"I expected it a long time ago!"

Hou Ling said coldly with a smile.

The main reason why he wrapped himself in a long spear was to be wary of the two lionhorns that had not yet appeared to give him yin at a critical moment.

"I thought of it?"

"Then you have to do it too!"

Immediately, the lionhorn beast blasted out with six claws. , The cold glow flickered frequently, and the sharp claw wrapped in light purple energy hit the long spear fiercely without any fancy.

These six claws have no half-point skills at all, but with a fierce and unafraid of death offensive, they collide with the fiercely giant cylinder transformed by the Life Source long spear.

Six Paths is a white spot, a huge pillar that can reach the sky, completely disproportionate in body shape, and the lionhorn beast is obviously at a disadvantage.

However, the energy that resembled a flood discharge, took the lead from the three pairs of giant claws of the lionhorn beast, bursting out.


The moment the two touched, there was a sharp, piercing sound.

The terrifying power of the lionhorn sharp claw, even the self-confident roar, is also the shrinking of the pupils!


This energy is not the lionhorn beast's own. The strange energy contained in the claw tip makes the roaring fierce and solemn.

"I don't know until now? It's late!"

The lionhorn took a deep breath, and Hauling is true.

This is the special thunder energy extracted by Penglai Venerable inadvertently through "The Ancient Thunder Profound Strength" before the deadline. After repeated compression, it is forcibly injected into the lionhorn beast's body through the secret technique.

However, because it was in the state of soul before, this special thing is too violent, and the lionhorn beast does not dare to use it without authorization. If one is not well controlled, it will be completely scattered. ashes and dispersed smoke.

With the strength control of the lionhorn beast, it can only barely cover the two claws. If you want to cover the whole body, you can only refine the fleshy body to the peak of the nine-stage Lord of Universe. That's all right.

when the time comes, if the lionhorn really does that step, I am afraid that its random collision will carry the destructive power of terrifying, even if it does not use the technique, it will bring the current roar to life. The crash is not impossible.


Heaven shaking, earth shattering The explosion sound, like thunder, resounded across the sky.

However, because of the entire area, Hauling used Life Source Blood Essence beforehand to reinforce the envelope, the loud noise can only buzz inside the area.

Even so, the enveloping energy circle was shaken out of the visible cracks of naked eye.

oh la la!

The thunder energy that has been compressed a long time ago expands instantly, almost in the blink of an eye, it spreads like a prairie fire.

The long spear pillar that stands upright in the void is simply not the enemy of its one, but all of them are expelled and swallowed. If in a large space, they are all absorbed by the energy of the lioncorn beast. Occupied.

In this state, after a few breaths, the energy on the long spear pillar was also consumed.


The one silhouette hidden in it was finally exposed, and the undiminished peripheral energy poured directly on the body of Huling like a tide.

"Pu chi!"

At the moment, a mouthful of blood is spit out fiercely, and the body is like an airplane with its wings violently broken off from the sky. Fall down.

"hmph, the old fart thing!"

The lionhorn beast understands that this energy can be successfully used, but there is a fluke element in it, if it is not just howling Below, relying on the time difference created by Lion Roar Liegang, it is impossible to succeed so easily.

"Take advantage of your illness, kill you!"

The lionhorn beast, who mobilizes the energy in the body again, does not care about the energy loss caused by the forceful use of thunder energy. Since it has the upper hand, it will never let go of such a good time.




The lionhorn beast leaned down, taking advantage of the falling body of Howling, before it hit the ground, it rushed past it first.

Three unusually sharp spiral unicorns, ruthless piercing and roaring fleshy body!

Zira! bang! dong! Shua! pu chi ...

Various stern voices resounded endlessly. Every time the spiral unicorn shook, it would leave a blood hole in the body of Howling.

And the void, being treated like a ball, being kicked and stabbed indiscriminately, his face is pale at this moment.

The blood that comes out of pu chi from the corner of the mouth is like a fountain without money, spewing out at will.

The external energy exploded by the lionhorn beast was unexpected, and it was only now that he really woke up.


Feeling the lionhorn beast's reckless, all-round and random switching of various postures, roaring bursts of foul language.

