"Count you cruel!"

"I will come back again..."

The whole piece of void, only left The lionhorn’s increasingly faint scream, even the huge silhouette, quickly turned into a small black spot, disappeared...

As for where the lionhorn can be kicked Planet is not what Ning Tianlin cares about.


After hesitating for a while, Ning Tianlin decided to bring out the beautiful robotic beauty in Lin Yu Pavilion from the space ring, and she would temporarily manage some trivial matters of Yin Sector.

Previously, Netherworld has nothing to do, and there is no need to spend energy points to exchange for the next robot. He thinks it has the best of both worlds.

After Ning Tianlin briefly mentioned Netherworld's request, his figure retreated from the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

At the same time.

In the depths of the starry sky, in a hidden planet, a clan of rare races roars.

"A bunch of useless waste, do not continue to investigate!"

A three-eyed old man, facing several elite men standing next to him, whispered loudly



A few people, such as the amnesty, replied in a hurry.

All the faces were as white as white powder, regardless of the sweat oozing from their foreheads,

After receiving the instructions, they all retreated with trepidation.

"Everyone is here, right?"

After Xun stepped back, the three-eyed old man turned his cold gaze to a maid in the corner and asked.

"Back to patriarch, we are all here, we are waiting for you!"

The maid replied timidly, and at the same time lowered her head, her small white hands drooping. , I almost got bleeding marks from the nails on my thumbs.

She was originally not a maid in the main branch of the clan, but because the former maid had said the wrong thing, she was blasted to pieces by patriarch on the spot.

She still knows the situation of the maid. She has served patriarch's daily life for thousands of years. She has never had any setbacks, and she is not a person who utters the wrong thing.

The real reason is because of Patriarch’s momentary anger, and poor her, she suffers from the unreasonable disaster for no reason.

Since entering the main branch of the clan, her nervousness and panic have been hung in her heart, for fear that she will end up like the last maid.


hearing this, the patriarch of the hou clan walked out of the room without procrastination, and when he reached the door of the room, he turned his head and faced the newcomer The maid is instructed.

"Go and prepare. When you come back, the old man will shed his fire."

After speaking, he went inside the hall after being snered.

When the patriarch turned and left, the maid came back to his senses, biting the lips lightly, looking at the leaving back, a little tears surged in her eyes.

Turning a few corridors all the way, and then along the stairs, the Patriarch Hou clan slowly walked up the meeting hall.

When he walked to a gate, he stopped, adjusted his robe, and his complexion was adjusted to the silhouette of ancient well without ripples, which was different from the previous viciousness. .

He knows that the guys in it all represent a force in the universe that should not be shuddered, but even then, they were not qualified to sit with the patriarch of his roaring clan. Together.

However, today is different. The current form does not allow it to close the door tightly anymore.

The clansman must be scarce, and it is incomparable with their population, and the same is true for collecting intelligence.

"I hope these guys, don't let the old man down."

"Otherwise, the old man wouldn't mind directly taking over the clansman under your hands..."

In the spacious and bright hall, a strange atmosphere shrouded in a dozen silhouettes sitting in it.

Occasionally, there are a few harsh quarrels at the meeting, but they all lower their voices because this is not a place where they can impudent.

Outside, even if there is the hatred of killing the father and the hate of seizing treasures, they must be forbidden temporarily. Once there is an extraordinary move, they believe that the first person to rise will definitely be attacked by the group. Of.

These people, whether they are in the dark or in the dark, have long been pregnant with ghosts, so they just gave the other party an excuse to do something here, even if they died, it would be dead in vain.

However, even during the whispered quarrel, their eyes will still unconsciously move to the door, obviously a little fidgeting.

After collecting those trivial conversations, Patriarch sneered at the hoarse, his eyes turned to the doorman on both sides of the door.

"deng deng!"

The two doormen hurriedly moved their bodies slightly to the center of the door, and gently pushed the door open for him.


The closed door suddenly opened slowly, and the crisp sound of opening the door quietly echoed in the hall.

