"Yes, yes."

"We know."

These Elders nodded their heads knowingly and recognized Ning Tianlin very much. If it means, that means obviously.

"Well, we all understand, you Profound Yellow Sect is a super Great Sect!"

"Branch is branch, even if it is branch, as long as we can join Lin Yuge, That's fine!"


The armor piercing knife is stuck in front of Zi Chen again.


Ning Tianlin waved a big hand, and five pale-yellow talisman appeared. The quaint and obscure rune densely packed the talisman covered.

"The anchor."

"Ignore the opponent's battle strength, you can force the opponent to hold the opponent for one minute, whether it is the fleshy body or the soul, during this time, all Can't move."

The function of this Soul-lock Talisman is somewhat similar to his super sonic, except that one is fixed on the spot, and the other is stunned on the spot, and the duration is similar.


Immediately, five palm-size talisman, moved towards armor piercing above the handle of the knife, flew past.


Connected with five slight crisp sounds, the talisman completely melted into the armor piercing knife and disappeared.

"This armor piercing knife will be kept by you. It will be used as the treasure of Linyu Pavilion for the time being."

Immediately, a jerky secret technique turned into a stream of light. , Was forcibly poured into Zichen's Sea of ​​Consciousness by Ning Tianlin.

"Activate the secret technique, Lord of Universe can also cut it on the spot."

Ning Tianlin said flatly to Zi Chen.

Everyone looked at Zi Chen's eyes, they were quite jealous, but they were limited to jealousy. They all understood the consequences.

Given by Ning Tianlin, it is a killer that can kill Lord of Universe, an absolute treasure in the universe.

But such treasures, if you say that you donate someone, you give someone a gift. Even Ning Tianlin's plain tone is a different taste to them.

Common and solemn at all, just like throwing a piece to Zi Chen at random, like a kitchen knife used to kill a chicken.

It seems that treasure said to Ning Tianlin that the original is a dispensable thing.

But when they think of Ning Tianlin's horrible record in the universe, they are somewhat relieved.

Because, it is no exaggeration to say that his Ning Tianlin, in the universe, is really killing the Lord of Universe as a chicken!

Wrong, sometimes it’s even easier than killing a chicken. Killing a chicken requires a splash of blood. It’s when the ants are stepping on it!

"Thank you Master!"

Zi Chen thanked him very excitedly again.

Armor piercing knives, when confronted with powerhouse, seem to be a bit tasteless, because of the difference in battle strength, it is simply not close to the bodies of those Martial Artists.

But in conjunction with the anchor, the two are more than just as simple as one plus one equals two, and they grow more than just a metamorphosis.

"This is a martial artist's spiritual brocade and garb. Put on it and your battle strength can reach the level of the star shortage."

Ning Tianlin thought about it. I thought, I still exchanged a big gift for Zi Chen directly.

Although the Lingjin Huayi of this level is more expensive, when you upgrade with him, you can count hundreds of millions of Nayuta's essence points, which can only be regarded as a drizzle. Just swipe it at your fingertips. Yes.

Ling Jin Huayi, although powerful, can not allow the wearer to directly break through the Lord of Universe. The latter thing requires Zi Chen, relying on his own talent, hard work and luck. .

Ning Tianlin who did this has another purpose, which is to make the remaining people jealous completely!

Purple clothes have endless energy.

"Master, this..?"

Zi Chen hesitated in his heart, more or less, he didn't believe it. One piece of clothing can be promoted to Xinghuang realm ?

Is this true? You know, she is only a star hole Martial Artist now, Li Xinghuang realm, but nine realm short of it, or nine great realm!

But she also knew that Ning Tianlin was definitely not the eloquent person, and for a while, she was dubious.

And those Elders can only use those red eyes quietly, looking at the effect of Zi Chen's upper body.

"Wear it, and you will have what I call battle strength."

Seeing the other party’s doubts, Ning Tianlin lightly said with a smile.

"Then Zichen will try!"

Looking at Ning Tianlin's head, Zi Chen carefully took over the clothes, without the slightest hesitation on himself .

Everyone's absolutely envious eyes, staring at Zi Chen's every move, is it really like what Ning Tianlin said, then Zi Chen will know it after a try.

If you say nothing, you can only be true in your eyes!

"oh la la!"

As soon as the whole set of clothes is close to the body, this spiritual brocade and Huayi turns into countless Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, madly into her body Influx.

