For such a big incident, if you can report first-hand information, you will be promoted directly to the veteran level in the company, and you will no longer have to run around carrying the machine, although it will not ascending to the skies with a single leap, but it's almost there.

Even if there is no first-hand information, even if it is second-hand, third-hand is fine, and even if there is no decent report, the salary will be improved immediately after returning.

Go out and do it! Those in the media who still want to develop further are gritted their teeth and are ordered by the company in danger.

They also have a fluke mentality. After all, according to the long-term follow-up report of Ning Tianlin, the powerhouses he killed were more or less out of date with him.

The Earth Lord of Universe who descended on the Hou tribe should be the same...

The Great War, the Lord of Universe on the Earth side, is invincible to the Hou tribe patriarch Hou Ling , Was totally tyrannical!

Judging from the battle situation of the two outer sides, the offensive of Hou Ling also weakened a lot in an instant, as if repercussions brought about by the use of a certain secret technique.

However, even so, it is a lot stronger than Earth that powerhouse's offensive!

The battle continues, and the one-sided trend has not changed. It is predicted that the Earth powerhouse will be destroyed by roaring within two days...

On the front line, intermittent reports of the war situation came back.

The reason why they can have such a detailed report, they have to thank Hou Ling, the energy circle that was condensed with Life Source Blood Essence before doing it, or it would have been washed away by the energy wave.

Will Ning Tianlin show up again, and personally come to the roar clan, will know the result in two days.

If it does not appear, then the Lord of Universe of Earth will truly fall.

If they appeared, whether they could reverse the ending and counter-kill Hou Ling, it also put a deep question mark in their hearts.

Such a suspenseful ending was fuelled by the good deeds, and it was heated up. Almost all Martial Artists are always paying attention to the latest reports from the Hou Clan.

At the same time, a planet that covers an area not too big, but is quite rich, SJM.

Looking at the center of the planet from afar, there is a tall and majestic building. Although it is close to the bustling downtown area, it looks extremely quiet.

I don’t know why, as soon as people pass by here, they will always stop unconsciously, and while admiring its appearance, they all cast a look of envy.

Its shape is very eye-catching, like an eagle that is about to fly, with its wings spread out as if it is about to jump. No one who can work here is not rich and oily. .

"Manager Shi, I have to say that your proposal is very good!"

In that very conspicuous building, there is a luxuriously decorated office with a back Aussung flying on the large soft office chair, tapped the report on the desktop with that slightly plump finger.

“Many thanks to the praise of the Australian General Manager. It is my duty to make profits for the Australian family.”

The lady who is called the manager of the time, put the woman in front of her forehead The short hair was stranded backwards, replied modestly.

A tailor-made dark professional uniform, which sets off her already good slender figure very well, black silk, high heels, plus a star blue short hair, but another There is a taste.

If you put this kind of appearance outside, it will definitely attract a lot of men, stopping to look back.

However, the slightly plump middle-aged man in front of her is obviously a case, and it hasn't stayed too much on her body from beginning to end.

As that man, as long as he is willing, he will beckon at will. I don't know how many women younger and beautiful than her will immediately post upside down.

"This is really a very good opportunity to make money. I don’t know how Australia is thinking about it?"

The manager carefully asked about the results. In her current position, she is not yet qualified to be able to maintain a long dialogue with the Australian president in front of her at such a close distance. Under normal circumstances, the General Manager of Australia gives her work instructions through the internal communicator.

Being able to sit here now, she doesn't think Australia is always greedy for her beauty, but her proposal really aroused the other's interest.


"Hehe, I'm afraid I can't call the shots in this matter."

Ao Xuanfei took a deep breath in his hands. After the cigar, he faintly spit out a small smoke ring, looking at the fading smoke.

How could he not know that this is an excellent opportunity? Otherwise, he would not temporarily change the original schedule and suddenly arrive at the company's headquarters.

Be aware that he will usually only show up unless there is a major event in the company, otherwise he will simply not show up in the company.

In the originally planned itinerary, he was going to meet with an important client. The subordinates have already negotiated some details of the cooperation, and he only needs to show up and sign.

The business that was temporarily shelved by him will bring huge benefits to their family, but even so, it cannot be compared with Manager Shi's proposal.

"This matter, you can't take the lead?"

Shi manager's Liu eyebrows can't help but frown. Even the long legs wrapped in black are subconsciously directed. Moved later.

"Yes, when I first received your proposal, I will report to it."

The left hand with a cigar in it, while Australia Xuanfei is talking, it is After shaking slightly upwards for a few times, immediately continued opening the mouth and said.

"The Old Guys of the family are in a meeting to discuss at this moment."

It stands to reason that in the past such things, based on his status in the family, can still be the masters. , Simply need to consult the board of directors again.

But this time is different, because once the manager's opinion is adopted, it will be an unknown to their family.

If you open the market rashly, it will involve a person's name. Just thinking of that name, not just him and the board of directors above, will probably cause headaches for almost all martial artists in the universe.

There is no other reason. It is that there is really no power that is willing to intersect with him, unless it is forced to do so, or if there is a huge benefit, it is worth taking the risk.

And their SJM family is facing the latter at this moment. If this bet goes well, it will be their most profitable one!

But the benefits and risks are often proportional. With a little carelessness, their SJM family will probably fall into a state of consigned to eternal damnation.

Because, what their board of directors is discussing at the moment is to use Earth Martial Artist Ning Tianlin to set up a big bet in the universe!

"Australian General Manager, what do you think is the probability that the board of directors will agree?"

In the empty office, it is now a lot more dignified, even the manager of the time. The crisp sound became dull.

"Half, half."

After squeezing out half of the cigar in his hand, Ao Xuanfei raised his brows and raised upwards, and said what he felt Guess.

