
This was the first reaction of the clansman of the howler clan. Leave here as far as possible. Even if you are not buried, you will still be shaken to death soon.

The terrifying energy spilled during the Lord of Universe duel was not something they could hold.

It’s also fortunate that the planet where their Hou clan is located is much stronger than other ordinary planets. Scraps, the kind that can't even leave the powder.

The entire roar clan is now described as "Ji Fei Gou Jumping", which is not excessive at all. Both men and women, young and old, are covered head and sneaked away like a rat who want to escape.


Strike! Pedal...

Holding stepped in the air, stepping hard for a few steps, only after Hou Ling's back stature was stabilized.

"hmph, the old man really underestimated you!"

Shaking his numb wrist, he looked up at the same upside-down lionhorn beast, his face grim. Snorted in a low voice.

It's just that the situation of the lionhorn is not as optimistic as howling, and the distance to fly backward is obviously much farther than the opponent.

If you look closely, you can still see the sporadic blood of the lionhorn beast in the void...

After the previous brief confrontation, Hou Ling has also detected it. Although this lionhorn is the eighth stage of the Lord of Universe, its overall battle strength is completely comparable to the nine-stage Early-Stage of the Lord of Universe. This is still in the case of the opponent's incomplete outbreak.

This made him have to treat it cautiously. Hou Ling asked himself, he still couldn't do it if he wanted to take the lionhorn beast in a short time.


When he thought of this, Hou Ling frowned and shook his head unconsciously.

Playing directly in his base camp in this field made Hou Ling quite a headache and fear. This terrifying destructive power alone was enough to cause its Hou clan to suffer heavy losses.

Although he didn't look back, he could roughly guess what the tragic scene of the Hou Clan was at this moment.

Continue playing in another place? I am afraid that the treacherous lionhorn beast disagrees, and it will definitely make a fuss in the clan...

"I can’t let go of my hands and feet, it’s really useless!"

Hou Ling can't help but laugh at himself secretly.

Tiger poison is not eating any more. No matter how good his word is, he must not just watch the Hou clan base camp like this. Most of it is destroyed like this. It would be too much for the loss. .

He still doesn't want to become a general without an army. In order to deal with a lionhorn beast, letting the entire roar clan go to the funeral is not worth it.

"Hey, that's fine."

Hou Ling seemed to be hesitating about a certain decision. Soon, he let out a helpless sigh, as if he had made a very helpless compromise.

"For the sake of the Howler, this Life Source Blood Essence, the old man will fight it out!"

The roar of the gnashing teeth is full of reluctance.

"Lionhorn, you bastard, old man will definitely make you worse than dead!"

Roaring fiercely cursed, it seems that only this way can he let him His mind is slightly more balanced.

At the same time, it was secretly sighed that he nodded himself, and he was not the only one who smashed the fleshy body of the lionhorn beast, but this lionhorn beast happened to be the first to find him.

oh la la!

Immediately, my heart made a decision, Hulling's three fingers were slightly bent, the other two fingers were raised up, and the fingertips crossed the center of the eyebrows, a little stagnant, and a bright red blood bead slowly emerged.

The blood bead moves down with the fingertips, and the other palm floats up at the same time, with both palms converging on the chest.


Life Source Blood Essence hovered between the palms of her palms, and after a reluctant glance at last, Hou Ling immediately shouted in a low voice.

At the same time as the voice fell, various mysterious gestures, from all around in Life Source Blood Essence, flew in confusion.

The changes in the whole set of gestures seem to be disorderly, but they are in order. Upon closer inspection, not only each gesture has a specific trajectory, but also implicitly contains Rule Power.

The mouth is slightly open, and the obscure and incomprehensible law decisions are frequently read from Hou Ling's mouth. With the change of hand gestures, the two are indispensable.


The Life Source Blood Essence, which was originally suspended between the palms and only the size of a grain of rice, suddenly expanded into the size of a basketball while the screaming method fell down. , Yin Hong's color also faded.

The surface of the sphere seems to be thin and smooth, but it is covered with densely packed rune, and the inside contains one after another pure energy. It seems that the ball will break out at any time during the spinning and tumbling. trend.


Without hesitation, Hou Ling's palms abruptly arched upwards.

oh la la, the energy ball leaped like a ignited heavenly thunder, leaping up in the sky vertically, after piercing the space, the huge energy friction actually carried behind the ball There was a dazzling red.