The Spiritual Qi in Lingjinhuayi is not as overbearing as Zi Chen imagined. Although it is surging, it is very gentle in nature.

There is no such thing as expansion of blood vessels or unbearable pain, and there is no such a vision that the skeleton is broken, constantly shattered and reorganized.

Zi Chen looked like she was really enjoying herself. If she weren't in front of everyone, she would be humming comfortably at this time.

After 3 minutes.

It turned out to be Zi Chen from Xingdong Martial Artist, and he was directly promoted to Xingzun Martial Artist, stepping over the star king, and rising to two realm in a row.

The energy fluctuations on the surface of Zi Chen's body stunned everyone next to him.

Really improve the realm!

Just, why does this look look weird?

Forcibly upgrading the realm, isn't it necessary to forcibly expand the meridian of Martial Artist everywhere?

This process is very painful, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as Nirvana Rebirth.

Zi Chen's expression is clearly as comfortable as bathing in a hot spring!

Let's wait and see, it must be later that the pain will erupt.

Five minutes later.

Upgraded from the star Martial Artist to the star Void Realm world!

Zi Chen's expression has changed from comfortable enjoyment to self-intoxication with closed eyes.

The reserve energy of Lingjin Huayi is still quite abundant, and it is continuously being poured into Zichen's body.

Fifteen minutes later.

From the world of Void Realm, a breakthrough to the realm of Void Realm!

In less than half an hour, Zi Chen was really promoted to Xinghuang realm!

Furthermore, there were no heart-piercing shouts throughout the process.


"Martial Artist!"

"I really become a Martial Artist!"

As the energy dissipated, Zi Chen, who slowly opened his eyes, looked unbelievable!

Feeling the battle strength surging in her body, she only felt that it was unprecedentedly strong, so big that she did not dare to try it easily in this hall.

I'm afraid that if one is not well controlled, the entire hall will be shattered.

"Have you reached Xinghuang realm?"

Everyone who can't believe it, you look at me, I look at him, except for surprise and shock.

The reason for the surprise is that they have long been unable to see the real realm of Zi Chen, and they can only guess and be confused.

I only know that, except for Ning Tianlin, Zi Chen’s battle strength is the highest.

I was even more shocked that the dress Ning Tianlin gave Zi Chen was too illusory and magical, and even imagined that if Ning Tianlin could give them one, that would be great!

Half an hour ago, Zichen was just a Martial Artist of the Star Hole. On this basis, she can be promoted to the realm of Star Hole.

Then they are Elders? It's higher than Zichen's realm. If you absorb all the energy from your clothes, you can break through the Lord of Universe in one fell swoop!

Thinking about it, I'm extremely excited, this Lingjinhuayi, I don't think I am jealous and envy, it is fake!

"dísciple Zichen, thank Master for your kindness!"

The excited Zichen bowed his head again.

As soon as I remembered the voice in my mouth, there was a sharp humming sound in the hall.

She has to adapt to the power of this star-horse Martial Artist. The restlessness that has nowhere to vent makes her only want to find a powerhouse and do it.

Otherwise, just an angry scream, she estimated that the Elders in the hall could be shaken to pieces!

This ear-piercing humming sound is another pain for those Elders, and their heads are somewhat dizzy.

Horror, the battle strength of this Martial Artist is really terrifying!

The most terrifying thing is still Ning Tianlin's method, half an hour as a Martial Artist!

If it hadn't really happened before their eyes, they couldn't believe it.

"en. ”

Ning Tianlin wrote slightly nodded, which is a response to Zi Chen’s thanks, this Lin Yu Pavilion can also be regarded as a powerhouse of Star Desolation, otherwise it is really too weak.

"Profound Yellow Sect, rewards and punishments are distinct."

"Contributors, rewards for meritorious deeds, battle strength equipment, Cultivation Art and Martial Skill, various medicine pills, etc. Rewardable."

"As long as you do enough, good enough, treasures better than this Lingjinhuayi, Profound Yellow Sect has everything!"

Since they have been transferred If you have an appetite, then Ning Tianlin will draw them another cake. If you want to get it, you must pay for Profound Yellow Sect.

"As for the punishment, you should feel fortunate. I am not in the mood to make your life or death worse."

"The current punishment method is still very simple, that is, Soul Feiyan Extinction."

