This is the eighth paragraph of the Lord of Universe, which is a powerful crush on the fourth paragraph!

However, this was just the beginning, and the Demon Spirit King, who succeeded in one blow, did not give up.

I saw Ao Tianming who was fighting, and behind him, the silhouette of the Demon Spirit King appeared like a ghost, flashing in an instant.

His sharp claw came out!

Pu chi!

Ao Tianming’s lower abdomen was instantly pierced, and his whole person was kicked out by the Demon Spirit King.


The other sharp claw of the Demon Spirit King was swiped out, facing the heart of Audantong, fiercely caught it!

Pu chi!

Ao Dantong suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted, and instantly collapsed to the ground!


"It's cool!"

"It feels so cool!"

Resolve the Demon Spirit King of the first three battle strengths in the Ming Department, and the face on the face The bloodthirsty color became more intense.

Break hard!

At this moment, the first three battle strengths of the Ming Department were hit hard in the blink of an eye.

This scene made all the Mingbu dísciple horrified and horrified!

And the fighter soldiers who just wanted to dodge Aozheng and the others suddenly became ecstatic.

"Thank patriarch for taking the shot!"

When he heard this, the corner of the Demon Spirit King's mouth appeared with a smirk.

"A bunch of useless things, quickly kill them all, kill them!"

The words of the Demon Spirit King are sinister and evil!

"Patriarch, don't worry, they are dead!"

These fighters were nodded again and again, and at the moment, they all rushed into the battle circle frantically.

da da da!

When the footsteps of the Demon Spirit King resounded, all the dísciples of the Ming dynasty became ashes.

It's over!

This time is completely over!

Ning sect master is missing!

At this moment, the Ming Department, no Lord of Universe, how to win? Every soldier in the Ming Dynasty is full of incomparable madness, and they are determined to die!

One after another bloody silhouette, standing up with each other's arms, they are the dísciple of the Ning Sect master. Even if they die, they can only die in battle!

Rich madness and heroism permeated the entire SJM star. Here, there are no cowards who are afraid to flee, only tough guys fighting to the end!

They know that the army of the machine clan facing this moment is moth flies into the flame, but what about that, they will not regret it!

"tsk tsk, really a bunch of desperate ants!" The corner of the Demon Spirit King's mouth sneered again and again.

"Take it all for me!"

After that, the Demon Spirit King waved his hand, and the murderous-looking machine dísciple surged wildly again.


At the same time.

In the Nether Great Abyss, Ning Tianlin is still sitting cross-legged.

Sa Sa!

Sa Sa! ...

A strip of maggot beetle quickly swept toward the huge mouth that followed his fleshy body and opened to him.


Plop! ...

The maggot beetle within the huge mouth instantly fell into the abdomen of the centipede of the ten thousand clan, there is a bottomless pit, as much as it can swallow!

This is a unilateral devouring!

Ning Tianlin ignored all this.

He and Wanzu centipede were in a good sense, and feeling the changes in the latter's body, the smile on his mouth became more and more intense.

The current centipede of ten thousand races no longer simply swallows those maggots and beetles, but actively stores them in their abdomen.

This is a qualitative change caused by a quantitative change!

He still remembers that the battle strength system once told him that there will be a total of nine evolutions in the centipede life.

These evolutions can be in various aspects, including increasing speed, increasing strength, and even increasing spirit.

Each evolution can be applied to one of these attributes, or it can be continuously added to the same kind.

And these nine different evolutions, the centipede of the ten thousand races had been completed 100 years ago.

This also allows the ten thousand centipede to obtain nine different abilities, such as super speed, super stealth, super Avatar, super kill and so on.

These nine super powers, each of which is a real ultimate weapon, are extremely useful for Wanzu centipede and Ning Tianlin himself.

However, in addition to the super powers brought by these evolutions, there is still another evolutionary direction of the ten thousand centipede that has not been completed.

This evolutionary direction is exactly what Ning Tianlin chose to devour the starry sky when the centipede of all things completed the ninth evolution.

This evolutionary direction, which is also the most difficult one, is to make the inside of the fleshy body look like a starry sky, which can be loaded into countless planets!

When the time comes, the total battle strength of each species on the planet can provide a millionth of the battle strength to the centipede.

Swallowing the starry sky can accumulate a one-billionth of battle strength. Although these sounds are extremely temptation, they are really not easy to operate.

Only the star inside the body of the ten thousand centipede, each time it will continuously absorb the ancient chaos while Transcending Tribulation, so that it can grow slowly.

