Hey du!

Gameng swallowed heavily, and even his breathing became hurried.

Just now, he was just like he had been transferred from Gates of Hell. He said that if powerhouse is a little okay, he will take action to get rid of the offending person. Fortunately, this kind of thing has not happened to him. Happened.

It's not that he misunderstood the powerhouse's style of work, at least the City Lord of their planet acted like this!

"Are you afraid that I would kill you?"

Bu Yunyan had already noticed the surprise in the other party's heart, and asked faint smile softly.


Gameng, who was fortunate to have escaped a catastrophe just now, instantly tightened his whole body, and felt regretful for what he said just now.

"If you go back to senior, yes."

After biting his teeth and wiping the drops of water on his forehead, Gameng's voice trembled and answered truthfully.

Although he seems to be very useless, but he wants to talk nonsense in front of the powerhouse in these two moments, I am afraid that he will die faster.

"It's a pleasure to admit it."

Bu Yunyan doesn't take it seriously. As a Martial Artist, if you are greedy for life and fear for death, it is difficult to go far in the path of cultivation in this life. of.

But it also depends on the situation. It would be foolish to hold on in front of the absolute powerhouse.

"Let's go, kill you, I am afraid of dirty hands!"

This was an unintentional offense, and Bu Yunyan felt that there was no need to worry about it anymore. She believed that after this time, this kid would definitely never talk nonsense again.

Rice can be eaten indiscriminately, but if you talk indiscriminately, you may be killed sometime.

"Thanks Senior for not killing!"

Gameng was relieved, and the anxiety in his heart was also relieved a lot, and he quickly bowed his hands and thanked him.


Step by step, I moved towards the exit gate carefully. It was a distance that could be done in a few large steps, so he just walked out After more than a dozen small steps...

Gameng, who was thinking while walking, was doing a fierce ideological struggle at this moment. All kinds of thoughts were flashed by him, and finally stayed in a certain thought. , And unstoppable.

General Jiameng was about to step out of the car, he slammed back, turned around, and stood straight.

It's up to you, success or failure, this time is an opportunity, such a powerhouse, you can't come across it casually!


With a heavy muffled noise, Jia Meng directly landed on his knees and knelt down!


This abrupt scene made Bu Yunyan somewhat astonished. This kind of grace does not kill, don't you need to give this big gift?

Ning Tianlin on the side is smiling and silent. The man has gold under his knees, kneeling down to the ground and kneeling outside his parents, and there is a kneeling, presumably this youngster means this.

"Senior, I want to worship you as a teacher!"

Without waiting for Bu Yunyan to speak, Jia Meng mustered up the courage to say directly and sincerely.

Even if he is rejected on the spot, he has tried it. How can there be a chance if he doesn't try? Without a chance, he can only live a mediocre life in this little planet.

"Bye me? You have a problem with your brain, get out of the car!"

Without thinking, Bu Yunyan refused.

What's the joke, not to mention that Master Ning is still around. She simply has no qualifications to agree to. So far, Profound Yellow Sect has only three people. The conditions for accepting apprentices are so harsh. Think about it.

It is she who is always alone when she wanders through the universe. She is either assassinated or on the way to flee, so she has no intention to bring an irrelevant oil bottle.

"No, please senior accept me as a disciple, I want to get ahead!"

Seeing that the other party refused to agree, anyway, Jiameng, who had already spared himself, bowed his head again and pleaded, although he is talented No, but as long as someone is willing to teach, he will definitely learn it very carefully.

"You don't have to give me this set, it's useless!"

The attitude has shown that Bu Yunyan simply turned his head aside, and at the same time looked at Ning Tianlin with a little embarrassment. , She really didn't expect, she just took a car, how could so many things happen.

"Hehe, do it with you, it's your business."

Although meeting is fate, Ning Tianlin does not want to interfere with these, accepting or not, it is up to Buyunyan made a decision.

Anyway, the Profound Yellow Sect in the future will definitely have its branches and leaves. Your own discipline can become the mainstay of Sect, and there must be the next echelon to catch up.

