Just, at this time.

"Is it interesting?"

"To stay here is to die. To escape here is also to die. The result is the same. Why bother struggling?"

bang !

A sound wrapped in energy resounded in the mind of the nine-winged maggot beetle. To be more precise, this is not language, but a communication of thought!

In an instant, it understood the meaning of Ning Tianlin.

In its eyes, there was a helpless depression, a look on its face that was as gray as death, adding another point.

In addition to dying, it seems that it really has no other choice, at best it is just a different way of dying.

Take advantage of the absence of the nine-winged maggot beetle, Ning Tianlin's mind flashed, and a ray of Divine Consciousness between the eyebrows quietly shot out!

oh la la!

Divine Consciousness covers extremely fast, searching every inch of Sea of ​​Consciousness of nine-winged maggot beetle, but the result is not very satisfactory.


As soon as the maggot beetle realized afterwards, as soon as he noticed the abnormality in Sea of ​​Consciousness, Ning Tianlin had already collected Divine Consciousness back.

At the same time, he muttered to himself in the heart:

"It is now certain that the battle between the two nine-winged maggot beetles just now was to obtain the maggot Right to mate."

"However, there is no equivalent to other information. All their action instructions come from the post-maggot."

"Even when the post-maggot I don’t know when to mate, I can only wait for the maggots to use Cerebral Insect wave to signal the most powerhouse..."


At this moment, the maggot beetle in front of Ning Tianlin's eyes, in its eyes, is gleaming with doubts and contains deep guard!

"Dare to stare at me, stare at me and dig your eyeballs!"

Ning Tianlin, who is a little irritable, casts a blank glance at the other party, and then his black eyes As soon as he turned, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that the safest method is borrowed from you."

The words fell, Ning Tianlin did not hesitate, and he waved his palm, one black one white two. The medicine pill, appeared in his palm!

And seeing this scene, the restless nine-winged maggot beetle, the body trembled more and more.

"As long as you eat it, you can defeat the opponent just now and regain everything you lost!"


Ning Tianlin's words are full of temptation for the defeated Nine-winged Maggot Beetle.

In its eyes, there is a desire for one after another. It wants to become stronger, wants to regain its glory, and wants to stand on top of the maggot beetle group!

However, when it was on the alert, it still doubted the authenticity of Ning Tianlin's words, and forced down the thoughts in his mind!

The pupils that had just flickered in the dark, became dim again.

At this moment, Ning Tianlin's mouth curled.


Immediately afterwards, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and the contempt in his words was full of words, and he made no secret:

"You are really a complete bullshit. No wonder you will be defeated and end in such a tragic end."


This sentence made the complexion of the nine-winged maggot beetle ugly instantly, and the gloomy almost dripped water.

It is not a delivery, it has never been defeated, this is its first defeat!

Moreover, if it weren't for the youngster's injury before healed, it would be impossible to defeat!

Just as it was upset, Ning Tianlin’s disdainful words once again sounded in its Sea of ​​Consciousness:

"tsk tsk, this opportunity to comeback, I am I've given it to you. It's up to you to decide whether you can do it or not!"

"I don't understand, what are you afraid of. Did it happen?"

After speaking, Ning Tianlin turned his eyes, pretending to be a pity, shook the head, and took the medicine pill back in his hand.


The nine-winged maggot beetle was taken aback.

Then looked towards Ning Tianlin's palm, nodded, for fear that the other party will regret it!

It agreed!

What the other party said is right, it's all dead anyway, so why not try it, at worst it will die a bit worse...

"That's right!"

Ning Tianlin smiled in his heart, but the expression on his face was abruptly, the maggot beetle agreed, but he still has conditions:

"In the universe, it is always weak. are prey to the strong, there is no free lunch, the same is true for these two medicine pills!"

Ning Tianlin's solemn words made the nine-winged maggot beetle look tight, waiting for the other What I said:

"You, submit to me, I can help you be strong and help you regain your honor. Can you agree?"


The body of the nine-winged maggot beetle trembled fiercely, it knew what it meant, it began to resist, then hesitated, and finally it was struggling!

Ning Tianlin is standing aside, his dark eyes staring at the changes in the other's facial expressions.

