlin said softly in an undoubted tone.

This planet is a trillion planet, Lin Jialin has been cultivation, Ning Tianlin hopes that it can continue to develop.

Jia Yixing, he wants to build a powerhouse planet in the universe, and Lin Yuge is no exception.

No one dared to have any other objections. It doesn't matter what the name is, the important thing is that they can live on this planet.

Zi Chen and City Lord Kufi looked at each other and chuckled. They naturally understood the true meaning of the word "Jiayi".

"It's just that there is no didn't expect. Ning Tianlin who kills people without frowning is also a kind of love."

The two said with a smile in their hearts. Compared with Ning Tianlin, their battle strength and Martial Artist mood are far worse, but their age is much older than him, not to mention the relationship between children and girls.


Ning Tianlin lightly coughed to alleviate the embarrassment, perceiving a slight change on the faces of the two of them, and said immediately.

"Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow, Universe Great Desolate!"

"Profound Yellow Sect, is the sect I personally created in the universe."

The task of establishing the sect, the battle strength system has long been released to Ning Tianlin, but there is no attachment deadline.

When deciding to use the word "Xuanhuang" to form sect, I thought of it when I received the second discipline Bu Yunyan.

He is used to being alone in the universe, and he has not been very keen on these sects vision, so the task was put on hold.

"From today, Lin Yuge is officially included in the Profound Yellow Sect branch!"

In fact, Profound Yellow Sect, except for the two disciplines of Ning Tianlin, there is no more Other personnel.

More than sect is deserted, the whole sect does not even have a brick, it is exactly where Ning Tianlin goes, even where Profound Yellow Sect is.

Anyway, what Profound Yellow Sect is, it’s up to him to make the final decision, so he will simply pull the tiger skin a bit bigger and include Lin Yuge in it.

And it's just a branch. Lin Yuge, ranked 18th, can only be regarded as a branch. Just imagine how big the Profound Yellow Sect is.

Profound Yellow Sect?

Everyone with amazed faces looked at each other. Among the thousands of Sects in the universe, it seems that this name has never been heard before?

Sect that can have Lord of Universe sits down, how can it be comparable to those small Sects, it is definitely the existence of a huge monster.

However, I have never heard of it.

Is this Profound Yellow Sect, a hidden sect? How is this possible, which Sect does not need to recruit dísciple?

Unless a Sect does not want to develop anymore and does not expand its enrollment to the outside world, it is no different from Sect.

"Could it be that this Profound Yellow Sect is a super Great Sect on Earth?"

Not only did Zi Chen make such a determination, but even the City Lord of Zhongdu and the remaining Elders , Also nodded guess.

This Ning Tianlin is from Earth, and it is no longer a secret. You can find it by checking it on the Internet.

Earth? Profound Yellow Sect? Ning Tianlin of Lord of Universe? It seems that stringing this line together is the most reasonable explanation.

Maybe, this Ning Tianlin is a young genius cultivated by Profound Yellow Sect, who was sent to experience in the universe.

Ning Tianlin is so young that he has been cultivated into the Lord of Universe, and only the legendary Earth can have such a big background, right?

As everyone knows, this Profound Yellow Sect is just a sect created by Ning Tianlin when he was in Xingdong Martial Artist. There are three current members, including him!

"Well, it must be what I think."

Everyone seems to have guessed the secret of the secrets. They see through it without telling it, and then they have nodded.

When they thought of joining this Super Great Sect again, a fanatical surprise filled their hearts, and they did not regret that Lin Yuge became a branch.

Profound Yellow Sect, the name is firmly in their hearts. If they develop well in the future, they can also go out and brag.

"Ning Tianlin, have you heard of it? He and I were taught the same sect!"

Just thinking about this terrifying scene, everyone can laugh in their hearts Sound.

"Zi Chen, assume the position of Lin Yu Pavilion, the branch of Profound Yellow Sect, the Pavilion Lord!"

Ning Tianlin is aware of all the Xiao Jiujiu in these people's hearts, but this is also true. To his liking.

I have tried hard to guess, I am afraid that you are not thinking about Profound Yellow Sect enough to be concealed and powerful.

"dísciple Zichen, I have worshipped the Master!"

The Zichen who led the way forward, directly worshipped, and it was the kind of introductory worship, with an extremely respectful attitude.

Even the title has been changed. As a branch of Profound Yellow Sect, Lin Yu Pavilion Pavilion Lord, honorifically called Ning Tianlin Master, is natural.

"Waiting again!"

"Waiting again!"

After buckling three big heads in a row, Zi Chen straightened up his waist and said nothing in Ning Tianlin Down, still kneeling in front of it.

"Okay, get up."

Ning Tianlin nodded, when his eyes moved upward, Zi Chen felt a tyrannical force and gently lifted her up.

"Lin Yuge's current strength is not even considered the outer sect of Profound Yellow Sect. If you want to be officially recognized, you must redouble your efforts in cultivation."

Not It was Ning Tianlin who poured out a cold water, and that was the case. Only in terms of battle strength, these people really couldn't get his eyes.

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