As the wooden door of the hall opened, the waists of everyone in the hall became involuntarily straightened, their eyes moved instantaneously, and then stayed at the door.

Under everyone's gaze, the door finally opened completely. Soon afterwards, Patriarch, the roaring tribe in brocade and robes, looked ahead and strode forward.


Ignoring the looks of the crowd, the patriarch of the hou clan walked directly to the center of the hall, leaned over and sat down


"I've let you wait for a long time!"

The simple opening reverberation echoed in the hall.

Everyone's eyes are also cast to the position directly above the hall.

"Hehe, Lord Patriarch, you are so kind. It is our honor to receive your reception."

A middle-aged man reacted first and stood hurriedly Get up, say with a smile loudly.

And the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos picture tattooed on his chest is particularly conspicuous.

With this man taking the lead, the rest of the people here all followed suit and stood up, patriarch modestly said to the magic sand in turn.

"Everyone, sit down. When you are here, you don’t have to be cautious."

Hou Clan patriarch waved his hand and signaled that everyone would sit back in place, and then opened the again mouth and said.

"Today, everyone can gather here for a common enemy, right?"

As the host, the patriarch, the roar clan, does not intend to have too much polite greetings with them , Go directly to the topic.

The messengers who came to the Hou Clan this time were only juniors, and at best they were the second in command of the Great Family.

And the real patriarch and sect master are now expected to be in full battle, sitting in their respective families, and at the same time they have raised their defenses to the highest alert.

Because they are all guarding against the coming of one person, that person is Ning Tianlin, who has been going wild recently and re-emerged in the universe!

"Can there be clues about Ning Tianlin?"

Houzu patriarch asked, which is what he cares about most at the moment.

"When I go back to patriarch, my Patriarch Qin has already dispersed all the eyeliner that I can use, but nothing has been discovered."

The man who stood up to reply On the chest, the wearer has a clan emblem with the endless mountain range printed on it, and in the middle of the mountain range, the word "Qin" is engraved.

"Their Human Race covers the largest area, and the intelligence network covers the most densely. There is nothing to be discovered, let alone our aircraft family."

The middle-aged man made up of steel, glanced at the envoy of Qin Family, then stood up and said with a slight sarcasm.

In the past few years, the relationship between several races is the most rigid, it is the Qin Family in the machine race and Human Race.

Not only the small frictions continue, but even the big wars do not know how many have occurred. Although both sides have their own victories, they have suffered heavy losses.

"Kamuqi, what do you mean by this?"

"If you have it, you have it, if you don't have it, you don't. You have so much nonsense!"

Qin Hongbai, the envoy of the Qin Family representing Eight Great Families, muttered back unconvinced.

"Why? Not convinced? Then you have to hold back for me!"

"You have a kind, wait for me! See if I..."


The two of you say something to me, and each will not give in.


"Out of this gate, you will kill each other, the old man will not wink."

"But now!"

The Patriarch of the Hou Clan reprimanded loudly.

After half-talking, he turned his eyes to the two people who were full of medicinal smells and stared at them. At the same time, they looked at everyone present with cold eyes.

Warning, the threat is self-evident.

Boom boom...

Hell patriarch patriarch, tapping the table with his fingers lightly, his face sinking slightly, he said.

"You guys, you should know that if my roar clan doesn’t make a move this time, it will be a few months or as long as a few years. Anyone who has had a feast with Ning Tianlin, whether it’s an individual or the whole family, There will be the possibility of destruction at any time!"

"So, the old man still hopes that you can be more honest, don't put your posture too high, just accept it when you see it!"

After hearing such powerful and compelling words as Patriarch, everyone was helpless and secretly nodded.

This time they came to the Hou Clan to completely solve this hidden danger of Ning Tianlin. It was not the Hou Clan who begged them to come, but the clan forces they represented wanted to embrace The big tree of the Jinhou clan.

As for the Hou Clan, who has always been unable to escape from the world, how could they have some festivals with Ning Tianlin, who can't fight with eight poles. From the rumors of the outside world, they also know a little bit about it.