He knows that the other party will agree!

Born, become strong, reach Peak!

Death without pity, desert the wilderness!

This is an extremely simple multiple-choice question. Any powerhouse will choose the latter without the slightest hesitation!

Furthermore, the main reason is that this defeated nine-winged maggot beetle has no hope in sight!

It is an abandoned son who has been abandoned by the race. It will no longer have any companions. It is a useless, dying person!


Until the end, the wrinkled brows of the nine-winged maggot beetle slowly unfolded, and it figured it out!

oh la la!

It crawled on the ground and lowered its head!

"This medicine pill, named Divine Pill, has one black and white one each. It implies the profound mystery law of the universe's birth and restraint!"

"If you are in harmony with me, you will become Strong! If you are dissatisfied with me, you will not only be weak, but even if I want to, I can make you self-destruct and die at any time!"


At the same time as the voice fell, Ning Tianlin waved his palm, and two medicine pill suspended in front of the nine-winged maggot beetle.

"Take it, I am your lord!"

"Remember, after the maggot, clansman can only be left behind. For my benefit, these can be discarded! ”


It can be said that every word punishes the heart, but so what? Its clansman, but want to kill its life!

Nine-winged maggot beetle recognized it!

Hey du!

Two medicine pill, disappear at the same time!

Then, wisps of black air, in the body of the nine-winged maggot beetle, swiftly walked along a specific route!

one minute!

two minutes!


At this moment, Ning Tianlin couldn't help but feel nervous, Divine Pill, unlike other medicine pills, he used it for the first time.

After taking it, while achieving the desired effect, the most important thing is to ensure that no abnormalities will be detected by the maggots.

Only in this way, what he did will not be in vain!

"Since the position of the maggot can not be found from the battle strength system, find out the clansman who will mate!"

Ning Tianlin of bright light glittering, in The body of the nine-winged maggot beetle was carefully observed to prevent other mutations from happening.

Because, the users of Divine Pill have a prerequisite, that is, they must do it willingly.

Otherwise, Qi of Black and White will collide, directly causing the user to violently die!

This is also the reason why Ning Tianlin didn't resort to violent means to put medicine pill directly into the opponent's mouth.

"This nine-winged maggot beetle, is it true acknowledgement allegiance, or pretended to fool me, it depends on now!"


Time passed slowly, and after a full five minutes, Ning Tianlin's nervous expression eased a little!

"It seems that we will succeed!"

And just when Ning Tianlin's voice fell.


acknowledge allegiance The nine-winged maggot beetle on the ground instantly raised its head, and thick doubts arose in its eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the eyes looking towards Ning Tianlin were filled with incomparable enthusiasm and reverence!

This youngster, which is its current owner, did not lie to it!

These two medicine pills not only completely cured the new wounds in its body, but also the old diseases in the past!

Not only that, it can really feel that the essence in the body is also surging!

Compared with Peak state, only strong but not weak!

Sa Sa Sa!

Nine-winged maggot beetle crawled to the feet of Ning Tianlin, crawling on the ground, expressing his most sincere gratitude!

The intimacy and hot appearance is in sharp contrast to the ferocious appearance of the maggot beetle.

In this scene, if Howling Celestial Dog saw it, he would definitely corner of mouth twitching, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

The fierce nine-winged maggot beetle, at this moment, is actually lying on the ground obediently, docile and gentle, just like those pets who actively seek the owner's touch.

This is too spicy, no one dare to believe it is true!


Ning Tianlin laughed.

Not only that, but he also clearly felt that there was a subtle relationship between himself and the nine-winged maggot beetle!

Even if you don’t need Divine Consciousness to control yourself, as long as you run the essence of your body, the other party can understand some of the simplest instructions!

For example, if the speed of the essence is slow, it will be relatively soft, and once it accelerates, it will become violent.

Of course, the premise of all this is established without Divine Consciousness communication. Once Divine Consciousness intervenes, then Divine Consciousness shall prevail.

Ning Tianlin even feels that even if this maggot beetle is killed now, it will be without the slightest hesitation!

"What...what? A servant?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback for a moment, and then the corner of the mouth raised, he still underestimated the true effect of Divine Pill !