No matter what, every time you scold a word, you have to spray a small fountain of blood...

In a short time, the lionhorn beast wants this method to hit him badly. , Still impossible, the gap in battle strength can be laid there.


Forcibly repelled the lion and horned beasts, roaring turned into a stream of light, and stopped in the distance.

Hey du!

At the entrance of the medicine pill, the injuries on his body are recovering quickly.

The lionhorn beast looked in his eyes, and was anxious in his heart. There was no way. He really didn't get rid of Hou Ling's big killer move in just a few minutes.

"In the face of absolute strength, some of them are in vain!"

Immediately after a little recovery, he roared in a deep voice, and was given this kind of work by the lionhorn beast. , Let him fly into a rage out of humiliation immediately.

hong long long ...

The essence of the body, rolling like a mountain torrent, one after another a sense of vigorous power, filled every corner of his body.


In this state, it almost makes you roar, and you can burst out from every move, extremely terrifying power.

Equivalent to a state of congestion throughout the body, but there is also a disadvantage that it does not last for a long time, and a sense of collapse will occur afterwards.

So, he must do it quickly, with all his strength, take the lionhorn beast on the spot.

"I just warmed up just now, why? I am impatient now!"

Lionhorn Beast is also aware of the sudden surging spirit in Hou Ling's body. His face also became slightly solemn now.

The Hou clan has been known for its bloodthirsty and brutality since trillions of years ago. It is precisely because of this that the Hou clan has a place in the forefront of the rare races in the universe.

This tyrannical skill, Lionhorn Beast still knows a little bit. Using this skill is tantamount to injecting a super stimulant into Roar’s body to completely eliminate the bloodthirsty and tyrannical instinct. Released.

Not only is he excited, irritable, and enthusiastic, by fair means or foul, but also doesn't feel any pain, which is exactly what Hou Ling is in.

"MMP, I don't want to fight this kind of painless monster."

"This is simply an insult to IQ. It is not only cruel, but also stubborn. Technical content."

Although it grinned like this, the lionhorn beast did not dare to have the slightest carelessness in its heart.

He knew that even if he tried his best, he would have to resist the next attack by Hou Ling as much as possible.

If you carry it down, the Huling will be weakened, and it will have a chance to counterattack, otherwise it will be miserable. If you bite your teeth, isn’t it the darkness before dawn? It’s afraid of a ball...


Hou Ling's face suddenly turned cold, and under the violent situation, he let out a loud roar.

The voice is hoarse and gloomy, a weird roar between beast roar and human roar, giving people the feeling of have one's hair stand on end.

oh la la!

The already very thin Life Source long spear, controlled by Hou Ling, quickly shrunk, until it turned into a tiny black spot, and plunged into the center of its eyebrows, disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, his veins burst out. The extremely dense blood vessels that were originally hidden under the skin of his whole body are all hyperemia and swelling at this moment.

It's like a thin snake entwined with roots. It seems that it may be blown up at any time. It looks very strange and terrifying.

crackle, the skeleton joints everywhere, along with the swaying of Hou Ling's body, are even more connected to make a crisp sound. The imposing manner of the whole person is also constantly climbing.

Immediately, both palms suddenly squeezed, a terrifying imposing manner, unreservedly pouring out of Hou Ling's body!


Under this atmosphere, the lionhorn beast was surprised to find that the most primordial beast in his body was also inexplicably shocked.

"What a scarlet eye!" The Lionhorn sucked in a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, both of them were full of strong killing intent and cold eyes, and they looked at each other.

Sparks are shooting, murderous aura is overflowing, the difference is that Hou Ling looks full of lifelessness, there is no vitality at all, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a flesh-shaped killing machine. .


Hou Ling's arm slowly waved first, and the tight atmosphere immediately became like a needle, sharply piercing every nerve of the lionhorn beast.

Fist like steel, with fierce and terrifying vigor, facing the area where the lionhorn beast is, like a large tank advancing at full speed, fiercely smashed it.

dong! 咚...

The entire space is filled with the heavy footsteps of Howling, and the whole earth vibrates, leaving a place for its footing one after another deep footprints.

The whole process from punching to running is simple and rude, without any fancy extra moves.

