"Count! Lose!

Same phonetic and different words, okay?!

God-like brain circuit...

Ning Tianlin despised for a while.

"This time, because you took the aphrodisiac, the speed was ten times faster than before, the total is..."

The serious look of the lionhorn seems to be known.

Your family has only taken aphrodisiacs!

I went, it is really amazing for my lionhorn. From the punch speed, judge the speed increase.

I am afraid that the name of the peerless beast is a little wronged to you, it should be called the peerless ghost or geek!

"Super Sonic! "

Rather than waiting for the lionhorn beast to report the specific numbers, Ning Tianlin once again took the lead.

As the throat rolls up and down, there is a sound wave energy that is like the essence, accurate The unmistakable moved towards the three directions of the Lionhorn spread over.


"Boy, you asked how many punches I punched, I haven't finished yet. , You do it! "

"This is a sneak attack! "

The lionhorn beast in a hurry mobilized his body's essence to resist.

"It's dizzy..."

"It's because it counts, Are you dizzy..."

The dull sound wave energy like a bell makes the lionhorn beast's head feel dizzy.

"It must be, or else , How can I feel that I can't mobilize the essence of my body? "

The heart trembled, and the chest became stuffy, and the head of the lionhorn beast was buzzing with wheat and wheat, and he was completely in a coma.

The last scene is the void. In the middle, the Ning Tianlin silhouette stepping into the air...

"Six seconds! "

This time, Ning Tianlin no longer fists empty-handed, but clasps Dualbladed Halberd tightly, bullying on three sides, just like a three-headed beast.

No The way, this lionhorn’s fleshy body defense is terrifying.

The time of super sonic wave is short, so you must make a heavy hand!

There is only this Dualbladed Halberd, maybe Only then can lionhorn beasts suffer a bit of pain and have a little memory!

"bang! "

"bang! "

"bang! "

With lightning speed, Ning Tianlin used the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand to greet every part of the lionhorn beast's body!

Even that The fat ass was never let go, and Fiercely took care of it.

"Dare to say I take aphrodisiacs? "

"I think you don't want it anymore!" "

Ning Tianlin beats and scolds, not only is a swearing swearing, Dualbladed Halberd is not weak at all, the tigers and tigers danced by Ning Tianlin, the shadow of the halberd flies...

Six seconds is almost a long time. What Ning Tianlin makes use of is vividly and thoroughly.

But it is also six seconds, and it goes by quickly.

Soon, Lion The horned beast pushed up those bulging eyes with force.

"What happened just now, why did I suddenly feel dizzy. "

Before the lionhorn beast can react, the whole body is severely painful.


"It hurts! "

The eyes of the lionhorn beast are full of pain. Just now due to the dizziness and the pain in the whole body, it can't feel it.

But now it’s awake, it’s different. Now!

All the damage caused by the Dualbladed Halberd's falling place broke out at this moment.

"ao wu ..."

"Boy , You take advantage of the dizziness of the beast, and deal with me miserably! "

The lionhorn beast yelled in pain, but the voice is weaker than the previous few times.

"What did you use to fight?" Too ruthless! "

Impossible is a fist, the strength of Ning Tianlin's fist, it knows, impossible is so heavy!


"You actually hit with a stick I! "

Seeing the cold light shining stick in Ning Tianlin's hand, the lionhorn beast couldn't help but feel tight.

Isn't it a bare-handed confrontation? How come even the Tie Family guys are using it!

"Deserve it!"

Ning Tianlin faint smile stared at the lionhorn with cold eyes.


"My butt...it hurts! "

After the pain in the whole body dissipated, the lionhorn beast, who realized it later, suddenly realized that the butt was also painful.

"Fuck, there is blood! "

After touching his butt with his claws, the lionhorn roared in a sharp voice.

There is blood on the butt!

And this blood, It’s not that the ass was smashed out on the surface.

It’s clearly that it came out from the fart. This is not a trauma, it is an internal injury!

The butt has an internal injury!

"Boy, what did you do when I fainted! "

The lionhorn beast grinned and called.

It felt that it was subjected to extraordinary shame and humiliation, not only on the body, but also on the spirit.

The picture is likely to be very dirty, so that he dare not imagine it!

"get lost!"

Ning Tianlin seems to be aware of something, directly He cursed coldly. Obviously, he didn't want to answer the question of the lionhorn beast head-on.