"Senior, give me a chance!"

"As long as you are willing to teach me, I will not let you down!"

Jiameng is still not discouraged, continuing to express his determination to become stronger. While speaking, he couldn't help but tears in his eyes.

He also knows that such a request is very excessive, and he is not a cheeky person himself, except for the father and mother who has passed away, he has never knelt down to anyone else. I haven't done anything about begging for someone.

"Tell me, why do you want to be strong?"

Bu Yunyan is not hard-hearted, but somewhat compassionate. How is the youngster now and her back then? I want to be stronger, I want to get revenge...

But I understand that she really has no idea of ​​accepting disciples now. If there are any other problems with this youngster, she can help. If you do, just help him a little.

"I said it, don't laugh at me."

Gameng, who mistakenly thought that there was hope, raised his head fortunately, and his bowed chest couldn't help but stand firm. Straight, but the kneeling posture remains the same.

"I want to be a powerhouse like Ning Tianlin!"

When he said the three words "Ning Tianlin", there was an extra sacred and sacred in the depths of his eyes. Be firm, even the tone of speech is much better than before.

He didn't know how many times he had browsed the stories about Ning Tianlin that was rumored on the Internet, and he had already regarded Ning Tianlin as his idol in his heart.

More than just the younger generation, Ning Tianlin is simply the super genius of the entire universe, and none of the powerhouses of the older generation can compare!

I appear alone in Secret Realm everywhere in the universe frequently, but I can retreat every time, by the strength of oneself, alone shaking the strong people of various races, several in and out, from the headquarters of each race Successfully slicing an enemy, like entering no man’s land...

"pu chi..."

Bu Yunyan, who was still stern just now, spoke in the mouth of the youngster After hearing Master's name, he couldn't help but chuckle.


Bu Yunyan didn't laugh, but it was okay. When he smiled, Jiameng's face turned red instantly.

"I know that I and the universe powerhouse Ning Tianlin simply have no comparability, but you can't laugh at me like that." Laughing at his overestimate one's capabilities, idiotic talk about dreams, and his embarrassed face, undoubtedly exposed his guilty conscience.

If you want to be a powerhouse like Ning Tianlin, it is estimated that any Martial Artist will laugh at him loudly when he hears it. .

As everyone knows, what Bu Yunyan smiles is that in this unknown planet, he can still meet the little brother of a Master. This influence and appeal are in the eyes of the younger generation of Martial Artists. There is no one.

"I admit that I am still weak now, but the universe powerhouse Ning Tianlin is really my idol!"

Gameng was a little anxious, as if he was afraid of being unclear. Same, explained it again.

"Teacher... he is the public enemy of the universe. You are not afraid that I am his enemy and gave you to ka-cha?"

Pretending to be a vicious Bu Yunyan, While speaking, he directed at the youngster and made a wiping motion of his neck.


"But I am also betting that if Wan Senior 1’s idol is also his, he will probably have a good impression of me."

Jiameng didn't talk nonsense. He was indeed betting. If he was right, he would still hope to join the senior. If he loses, he will definitely not end well.

Wealth is the pursuit of danger. Whether you fly into the sky or fall into the abyss, it depends on your fate, but in any case, it is better than a lifetime of uselessness.

"Hehe, get up first."

Gameng wanted to continue to kneel until the other party agreed, but was forcibly dragged by an irresistible force Up.


After dragging the youngster, Bu Yunyan glanced sideways at the direction of the right hand, only to find that Ning Tianlin had no warning signs and disappeared. ..

After a while.

"Heh, is this the SJM star."

Ning Tianlin, standing in the air, muttered to himself expressionlessly, after obtaining the coordinate position from the battle strength system , He came all the way through the air.


With a burst of weird space fluctuations, Ning Tianlin in the next second has arrived in the most prosperous downtown area of ​​SJM.

"Australian headquarters is here..."

Ning Tianlin is in a wide street, slowly stopping, looking up at the end of the street, a majestic imposing manner building.

This building is very recognizable, like an eagle with its wings spreading out, it is refreshing, and it is impossible to admit a mistake.

