Each of them is in the heart, looking forward to the new Nine Wing King, biting off Qifeng’s neck and tearing Qifeng’s body!

Use the most brutal way to defeat and kill the abandoned front!

Only in that way, the newly appointed Nine Wing Kings can truly prove their strength and they are worthy of worship!

oh la la!

It's just that the two sides just met.

Not only the crowd of maggots and beetles onlookers, but even the new Nine Wing King who is fighting is also shocked!

When did Qifeng’s battle strength become so strong?

This is impossible!

I saw that the faint and flickering sharp claw of Abandoned Front was swept out frequently, every move was stern, and the new Nine Wing King was restrained to death!


The two sides are facing each other, and they will disperse with one touch!

The new Nine Wing King thumped back dozens of steps in a row to stabilize his figure, and his eyes were full of unbelievable!

The abandoned front in this second challenge is really defeated?


If it weren't for the current Qifeng, there would be no abnormality in appearance or breath, and the King of Nine Wings would even doubt the authenticity of Qifeng's identity!

The defeated abandoned front can become stronger, but it is absolutely impossible to become so much stronger in such a short period of time!

On the other hand, Qifeng stood still, with a pair of red pupils staring at the Nine Wing King jokingly.

A calm and composed look!

All the maggots and beetles on the crowd were all dumbfounded for a while. Who is the real Nine Wing King and who is the challenger?

The location of both sides as if it's the opposite direction!

Not only that, but for maggot beetles, their fighting methods are the most direct and cruel.

With the sharp claw's sharpness, the bite of the fangs, and the invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable body, to fight against the opponent.

And just now, the moves used by Qi Feng were not exactly like this!

It uses sharp fangs, but it is not only used to penetrate the opponent's body, but to block and attack purposefully!

It is no longer the simplest and rude rush, but is able to control the rhythm of the battle with ease!

This makes them feel weird and puzzled. It seems that fighting skills shouldn't appear on them.

Sa Sa Sa!

Thousands of maggot beetles screamed frantically, as if to remind the new Nine Wing King to be careful of the current abandoned front.

The Nine Wings King's disdain on Qi Feng's face slowly converged, replacing it with an unprecedented dignity.

What if you suddenly become stronger?

If it can win once, it can win the second time. It is confident that it can once again kill the defeated of the overestimate one's capabilities!


The Nine Wing King takes the lead in launching an offensive!

It's body is vertical, like a bolt of lightning, it rushes towards the static abandoned front, and its speed brings out bursts of harsh buzzing!

The cold glow of sharp fangs flashed constantly, facing Qifeng's head, fiercely bit it off. As soon as it came up, it was the most brutal blow!

A critical strike!

It’s just that Nine Wing King’s critical shot fell in Qi Feng’s eyes this time, but it was so unbearable, and its eyes flashed with thick disdain!

The abandoned front is moving!


At the moment when the fangs were about to fall, the silhouette of Qifeng flashed slightly, and instantly escaped the impact of the Nine Wing King!

Leave only one afterimage that the Nine Wing King mistakenly believes to be true!

Then, give up the front sharp claw with a wave!

Pu chi!

The sharp claw, like lightning, instantly penetrated the body of the Nine Wing King fiercely and nailed it to the ground!


At this moment, the group of thousands of maggots and beetles was completely silent.

All the maggots and beetles did not respond much, still maintaining a look of amazement on their faces, motionless!

They can hardly believe everything they see!

One flash, one blow!

They couldn't think of it. With such two casually moves, the abandoned frontman of the second challenge would pierce the newly appointed Nine Wing King with one claw and nail it to the ground!

This is incredible!

You know, not long ago, the first challenged abandoned frontman was defeated by the Nine Wings King on the spot!

And now, after a short period of time, Abandoned Front can not only recover his injuries, but also severely damage the Nine Wings King!

The entire battle process was even more clean, and the new Nine Wing King was shot down by it like a reptile.

The image of the defeated and the victor has changed too suddenly, forming a sharp contrast!

Not only the group of maggots and beetles around, but even the Nine Wing King lying on the ground is completely dumbfounded.

Until now, it is still in the heart thinking that the defeat just now is a mistake, it is dazzled!

