Kill Kill Kill!

The murderous intention shots of these violent soldiers from the machine clan, their eyes are filled with gloom and violence.

"Want to escape?"

"Unfortunately, it's too late!"

"I want everyone in the Black Temple to have a taste Taste the taste of cramping and peeling the skin, so that people are better than dead!"

The strength of the body is as hard as the Iron Pagoda, the crazy killing intent surges in the eyes, and the sound of sullen anger is on the road. Wandering above.

"Only you? Idiot people say dreams!"


Avoid the inevitable Tu Lun, no more hesitation, his face is gloomy At this point, the surging essence rushed out of his body.


And when his shout fell, the soldiers of the Black Palace next to him also raised their warblade high to face the soldiers of the aircraft race around them, and rushed away.

Kill Kill Kill!

Two different forces fiercely collided in the middle of the avenue in an instant.


one after another Energetic energy shoots out from the contact. A beam of energy beams of different colors burst out!

The bloodthirsty and fierce fighter clan soldier, fiercely chopper room, full of bloody baleful aura, mixed with the sound of breaking through the air, hit the black palace soldiers everywhere!

And the soldiers of the Black Temple are also calm, running the essence of their body to the extreme, even the warblade in their hands is wrapped in essence, tricky and very ruthless blasting at each other!

The opponents of the two sides are all soldiers who have gone through battle on the battlefield. Not only are they powerful, they are also clearly well-trained.

The two sides rushed and killed, although there was no loud noise, but there was a life and death struggle.

Immediately afterwards, the blood was scattered and the corpses piled up.

At this moment, Tu Lun's face was as cold as that.

He is holding a warblade, and every time the warblade spins, it will pass between the neck of an aircraft soldier.

Pu chi!

Strongs of blood mist shot out from the blood marks on the necks of the soldiers of the machine clan!

shua~ shua~ shua~!

And while the blood was scattered, Tu Lun moved around like a poisonous snake containing poison.

Quick and vicious!

As the war broke out, the bodies of both sides gradually piled up on the main road!

And most of these corpses belonged to aircraft soldiers!

This is because the elite soldiers of the machine clan were transferred to SJM, which reduced the overall battle strength a lot!

However, among the corpses, there is no shortage of black temple dísciple. They were hacked to death under the siege of the machine clan soldiers!

On the corpse, there are horrible wounds, bloody and cruel!


Tu Lun with a cold face, the warblade in his hand pierced out.

Pu chi!

The chest of an aircraft soldier was directly pierced and flew out!


Pu chi!

At this moment, no matter how Tulunguan leads people to rush, in that jungle, there will always be continuous fighter soldiers rushing out.

Wave after wave!


Through the gap between the enemy and the crowd on the battlefield, the light from the corner of Tu Lun’s eyes quickly swept all around.

At this time, even though the overall battle strength of the Black Palace dísciple was one point higher, it was surrounded by soldiers from the aircraft family.

With less to more, there is a dilemma, the black temple disciplines can only forcefully challenge.

The more you work hard to break through the siege, the siege of the fighter clan soldiers will become more violent, as if they are trapped in an endless loop.

Only by slaughtering, only by killing all the fighters, can they get away and leave here!


The warblade in Tu Lun's hands suddenly stabs out behind him, knocking to the ground an aircraft soldier who wants a sneak attack.

"Damn it!"

On Tu Lun's eyes, there was an incomparable aura.

"No, you can't go on like this!"

"Otherwise, Mingbu and the others will consume too much energy and they will definitely be worn down!"

At the moment, Tu Lun's eyes rolled and his toes slammed on the ground.


At the same time a sound blast resounded, Tu Lun's body suddenly rose from the ground.

And the real target that he is going to raid over is the fighter soldier hidden in the jungle!

However, at this moment.

A shadow suddenly pressed down from above it.

"Give me down!"


A violent energy and vigor, even in midair, sounded a series of sound storms.

Damn it!

Feeling the energy and vigor that was suddenly pressed down on the top of his head, Tu Lun's face changed again, and his palms suddenly lifted up.


The majestic vigorous energy burst out from the palm of the hand instantly, colliding with the former fiercely.


The two people, one up and down, held a short stalemate in midair, and the energy in their respective hands was intertwined and expanded!


Finally, the mixed energy hood could no longer withstand the energy of the violent collision inside. After a violent tremor, it burst apart in midair.