The ancient chaos comes from the thunder of chaos. Even the tyrannical fleshy body of the centipede of the ten thousand clan will be drenched with blood.

It is conceivable that the energy contained in it will be so violent and terrifying.

However, even with such a strong energy, only the stars in the centipede of the ten thousand races have formed a preliminary outline.

If you want to further expand steadily, the energy required will be an extremely terrifying number.

"No wonder Wanzu centipede, after devouring so many Lord of Universe bodies, there has been no obvious change. It turns out that energy is used here."

Ning Tianlin After sighing for a while, his mind flashed, he continued to observe the changes in the body of the ten thousand centipede.

I saw the ten thousand centipede body, one after another abundant energy, wandering around it continuously, and then being absorbed and refining.

And the tendons and veins all over its body, after absorbing those energy, have transformed like real stars.

Not only that, around the stars at this moment are constantly exuding different eyes, bright and gorgeous.

Above the stars, there are scattered spheres of different sizes. Upon closer inspection, you will find that these various spheres are actually refining of the centipede cells of the ten thousand races.

They are as small as nebulae, star caves, star kings, and even larger ones have reached the point of star statues, star saints, and Xingao!

It can be said that the stars are shining, Shining Upon All Heavens!

"It turned out to be here!"

Ning Tianlin looked over the largest planet, and saw the swallowed maggots and beetles gathered in the same planet. Above.

They are panicked, their red eyes are filled with a dazed color, each curled up on the ground, not dare to move randomly.

The maggot beetle here is not any different from the outside maggot beetle except that it has been reduced by countless times.

"Really interesting."

Ning Tianlin laughed.

He knows that if the ten thousand centipede wants to truly devour the starry sky, it needs to continue to devour a large number of corpses to gain energy.

However, this does not prevent it from directly refining the living thing in the entrance into the body, and the two can be carried out at the same time.

After all, being able to obtain one billionth of the opponent's battle strength is also extremely helpful to Wanzu centipede.

The higher the battle strength, the stronger the ability to swallow the starry sky, and the stronger the devouring ability, the higher the battle strength. The two complement each other.


"Then devour the maggot beetle to your heart's content!"

After Ning Tianlin sighed, his mind flashed, it was already Turn your gaze to the direction of the maggot beetle in front of you.

Although the number of maggot beetles has been reduced a lot after the centipede of the ten thousand races, they are still densely packed, and they are still densely packed.

Only, compared to the previous few days , The interval density of maggot beetles should become sparser.

Meanwhile, SJM is on the central square.

blood flowing into a river, with broken flesh and limbs everywhere!

a Mingbu dísciple, lying on the ground wailing in pain.

The whole body is covered with bloody wounds of various sizes, with bones visible, hideous and terrifying.

Skeletons, torn skin and gaping flesh, are everywhere, they collapse on the ground feebly, breathless!

The Mingbu dísciple, which originally had tens of thousands of people, still has a breath at this moment, and there are only a hundred people.

It can be described as tragic casualties, almost annihilated!

The reason why these hundreds of people weren't killed on the spot was only because the Demon Spirit King didn't want them to die so painfully.

At this moment, the remaining Mingbu dísciple one by one, his eyes looked towards the raised front, his eyes are full of anger and despair!

On the battle stage of Faithful Plaza, two huge iron pillars stand impressively.

The chains are vertical and horizontal, and two men are tied tightly. They are all ripped and barred, and their wounds are eye-catching and terrifying.

These two men are the senior figures of the Ming Department, the Palace Lord Aozheng of the Ming Department, and Ao Tianming, one of the senior officials.

As for the other high-level Dantong, he suffered a bit less crime than them. During the melee, he could be directly bombarded with the heart by the Demon Spirit King and killed on the spot!

On the opposite side of the platform, a silhouette stood quietly, his disheveled hair, like crazy.

In the square position behind him, one after another holding the silhouette of the warblade, standing upright, a breath of awe-inspiring aura constantly permeates from them.

Ghostly, bloodthirsty!

"tsk tsk, Ao Zheng, don't you think Ning Tianlin can help you?"

"Someone else? People!"



The Demon Spirit King kicked out, and directly kicked the Ao Zheng, which was tied to the iron pillar, to the ground together with the person and the pillar.

This is not over yet.


Demon Spirit King stomped on Ao Zheng's face with the soles of his feet, smiling so hideously.