Immediately afterwards, the Nine Wing King became angry!

In spite of the severe pain from its body, it got up, waved the sharp claw, and wanted to tear away towards Qifeng!

However, it is fast, and abandon the front to be faster!

I saw that the abandoned front at this moment, in the horrified gaze of all the maggots and beetles, unexpectedly chose to turn around!

At the same time, the giant wings of as thin as cicada wing behind Qifeng suddenly spread out, and the edges of the giant wings are as sharp as possible!


A white cloud crosses!

The sharp claw of the Nine Wing King froze in an instant, not only that, but its entire body shape could no longer move forward half a step!

There are only faint red within both eyes, with a deep and unbelievable glow, and this look has been completely frozen!


In front of the entire swarm of maggots and beetles, the head of the Nine Wing King slowly fell from his body!

Seriously wounded in one blow, killed in one wing!


Use the most fragile wings to kill the powerful Nine Wing King, thousands of maggots and beetles, completely shocked!

This time, the second challenge initiated by Qi Feng is definitely the fastest battle to end in the Nine Wing Kings showdown!

The battle method is also the boldest and the most special. Although it is not a second killer of the Nine Wings, it is almost the same!

Strong! fear!



The time passes by second after second!

The eyes of thousands of maggot beetles are still filled with deep shock. Finally, they all reacted to the ground!

The Nine Wing King is dead!

Sa Sa Sa!

Their bodies are trembling, their fighting intents are disintegrating, and they abandoned the front. It is definitely the most ferocious nine-winged maggot beetle they have ever seen!

At this moment, none of them refused to accept Qifeng, and none of them dared to challenge Qifeng!

The strong counterattack abandoned the front, with its own strength, completely subverted the maggot beetle swarm, and its previous cognition!

The new king is finally born!

This time the nine-winged king is definitely the strongest maggot beetle that mates with maggots, and it will definitely breed more powerful clansman for them!

Looking at the densely packed maggot beetle swarms on the ground, Qifeng’s excitement is hard to hold!

It really did it!

From a loser to a king’s counterattack, this is the glory that belongs to it, and it is also the glory that his master personally bestows on it!

Qi Feng was so excited that he only felt the blood all over his body boiling crazily, as if every trace of flesh and blood in his body was roaring to his heart's content!

They seem to be cheering and jumping for joy, they are eager to fight, and want to use more enemies to forge a journey belonging to the abandoned front!

At the moment, the fighting intent of the Nine Wing King is proud. It did not accept the worship of the maggots and beetles, but moved towards them screaming frantically.

It seems to be venting the anger in the heart, and then, it walks towards the next nine-winged maggot beetle!

For Qi Feng, this is just the beginning!

It will use the most bloody and cruel means to completely conquer the maggots and beetles, and it will become the true King of Nine Wings!

In an instant, Qi Feng set off a foul wind and bloody rain in the maggot group!

As the hardcore supporter of the Nine Wings King, abandoning the front with only two moves, he cut off the opponent's head!

This is only the first one, and then, the second best friend of the king, one move, kill!

The third one!


The fifth one!

Qifeng's combat moves are becoming more and more sophisticated, and his killing style is becoming more and more brutal. All the maggot beetles that pretend to be acknowledge allegiance have been killed by it!


From the moment it was abandoned to the moment it was rescued by its owner, it no longer exists in its heart!

What the abandoned front needs is a batch of acknowledge allegiance its loyalists, nothing more!

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Several maggot beetles were killed, and wherever Qifeng passed, all the corpses of maggot beetles with dodge eyes and spiteful maggots!

A hundred maggot beetles!

Three hundred maggot beetles!

800 maggot beetles!

In just one day, the number of 2,000 maggot beetles has been reduced to nearly 1,000!

Compared with the previous lineup, it has been reduced by more than half, and the remaining maggot beetles are recovered by abandoned fronts, and it can control the maggot beetles!

The last thing abandoned front needs is a titan who can charge, but a loyal servant!

They all crawl on the ground and worship from the heart!

At this moment, Qi Feng's body is covered with blood of the same kind, that kind of imposing manner, which is frightening!

Seeing this scene, Ning Tianlin smiled, and the smile was so energetic!