"Fuck, boy, dare you still say you haven't taken the aphrodisiac? "

"You must have taken an aphrodisiac when you stepped on the code. I have a butt as proof! "

Thinking of that wretched scene, the Lionhorn Beast couldn't help but shiver.

The taste of Ning Tianlin is too heavy!

Insult it for such a pure Spirit Beast!

It’s so ignorant. It’s so beautiful, and it’s so dirty.

It can He has always been a good man who guards his body like a jade. Absolutely did not expect that the chrysanthemum, which has been guarded from the desolate ancient times, will be broken when he is dizzy today...

"Boy, I Irreconcilable with you! "

Lionhorn Beast roars loudly.

And the fat buttocks are pinched and pinched. It is numb and painful. It feels strange.. .

"Take your paralyzing aphrodisiac. That's Lao Tzu's method, you understand! "

"Do you really use your shit guy as a hole?" "

Ning Tianlin was so angry that he was about to run away. What kind of magical species is this lionhorn beast!

But when he thought of the crazy behavior just now, Ning Tianlin was also unconscious. Scratched the back of his head.

"If you are to blame, blame your mouth for being too cheap! "

This is not the reason Ning Tianlin made up for prevarication of the lionhorn beast, it is a fact!

It is precisely because the lionhorn beast said that he took aphrodisiacs without any barriers, he It was so angry that it came...

"Mouth? "

"Tip...? "

The lionhorn beast conditioned its reflex, licking up the sharp teeth with the barbed teeth...

Could it be...?


Fuck your family ancestors!

"You must speak clearly today! "

"Have you tried even your mouth!" "

Realizing that the lionhorn beast with a serious problem, a chilling nausea, he quickly vomited fiercely...

This kid, after fainting, he must be the first It moved its mouth, and found that the tongue had too many barbs and the teeth were too sharp. After it didn't work...

Only retreated to the next best thing, and stretched the evil devil's claws behind it!

Yes, it must be like this. The Lionhorn in the heart determined that it must be what it thinks.

As for the scars on its body, it is just Ning Tianlin, for To conceal his ulterior motive, and put the smoke bomb easily.

Otherwise, Ning Tianlin could have beaten it, so why stun it!

It must be afraid that it will die of unyielding, and it will work if it gets dizzy!

The blood on the buttocks is the best proof!

There is no bleeding on the whole body, only the buttocks There is a little bit on it, not what it thinks, what else?!

"Lionhorn! "

Ning Tianlin was shocked by the lionhorn beast’s not only magical, but also quite nasty brain circuit.

It is simply a battle among strange flowers, super big in Xiuer Kaxiu!

This is the only case in the entire universe! No, it is a solo beast that has stood up from ancient times to the present!

"I won’t accept you if I stepped in Can't it! "

"Where are you going, why are you doing love?" "

Ning Tianlin glanced with contempt.

Penglai Venerable, the former owner of this lionhorn beast, he seriously doubts the authenticity of the cause of the fall, and it is estimated that a large part of it The reason is because of this stuff!

"No way! "

"No way! "

"No way! "

Lionhorn beast connects with three loud roars!

"You did something like that to me, and you said you wouldn't accept me? Do you let me have any face in the Spirit Beast world in the future? "

When I think that it is not the perfect body, the lionhorn beast feels ashamed and unable to show one's face.

The look in Ning Tianlin's eyes, there is so much fierceness mixed in the eyes. Silk's resentment...

It seems like Ning Tianlin is just a heinous heartless man.

"Regarding your ass, I solemnly reiterate it. It is used! "

"Dualbladed Halberd! "

Ning Tianlin, who was on the verge of running away, shook the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand vigorously.


"That stick? "

Lionhorn Beast does not believe it, thinking that Ning Tianlin is self-defeating.

"Huh? "

Lionhorn beasts are half-believing, this kind of probability still exists.

"There is bloodshot! "

The lionhorn beast's eyes are like awns, carefully and carefully on the stick, and after examining it several times, there are indeed a few strands of blood remaining on the peak of the stick...


The lionhorn beast believes, that humane look is like a detective of the gods, looking thoughtful nodded.


"You brat, stabbed me with an iron stick? "

Things have become clear. The lionhorn's anger seems to be smaller than before, but it is only a little smaller.

Whether it is iron or meat, anyway It was Ning Tianlin who stabbed it. This is a tragedy that really happened to it!


I don’t know if it was Ning Tianlin’s illusion, He felt that the lionhorn beast bit the iron word very hard.