"No matter how big or small the mistakes are, this is it!"

As for the future ones, Ning Tianlin intends to gradually let Zichen and the others improve. Not his strong suit.

Everyone nodded by default, if a Sect wants to work normally, it should be like this, otherwise it will be really messed up.

If they are messy, how can they get the treasures they want through the reward mechanism? This can't work!

They just waited for the task to arrive, and they worked hard to complete it.

As for the punishment in Ning Tianlin's mouth, they simply ignored it. It didn't matter to them whether it died or not.

Because these Elders have unanimously decided to look at the face of Ning Tianlin's various treasures and terrorist methods, and absolutely not to betray Ning Tianlin, the mistake will naturally not be made.

Ning Tianlin just stood calmly in front of him, as if he was not in a hurry to give the task, he heard him speak again, but announced something else.

"Saintess Lin Ruowen, the key training target, the only heir to the next Pavilion Lord!"

"As the Pavilion Lord, Lin Lingyi is the chief Elder, and the remaining Fourteen Elders reorganized the high-level cabinet."

After listening, the two of them, one after the other, stepped forward and took orders.

Each of them was given a cultivation technique casually. After thanking Ning Tianlin again, they retreated ecstatically to their original positions.

This cultivation technique is not only a rare High Level treasure in the universe, but it is also particularly suitable for two-person cultivation. Although it is not tailor-made, it is not much different.

The fourteen Elders left in Lin Yu Pavilion looked at Ning Tianlin's direction with dry eyes.

I wondered if Ning Tianlin could also "casually" throw them a little treasure, but was disappointed, and the other party did not care about them at all.

I can't help feeling a little disappointed, but it doesn't affect the enthusiasm of these fourteen people for treasure.

If you don’t send it, don’t send it. Does Profound Yellow Sect have a reward and punishment mechanism?

In the heart, they secretly made a decision. After Ning Tianlin's instructions, whether it is going to Blade Mountain or rushing into the fire sea, they must be the first to do it.

The City Lord on the side also has the same idea, and at the same time, I don't know how many times he has been secretly grateful that he has stood in line.

Choose to follow Ning Tianlin, this team is really right, I am afraid it will be his most wise choice from birth to now.

The treasure that Ning Tianlin showed this time was much better than what he had to redeem in the League of Legends in the capital city of Japan.

It's more than several levels higher. I can only say his previous knowledge, something a frog in well.

The vision of Ning Tianlin is much higher than them!

"In Linyu Pavilion, all dísciples currently registered in the register will be re-screened."

The senior management has already determined, and Ning Tianlin feels it is necessary to click on the rest. He doesn't want Lin Yuge to be a Sect of fish and dragons mixed in together.

In the past, Lin Yuge, perhaps for various reasons, would recruit some unnecessary dísciples, but now, it is completely unnecessary.

The number of people is not large, the key lies in whether it is an elite disciple.

"Within seven days, I will order the senior officials in your cabinet to select one hundred temperament and the best potential, and include them in the Inner Sect for re-training."

"Don’t be limited to In Linyu Pavilion, you can also face all the right-age Martial Artists in the entire planet."

"If someone dares to cheat for personal gains, walk through the back door, and use them as shoddy, once discovered, the latter will be conceited."

Since Lin Yuge is a cosmic Sect, it must cultivate a strong new force. If not, what is the difference from a nursing home?

These young Martial Artists, with the assistance of Ning Tianlin cultivation resources, will surely grow up quickly.

In the near future, he will have an extra weapon in his hand to restrain the forces of the universe.

"Finally assigned the task!"

The Elders are very excited. Although it is this task, it seems that there is no danger at all, but it was issued by Ning Tianlin. The first task, so must perform well.

The senior officials in the cabinet make selections? Then they are high-level people, so they must be appointed to work.

As for those aptitude dull people who were specially recruited because of their personal relationship, let them roll as far as they are.

Now Lin Yuge, no one's face is good!

As for the selection of elite disciple, they have already made a decision. It must be done by themselves. Every dísciple must undergo strict evaluation by them.

Even the brat who just knows how to walk, they are not let go, they have to check the potential aptitude.

In short, all Martial Artists of Jiayi Star of the right age will not escape the "devil claws" of their glare like a tiger watching his prey!

Obviously, the enthusiasm of these people has been thoroughly mobilized by Ning Tianlin

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