"Look at you, now you are like a dead dog, stepped on the ground fiercely by me, your master, where is he again?"

Demon Spirit King The laughter was extremely rampant.

After Ning Tianlin broke his machine clan, now as long as he can kill, insult, and everyone related to Ning Tianlin, he can be excited.

Swims of happiness swept through the whole body of Demon Spirit King, making him feel comfortable.

"Demon Spirit King, how long do you really think you can be rampant?"

"When Ning Sect master appears in the universe, that's when your Demon Spirit King is killed , Is the time when your machine clan is exterminated!"

Ao Zheng gnashing teeth, there is boundless resentment in the eyes.

Ning Tianlin!

Ning Tianlin still!

Hearing these three words, Demon Spirit King's face became more frantic. He smiled, and his smile became more perverted and happy.


"You idiot, everyone in SJM is idiot!"

The Demon Spirit King at this moment, abnormal Crazy.

"Do you really think Ning Tianlin is a savior? Good guy? Can you come and save you dogs?"

"Wrong, you are all wrong!"

For the spiteful gaze cast by Ao Zheng and the others, Demon Spirit King is extremely enjoyable, which makes him feel more satisfied.

"Ning Tianlin is just a butcher, a complete executioner. The blood feud he committed to my machine clan is much bigger and more cruel than me to your Australian family!"

At the moment, the Demon Spirit King squatted down, his palms fiercely patted and his cheeks were fiercely patted, and his smile was so bloody.

"To tell you the truth, it's because of that damn Ning Tianlin!"

"Not only your Australian family, all people in the universe, all races, must be destroyed, one Not left!"

At the same time as the words fell, the Demon Spirit King of disheveled hair lifts the head and said loudly to the sky with a malicious smile.

"Including our machine family, we will also die together!"



The Demon Spirit King is crazy!

These last words made Ao Zheng and the others frowned, looking towards Demon Spirit King as if looking at a fool.

"The machine family will die together?"

"Okay, very good, don’t worry, it will definitely happen!"

"However, it’s not going to die together. It’s that your machine races are all perished, killed, and completely removed from the universe!"

Ao Zheng followed the Demon Spirit King and laughed loudly, but his smile was full of curses and hatred for the machine race. !



Listening to the spiteful laughter, the Demon Spirit King directed at Ao Zheng's face, fiercely spit out a thick sputum.

"The machine clan will not die, it will not!"

"If it is to die, it must be behind you, the last one!"

Crazy man!

Mingbu dísciple collapsed on the ground, they looked at the crazy appearance of the Demon Spirit King one by one, as if they were watching a pervert, an idiot.

"The last one? Really arrogant and conceited!"

"Wait, the day Ning Sect master appears in the universe, it is the time when the machine clan is dead!"

"The sect master appears, the machine clan is dead!"


one after another roar, resounding in the mouth of the hundred Ming dísciple Endless!

Although their voices are hoarse, weak, and feeble, his self-confidence from the heart is extremely strong!

It seems that the name of Ning Tianlin, in their in mind, is the representative of the strongest battle strength, no one can beat it!

The machine clan, absolutely impossible is the opponent of Ning Sect master, their death will not be in vain, Ning Sect master will definitely help them avenge!

In this scene, the complexion of the Demon Spirit King suddenly became sullen, almost dripping with gloom.

"Well, what a group of act recklessly dog ​​things!"

Speaking, the Demon Spirit King turned his eyes and waved to the elite of the machine clan behind him.

"Call me!"

"Till them regret, beat them to beg for mercy, beat them to death!"

I heard this .

Suddenly, nearly a hundred soldiers of the aircraft family stepped out.

Each of them took out an iron whip in his hand, and there were spikes on the whip body!

The cold glow flashing spikes make people believe that as long as they are drawn on the body, they will instantly torn skin and gaping flesh, cruel but not fatal!

At this moment, a hundred soldiers of the aircraft clan waved their iron whips together.

pa! pa! pa!

one after another iron whip, fiercely beaten on the body of each Ming dísciple.

Suddenly, on the fleshy body that was scarred by the sword, they were shattered, withdrawn, bloody and bloody!

In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred Mingbu dísciples seemed to be salvaged from blood, and there was no whole piece of skin on the skin!

Scarlet, miserable, hurt and hurt!

It's just that the Mingbu dísciple clenched their teeth and said nothing, their scarlet eyes were filled with scarlet blood.

The kind of patience, the kind of determination, is moving.

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