If you don't talk about the lionhorn beast, Ning Tianlin doesn't take it seriously, but the other party is so nagging, he can't help but feel a chill.

Give or not?

Ning Tianlin both responds and hesitates...

The lionhorn continues to "convince" disgustingly...



Ning Tianlin Divine Consciousness flashed, and directly sealed the stinky mouth of the lionhorn beast.

Huh, it's like a fly, and the evil buzzing sound suddenly quieted down.

And that lionhorn beast only had a dry stare, and even the number of blinking eyes did not dare too much, for fear that Ning Tianlin would block its vision again.

"I said that if you want to promise you a condition, then you will definitely not break your promise."

"However, this condition depends on what I give you, not what you want What do you want!"

Ning Tianlin said strongly, with that undoubted tone, the lionhorn beast who listened to it was also stunned.

"Fuck, this is clearly the Overlord Clause. No matter what it says, the ultimate power of interpretation is in the hands of this kid!"

Lionhorn is deep He was convinced by Ning Tianlin's "explanation", but he dared not speak when he was angry. To be precise, he couldn't speak.


It roars silently!

"What was the look in your eyes at that time?"

"Understand what I mean, you just nodded, if you don't understand, then..."

After the eyes of the harboring malicious intentions of the lionhorn beast stared back, Ning Tianlin even deliberately shook the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand.

The meaning of intimidation is self-evident.

With the attached conditions, would you still dare to bargain for the price? Give you a fine linen pole, have you really used it as a crutch?

Then you, you really picked the wrong target, he Ning Tianlin really doesn't eat that set.

Ning Tianlin has always taken advantage of others, and no one has dared to wipe oil from him so "blatantly".

Are you even worried about Dualbladed Halberd? The gentleman is not in love anymore, even more how you are the rare Spirit Beast that has lived for hundreds of millions of years.

This Dualbladed Halberd, he will definitely not give up. As for what the lionhorn loves to say, then just do it as it pleases. What is lost is the face of the lionhorn...


In this form, the lionhorn beast dare not shake his head, and can only be nodded.

"oh la la!"

Seeing the lionhorn beast's suit is soft, Ning Tianlin waved his hand, and the two Avatars hanging on the side also suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the single horn on the head of the lionhorn also gathered the two energy bodies back.

It is coldly snorted in my heart. I must not lose in the imposing manner. If this kid withdraws the Avatar, then I also withdraw the Avatar, or I seem to be deceiving the less.

I won’t be able to fight in this life, but the hard-working attitude must be carried out as always, otherwise, how can it be worthy of the age it has lived for hundreds of millions of years.


After Ning Tianlin smashed his mouth speechlessly, with a wave of his right hand, a lionhorn beast's body that was extremely large but still shrunk many times appeared. In the air.

It's the same as the unspeakable lionhorn at this moment, except that it has no consciousness.


The lionhorn beast's lantern eyes suddenly showed a rather shocked look.

How can Ning Tianlin have this thing? Where did he get it? You know, his bone age shows that he has only lived a few hundred years.

Don't say hundreds of years old, even hundreds of millions of years old old monster, it is also impossible to have the body of the lionhorn beast family.

Furthermore, it is certain that the lionhorn beast in this universe is definitely the only one. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the only seedling.

Shocked and surprised, the Lionhorn Beast began to deeply doubt the origin of Ning Tianlin.

Not to mention that being so young is the realm of Lord of Universe, still carrying the peerless treasure Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower, and being able to take out the body of a lionhorn beast...

As far as its former owner, Penglai Venerable is also impossible!

Also, the lionhorn beast took a closer look. The body is exactly the same as its Fleshy body back then. There is no difference. It believes that as long as it is covered, it can immediately interact with That body merged.

Lionhorn Beast looked at Ning Tianlin's eyes again, and it became more complicated, as if from the very beginning, it didn't really see through this youngster.

It originally didn't expect to be able to get anything good from Ning Tianlin. The condition just now was nothing more than to stab Ning Tianlin for a while, and just avenge the grudge on the butt.

But it really didn't expect that Ning Tianlin would prepare such a big gift for it, it is incredible, completely blinding its billions of years of old eyes.