"It is indeed the Australian home that sits firmly on the top of the gaming industry. A building of this size may cost a lot of money, right?"

Ning Tianlin in tsk's voice couldn't help but sneer. The Australian family after tomorrow is afraid that they will become tired of debts!

This Australian family is really smart. Knowing that he is dozing off, he hurriedly sent a pillow, a gambling in the universe, this crazy gathering of wealth, I am afraid that it can raise his realm upwards. That's a little bit.

"There are so many people!"

Ning Tianlin looked at the door of this building, like a bottomless pit, swallowing all the continuous flow of people into this huge monster in.

"Go ahead and see how extravagant this so-called First Block City can be."

Ning gently inserted his hands into his pockets, turning his head away. Tianlin whispered to himself softly.

After hundreds of millions of years of accumulation, the Australian family can no longer be described by its strong foundation. Even the Great Family is undoubtedly just a nouveau riche compared with its wealth.


The whole street at the entrance is also made of a kind of more expensive crystal stone. After Ning Tianlin stepped on it, it made waves There was a crisp sound.

Gradually marching towards the huge Australian headquarters, the joy on Ning Tianlin’s face has become more and more intense. For nothing else, it is because tomorrow, he will win these into his own pocket. .


The body is like a fish swimming, Ning Tianlin smoothly shuttles through the crowded crowd.

"hmph, I will see these everywhere, any cat or dog that is not visible!"

Ning Tianlin, whose face is like an expression, is constantly shuttled in the crowd, and it is sent out in his heart coldly snorted.

External astral qi is controlled at will, and immediately, fiercely thrown there, from the crowd weirdly facing this own pocket, on the palm of the outstretched hand.

Pu chi!

Every time the astral qi surges, the wrists of those people will suddenly become scarlet, and the entire palms will be broken.

And it is the kind of permanent rupture that is impossible to recover again, without taking their lives, for Ning Tianlin, it is already kind enough!

Glanced indifferently, those who were holding their palms sorely gasped, a sneer appeared at the corner of Ning Tianlin's mouth, this kind of trick, he has been accustomed to this kind of trick, who has been alone in the universe all the year round.

Ignoring these annoying flies anymore, Ning Tianlin swayed slightly, and finally shuttled to the crowded doorway.

Beside the gate, those guards who looked like eagle eyes carefully looked at everyone who entered.

"Well, it's not bad, I have a good look at the door."

Ning Tianlin, who took out two stacks of tips, is like visiting his own company, and I am satisfied with the comment. After a while, he walked in calmly.

Hi, who is this person?

That awesome feeling seems to be more reasonable than our company's senior management, it's almost like entering my own home.

What is meant by "show me the door"? We are for the Australian house, not for you!

If it were not for the generous tip, these guards would have endured the urge to teach Ning Tianlin how to behave.

After entering the hall, soft lights poured down, and all corners were reflected in a mottled and colorful manner.

The interior of the whole hall is like a crystal city, crystal bright, translucent, luxurious and colorful. Whether it is tables, chairs or even the stone pillar, they are all made of different crystals.

The noise from the outside world seems to be completely cut off by the gate, just a few meters away, it is as if two heavens are separated.

Don’t think too much, Ning Tianlin knows that this Australian house either uses special sound-proof materials, or finds powerhouse to arrange sound-proof Formation.

After slowly stopping, Ning Tianlin's gaze roughly swept all around the decorations, and suddenly, quite satisfied nodded.

The fully armed security personnel can be seen everywhere. They are all expressionless and stand ready. If there is an emergency, they will be dealt with immediately.

Under the black formal wear, each burly figure is well wrapped. Obviously, these black clothed persons should be the direct force of the Australian family.

Because, on their chests, they are all wearing the Australian badge, a conspicuous Australian character, suspended on a faintly discernible eagle.

When Ning Tianlin entered the hall, he could clearly feel that there were no less than twenty sharp eyes, sweeping through every part of his body. After a while, these sharp and sharp eyes His venomous gaze slowly converged back.

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