Ordinary Martial Artist’s chattering was originally about the hot topics recently, and their respective ideas under "talking and talking", Ning Tianlin has not been careful to this point.

However, the occasional topic discussed later attracted the attention of both of them.

"Kamen, how about it, do you want to give it a try? This is a good opportunity to make money, don’t blame buddies for not reminding you!"

The man who spoke, use Arm carefully took advantage of the other side, and kept encouraging.

"If you want to vote for you, I'll leave it alone. I have saved a little savings in total, and I have to save it to purchase cultivation resources."

This name is Gameng The man seemed to hesitate very much, but when he thought of his current battle strength, he still gritted his teeth and rejected the other party's proposal.

"tsk tsk, young man, no wonder your battle strength is so low. With your courage, how can you still have a little Martial Artist spirit?"

Another age next to you The older passengers, after sighing, were kindly reminded, and then continued to add.

"Your friend is right. I missed this village, but there is no shop. Before I got on the bus, I just made a bet!"

Believe it or not, the middle-aged man took out the communicator he carried with him and turned to the page for transferring money and betting.

"Come and see, let’s tell you, I secretly bought a bet of 10,000 Cosmic Coins with my wife on my back!"

At the same time, it’s like showing off. , Deliberately shook the betting page in his hand before the eyes of the rest of the onlookers.

"Hiss! Ten thousand?"

"Uncle Yi, aren't you a famous wife and strict control? Why dare you to buy so much? I'm not afraid that life will not go on. !"

This planet is not big at all. Although they are not very familiar with each other, they still know some details about each other.

Gameng opened his mouth in surprise. Ten thousand cosmic coins are enough to buy a good house in their planet.

"What are you afraid of? This time I won it steadily. Although the odds are small, it is equivalent to nothing!"

"hmph, as for that stinky lady, I'm fed up. Once the prize is drawn, I will kick her right away and marry a younger and more beautiful one again!"

When I think of what a moist life will be in a few days, the middle-aged greasy wings Uncle, couldn't help grinning and let out a piggy grunt.

"Here, if you lose, you will have nothing..."

Although gamblers don’t want to hear the word "lost," Gameng still Remind it out of kindness and kindness.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

Uncle Yi who feels bad, Fiercely's moved towards side spit out three spitting breaths, and used a pair of elders to teach Junior, hate iron for The tone of not becoming steel continued.

"How is it possible to lose? I definitely won't lose!"

"Aren't you on the Internet? People's patriarch, but the genuine Lord of Universe 9th dan, still that kind Veteran powerhouse!"

Uncle Yi looked contemptuously, looked towards Jiameng, like looking at a silly boy who has never seen the world.

"So what? Ning Tianlin has not been a simple character since his debut, whoever blocks i will kill, he is stronger when he is strong, and he has never lost his hand!"

Being ridiculed in public, Jiameng is also not to be outdone's counterattack, and what he said is the truth, he doesn't think Ning Tianlin will be defeated!

The two of the giving tit for tat immediately made the atmosphere in the carriage mixed with some medicinal smell.

"Okay, okay, don't make any noise!"

"Whether Ning Tianlin will come to the roar clan, it is still unknown!"

There are no shortage of good-hearted passengers nearby, who have become peacemakers. Up to now, there is no clear report on Ning Tianlin's attitude on the Internet.

"What are you afraid of? The Australian family has made a promise that if Ning Tianlin does not show up, not only will it be refunded in full, but also a bonus of 1% of the betting amount will be given away!"

Uncle Yi, who often bets at the Australian home, mumbles confidently, Ning Tianlin comes to the roar, he wins, and does not come to him to get the prize back from the Australian home.

This is almost a lucrative thing. What else does he hesitate about? Those who don't bet yet are afraid of being a fool!

"che, didn’t you see the line of small characters below? The final interpretation belongs to their Australian family, and they also clearly indicate that the donated prizes cannot be withdrawn, and can only be made at their Australian family. Play in the playground!"

Another passenger, a picture of what he thought was clearly understood, emphasized the limitations of the prize money.