This probability is already very high. Their Australian home is not the kind of small gambling house. Once they start a gambling, they will face the betting of gamblers from all over the universe. It is precisely because of this factor. , They dare not make a decision rashly.

To put it nicely, it is to find a lottery for the gamblers to bet. If it is not nice, it is to use his Ning Tianlin's life to make money for their Australian family!

After hundreds of millions of years of operation, SJM has long been the top gambling star in the universe. Its industry is even more extensive. Wherever there is a bet, there is their SJM family. Tentacles stretched out.

There are not only luxurious physical casinos, which provide gamblers from all over the universe with a variety of game methods, but also allow every gambler to enjoy distinguished services. .

And the Internet is also updated from time to time, round after round of fast gambling, without leaving home, you can also enjoy the pleasure of spending a fortune, as for the overnight rich, or nothing, that is those gambling The disciples’ own business.

If Ning Tianlin is defeated by the Hou clan, it's okay to say, when the time comes, give the Hou clan patriarch a large sum of cosmic coins.

The old guys on the board of directors, although the relationship with Hou Ling is not deep, but they also have several points of friendship. Under the money, It shouldn't be too much to blame their Australians.

But if Ning Tianlin won, it would be really hard to say.

The Australians really don't know much about his nature, and all kinds of rumors in the universe are also bad aspects, such as killing, seeking revenge for the slightest grievance, and so on.

In short, if you provoke him or are worried about him, there will be only one result. No matter how high the opponent’s battle strength is, or how big the family power is, it’s the same. One can escape alive.

Ning Tianlin doesn’t care about it. If he really touches his mold, after finishing the roar clan, on the other hand, they will pull up by the roots. It is very likely to happen. of.

As for whether Ning Tianlin will come to the Hou Clan, they guess that there is a high probability that it will be. Ning Tianlin, who is an Earth person, will not save the Lord of Universe of Earth. This is too unreasonable. Right?

However, if Ning Tianlin does not come to the roar clan, it will be fine, at the worst, the attention is low, just make less money.

We set up a bet in advance based on whether Ning Tianlin will come to the roar clan. I believe there will still be a lot of gamblers to place a bet.

After all, the current Ning Tianlin is definitely the spicy chicken among the popular spicy chickens. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as red.

Borrowing his name to gambling, there is no doubt about the degree of attention, and one of the most important reasons is that Ning Tianlin’s battle strength, which can kill Danger Land every time, always can Create suspense.

But what about this time? Will the miracle belonging to Ning Tianlin continue? You must know that Hou Ling is the veteran Lord of Universe nine-dan!

Attention, suspense, etc., these factors are all there, and if their Australians set a bet openly, this will undoubtedly be the most earned by their Australians in history.

"Wait, then!"

The words are all about it, and the manager can only wait patiently.

However, she was not idle, she quietly sent a message that she had prepared in advance.

The content of this message is very brief, with only the word "prepare". The person receiving the message is her most trusted assistant.

With the manager's understanding of the general managerial style of Australia, the probability of this half is already very high. It is time for the assistant to prepare everything first.

Even if it really doesn’t work, it’s okay. It’s not that it takes more work. Who hasn’t done a lot of useless work yet.

But if the board of directors agrees, and immediately go to the operation, one minute more time, that means how much betting is required.

Not only Martial Artist, but also many ordinary residents will follow.

For betting across the universe, not everyone can successfully place a bet. The range of their network is limited.


However, not long after the message went out, the vibration of the manager's communicator rang abruptly.


When the manager scratched his head in embarrassment, the Australian president had long stipulated that when he was talking, any employee should shut down the communicator.

"It’s okay, let’s take a look, maybe there’s something to do with the company, but just this once."

Reignite a cigar’s Australian suspension flying, watching not knowing what to The manager of do said with some dissatisfaction.


Shi Manager couldn't help but sighed in relief. Just now, she was still hesitating whether to turn off the communicator. She waited a while and found a reason to go out and have a look. Now it seems unnecessary.


"Australia General Manager, the underground black shop has already started betting!"

After a quick glance at the content of the communicator in his hand, time After pursing his red lips, the manager decided to report truthfully.

The underground black shop, SJM’s second gambling industry’s stable player, is different from the Australians in that the other party has to be bolder. As long as there is a profit, they dare to block everything. The premise Gamblers are not afraid of being hacked.

While terrifying with high odds, the most basic principle of honesty when opening a casino has long been thrown aside by underground black shops. Whether you can get benefits from them depends on your luck.

"Oh, so fast?"

"There is really nothing they dare to do!"

First of all, I was surprised, and then I thought of the underground black shops. Ao Xuanfei was relieved without seeing the unobtrusive means.

This time it is estimated that the server will get to a remote planet that does not know its name, and then just pat the ass and leave.

Australia, who can’t wait to know the result, moved the office chair back, walked slowly to the French window on the side, and cast his gaze into the distance...

Half a day later, inside the Netherworld.

"This is a Rongxidan. After you go out, no one will recognize you, including Lord of Universe!"

A list of young people who stand on their hands, At this moment, I was holding a gray-brown medicine pill and introduced its function to the woman in front of me.

Rongxidan can already be regarded as a high-quality medicine pill, not only can change the appearance of the user, but even the unique breath of Martial Artist is no exception.

"Thank you Master!"

The woman next to the youth carefully took over the medicine pill and quickly thanked her.

Now that her identity has been exposed, she will definitely become a target for all influence to look for. With this medicine pill, she saves her troubles.

She originally thought she would die, but she was surprised to find that she was resurrected in Netherworld. The first person to see after waking up was the young man in front of her, her Master Ning Tianlin!

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