Between the sparks of calcium carbide, howling sharp nails suddenly soared, like a sharp thorn, cold light flashed across the lionhorn beast’s neck.

The sudden change caused the lionhorn beast's pupils to violently open, too late to react too much, and the whole head leaned back subconsciously.


It was dangerous and dangerous to avoid, but even so, there were still a few Yinhong blood marks on the neck of the lionhorn beast.

This is still because of the lionhorn beast's essence protection and the tyrannical fleshy body. If you change it to the eighth paragraph of the ordinary Lord of Universe, I am afraid that the entire head will be cut off now.

The tingling sensation from the neck and neck made the lionhorn beast's face tremble, and it was too late to have too many thoughts. Roaring attacked again, and it came fiercely.


In this attack, the lionhorn was no longer so lucky. Its abdomen was exposed. After fiercely received a heavy punch, it flew out again.

The position where Hou Ling starts is also extremely ruthless. For the lionhorn beast, the abdomen is considered the weakest place, and it is even more painful for him.

After blasting the lionhorn beast in front of him, Hou Ling turned his head away, with scarlet eyes, glanced at a lionhorn beast on the left, and slammed his fist down again.

As for the continuous attack of the lionhorn beast on the right, Roaring chose to ignore it directly. He was confident that he would let the opponent hit him on the body, and within a short time, he could not cause serious damage. .

The lionhorn beast is different, almost hit hard by him!


After blasting the lionhorn beast on the left, the roaring that freed her hand took another look and waved his fist towards the lionhorn beast on the right.


Unsurprisingly, he was blown upside down again.


Regardless of the injuries inside, the lionhorn beast that flew out first, gritted his teeth and stood up again.

Take advantage of the empty space where the latter flew backwards, and once again moved towards the direction of Howling, fierce and unafraid of death rushed past.

It's just that this attack, whether it is speed or strength, is obviously weaker, and there are no other additional actions.

Like a mad cow, relying on the sharpest spiral horn on the head, fiercely rushed past.

pu chi, 咚...

Every time the lionhorn flies out, it means that it will leave a small blood hole in the body of Howling. , No matter what, there is no pain at all in Hou Ling at this moment, only knowing that he is blindly punching and attacking...

At the same time.

The messengers of the various races who had escaped from the death of the Hou clan quickly picked up the communicator in their hands as soon as they determined that the surrounding environment was safe.

All the things that happened to the roar clan will be truthfully reported to the respective patriarchs.

Not only is this the situation in the major races, but the Hou clan's affairs are also spreading rapidly in the network of the universe. The momentum of spread is very crazy, and it quickly occupied the hot list of the day. one.


"You mean, Earth has the existence of Lord of Universe!"

"Moreover, it has come to the Hou clan now "

This was everyone's first reaction after receiving this news. First they were extremely shocked, and then they were terrified.

Only the two words Earth, with the appearance of Ning Tianlin in the universe for nearly a hundred years, it has been dubbed a synonym of mysterious, horror, and ancient.

According to reports on the Internet, Ning Tianlin, who has not yet reached the Lord of Universe, is from Earth. Even with such battle strength, he is still splicing and fighting each other to kill the major races in the universe. It’s been devastated one after another...

And now, the Lord of Universe of Earth is coming, isn’t that much more powerful than Ning Tianlin!

What the hell is Earth going to do!

If it is really for revenge as the rumors above, then it is really too terrifying...

The ordinary Martial Artists in the universe can’t help but feel terrified. When they heard this news, it was like a blockbuster exploded in the heart.

Human Race.

The planet where the King of Yin and Yang is located.

"Is it him?"

"He is still alive!"

A man dressed in a beautiful robe with a Yin-Yang Diagram case printed on his chest The old man, said solemnly surprised, listen carefully, he who has been overseeing a area all the year round, even his breathing is a little short at this moment.

After understanding what happened to the Hou clan, King Yin and Yang couldn't calm down for a long time.

He is not afraid of the lionhorn itself. No matter how powerful the lionhorn is, it can definitely be destroyed under the encirclement of four or five Lord of Universe.

It’s the fact that the lionhorn is still alive and coming to the roar clan. Ning Tianlin is the rising star of Earth and represents the new brand of powerhouse. The lionhorn is different. It is the old powerhouse. Doesn't it mean that the remnants of Earth have revived?