He originally intended to let the other party acknowledge allegiance, relying on the identity of the maggot beetle, to find the maggot hidden behind.

But now, it seems that he has an extra servant for nothing, or the powerhouse of Lord of Universe nine dans.

"However, this is fine, as long as the goal can be achieved."

"Being able to be controlled by me is much better than simply submit to me."


Thinking of this, Ning Tianlin laughed, and immediately leaned down, stretched out five slender fingers, and touched the forehead of the nine-winged maggot beetle.

The latter also took the initiative to rub his fingertips, listening to its owner, what to say next:

"You were defeated in a battle, and you were caught by a swarm of maggots and beetles. Abandoned mercilessly, it was a dying body, now I will return to Peak!"

"from now on, I will tell you to abandon the front!"

Speaking, Ning Tianlin Staring straight at the nine-winged maggot beetle, the tone of his speech became solemn:

"Abandoned front, you remember, being abandoned by clansman, it's not your fault!"

"Now, use your strength to tell them that you are a sharp dagger, sharp enough to return to Peak and get back the glory!"

Listening to these words, Qi Feng Weiwei A stay, followed by nodded excitement!

Qifeng, this name, it likes it!


It is its shame, it was abandoned by clansman, no family, no friends!


It is the brilliance that it will fight to achieve, as sharp as possible, press forward!

Abandon the front!

These two words began to slowly penetrate into the mind of the nine-winged maggot beetle, always reminding it that it is the man in front of him, let the abandoned it, being reborn!

"Go, find your enemy, fight!"

Just when Ning Tianlin's words fell, the prostrate abandoned front, moved, You Hongshuang Above the eyes, full of high fighting intents!

In a maggot cave deep in the abyss!

The new powerhouse is born!

Thousands of maggots and beetles are here to worship, congratulating the birth of the Nine Wing King, they cheer, they celebrate!

After the victory, the nine-winged king has absolute authority. It can determine the life and death of clansman, honor and disgrace!

Furthermore, only its presence is so powerful that it is qualified to mate and multiply with their noble maggots!

However, if the status of the Nine Wing King wants to be truly secured, it is still one step away from becoming the Supreme Supreme among the maggot beetle swarm!

That is to mate with the noble queen maggot. Before that, if a new candidate comes to challenge, it must challenge!

However, once the Nine Wing King mates successfully, even if there is a new challenger, it is useless, because the latter will not be recognized by the maggot!

After the maggot!

The terrifying existence of the Nine Wing Kings must acknowledge allegiance, which is the absolute sovereignty of the entire ethnic group!

Just when thousands of maggot beetles cheered and celebrated the birth of the Nine Wing King!

Sa Sa Sa!

A crazy roar of maggot beetle resounded outside the maggot cave, and it is getting closer and closer!

This explosive roar is sharp, harsh, arrogant, overbearing, and full of strong provocation!

This is the voice of the challenger, and there is a new maggot beetle. It is time to challenge the nine-winged king who just won!


That one after another sound completely shocked the entire group of maggots in the maggot cave!

They turned their heads one after another, wanting to see the face of the challenger, but many maggots and beetles were taken aback.

This challenger turned out to be the candidate who failed when he challenged the Nine Wings King before, just defeated!

Seeing Qifeng, all the maggots and beetles are extremely puzzled!

I have already defeated the battle once, and even dared to challenge for the second time. There must be only one end, purely bring about one's own destruction!

Sa Sa Sa!

The new King of Nine Wings is roaring and yelling, as if a defeated challenge again is a shame for it!

It is the biggest negation of its battle strength!


The maggot and beetle swarm took the initiative to give up a passage, and the Nine Wing King slowly walked out, it arrogantly, baleful aura boiling, unrevealed!

It will use this defeated corpse to prove to all maggots and beetles who dare to challenge its majesty!

It is the most powerful existence in the Lord of Nine Wings. If you dare to challenge it, you must die!

At the moment, the Nine Wing King and the abandoned front who challenged once again fought together in an instant.

Sa Sa Sa!

Around the battle circle, thousands of maggots and beetles roared frantically. They are shouting and cheering for the new Nine Wing King!

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