When the energy ball sprinted to a certain position, it suddenly stopped advancing a bit, and came to a standstill without warning.

The stillness only lasted for a moment, but the energy ball suddenly moved again, in a weird posture, turning clockwise in the left and right directions.


The speed is out of control, getting faster and faster, just like a top with high-speed rotation, not only that, the volume of the entire sphere , It is in the process of rotation, the constant expansion becomes larger.


Mixed with the ear-piercing sound of Weng, the enlarged sphere shrouded selectively towards the bottom.

The entire downward expansion process is very weird. The clansman of the roar within the sphere is directly moved out of the sphere by a strange suction force.

Until most of the Roar clan was wrapped in, at this moment, there were only Roaring and Lionhorn beasts in the orb.

Gu du!

Forcibly swallowing the blood spilling from its mouth, the Lionhorn Beast shook its majestic white hair, and glanced at the sneer face of Howling.

"Hehe, I really don’t see it. You Hulling is still a calf protector. You don’t hesitate to spend a piece of Life Source Blood Essence, but it’s really a waste of money!"

The lionhorn was sarcasm and mockery.

If what Hauling had just displayed was other Formation energy shields or the like, it might rush up immediately, using its unicorn to poke a hole in the thought.

But let’s forget about Life Source Blood Essence. The 9-dan Life Source Blood Essence of Lord of Universe is not what it can shake now.

Being trapped in the orb by Hou Ling, the Lionhorn now has only one last fight. Since Hou Ling dared to do this, he must have decided to take it down.

Now, the lionhorn has only two options left, either to kill Roaring, or to be tortured to death by Roaring within the wall of the sphere...

"If you stepped on the code, when you encounter such a desperate thing, there is no one!"

The lionhorn beast in the heart cursed secretly, although the form is like this, it is not the first to fight. The role of cowardice.

The trapped wild beast knows that it has to fight desperately to resist. Even more how the Lionhorn is still a Spirit Beast left over from ancient times. The pure and proud bloodline is naturally let it choose the former. Damn roaring!


It was painful to blood essence, but now it is even more ridiculed by the mouth of the lionhorn beast, and the roaring complexion becomes more hideous and ugly, and immediately said solemnly.

"You should be thankful that you have the capital to let the old man consume the blood essence!"


The lionhorn rolled his eyes and said The remaining blood stains were spit out heavily.

"Fortunately your mother, I want to fuck you!"

It has reached a deadlock, and the lionhorn beast's heart is cruel, and there is a severe light in his eyes.

"The three beasts are powerful!"

Immediately, the lionhorn beast's whole body is surging, its head sinks slightly, and the whole body's essence is directed towards the spiral on the head. The angle condenses over.

The energy of light purple, faintly discernible around the unicorn, seems to be brewing something.

Immediately afterwards, two beams of light purple energy burst out from the single horn that suddenly rose up.



As soon as the energy beam appeared, it instantly transformed into an illusory energy lionhorn beast, with the continuous output of energy in the unicorn.

The energy lionhorn beast is gradually condensed into substance, no matter its body shape or appearance, it is no different from the real lionhorn beast, even the accompanying battle strength is even more so.

Six Paths beast pupils, glaring at the roaring not far away.


Hou Ling's squinted eyes locked on the other two figures of the Lioncorn. This trick he had learned hundreds of millions of years ago.

Although this battle is strong, it can triple its battle strength forcibly, which is equivalent to the middle and lower stage of the 9th dan of Lord of Universe.

This lionhorn beast wants to resist him with this, it is undoubtedly a foolish dream!

"tsk tsk, it's been hundreds of millions of years, are you still using this move?"

There was a touch of coldness and disdain at the corner of Hou Ling's mouth.

"If your ability only has these, then the old man guarantees that your fate this time will only be more tragic than in Earth!"

"Too much nonsense, You used your mouth to do it?"

The lionhorn beast's violent and violent mouth!

For hundreds of millions of years, it has always been a state of soul. The cultivation technique of woolen yarn has been cultivation, and it’s a pretty good thing to live up to now!

Have you never heard of it, do you have a fresh trick to travel all over the sky? Dashabi!

Lionhorn Beast still understands the principle of starting as early as possible. Soon, it took the lead to attack, and a layer of bright silver light suddenly appeared on top of its claws.

Shua! ...

With the emergence of the silver light, the silhouette of the three-headed lion-horned beast trembled in vain after a short while, followed by a deep thunderous sound, the strangeness disappeared!