There is also the ancient Number One Person. From the current situation, it seems that most likely is still alive, but dormant. After the establishment of Profound Yellow Sect, the super genius like Ning Tianlin was cultivated.. .

Think carefully and fear!

"The universe that has stabilized for hundreds of millions of years, I am afraid that it will really usher in a huge change!"

The king of Yin and Yang has a look of horror, because he knows what it means.


Crazy revenge from Earth powerhouse!

All races that opposed Earth back then must have to pay a heavy price, and no one is spared!


"What should I do!"

The king of Yin and Yang who has always been stable as Mount Tai, at this moment is really anxious, like hot Like the ants on the pot, they kept stomping in circles in the hall, completely inconsistent with the imposing manner that his superiors should have.

Not only himself, but even Yin-Yang Sect can have today's achievements. It is because of the resources he plundered from Earth that he has developed step by step.

Various pill concocting secret recipes, techniques, pill furnace, etc., without exception, are mechanically copied from Earth’s Pill Refining Sect.

Earth will definitely not let it go!

It's not just the Hou clan, Yin-Yang Sect can't escape either!

"I don't know, what will they think after knowing this news!"

The King of Yin and Yang even felt that not only he panicked, but those who participated in the Ancient Battle back then, I must be panicked!

"No, I have to go to Qin Family!"

After hesitating for a while, the King of Yin and Yang finally couldn't help taking the lead and instructed a follower next to it.

"But, sect master, your current relationship with Qin Family..."

The entourage said halfway through, and then forcibly swallowed it again.

Qin Family patriarch has long been suspicious about the collusion between Yin-Yang Sect and Qin Family, but there is no direct evidence, and coupled with the fact that the machine family is pressing harder and harder on the battlefield. Fucked with them Yin-Yang Sect on the spot.

But this kind of relationship maintained is only a superficial couple, and the small frictions in private have long been known to happen.

"Hey, it's okay."

"The situation after today will be completely different. Patriarch Qin must know better than me!"

The King of Yin and Yang sighed helplessly, and the whole person's Essence, Qi, and Spirit were also a lot of instant decadence.

What unified Human Race? It's all shit!

Even Tashan King, who owns the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, is now whereabouts unknown, regardless of enemy or friend, as if completely evaporated.

Now that the remnants of Earth are coming, even if the Human Race is really unified, so what? Under Earth's counterattack, it was not like an illusion, and it collapsed in an instant.

At present, the most important enemy is Earth. Earth’s matter is not completely resolved in one day. Everything they do will be in vain...

"patriarch, need Don't arrange some manpower to accompany you?"

The entourage who has been with Yin-Yang King all the year round does not know Yin-Yang's helplessness, but he still asked again with some worry.

"No need."

The King of Yin and Yang waved his hand.


Just as the King of Yin and Yang was about to leave, outside the great hall, a rush of reports resounded from far to near.

"What's the matter!"

The King of Yin and Yang raised his brows. If there were no urgent matters, the servants would not shout and report like this.

Should it be?

Is the remnant of Earth hit the door?

Thinking of this kind of probability, the King of Yin and Yang's heart suddenly tightened, and the spirit of his whole body was secretly surging.

Flee or fight? Thinking quickly in his mind!



At the same time, at the entrance of the hall, a Martial Artist who notified the information, swiftly swept from the corridor After that, stayed at the entrance of the hall.

"Knock on the King of Yin and Yang!"

The Martial Artist, who bowed his head, was breathing heavily.

"Say, what's the matter!"

Seeing the other's nervous expression, the king of Yin and Yang frowned and ordered.

"Qin Family, Qin Family patriarch is here!"

The voice of the Martial Artist who was notified was a little trembling. When he thought of the relationship between the two families, he felt that the situation was not good.


When the King of Yin and Yang heard this, he couldn't help but sighed in relief, and gave the Martial Artist alive. Inadvertently, cold sweat oozes from his back.

It seems that Qin Family is even more uncontrollable. There is a knowing smile on the corners of Yin and Yang's mouth. He doesn't know Qin Family's intention, but he knows it.

"Let him in."