Followingly, the two of them were shaken by the energy ripples, fiercely flew out and fell to the ground. superior.


The pale face of Ta Li, shocked a mouthful of blood in the throat, fiercely spit out.


After he got up and stood, he had a pair of bloodthirsty eyes, fiercely staring in the direction of Tu Lun, and grinning darkly.

"General Tu Lun, did you forget what I just said, today, no one wants to leave here!"

While speaking, the corner of his mouth smiled The color is getting thicker, and the victorious Libra has begun to pour toward them!

The aircraft family soldiers have an absolute advantage in number!

Even the dumbest human tactics can deplete the essence of the black palace and the others!


Wipe off the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, Tu Lun's eyes became colder.

"Tali, didn't expect, Demon Spirit King treats you really well. I will help you recover so quickly!"

The Stone Golem Race that day, this Ta Li was hit hard by him and escaped by chance, but the battle strength that the opponent just showed was in Peak state!

The tower power of stray dog, without the help of the Demon Spirit King, is absolutely impossible to recover.

"I didn't expect it? Don't forget, the enemy of the enemy is your friend. If you blame it, you have too many enemies!"


Tu Lun is coldly snorted.

"Give it back to a friend? You are not even a dog of the Demon Spirit King!"

I glanced at the Ta Li being used as a gun, and slapped his mouth. Lun, scolded in a deep voice.

"If you are still smart, you can quickly find a hidden place to escape. Once this is the case, the Demon Spirit King will kill you!"

Tu Lun in the heart thought to myself, it's the best to be able to do this!

This tower force is the same as him, and the battle strength is the existence of Xinghuang 9th Duan!

Not only that, the toughness of the Stone Golem Race fleshy body is far superior to other races, and this tower force is once again trained on the fleshy body.

Defensive power is as powerful as possible!

To fight is a fierce fight!

He can't afford this time, and the soldiers of the Black Temple can't afford this consumption!

It's just that Tali will obviously not be what he thinks.

"Master Demon Spirit King's name can be bluntly spoken?"

"You are so damned, you even provoke my relationship with the machine clan, Master Demon Spirit King promised himself. , Will help me rebuild the Stoneman clan!"

Fly into a rage out of humiliation's tower power, his complexion is so gloomy, Master Demon Spirit King's command, he must complete it!


persist in your own wrong doings!

"Ta Li, I was able to severely wound you that day, so it is the same today!"

Tu Lun no longer wastes time, his aura of tone, killing intent rages.

The words fall.


I saw that, he shook the warblade in his hand and inserted it into the ground, swaying a cloud of dust.

Although warblade is extremely sharp, Tu Lun now needs more sharp bone spurs than warblade!

Only bone spurs can make him end this battle faster!

"Haha, are you pressed? So today, the person who died must be you!"

Seeing this scene, Ta Li's face sank, and that day Tu Lun It was this trick that severely inflicted him on him, and he must be dealt with carefully!

"Let's get started!"

The bloodthirsty factor in Tali's body is also completely stimulated, the power of the bones, he will not lose a second time!


The whole body's energy surged instantly, and even the clothes on his body burst open. The muscles like rocks are hard and explosive.

The two against each other, the official start!

The SJM star at this time.

"This gold lock formation, only this!"

I saw, Demon Spirit King took his own hands and launched an attack on the lock gold formation!

This is the final blow!

Between his hands, a billowing black mist continued to wrap around, and countless small black blades of energy slowly condensed.


The golden glow is getting weaker and weaker, and can no longer withstand tyrannical strikes. After a violent tremor, it broke!

Just as Jin Mang around SJM collapsed.




The deafening screams of the fighters, Into the golden glow instantly.

Not only that, the densely packed army of aircraft, each holding a warblade, rushes away like a flood discharge.

The murderous aura is boiling!

In an instant, they surrounded Mingbu and the others, and only waited for an order from the Demon Spirit King to rush away!


I saw the Demon Spirit King hanging in the void, looking down at the scene below, with a sharp smile on the corner of his mouth.

These are all Ning Tianlin's direct forces that Ning Tianlin cultivated, so he killed it directly, it would be a pity!

"tsk tsk, I’m so unlucky, Guardian in your hearts, it seems that you haven’t appeared to protect you."

The words are over, the Demon Spirit King pretended to be a pity shook the head, and then, with a glance, the palms of the hands are lifted up.


A photogenic cold glow suddenly flew up.