The tone made him shiver involuntarily.

"Okay, get out of here. ! "

Ning Tianlin didn't want to explain and entangle too much on this matter, and waved at the lionhorn beast.

He really couldn’t imagine it. Fantastic goods, stay here, and give him the Yin-Yang two sectors monitoring beast. What kind of secondary goods incident will happen.

Is also inspecting the Yin-Yang two sectors, and is also responsible for monitoring the direct posts?

Forget it, this product is simply incomparable with the emperor beast in King Yama Netherworld...

The unique brain circuit is flawed. This lion-horned beast is going to judge the life and death of good and evil,

have to give his Netherworld the chicken and dog jump.

"Fuck off?" "

"If you let me go, I will go? "

"I'll get on with you, so I won't get out! "

The lionhorn beast looked like a beast, and squatted down.

It can’t just leave like this!

The revenge of this butt has not been avenged. If it is gone, it will not be avenged. Only by relying in Ning Tianlin's Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower can there be a chance to lay down its claws.

Not only So, it was still thinking about it. After Ning Tianlin left, it wandered around, seeing if it could not find a smooth stick, if it was iron, it would be the best!

Brain While conveying the message, he squinted his eyes from time to time and glanced at a certain position behind Ning Tianlin.

Ning Tianlin, who didn’t know that the lionhorn beast had such an idea, the chrysanthemum tightened slightly without warning. .

He estimated that in dreams, he would not think that his chrysanthemum would be spotted by a Spirit Beast one day!

"Don’t go? "

"hmph, you believing or not, I will let your soul fly and annihilate on the spot! "

Ning Tianlin pretends to be fierce and scare.

If he wants to do it like that, he will fall down instead of his hands. No matter what the lion-horned beast says, he is always guarding In Earth’s camp, the Spirit Beast that survived had a good heart.

Also, all the things left by its owner, Penglai Xianzun, were also obtained by him.

reasonable in every circumstance, he can't do that.

"I believe you a big-headed ghost! "

"Do not believe it! "

The lionhorn beast snorted contemptuously.

If this Ning Tianlin really wanted to destroy it, he would have done it a long time ago, and would he use it so much?

Although the lionhorn beast did not admit that he had lost, he also roughly figured out Ning Tianlin's means through the fight just now.

It is more than enough to destroy it!

It doesn't dare to be too impudent on this topic. If Ning Tianlin's self-confidence comes up, it will be really miserable.

"If you want me to go. , It's not impossible. "

"You promised me a condition, I will turn around and leave immediately, nothing more! "

Guarantee of the solemnly vowed lionhorn beast.

"Really? "Ning Tianlin asked back.

"Really! "Lionhorn beast is sure again.

"Say, what treasure do you want? I satisfy you! "

Ning Tianlin did not hesitate, and directly opened the mouth and said.

One condition? He can promise even a hundred conditions!

There is battle strength The system is there, he asked himself, there is nothing he can't get, what he wants to exchange for his essence points.

The condition of this lionhorn is nothing more than asking for a treasure. He is.

"treasure? "

"I don't want it. "

The lionhorn beast first shook his head in denial, and after a turn of his brain, he immediately changed his words.

"I think the iron rod in your hand is good, and I want you to send it to me. ! "

"But it has nothing to do with my condition, this can be counted as an attachment condition at most! "

The Lionhorn beast quibbleed.

"This? "

"No way! "

Ning Tianlin shook the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand and spoke in denial.

This Dualbladed Halberd and his battle strength equipment are matching attributes. One plus one is greater than two. This lion It's useless if the horn beast takes it.

"Don't give it to me? I haven't opened my mouth yet, you have nothing to believe! "

Lionhorn beast despised Ning Tianlin.

"This stick has committed a heinous sin to me! "

"Furthermore, there is still blood on the stick somewhere in me. Are you panicking when you hold it?" "

"If those enemies and friends outside of you know that you have been carrying an iron rod and stabbing a chrysanthemum all day, what would you feel?" "

What do you say about the disgusting lionhorn.

"You have to think clearly, if you don't give it, I'll just talk about it! "

The more disgusting, the less Ning Tianlin will want the stick. It is best if you lift the stick and you can think of its chrysanthemum...

With an iron stick, the lionhorn beast looks like a beast.

As long as the stick is in hand and the time is right, it can directly attack the root of the problem...

hehe, Just thinking of the scene, a wretched smile appeared on the corner of the lionhorn’s mouth.

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