At this moment, the lionhorn only feels that it can't control its hands and feet at all, and is about to pounce on that body.

"Did you move?"

"Stop me!"

Ning Tianlin shouted coldly, this lionhorn beast could not control it It doesn't matter, he can help it control it.


The lionhorn beast just stepped out of the 1st Step, and before it fell, it was forcibly frozen by Ning Tianlin, and could no longer move forward.

The current lionhorn is not only unable to speak, but also unable to move. There is no substantial difference from the standing body beside it.

"Hey du!"

The lionhorn beast with shining eyes swallowed involuntarily, and since the body appeared, its eyes have not been averted.

"hehe, you can't see the flowers anymore."

"I ask you, do you want it?"

Ning Tianlin's mouth is upright Beginning, asked knowingly.

The expression is like holding a lollipop in your hand and asking the kindergarten children if you want to eat candy.

It is also what Ning Tianlin wanted to do for the lionhorn beast. Even if it is not exchanged for its body now, Ning Tianlin knows that it will definitely be exchanged in the future, it is just time That's it in advance.

Earth finally survived such a powerhouse, or the realm of the Lord of Universe, no matter what, Ning Tianlin feels that it is necessary to do this, even more how, this lionhorn is true. It's not bad.

Simply, just exchange it now, or send this lionhorn beast away, let it go to the universe to harm other races casually.

As for making it a monitoring beast of Netherworld, Ning Tianlin feels that we should wait for a while.

Ning Tianlin has not thought about regenerating the lionhorn beast into a new body through Netherworld, but it still doesn't work.

If you reincarnate, the battle strength of the lionhorn beast will really be invalid. The equivalent to starting cultivation from scratch, the gain is not worth the loss.

Also, the fleshy body of the lionhorn beast has been blasted to pieces a long time ago, and it has been so long. It is estimated that it has been transformed into nothingness by the space turbulence. If you want to find it out again , It's hard and hard...


The lionhorn is crazy and nodded, it really wants this body so much.

It was really hopeless before, and I didn't even dare to think about it. One day he would have such a perfect body again.

But now it’s different. This body is placed in front of its eyes. How can it not be moved? It’s just like old tears of excitement...

"What messy conditions? Attachment conditions? Can there be more?"

Ning Tianlin asked jokingly, with this body, the lionhorn must dare to ask him again, that is really it. The brain is broken, he doesn't mind destroying the body on the spot.


The lionhorn shook his head violently.

Just kidding, it’s not really stupid. Although the chrysanthemum is valuable, but the body is more expensive, as long as the price is in place, that’s not a problem.

With this body, it can happily welcome the second spring, and can act unscrupulously...

"But I have one condition."

Ning Tianlin's words directly pulled back the imagination of the lionhorn beast that had floated to the sky.

Regardless of the rich facial expressions of the lionhorn beast, Ning Tianlin blunt continued.

"The conditions are very simple. Without my permission, you can't return to Earth!"

"Once I found out, your body was taken back on the spot!"

Ning Tianlin has already asked about the system, after the lionhorn beast has successfully fused its body, it will return to the eighth stage Peak state of the Lord of Universe.

Such a powerful battle strength is completely walk unhindered in the universe. Even if you encounter the powerhouse of Jiudan, if you want to get out, there is no problem. Therefore, he does not have to worry about safety. .

It's the big races in the universe and the powerhouse of the Great Family, but they are asking for a lot of blessings. The lionhorn is so careful, and if it is a little messed up, it can be irreconcilable.

Since they are the enemies that have survived before, simply don’t need Ning Tianlin to remind them, the lionhorn beast will take the initiative to think about revenge.

And now in Earth, there are already Great Emperor Golden Crow, Wu Daoxuan and other ancient powerhouses to garrison. There is no need to let this lionhorn beast go back. The more important reason is that this product will go. Now, it is estimated that there will be more chaotic branches!


Ning Tianlin Divine Consciousness flashed again, allowing the lionhorn beast to speak, but it still couldn't move.

"Is this a condition?"

"No problem, I agree with you completely!"

The lionhorn is grinning, although I didn't understand the reason why Ning Tianlin requested such a request, but he almost agreed without hesitation.