Fiercely's strikes are on a tall building not far from the central square, where is the headquarters of the Mingbu!

It represents the honor and dignity of the Ming Department, which can not be desecrated.

But, at the moment.


The sound of fragmentation resounded.

Mingbu headquarters building, under the violent blow of the Demon Spirit King, broke to pieces, fiercely fell to the ground.


In this scene, solemn killing aura on the entire square was once again heavy, a, the faces of the soldiers of the Ming Department were full of anger!

The Demon Spirit King enjoys the thrill of destruction.

"Ao Zheng, you said you, don't do a good business, why do you follow Ning Tianlin in this muddy water?"

"But, it is still so loyal."

Demon Spirit King squinted his eyes slightly, turned his gaze to Ao Zheng on the platform, smiling so ferociously.

"But, what about now? Your master? Why didn't you come to save your faithful dogs?"


Demon Spirit King laughed wildly.

After Ning Tianlin broke his machine clan, then he must go back and ruin Tianlin's direct power!

one after another A deep pleasure swept the whole body of the Demon Spirit King, making him comfortable.

"Demon Spirit King, don't be mad, wait for Ning Sect master to return, your end will be extremely miserable!"

The people behind Aozheng, Mingbu, face There is not the slightest timidity, but the boundless fighting intent is revealed.



With a roar resounded.

Ao Zheng on the platform is the first to rush out!

Ao Dantong, Ao Tianming two people, follow closely from behind!

After that, there will be a black, dísciple of tens of thousands of people!

"Be the first to attack? Really act recklessly!"

"Kill them for this king!"

Demon Spirit King waved his hand, the face above his face The pleasure disappeared instantly, replaced by boundless hideousness.

puff puff puff!

The crazy fight against each other, that's the beginning.

This is a contest between life and death. Both parties are in spare no effort, bloodthirsty and crazy!

One by one, the soldiers of the machine clan were smashed into pieces! a Mingbu dísciple, torn apart!

The residual limbs and pieces of meat flew in midair instantly, and Yin Hong's blood even infested the ground of SJM.

At the same time!

The scary silhouette of the Demon Spirit King stands quietly!

"Go and die!"

He is full of confidence. This so-called Mingbu dísciple is definitely not his elite opponent of the machine clan!

If there is, there is only one person!

That person is the patriarch of the Australian family, which is now the Aozheng of the Ming Department of the Black Temple, the existence of the fourth paragraph of the Lord of Universe!

At the moment, the Demon Spirit King turned his gaze to look at the situation in Aozheng.

The massacre, the one-sided massacre!

puff puff puff!

The scarlet blood splashed around Ao Zheng, the kind of madness and crushing made the soldiers of the machine clan fear.

Pu chi!

A head of the machine clan was smashed to pieces by Ao Zheng!

The other leader of the clan, just as he was about to attack Aozheng, was stepped on by Ao Tianming next to him and fiercely stepped onto the ground.

Then Iron Fist smashed.

Pu chi!

The head of the machine clan leader shattered instantly!

After that, Ao Dantong led the people of the Ming Department and chopped down the soldiers of the a machine tribe to the ground.

Kill Kill Kill!

The eyes of the people in the Ming Department are as scary as they are, and against the experienced soldiers of the machine family, they are not at all disappointed!

This is what Demon Spirit King did not expect. The crazy fighting intents of the people in Mingbu were stronger than he expected.


This scene brought the Demon Spirit King's ugly complexion to the extreme.

"Okay, very good!"

"Aozheng is abolished, I see if your fighting intent can be so high!"

Demon Spirit Above King’s eyes, the murderous intention bursts constantly!


At the moment, his body flashed, and he swept away in the direction of Ao Zheng.

Pu chi!

With a tearing sound!

Ao Zheng's palm suddenly tugged, and the body of a forcibly machine clan leader was torn apart.


The soldiers of the machine clan, this can be completely scared, their eyes turned, as if they wanted to escape from the area where Ao Zheng was located.

Just now.


When a wind broke out, Aozheng only felt a murderous intention, and it suddenly dropped, and the complexion greatly changed at the moment.

"Go back, everyone!"

As soon as his voice fell, a horrible silhouette suddenly flashed behind him.


There is a deep voice!

Demon Spirit King’s fists fiercely blasted on Ao Zheng’s back!



Ao Zheng's back bones shattered in an instant, and the whole person was like a kite with a broken line, flew out.

A big hit!

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