"Are you playing with the old man? This is too boring!"

Hou Ling's face also became gloomy for an instant.

Since this lionhorn can not tell good from bad, he is not afraid to cast aside all considerations for face on the spot, true or false. After winning the opponent, Sea of ​​Consciousness will know it by checking!

As for joining forces to deal with Ning Tianlin? Hehe, looking at the lion-horned beast's formation, it is good if you don't join forces with Ning Tianlin to deal with him.


Immediately, with a wave of Hou Ling's sleeve robe, a surging energy shot towards the energy cover outside the void.


At the moment when the two collided, the invisible energy shield suddenly rippled, and after a stalemate for a few breaths, it shattered.

"Publish what happened here, and let the whole universe know!"

Hou Ling stared at the lionhorn beast, without turning his head, towards the crowd around the corner The messengers of all races ordered.

No matter what the Lionhorn or Bu Yunyan said, let the powerhouses of other races carefully consider it, he just wants to send an alarm to the universe.

Ning Tianlin is just one of the vanguards of Earth. Their roar clan, the powerhouse of ancient Earth has arrived, and it is also a veteran Lord of Universe.

That means that Earth, which has long been ruined, has not only recovered, but also has a tendency to counterattack the universe!

This lionhorn is just a signal, maybe there will be a second and third lionhorn soon.

All races immediately joined forces, just like back then, they still work in their own way, and each of your races will weigh yourselves!

"haha, a group of brave boys!"

"Do you really think they can spread the news?"

Lionhorn beast is full of energy Moving, the spiral horn on the head fiercely condensed a beam of energy, and the gesture was about to move towards the group of messengers sitting on the ground, spraying it over.

"You dare!"

Hou Ling let out a sneer, flicked his fingers fiercely, and a wisp of cyan energy rushed away like lightning.

It was just a moment, and the first one came first before the energy beam was about to succeed, and it collided heavily.


With a muffled sound, a strong wind spread out, and the energy of the lionhorn beast was turned into nothingness.

And those messengers are like birds of horror, complexion big changes, and crawling backwards and rolling back several steps. This is to kill a witness to silence them...

"Lord of Universe Nine Duan!"

In a brief confrontation, the lionhorn beast looked at the leopard from the energy volume, and immediately guessed the true battle strength of howling.

"tsk tsk, you who invaded Earth back then, just stepped into the seventh paragraph of Lord of Universe. Didn't expect to be promoted to two levels in a row!"

Thought, the Lionhorn was not actively exploring before, and now it has to be cautious of the opponent in front of it.

"hehe, Earth’s stray dog ​​back then, dare to be so unable to tell good from bad!"

"Lionhorns, hundreds of millions of years ago, old man could kill you Fleeing like a dog, today, it will only have a worse ending than that day!"

The sneer of Hou Ling suddenly caused the faces of the messengers to surge one after another avoided a catastrophe Of chuckle.

"No matter how powerful this lionhorn beast is, it is only a defeated of the patriarch of the roar clan!"

"Yes, this kind of stuff dares to speak out, and will die!"

For those whispering, the lionhorn beast didn't bother to pay attention to the group beating, and it was shameful that it was said by roaring that he did it alone!

The gaze swept towards Hou Ling, his eyes could not help becoming cold.

"Hulling, just invading Earth, such a blood feud, unless you have that dog's head, I am afraid it will be difficult to wash shua!"

Being cursed on the spot like this, his face is ugly. , Hou Ling's gaze swept across the group of messengers at a moderate pace.

Immediately, with a wave of his sleeves, a surging energy swelled out, enveloping all those people, and shook out towards the void.

These messengers can't die before they spread the news.

Otherwise, if the two fight a battle, just a little energy fluctuation will be able to shake them to death on the spot!

Attractive spectacle, the lionhorn beast would also like to know what kind of panic it will cause to all races after the news spreads, and simply stop intervening.

"Today, you must die!"

After taking away those messengers, Hou Ling glanced at the lionhorn beast, coldly said.

Lord of Universe is only eight paragraphs! It's not his Huoling opponent yet!

"Hehe, I am dead, I will pull you back!"

To the arrogant threat of roaring, the lionhorn beast giving tit for tat responded.

Although Hou Ling's strength has risen sharply, if he wants his life, Wei Man said that he was a bit too full.

The atmosphere of the whole hall suddenly becomes with swords drawn and bows bent.


