Before the Demon Spirit King descended on SJM, some generals in the Black Temple could still enter through the entrance he left in the Human Race Holy Land.

However, since that day, no one from the Black Temple has returned. The situation outside is much more serious than those they know!

After the Demon Spirit King became a killing machine, it slaughtered the universe, and was later bowed by the insect race powerhouse. Insect race cut off the dissidents and cast down war posts in an attempt to dominate the universe!

These, none of these people here know!

oh la la!

Ning Tianlin gave a big wave, and a light curtain flashed out of thin air. The content inside was exactly what he got from the battle strength system.


Everyone swept their gazes toward the light curtain. The bloody and brutal scenes flashed past like a slideshow.

Cruel, horrible, and outrageous!

Not only that, after gaining power, the insect race, just now, played a video of a flagrant declaration of war on the media.

Various media broadcasts at the same time, and it continues to be played repeatedly. The picture of the video is a blood-stained purgatory!

Inside, there are pillars embedded in the ground, and each pillar is staring at a person.

The palms and soles of their feet are all nailed to the pillars with long iron nails. Everyone who is nailed is covered with fresh blood dripping, torn skin and gaping flesh.

The eye-catching blood hole appeared on everyone's body, as well as the hideous wounds beside the blood hole, it seemed that it was scary!




A drop of scarlet blood flowed from the corner of each of them, and the whole person was miserable to the extreme.

When someone recognizes their true identity, whether it is Tulun and the others at this moment, or outside the Human Race holy land, they have seen the common martial artist of the Black Temple army marching out.

Everything shook, because those nailed to the pillars turned out to be the generals and soldiers of the Black Temple!

Heidian army, a true army of benevolence and righteousness!

After setting out from the Black Palace, everything that went wrong was to get rid of the arrogant and arrogant villains, thugs, and strong clans who deceived the city!

The other self-defense forces composed of common martial artists will not bother them at all. As long as the other party does not take the initiative to provoke, they will never conflict with it!

In this totally different situation, every planet and every force encountered in the journey of the Black Palace army has never been exceptional.

This is well-recognized and praised by everyone. It is a truly disciplined and benevolent division.

But now.

This army of violence against violence, the remaining hundred people who survived, are like prisoners, imprisoned in cages, tortured in every way.

This scene immediately aroused the anger of Martial Artists suppressing in the heart in front of the screen, but they can only endure the grief in their hearts and dare not speak.

The bloody slaughter of the Demon Spirit King and the strong suppression of the insect race have long since crushed the only Martial Artist in their hearts.

In the vast universe, no one dares to meet the edge of Martial Artist, who has no idea, and no one dares to go against his words and deeds.

It's worth it!

At this moment, every Martial Artist of each planet is looking forward to Ning Tianlin's comeback desire in the middle of his heart.

Ning Tianlin is also the only Martial Artist in the universe, recognized as the strongest Guardian in the mind!

However, the pictures played in front of the screen are more than that.

After that, a grim-faced insect, he took a steel whip from clansman next to him, and appeared in the video.

He is the entire insect race, the most brutal, the most criminal, the power holder of the quiet lineage, the quiet picture.

Naying Youtu's eyes were cold, and his palm shook.


A barbed steel whip, like a poisonous snake, burst out, fiercely slashing on the body of an aircraft general.

Pu chi!

Injury and injury, blood splashed, and suddenly a whole arm of the black palace general was chopped off.

Cruel, tyrannical!

No one thought that Ning Youtu would dare to risk offending the anger and sever the arm of the general of the Black Palace.

Not only openly executed the torture in everyone’s eyes, but also controlled the media and played the video.

It is arrogant to the extreme.

"Nangyoutu, you coward, kill me, if you have the ability, you must kill me quickly!"

The arm was broken, and this black temple general didn’t even frown. Wrinkle, his eyes contain incomparable madness and hatred.

The screams of anger.

Not only him, but also the rows of soldiers in the Black Temple who were nailed to the pillars, regardless of the severe pain on their bodies, shouted loudly:

"Niaoyoutu, you This coward, have the ability to kill me!"

"Kill me, have the ability to kill me!"

"Come here, kill me!"

At this moment, the soldiers of the Black Temple who were unfortunately captured, looked resolutely one by one, treating life as nothing.




However, they were greeted by the insect race soldiers next to them, one after another standing up high The iron whip fell heavily again.