The roaring offensive has started, and the lionhorn beast dare not take the slightest care, and the three-dimensional body is even more tense and waits for it.




The three silhouettes swayed abruptly, and the lionhorn beasts were distributed in three directions from the left, the center and the right, mixed with the fierce sharp claw, which also unceremoniously returned.

The sudden change in the position of the lionhorn in front did not allow Roaring’s offensive to make any adjustments and changes. From his scarlet eyes, it was more like completely unnecessary and full of Thick disdain.

Until the lion-horned beast in front of him, only when he was very close, did Hou Ling's slightly bent arms stretch forward fiercely.


Mixed with the piercing sound of the fist, moved towards the body of the lionhorn beast, it slammed heavily.

The two collided abruptly. As for the whole body of Hou Ling, the door was wide open, but she didn't care at all.


As soon as it came into contact with Howling’s fist, the position of the fist on the Lionhorn’s body quickly sank at a speed visible to naked eye .


A dull bone crack echoed, causing the lionhorn beast's entire body to curl up in pain, bend back into a bow, and fly out directly.



The other two lion horns on the left and right are looking at the timing, unicorn, sharp claw, sharp teeth, etc., whatever All the parts with offensive power greeted Huling.


Roar without pain, a low growl, extremely impatient, shaking his figure fiercely.

The lionhorn beasts on the left and right were shaken by the huge counter-shock force, and they were thrown out by fiercely like a cannonball.

dong! ...

After connecting three ground slamming sounds, the lionhorn beast’s body was on the ground and rolled for several weeks before it was worthy of removing the impact. Barely stopped the figure.

"Pu chi!"

The painful lionhorn beast spews out a mouthful of blood one after another.

This is exactly the meet force with force, but fortunately the fleshy body of the lionhorn beast is strong, otherwise it is really bode ill rather than well, even so, those broken ribs , But also let it hurt not lightly.

On the other hand, the injury suffered by Hou Ling is much more minor in comparison. The most important thing is the two blood holes left by the two unicorns. As for some scratches and bite marks, they can be ignored.

A blow to the defeated Lionhorn, at this moment, I also really felt a sense of urgency. Whether it can survive the time of roaring and tyrannizing, now it dare not guarantee.. .


took a deep breath, the lionhorn beast grinned and hurriedly mobilized his body's energy to repair the serious injuries in his body.

The tyrannical roar has no pain, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a lionhorn.


Apparently not willing to give the other party extra time to recover, Hou Ling's figure moved again, like a ghost, and appeared in front of the lionhorn beast with the most serious injury.

After the tyranny, even the speed is obviously much faster than before.


The lionhorn beast's eyes shrank slightly, and he screamed secretly, ignoring the damage caused by the backlash in the body, and the essence was restored. Quickly reverse to the attack state.

oh la la!

The spiral unicorn moved in response to his heart, and with a sneer, it cut through the space, and with vigorous vigor, he prodded the roaring head fiercely.

Standing forward and backward, almost at the same time, the same is true for the two lionhorn beasts behind.

The spiral unicorn struck, but Hou Ling didn't evade, and he swung his fist blankly to meet again. It was the meet force with force that collided with the unicorn.


Unexpectedly, the fist was pierced by the unicorn, but before the lionhorn beast continued to attack, the roaring fist was just like Like thunder, he blasted directly at the head of the lionhorn beast.

If the momentum on Hou Ling's fist is hit, it will faint the lionhorn beast directly for fear.

Tabbing! ...

The back was pierced with two blood holes in succession, and only the fist that Hauling blasted out, stopped for a while, and then continued to blast.

This kind of fighting posture of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred, even the lionhorn beast can't help but let out a horror.

Faced with such a short-range attack, fortunately, the lionhorn beast's experience in close hand-to-hand combat is extremely rich. Out of instinctive reaction, the sharp claw grips tightly, and then fiercely and roaring Fists banged together.


The two collided, but Hauling's arm flicked, and the muscles on his arm were twisted strangely, which dispelled the lionhorn's energy.

The palm of his hand opened his mouth like a poisonous snake, fiercely attacking the neck of the lionhorn beast.

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