Hou Ling is extremely angry and laughs, Lord of Universe 8th dan is destined to do 9th dan!

As its voice fell, a powerful and unparalleled cyan energy burst out of his body.

Essence adheres to the surface of the body, tumbling endlessly, like a group of blue physical shields, wrapping the roar tightly.

As early as that year, he had seen the strength of the fleshy body of the lionhorn beast, and at this moment he also raised his defensive power.

"tsk tsk, much smarter than before!"

Glancing at the gloomy roar, the lionhorn sneered.

At the same time, the whole body's energy speeded up, and within an instant, it was already adjusted to the best battle state.

"You have the qualifications to allow the old man to reinforce the defense in advance. You should feel grateful!"

Hou Ling angrily smiled, the palm of his hand shakes, and his energy fluctuates. , In an instant, it condenses into a deep blue long spear in the palm of the palm. On top of the long spear, the energy is like a snake, leaping and winding.

This long spear is the Life-Source Weapon that Hou Ling has sacrificed over the past hundreds of millions of years. The two have an understanding of each other, regardless of each other.

Life-Source Weapon is not only easy to use, but at the same time, it can improve its battle strength by 10% on the original basis!

"Hehe, why don't you use the broken copper and iron that year?"

The lionhorn is sarcasm, howling used the battle strength weapon back then, it was a long sword , It's just that it has long been blasted into a pile of debris.


While the beast's head twisted, the spiral unicorn on the head suddenly soared at the speed visible by naked eye, until it grew to the size of half its body, Only then stopped.

Its fleshy body is not fake, but it is still incomparable with the spiral horn after the skyrocketing. This is not only stronger, but also sharper, no stronghold one cannot overcome!

"hmph, knowingly ask!"

Hulling's face trembles slightly when he thinks of that long sword.


No more nonsense, the Life Source long spear in his hand shuddered fiercely, the vigorous energy fluctuations shattered the surrounding space, and bursts of invisible ripples .

"The courage of the tongue does not represent the real skill of the hand!"

The figure is a little silent, the long spear in the hand of Hou Ling advances upwards, and the end of the gun point is pointed directly. The direction of the lionhorn.


With a fierce stare at both feet, with a stern shout, the figure instantly turned into a light and shadow, and ran off at the lionhorn beast like lightning.

oh la la!

The sharp tip of the gun, with the assistance of vigorous spirit, pierced the space with no difficulty, and in the blink of an eye, the tip of the gun reached the head of the lionhorn beast.

“clang! ”

The purple glow flashes, the huge spiral horns head up towards the gun, like a hard and thick shield, which forcibly resists the sharp tip of the gun Living.

When the guns and horns intersect, a fierce energy burst out from the intersection, rippling in an arc to the area outside the two, suddenly spreading.


The hall of the roar clan collapsed suddenly, and the surrounding buildings continued to rush into the hall.


A move to no avail, Hauling's wrist flicked, and the sharp long spear instantly twisted, like a weird poisonous snake, quickly bypassing it The spiral single horn immediately pierced forward.

“Ding! ”

When the sharp long spear was about to pierce into the back, the lionhorn beast’s slender white tail quickly protruded to the rear, and immediately pulled it hard. , Hit the gun body with extreme precision and bounce it away.

At the same time, the spiral one-horned upwards pierced directly into the abdomen of Howling.


On one side of his figure, he easily avoided the lionhorn beast's attack, his roaring eyes suddenly slammed, the energy in his body surged, and the gun body trembled strangely.

As the trembling frequency of the gun body became more and more violent, the afterimage of one after another also appeared in front of him instantaneously.

"The phantom blue spear!"

The blue spear shadows hiding the sky and covering the earth, just for a moment, are full of Hou Ling's body.

oh la la!

The palm is forward, the cyan long spear is pushed out again and again, and immediately, the countless afterimages are like a flood discharge dam, shooting away at the entire head of the lionhorn beast.

The sharp gun shadow filled the eyes of the lionhorn beast. Although the countless afterimages were illusory, the power carried on them was still not to be underestimated.

If you block it at will, the real gun hidden in the afterimage will instantly be yelled and unexpectedly strengthened, making the lionhorn beast you can't guard against it.

"I underestimated your methods!"

The lionhorn beast looked at the gun shadows from all directions with vigilant eyes, and chose to close its pupils. .

"hmph, arrogant and conceited!"