"Waiting, it’s not that I said you, I usually buy something, it’s just a matter of deductions and charges, this time it’s really different."

This is called Jinghou. Man, Uncle Yi can be said to be eager to understand, too shrewd. Whenever he encounters an activity, he will do an actuarial account, for fear that the business will give him a scam.

I never even participate in the activities of online shopping. They are all the routines of the merchants. I want you to spend more and only wait for the product that you value. It will only start when the lowest price is reached.

"What does the Australian family stand for, do you understand? Almost every planet has their loyal lottery players, and the returned jackpots, even if you don’t want them, you can sell them on the black market, with a minimum of eight If you fold it, you will be strong and empty."

This is true for Yi Bo, because he has done it just like that. In order to make money, he often asks his friends around him from the black market. Buy some bonus cards at a low price.

Anyway, it's the same. He has to go to the place to bet and spend money. If he can use a cheaper jackpot card, why not do it?

One percent of 10,000 Universe Coins is 100 Universe Coins, although it is a little bit less, but the premise is that Ning Tianlin's words from the roar clan that Ning Tianlin does not come are really free.

This Hundred Universe Coins can be consumed once at the high-end club in their planet. When the time comes, the clubhouse will let him choose from the young model. It's cool to think about it.

"Oh? Can it be like this?"

Suddenly, the people in the entire carriage began to talk about each other, thinking about getting out of the car, and immediately went to the official website of Australia. Turn around, maybe you can really make a little bit of money...

In just a few minutes before and after, Ning Tianlin, who has been sitting on the side without speaking, probably knows what's going on.

This Australian house is really a good calculation!

I want to make a fuss about him and Howling, and then fiercely makes a fortune in the universe.

As for the Australian family will not make money? That is impossible. As long as he descends on the Hou clan, the professional trader of the Australian family will adjust the odds in real time to ensure that their Australian family maximizes their profits.

Crazy betting across the universe, even if the odds are small, it will be an extremely expensive number.

Even if his Ning Tianlin does not come to the roar clan, the Australian family will win. On the surface, the Australian family will suffer a loss and give out a huge amount of bonus cards, but in the end these bonus cards will flow back to where, then It goes without saying, it must be their Australian home!

This equivalent to attracts a lot of new customers on the basis of the original customer base. These new customers only need to transfer the lottery card at a low price, but as long as they go to their Australian home To bet and get them hooked easily, Australia doesn’t know how many.

The door of the Australian family is always open for them, not afraid of them winning money, just afraid that they will not get the bait of the Australian family.

Ten gambles and nine loses. It does not mean that there is still one person with a very small probability of winning, but that ten people gamble and nine people lose, and only one person will win, and that person is the banker. And their Australian home is the bookmaker!

"Driver, stop now, I want to get off!"

There are already some passengers who can’t wait to start yelling. Fortunately, this sightseeing car is a kind of beckoning stop, and the driver is also Not much to care about the voice of the passengers, the slow vehicle stopped on the side of the road.

If the car stopped, the passengers in the whole carriage swarmed towards the exit, and there was no mood for sightseeing anymore.

"It's clean now."

Glancing at the passengers under the car, Bu Yunyan stretched out a little, and sighed helplessly.

Originally, I asked the Master to accompany her out to relax. After such a fuss, she would have lost the mood for a long time. If it weren't for the Master sitting next to her, she wanted to teach these noisy passengers a lesson.

The most hateful thing is that Australian family, who is not good at winning, dares to make money with his Master’s life, but the old birthday star hangs himself, tired of living!

Bu Yunyan, who was angry, couldn't help but grasped those white hands tightly. No matter what the Master’s attitude, she had already put this Australian family on the blacklist.

"As for the Australian family, don't interfere. You have your own way for the teacher."

Although Bu Yunyan was well hidden, he was still aware of it by Ning Tianlin , The strange energy fluctuations in her body.

How can he not know the nature of this discipline?

Just because the machine clan posted a cosmic bulletin, even a lot of planets were slaughtered. If it weren’t for being caught by the roar clan, it is estimated that her discipline would still be hiding in the dark, wondering Which planet should I start with?