This is still the result of his letting Qifeng stop in moderation. If it weren't for the fear of being found abnormal after being maggots, the massacre of Qifeng would only be even more crazy!

Sa Sa Sa!

The condescending Qi Feng roared frantically, as if declaring his irreplaceable status.

After a while, all the maggots and beetles crawling on the ground retreated from here at the same time as the last order of Qifeng was issued.

Leave only a pile of scraps of meat!

And the abandoned front who was worshipped just now, at this moment, is already on the ground, welcoming the host's arrival!


Ning Tianlin, who appeared in front of Qi Feng, glanced at the corpses scattered in the ground, nodded with satisfaction.

oh la la!

With a single wave of his big hand, he was all collected into the space ring, leaving only the remaining blood stains.

The Qi Feng on the side saw this scene, his face was full of doubts, but he still suppressed the curiosity in his heart.

It knows what to know and what not to know.

"Perhaps, next time I come here, everything will be resolved!"

Looking at the deepest part of the Great Abyss, the corners of Ning Tianlin’s mouth showed strong expectations, What he has to do now is to wait for the maggot to send a Cerebral Insect wave to Qifeng.

Once the instruction is received, Abandon will immediately report back to him, and he can also make some preparations in time.

"Yan Luo Big Brother Wang and Ao Ming senior, the one mentioned makes people terrifying existence, whether it is the queen of maggots, or someone else..."

Think of this , Ning Tianlin couldn't help but shook the head, but no matter what kind of possibility, he must face it!

Before Earth's strong comeback, all possible threats to him must be resolved.

"Abandoned Feng, next, it's up to you."

Bend down and touched the forehead of Caifeng. For the servant of this unexpected gain, Ning Tianlin Still satisfied.

Lord of Universe nine-dan maggot beetle serves as a servant, just this big name is scary enough!

The latter is also heavily nodded. It knows what the owner wants it to do and what it will face!

Even if it saves its life, it will not hesitate!

The target is the maggot, so what? If it doesn't show up in time for its owner, it's just a corpse waiting for death!

"Perhaps, it's time to leave!"

At this time, Ning Tianlin's eyes turned, he left here intentionally, and many things in the outside world still need him to solve.

At the moment, Ning Tianlin took a step forward and immediately walked forward!

da da da!

The sound of footsteps resounded in the Great Abyss, but no maggot beetle dared to emerge.

Because they all received instructions from the Nine Wing King to abandon the front, if anyone dared to approach without authorization, only one would end up, and that would be death!

You can't even watch it out!


In this scene, Ning Tianlin slightly smiled, and then, the sole of his foot hit the ground, and the whole person flew up!

"break for me!"

Ning Tianlin's fleshy body directly hit fiercely on the prohibition of the Nether Abyss.


The sound of corrosion, one after another!

Just like when they came in, Ning Tianlin's head, neck, abdomen, thighs and other parts were all corroded and bloody!

Together with the white bones that were just revealed, they all instantly softened, like a viscous liquid.

Sick people, horror!

However, Ning Tianlin disagrees. When his heel is about to be corroded, he directly chooses self-destruct!


In the next second, a complete Ning Tianlin has already appeared outside the Great Abyss!

One day later.

Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, Yin Sector.

During the time when Ning Tianlin disappeared, changes have already taken place here, and even the Yin Qi has increased rapidly with the sun!

In addition to the black palace cultivation camp, the arena of life and death, and the arena that are still functioning normally, there are a lot more souls!

These people are all dísciples who died in battle for the Black Temple, but they are still lucky, because the soul can survive by chance!

More dísciples of the Black Temple are the soul flew away and scattered directly by the enemy, the real body dies and Dao disappears!

At this time, in the nether space, in front of the quaint gate!

The mechanical beauty who Ning Tianlin stayed to manage Yin Sector is standing quietly with a group of souls!

"Everyone, this is the Nether Space!"

"The Nether Space is a forbidden place in Yin Sector. It is extremely strange inside. Any Martial Artist who enters it, fight Will be madly suppressed!"

"Without exception, even the real master of Yin Sector, Mr. Ning, will also be subject to such restrictions!"

The master of Yin Sector, Ning Tianlin!


Watching all the souls here, the moment I heard the name, they all became nervous!

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