Seriously injured and dying, life is better than death!

Hearing these stern shouts, Youtu laughed, and the insect race soldiers next to him also laughed.

The arrogance of laughter, the arrogance of laughter, and the intense pleasure after violence filled each of them.

The corners of the mouth raised up by Niyoutu flashed a brutal touch:

"tsk tsk, want to die? Don’t worry, it will make you what you want!"

"After three days, all races will gather in the insect race. I will let all Martial Artists in the universe witness your death, just like today."

Speaking of which, the smile on the corner of the mouth The more and more ferocious Ning Youtu, it seems that I suddenly remembered something, crazy said with a smile:

"Ning Tianlin hiding in the corner, have you seen it? These are those who swear allegiance to you, for You who are selling your life should end up there!"

Speaking of which, Na Youtu took the broken arm of the aircraft general from the ground and placed it in front of the camera. The corners of his mouth were full of this joke. :

"Ning Tianlin, this is just a small beginning. If you want to have a seed, if you are still a man, see you at the insect race in three days!"

"Otherwise, I They will tear their limbs personally, and then chop the flesh and blood one by one into meat sauce!"

"Also, whether you come alone or lead the remnants of Earth to come together, we insect Race to the end!"


The bloodthirsty voice of Tucson, one after another, until the end, the video played was rampant in him His laughter stopped abruptly.

Then, it was the same video again, and it started a new round of broadcasting in major media.



At this moment, in the discussion hall where Ning Tianlin is located, when the video displayed on the light curtain ends, the whole room is dead silent, the needle falling can be heard, quietly terrifying!

Even the air is full of one after another tyrannical madness.

"Ning sect master, insect race has a vicious heart, since I dared to clamor openly, I must have designed a trap, waiting for us to walk right into a trap."

Lin Yu Pavilion Lord Zi Chen’s face was filled with unprecedented dignity, and he opened the mouth and said first.

She has always been prudent in her mind. She only hopes that Ning Sect Master can plan well, and don't be arrogant, she has been tricked by the insect race.

Insect race is going, the black temple dísciple must be saved, but you must definitely be prepared!

Just as her words fell, Tu Lun on the other side, with scarlet bloodshot eyes on his eyes, he directly asked for his orders:

"Master, insect race Don’t be afraid, so what? I’m not waiting for cowards who are afraid of death. The two sides fight in blood and fight, who is more ruthless than the one!"

In the hall at this moment, among the people present, I want to talk about the Heidian Brother The person with the deepest feelings and the strongest killing intent is Tu Lun.

Looking at the comrades who fought side by side in the past, they were nailed to the pillars one by one and endured painful suffering, his heart was bleeding.

"Master, in any case, you must take us to kill the insect race and chop off everyone's dog heads!"


At this moment, what Tu Lun is most afraid of is not the ambush of the insect race, but the fear that Master Ning Tianlin will go to the insect race alone and not take them with them.

One person hardly shakes the insect race, his Master can definitely do it!

Insect race, Tu Lun must slaughter and then quickly, even if it is a battlefield, no hesitate!

Zi Chen and Tu Lun successively expressed their attitudes, one being cautious and the other boldly advancing, instantly forming a weird atmosphere in the hall.

At this moment, Chen Hongxia, who is also a woman, expressed her attitude. She is more inclined to fight with Tu Lun’s:

"Senior Ning, General Tu Lun is right. Even though insect race has already deployed inescapable net, I am not afraid to wait and dare to make a breakthrough."

Insect race, I personally destroyed her Sect Black Feather Sect and slaughtered her senior and junior brothers. This It is a blood feud of extinguish sect and must be repaid with blood debts!

Not only her, but Cang Ming, who is violently violent next to her, also please order:

"Senior Ning, you will let us descend into the insect race together and kill the enemy, even if it is I have no regrets or regrets if I died in battle!"

Looking at everyone expressing their attitudes one by one, the City Lord of Zhongdu, who has never spoken, frowned and said:

" Ning sect master, Heidian dísciple was born to death, and under the ravages of insect race, rather die than submit, none of them can die in vain."

"Insect race is guarded by the territory of the insect race, using the life of Heidian dísciple as bait. , We have no other choice but to shake things up!"

One after another, the resolute words fell, in the entire hall, everyone in the room, a pair of vision looked towards Ning. Tianlin.