After fusing this body, really let it return to Earth, it doesn't want to return.

This huge universe is so good. You can grab whatever you want. You can just hit the door directly if you want to find revenge. You don't have to worry about so much.

In Earth, the lionhorn dared not act so recklessly. It was its former owner who gave it a ban on multiple orders. He would not listen to what other people said. Penglai Immortal Venerable's instructions, it dare not be in one ear and out the other.


"The body is yours!"

Seeing the lionhorn beast happily agreeing, Ning Tianlin is not long-winded, Divine Consciousness It regained its free body in a flash.


The lion horn beast that could not hold back for a long time, immediately ran with four hooves, moving towards the body soaring upwards.

He didn't worry about fusion, but started to look at this body carefully, and the more I looked at it, the more frightened it became. This was clearly the body that was destroyed.

How could there be such a coincidence? The lionhorn beast was extremely puzzled, and twisted its head obliquely in the direction of Ning Tianlin.

"Look at what to see!"

"If you don't merge, I will take it away..."

Ning is staring uncomfortably Tianlin, shouted sternly now.

The source of this body is not that he is too lazy to explain to the lionhorn beast, but that he simply doesn't explain it clearly.


Really lionhorn beast, hurriedly turned his eyes back.

I simply ignored those first, the lionhorn beast retreated forcefully, leaped up violently, fully opened its four hooves in the void, and moved towards the still body pressed down.

oh la la.

In an instant, the whole body disappeared.

The body with closed eyes suddenly opened its pupils, and the motionless body also began to shake.

Even Heaven and Earth in this area vibrated, and some of the surrounding energy rushed into the lionhorn beast's body frantically.

After a while, Heaven and Earth slowly stabilized until the light of the spiral horn on the lionhorn's head gradually dimmed.


The lionhorn roars up to the sky, resounded like Hong Zhong's roar, and its whole body is clean and white as snow hair, shining brightly under the reflection of light.

Excited lionhorn beast, for a while, swooping in the void, for a while, swooping down, and for a while running...

Have fun!

Even it feels that it is the same as manipulating the body of the year, without the slightest difference. What is mutually exclusive and needs to be run-in, simply does not exist.

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

After five minutes of getting used to it, the lionhorn beast flew down extremely reluctantly. It wasn't Ning Tianlin's urging, it wanted to wave more for a while.

"Boy, you are really kind!"

"I thank you! You gave me a new life!"

The Lionhorn Beast did not pretend, nor did he tell lies, in a very sincere tone, sincerely thanked him.

This fleshy body is bestowed by Ning Tianlin, and Ning Tianlin is responsible for his thanks!

Compared with Ning Tianlin’s generosity, the Lionhorn Beast looks a little bit petty, even it feels that it’s okay to be Ning Tianlin’s monitoring beast...

"Thanks no more."

"I gave you fleshy body because you have worked hard for Earth!"

Ning Tianlin waved his hand in response, and it was precisely for this reason, He can endure the big talk before the lionhorn beast.


Without waiting for the lionhorn beast to react too much, a stream of light flashed between Ning Tianlin's fingers, directly sinking into its essence, Divine Consciousness Sea.


Although the lionhorn was full of surprise, it did not resist.

One is that it is aware that the streamer is not rough but soft, and he believes that Ning Tianlin will not do anything excessive to it, otherwise it will not give such a precious body.

"What is this?"

"Hurry up, if I want to hurt you, you will be dead!"

Performance, Ning Tianlin is really too lazy to explain so much to the lionhorn beast.

He just added some ancient chaos to the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the Lionhorn to resist the invasion of other powerhouse Divine Consciousness.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, but just in case, he still has to keep some information about Earth as confidential as possible. This lionhorn will not say it, but can't help true powerhouse's forcible reading.

"Fuck, you can turn your face much faster than turning a book!"

The lioncorn was so cheap that it was a good seller. I wanted to ask again, but still Hold back forcibly.

"The speed at which I turn my face depends on the thickness of your face!"

Ning Tianlin whispered.

"Boy, you..."

"oh la la!"

Immediately, before the lionhorn beast opened his mouth to speak, Ning Tianlin directly Moved his toe, kicked it out of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower completely.

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