At the same time, I really do not sincerely admire Ning Tianlin’s "efficiency of work". It has only been a few hundred years since his debut. The universe can be provoked and cannot be provoked. Far away, almost all caused him to provoke him.

"Then insect race? There are the largest number of insect races, what can be found?"

The patriarch of the roar tribe, glanced in the direction of the messenger of the insect race.

"If you return to the patriarch, no."

Although the insect race messenger is extremely reluctant to admit that it is weaker than the Human Race messenger, they really haven't collected clues about Ning Tianlin. .

"As for patriarch, my clan has not found any whereabouts of Ning Tianlin!"

An orc envoy with two horns growing on the head shook his head helplessly and reported.

Followingly, Elf Race, Mu Clan, Undead... etc. all said that there was no clue.

"hehe, a bunch of useless waste."

The patriarch of the roar, scolded, can't even find anyone? That's not as good as their Hou clan, at least, in their Hou clan's hands, there is a decoy that can lure Ning Tianlin.

That is the Ning Tianlin accomplice that clansman inadvertently captured in the universe, a woman who has a direct relationship with Ning Tianlin!

"I wonder if you all remember the Guluoxing incident a few years ago?"

The patriarch of the roaring clan who revisited the past, surprised all the envoys.

The annihilation of the ancient falling star was originally just a small matter. In the eyes of those Great Influences in the universe, it simply didn't take it seriously.

An unremarkable planet is destroyed. It often happens in the universe. Maybe it was a powerhouse that happened to happen to something unpleasant. It is not impossible to destroy it easily.

As for the extinct Guluo star, leaving a few conspicuous characters in the void, they thought that it was just that someone acted under the name of Ning Tianlin indiscriminately.

Before this happened, Ning Tianlin had just cut fifty-eight Lord of Universe in one day, how could it be okay? To the highest one, only the star Martial Artist's planet.

But in the following time, similar to Guluo Xing, the entire planet was completely wiped out, but one after another happened.

And it is from the same person, because the technique and the big characters are the same, so they have to pay attention to it.

But it was too late, that person seemed to be hidden, and he never dealt with other planets again.

"Of course I remember, didn’t the machine clan send someone to do it, and then slander us Qin Family?"

The Qin Family messenger was the first to respond. He didn’t want to be impressed. Will not work.

Whoever opposes Ning Tianlin and Qin Family will have to die! Everyone must be buried! These big characters undoubtedly tied them Qin Family and Ning Tianlin together.

Up until now, their Qin Family still thinks it is a ghost of the machine clan, because not long after the incident, the machine clan began to attack them.

"Qin Hongbai, talking nonsense can kill people."

"Do you have any evidence? If you don't have any, don't spit people, our machine family is not so boring!"

" p>

Kamuqi, the messenger of the machine clan, directly denied Qin Family's statement.

How could it be their machine family? A few days before that Gu Luoxing was destroyed, he had already taken refuge in their machine clan, and they were not stupid enough to destroy their allies.

And some races next to them are like watching a joke, watching with cold eyes, and at the same time, they are surprised in the heart. The hoarse patriarch's intention to bring up this old matter.

"Stop arguing, you are all wrong."

Houzu patriarch poked his lips to stop, and immediately sounded transmission towards a guard outside the door.

"Bring that woman in for the old man."


The murderer has not been found so far. Does the Hou clan know the truth?

"oh la la!"

The door opened again, and two guards of the Howou clan dragged a woman toward the center of the hall.

"Let's go down."

Waving his hand, the patriarch of the roar clan signaled the two to retreat.

Female? What does it mean?

I saw the woman who collapsed on the ground, her whole body was tightly chained, and the large and small wounds were exposed in the gaps between the chains, and even her face was a few whips. Hun, obviously had been tortured, if it weren't for the malaise that pervaded the woman's body, everyone would think that the comatose woman was a corpse.

Who is this? I don’t know...

After looking at each other, everyone is shook the head. In my impression, there seems to be no such number one person in the universe, right?

Is this woman related to the Gu Luoxing incident?

The envoys frowned, cast doubtful eyes on the patriarch of the roar clan.

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