Looking at the abnormal behavior of the lioncorn beast, roaring sneered with a stern face.

Don’t watch? You are courting death!

Life Source long spear is one with him. It is basically impossible to judge the true and false in a short time by relying on the abnormal energy fluctuation.

However, the Divine Consciousness of the Lionhorn has never fluctuated in the slightest.


The weird angle of the spiral unicorn was turned, and immediately a slightly mysterious angle was drawn. The lionhorn's body trembled, and the unicorn brought a fuzzy afterimage.


The light range, although it does not seem to have any offensive, but in the vague, spiral single horn, the whole horn is exposed, like a galloping sea, one wave is better than one. The weird ripples of the wave.



The unicorn of the mysterious arc is intertwined with the countless gun shadows in an instant.

The collision of gold and iron, at the moment it rang, stopped abruptly.


The gun shadow suddenly burst into a powerful force. At this moment, no matter how many gun shadows are, it is difficult for all of them to break through.

"How could this be?"


Looking at the strange scene in front of him, Hou Ling's face was slightly normal, cursing in a low voice.

I saw that the gun shadow he used was as if it were restrained by a strange wave, and the pattern originated from the unicorn that the lionhorn was slowly swaying.

This scene is like a huge thunderstorm hiding the sky and covering the earth, falling on the waves of the sea, no matter how many raindrops, all are swallowed and digested by the sea.

"Could it be? The ancient secret wave!"


Penglai Venerable actually passed this trick to it, and Hou Ling was surprised.

Strictly speaking, it is a formation law decision, but its applicability is much more limited.

Any attacks that are shrouded in ripples will be magically removed from their power, mainly for all kinds of weird energies.

The formidable power of this trick is known by Roaring. The Penglai Venerable used this move back then. Unlike the lioncorn beast, Penglai Venerable is attached to a cosmic Magical Artifact instead of With a part of their own body.

"How exactly did this lionhorn beast cultivation? It can be displayed by relying on the single horn on its head, and it takes time and it is obviously much faster than using Magical Artifact!"

The unicorn is regarded as a Magical Artifact, even Roaring has to admire the cultivation method of the lionhorn.

It's really a wonderful cultivation ghost!

As everyone knows, this ridiculous ancient secret wave is really after the lionhorn became a ghost, no, after the soul, it was cultivated on the Penglai Immortal Island in Earth.

The special attribute of Magical Artifact, no matter how powerful the fleshy body is, it cannot be replaced. The lionhorn beast just takes advantage of the special characteristics of the spiral unicorn, and it took tens of thousands of years to get that Magical Artifact Go in for refining.

No way, it had so much free time back then. It was originally the idea of ​​a try, but it really made it a success.

Poisons, curses and other energies can all be offset by this secret wave, but the wave is not good, such as Ning Tianlin's super sound wave, it cannot resist.

The direct collision of two different ripples will cause the Magical Artifact in the lion's horn to be severely backlashed, or the kind that kills 800 enemies and loses a thousand.

"hmph, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant!"

There was a thought in my heart, and Hou Ling used both palms, a huge thrust towards a gun among the many afterimages Shadow, raise in!

He still doesn't believe in this evil!

No matter how powerful this method is, it can't resist cross-level rolling!


However, the gun shadow still couldn't move forward.


When Hou Ling was about to move again, she was shocked. The closed eyes of the lionhorn in front of him suddenly opened.

Immediately, a paw print mixed with horror vigor, fiercely patted it.

"hmph, don’t think that the old man doesn’t know, your secret technique can only restrain the energy condensed outside the body!"

Look at the lionhorn beast’s offensive, the roar is also the slightest Unwilling to retreat, face turned cold.

In the palm of his hand, his energy quickly condensed, even more unceremoniously, he blasted the white claws of the lionhorn beast.


Human palms and beast claws are facing each other, and the sky blasts loudly, and immediately erupts. Immediately, two figures are shot out under the reaction force.

In the void, the arc-shaped collision energy is like a wave, one circle after another, traversing towards the distance.

The absolute lethality caused those clansman in the Dehou clan to spit a mouthful of blood. As for the weaker clansman, the fleshy body was shattered.

Not to mention the buildings that have been around for a while, they were cut in half directly. The scene is like that, it was originally a high-rise residential area, but now it has become a single-storey small bungalow.

The sound of crash-bang’s collapse reverberates throughout the roar clan...

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