Before this was the case, this time the Australian family's blatant behavior must have been targeted by her as well.


"Oh, that's okay."

Bu Yunyan wanted to say something, but saw that Master stopped it Gesture, forcibly swallowed.

"How much is left of the universe coins that the teacher gave you?"

Ning Tianlin looked at Bu Yunyan's aggrieved appearance, and asked with a smile.

He discovered that his discipline hasn't grown up yet, he already has a reverse scale, and the reverse scale is his Ning Tianlin's name!

It’s better to say good things. Once someone speaks bad things about Ning Tianlin in her presence, then it’s sorry, and only apologizes with death.

"Master, are you going to leave now?"

Bu Yunyan's answer is not an unreasonable answer. In the past, Ning Tianlin would give it to him when he was leaving. She is a large sum of cosmic coins.

This time, she encountered something like the Australian family again. She really thought that Ning Tianlin was going to deal with the Australian family's affairs.

Immediately, for fear that Ning Tianlin would force her a cosmic coin again, Bu Yunyan quickly added.

"You don't need to give it to me anymore. I basically didn't spend much of the last time, it's enough for me."

"Have you ever told me to leave? "" Ning Tianlin asked with a soft smile.

"Uh? It doesn't seem to be..."

Bu Yunyan scratched his head in embarrassment, won't you go? Then why do you suddenly ask such a sentence?


Should it not? To use these cosmic coins to...

"Well, you are right."

"After getting off the bus for a while, you will go to the nearby betting point and take your All the Cosmic Coins left on his body were thrown in."

Ning Tianlin with a smirk on his face, a coldness flashed in his dark eyes.

You Aojia, don’t you want to rely on his Ning Tianlin name to make money? Well, Ning Tianlin is beating somebody at their own game this time to satisfy its wish!

Does the banker definitely win? Not necessarily!

If this abacus hits other people, it's fine, but his Ning Tianlin is destined to not belong to the group of other people.

"haha, okay!"

Bu Yunyan knowingly couldn't help but laugh out loud.

This Master is so bad. If you bet on yourself so blatantly, is it suspected of cheating?

hehe, that's what he deserves!

Gambling is inherently a winner and loser, but the Australian family didn’t expect to plot against, but was still in by someone else’s plot against.

If it is a normal bet amount, they may still be able to lose money, but Master’s universe coins are really not so much.

I'm afraid that this very rich Australian home will lose no more panties after tomorrow. The wealth accumulated over hundreds of millions of years is destined to be Master's wedding dress this time!

"Miss, do you want to put all the universe coins in?"

An abrupt voice passed from back to front in the empty carriage come over.


Bu Yunyan a little surprised, moved towards the source of the sound and glanced at it.

At this moment, in the carriage, except for the driver, there are only three left, and the person who asked is Gameng, who was instigated by his friends to bet.

"What? Is there a problem?"

After taking a glance at the other party, Bu Yunyan replied complied in an angry manner, and the words were overheard by others, no matter who it was, it would be very taboo.

If it hadn't been for just now, I heard the young man speak for the sake of supporting the Master, now there will only be one more dead body in the carriage!


Although he was just casually glanced at, Jiameng only felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, and he shuddered.

I wanted to persuade them to bet less. If they lose, they will lose their money. It is better to use the money to buy cultivation resources to improve battle strength.

This woman is really strong and still so young!

After forcibly calming down, this was Gamon’s first reaction. As for what level he was strong, he didn’t know, but it must be the strongest Martial Artist he has ever seen. .

"Senior, it’s okay, I’m the one who talks too much, please don’t be offended..."

Out of the minimum respect for powerhouse, Gamon quickly changed his name. Layers of sweat have long been oozing from behind.

"Hehe, you are still acquainted." Bu Yunyan was coldly snorted.

Suddenly being called senior, she was somewhat proud of her. She used to look up to the powerhouse, but now some people look up to her with the same look, but she knows that all this is a failure Gift from the Master.

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