After Ning Tianlin made the decision, he gave an order and took them to kill the insect race, a debt of blood must be paid in blood.

And Ning Tianlin’s eyes flashed, and the arc of the corner of his mouth, at this moment, is so gloomy and cold:

"Heidian dísciple is for me But fighting, they must not die in vain. Insect race casts war posts and provokes publicly, and I must fight!"

"Insect race dares to yell publicly, deceiving us and no one, it’s naive and ridiculous, everyone does not know the soldiers. The most important thing is the essence, not the more!"

Speaking, Ning Tianlin turned his eyes and looked directly at Tu Lun:

"Tu Lun, tell everyone, after the maggot beetle merges with the fleshy body Dísciple of the Thousand Names Black Palace, what’s the battle strength now?"

Hearing this, Tu Lun's face was dreadful, and his bloodshot eyes were suddenly filled with intense excitement.

How about battle strength?


Good can't be better, it's rapid progress!

The most obvious thing is that he feels that the bottleneck of Xinghuang realm is getting looser, and there is a possibility of breakthrough at any time!

Once the breakthrough, that is the Lord of Universe, and the same is true for the thousand people. Now not only is the soul powerful, but the fleshy body is also strong enough!

Only in the Human Race holy land with ample Spiritual Qi, cultivated for more than a day, each battle strength is advanced by leaps and bounds!

"Back to Master, among the entire thousand people, there have been more than two hundred breakthroughs to Xinghuang realm, and the remaining seven hundred people are all Xingzhou realm!"

"No In the event of an accident, more than two hundred people will break through to the Xinghuang realm in one day!"


When Tu Lun speaks firmly and firmly. After that, the tight and depressed atmosphere in the hall suddenly rose.

A whole five hundred star barren Martial Artist!

What is this concept?

It is no exaggeration to say that these five hundred people below the Lord of Universe are absolutely invincible!

It's more than enough to sweep the insect race army, and while everyone is excited, they can't help but have a new touch of worry.

The battle between Lord of Universe, this level of battle, is the most critical factor that determines the entire battle!

At this moment, Ning Tianlin, who captured the expressions of the crowd, flicks with the finger, a stream of light flashed from his space ring.

oh la la!

In the space in the center of the hall, there suddenly appeared waves of energy, and then, a silhouette, from the virtual to the real, gradually appeared in everyone's horrified eyes.

"Howling Celestial Dog senior, battle strength level, Lord of Universe 9dan!"

As soon as the silhouette of Howling Celestial Dog appeared, the deep laughter came from his mouth Slowly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic aura that made the complexions of all the people present suddenly appeared like a rushing tide.

The silhouette that suddenly appeared, and the majestic aura that suddenly broke out of inferiority and Ning Tianlin, directly caused the excitement of everyone in the hall to the extreme!

one after another stared at the former with deep horror, but his heart felt like a stormy sea turned up.

The shot is Lord of Universe Nine Duan, with such a powerful background, it is estimated that only Ning Tianlin has it in the universe!

I glanced at the horrified expressions of the crowd. When he was released from the space ring, Howling Celestial Dog had been told the reason:

"Little Friend Lin, Demon Spirit The King, not only snatched the eye of my master Divine Soul, but also hurt my master, this one must hate me!"

The eye of Divine Soul? Owner?

The words spoken by Howling Celestial Dog senior suddenly made everyone present fiercely.

The powerhouse where Alone and Demon Spirit King played against SJM and regained the third eye, they already knew through the light curtain just played.

His true identity is the War God Yang Jian of the ancient Earth, and he is also a Lord of Universe eight-dan existence.

And this Howling Celestial Dog senior calls War God Yang Jian the master, doesn't it mean that he also comes from the powerhouse of the ancient Earth.

Think carefully and fear, the tyranny of the ancient Earth was stronger than they expected, and it was much more powerful.

At this moment, not only the image of Ning Tianlin, but also the pre-judgment of Earth, have once again raised too much in their hearts!

"hehe, Howling Celestial Dog senior, the life of the Demon Spirit King is reserved for you."

Hearing this, Ning Tianlin laughed, this is also his decision to make Howling The main reason for Celestial Dog's call.

Demon Spirit King, insect race, and the powerhouse drawn by insect race, he must prepare in advance to catch them all.

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