"hmph, such insignificant ability!"

Holdly snorted coldly snorted for the sudden disappearance of the lionhorn beast.

Although he is the Head of a Clan, he is not a pampering pomp. In terms of combat experience, he is not much worse than the Lionhorn.

oh la la!

After a little silence, the roaring Divine Consciousness quickly spread out from the center of the eyebrows. The tyrannical Divine Consciousness perception, like a giant spider web, spreads across the entire space inside the sphere .

"Hide and hide, get out of the old man!"

After a cold shout, Hou Ling instantly locked the position.

He made a slight bend in his right leg and withdrew a step. After he gained momentum and borrowed strength, he suddenly exerted force.


The figure is like lightning, rushing to a certain location, and a sharp wind is faintly waiting on the long spear that he holds tightly in his hand.


The sharp point of the gun fiercely stabs somewhere in the space.

However, the force contained in the tip of the gun has not erupted, and the space is the first to fluctuate, and a white lion is strangely emerging.

"You dare to take the initiative to fight back, you are courting death!"

The active appearance of the lionhorn beast made Hou Ling's heart happy, long spear in his hand. Strength, it can't help but aggravate a bit.



In an instant, the lionhorn's mouth swelled like a frog, and the appearance changed like this, making it roar suddenly Surprised.

Just as he was about to turn the tip of the gun, he saw the lionhorn beast's pupils with a coldness passing by, and immediately, a mouthful of the vigorous essence gathered in the throat, suddenly yelled out!

Lion Roar Liegang!


The roar of a thunderous lion resounded like a thunderbolt in the sky, suddenly resounding across the sky, and the sudden terrifying sound waves that erupted, mixed with precipitation for hundreds of millions of years The fishy smell, moved towards Hou Ling covers the past.


"Fuck you...!"

The sudden violent loud voice, with a mouthful of bad breath, made Dehouling's foul language about to explode, forcibly He swallowed.

Even if Hou Ling is strong, but because there is no defensive measures in advance, he will have the strongest attack power effect for him who is close at hand.

Either the eardrum or the sense of smell, in this brief moment, are shocked and smoked, somewhat absent-minded, even the essence of the body is stagnant!

This kind of short-lived dizziness, just to maintain a breath, Hou Ling quickly came back to his senses.

He never thought that the eighth paragraph of the Lord of Universe in the Lionhorn Beast Hall would actually use shouting, instigating the next three tricks, what is the difference between this and the shrew drunk on the street?

The first thing to regain consciousness, Hou Ling is crazy urging the essence of the body, and then the tip of the spear pierced out like a tide.

He knows what the distraction of powerhouse means, and with the mind of the lioncorn beast, it is naturally impossible to give up this kind of weak spot easily.

During the time of roaring and stunned, the lionhorn beast did not idle, and made full use of the time difference.

The five claws bend slightly, forming a bizarre palm-shaped appearance, and the energy in the palm is surging, and Purple Qi lingers and covers it, like a terrifying energy killer blessed on the tip of the claw.

At the same time as the main body blessing of the lionhorn beast was completed, the other two hiding in the dark were almost completed at the same time.

"old bastard, take my claw!"

The lion-horned beast bullied itself.

Roaring's keen perception can naturally feel the ferocity of the light purple energy on the claws of the lionhorn beast.

"get lost!"

With a stern shout, he yelled at the Life Source long spear in his hand, and it was gathered in an instant.

Immediately, both palms slammed the handle of the gun, and Life Source long spear swelled.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a beam of light that was several feet wide and high up to the sky, wrapping up the silhouette of Howling.

"MMP, I'm quite wary!"

Seeing that Hou Ling suddenly turned offensive to defensive, the lionhorn beast secretly sighed, and his heart was even more foul-mouthed.

"Come on, hurt each other!"

Angry roar, the lionhorn beast pretending to be desperate and fierce, greeted it with roaring.

pu chi.

Roaring also gives tit for tat, the violent energy fluctuations all over the body continuously spread out, and the huge long spear enlarges rapidly in the eyes of the lionhorn beast.



In an instant, the two lionhorn beasts hidden in the dark moved, their hind legs were slightly bent, and they violently swept toward the roaring from different directions.

The three lion-horned beasts each flanked and attacked the long spear wrapped in a tight besieging.

The mutations at the left and right behind him are naturally Divine Consciousness who can't escape the roar.

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