Without blaming the Martial Artist in the slightest, the King of Yin and Yang whispered to go down.


The other party nodded, just wondering in his heart. The relationship between them and Qin Family is not already...

Although Sect Master is unknown Why did Bai do this, but he still retreated.


Just as the man just turned around, the Yin Yang Royal General stopped him.

"This matter is not trivial, let the old man go personally!"

After a moment of silence, King Yin Yang waved his sleeves and walked out of the hall.


The only thing left is that person's face is very surprised. Isn't their relationship between Yang Family and Qin Family endless? When did it recover so well, the sect master went out to greet him personally.

But when I think about it, Earth, Lord of Universe, which are widely rumors on the Internet, come to the roar clan, after waiting for the keywords, it seems like they have come to understand...

It's not just them Yin-Yang Sect's sky has changed, and the entire universe will change after today!

Almost in the same time period, but in a different planet.

Insect race, Orcs, Mu Clan, Stone Golem Race... and so on are all in extreme panic. Without exception, the source of panic is the same as the King of Yin and Yang.

In the past few years, their all influences are still frantically searching for Earth, thinking that if they find Earth, they can completely stifle all the disturbing factors in the cradle.

But now, it seems that the identities of the hunters of the two parties are about to be changed. The Lord of Universe of Earth has already arrived, and they are still picking hard persimmons and directly looking for the rare race Hou Clan. Base camp!

If it were to come to the headquarters of their various races, they would be afraid that no one would live to see the sun the next day.

Is this lionhorn beast the first Lord of Universe that Earth descends, or the last Lord of Universe that descends, they don't know.

A thick atmosphere of threat shrouded the high-levels in their respective clan. A large part of this threat came from Ning Tianlin, who is still hiding in the dark!

Ning Tianlin, who hasn't appeared so far, looks like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, spitting out a scarlet snake letter, and there is a possibility of violent injury at any time.

Moreover, the venom contained in this poisonous snake is still very poisonous, very ruthless, and one blow is deadly enough, even the Lord of Universe is no exception.

In the lobby of the machine family.

"haha, is Earth going to retaliate?"

"Okay! It's very good!"

The Demon Spirit King who looks like crazy, leans on his back With a stone pillar, mystifying hiss shouted, under the dishevelled hair, a pair of eyes filled with ferocious excitement, exuding a hint of cold glow.

The one with Ning Tianlin has the most absolutely irreconcilable hatred. His Demon Spirit King wants to say second, I am afraid that no race is qualified to rank first.

As a big clan in the universe that can be ranked, it was cut off and there is no new force. What a frustration and helplessness, it is simply extraordinary shame and humiliation!

"hmph is a bunch of useless waste, even Ning Tianlin can't deal with it!"

Thinking of the three words Ning Tianlin, the Demon Spirit King couldn’t bear it again Curse at Fiercely's exit.

"This is all right, you guys will soon follow in the footsteps of my machine family!"

The Demon Spirit King who said to himself, said coldly with a malicious smile, the idea in his mind at this moment is more like a gambler who has lost all his chips. It seems that others are better than him.

In his opinion, it seems that the Lord of Universe of Earth has suddenly come, which is an extremely fair thing for their aircraft family.

Why, it is their machine family that is extremely unlucky? If you are unlucky, everyone will be unlucky together, and no one will want to escape!

Even if the Hou clan patriarch Hou Ling is really destroyed, what can it do? As long as he still has clansman alive, he can still reproduce after there are still...

So, it is their machine clan who lost the worst!

For a whole day, the senior officials of the major races did not work out a good countermeasure.

Go to the roar clan? Still stand still? They are still waiting and hesitating!

To be more precise, it is waiting for Ning Tianli who is hiding in the dark to show up, otherwise the feeling of being like a man on his back makes them deeply suspicious, that is the one set by Ning Tianlin Trap, waiting for them to get in.

However, fortunately, there are already many media reporters who risked their lives to disseminate information about the Hou clan in real time.

It's not that these media people don't want their lives anymore. They all gave orders to die. As long as they want to continue, they must immediately take their equipment and go to the area near the Hou clan.

Of course, this is not enough to make those media people work hard, but when a high reward is offered, brave men will come forward, the promised promotion and salary increase are much more generous than before .

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