"You brat, it's interesting!"

Ignoring everyone's astonishment, find a Howling Celestial Dog who sits down at will, then waved his hand, lightly said with a smile:

"You talk about you, don't care about me."

Hearing Howling Celestial Dog senior's words, everyone in the hall hurriedly cupped the hands, expressing their feelings towards the powerhouse Respect.

"Three days later, insect race."

At this moment, Ning Tianlin's eyes lightly tapped on the tabletop, and a cold glow flashed by:


"Insect race powerhouse, we will solve it, and the insect race army will be dealt with by you. It must be completely eliminated!"

High-level duel is one aspect, but the following large-scale confrontation The melee is another aspect that can't be ignored, and everyone will be nodded.

However, when I think that some races and powerhouses are forced to acknowledge allegiance due to the coercion of the insect race, a trace of unbearable flashes in Zi Chen’s eyes:

"Ning sect master, if some of the powerhouses of Human Race are forced to stand on the side of the insect race, are we also punishing them."

Looking at Ning Tianlin, he hesitated for a while, Zi Chen will still The doubts in my heart were asked out.

"I said that it is a blood feud with insect race. Only when one party perishes can it be completely eliminated. Apart from this has no other way."

"So, as long as someone obstructs We destroy the insect race, whether it is Human Race or other races, nature is no exception."

Ning Tianlin faintly smiled, a little coldness and killing intent passed in the dark eyes:

"If they persist in your own wrong doings when the time comes, then you will take action and kill them together."

Seeing that most of the arrangements are completed, Ning Tianlin's stern voice, Resounded in everyone's ears:

"Everyone listens!"

The words fell.


In the hall, everyone except Howling Celestial Dog knelt down on the ground with enthusiasm.

"Within these two days, you all person conserve strength and store up energy. Three days later, it will be the time of the insect race, the decisive battle!"

With this sentence When the words fell, the bloodthirsty factors in everyone's bodies surged crazily in an instant, and each and every murderous intention was monstrous.

"come to insect race, kill!"

"come to insect race, kill!"

"come to insect race, kill!"

The uniform and uniform crazy roar, resounded in the entire Human Race holy land.

After that, under Ning Tianlin's wave of hands, everyone withdrew from the hall one by one, leaving only Ning Tianlin sitting in the main seat.

His gleaming gaze suddenly turned outwards, throwing out the open door, looking at that far away place:

"Three days later, my relatives The subordinates will fight the insect race to the end. When we are on Earth, we will have one less enemy."

"Martial artists far away in Earth, coming soon, the days when you cross the Universe Starry Sky are about to come. It's here!"


At the same time.

The roar clan.

Bowen, sitting on the main seat of the hall, stared at the center of the hall with a pretty face, where a light curtain was temporarily placed.

And the content above is exactly the short video clips played by insect race in major media, cruel and arrogant!


With a flick of your fingertips, a burst of energy bursts into Youtu's abominable face, together with the entire light curtain, instantly shattering.

"Three days later, with me, the bloody Battle Insect clan!"

As patriarch Bowen raised his arms and shouted, the temperature in the entire hall instantly dropped, and murderous aura raged. .




The neatly standing Hou clan generals in the hall, among their eyes, the murderous intention burst out.

Outside the hall, the clansman clansman, densely packed, are fully armed and stand upright.




While screaming, their faces resolutely raised the warblade in their hands one by one.

The high fighting intent, the roar of implied killing intent, pervades all clansman of the roar clan, and resounds!

And this very same scene happened not only in the Howler clan, but also in a remote Fox Race in the distance.

"For patriarch, within the Fox Race, everyone who can fight is ready and ready to go!"

The eight-tailed male fox who steps forward, facing On the platform alone, Patriarch Sophie wearing a phoenix crown reported loudly.


Hearing this, Sophie, who was flashing cold glow, looked down at the densely packed Fox Race Legion and gave the final battle order.

"At this time tomorrow, the whole army will be launched, and we will arrive at the insect race three days later, and fight to the end with the insect race army!"

"To the end!"

"Blood battle to the end!"

"Blood battle to the end!"

The Fox Race soldiers who had been preparing to continue, a face was full of determination to death.

Listening to the resounded high fighting intent below and Sophie on the battle stage, a sorrowful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Naying Youtu, you are cruel and bloodthirsty, and you see life like a grass, but you don’t know what your expression will look like when you see your son’s head!"

"This scene is really exciting!"

Turning my eyes to the side of the battle stage, there are more than a dozen heads neatly arranged in gift boxes, Sophie The smile on the corners of the mouth is thicker.

At this time, insect race.

In the hall of the Naiyou Hall!

A powerhouse with a gloomy expression sits firmly on the mountain!

On top of his body, there are lumps of muscles and muscles intertwined, cold glow flashing barbs, all over his body, hideous and terrifying!

Sitting there, as if it might violent at any time, there was a chilling breath.

He is the king of Ningyou Palace, the powerhouse of Ningyou lineage, Ningyoutu, the powerhouse of Lord of Universe!




At this moment, a rush of footsteps suddenly came back from far and near.

Hearing this sound, I opened your eyes on Youtu, and a cold glow flashed out of his eyes.

"How about it, did the news go out?"

The voice of Youtu was hoarse and harsh.

And upon hearing this, an insect of the Star Wilderness Martial Artist knelt on the ground and said with a respectful voice:

"No one of the major media videos dared to resist. , The video you recorded has been played in turn."

"However, I have not received accurate information about Ning Tianlin’s appearance. However, everyone related to the ancient Earth and Ning Tianlin is definitely Will go to our insect race!"


Hearing this, Naiyoutu suddenly stood up from the throne, his face was thick. Deep grin:

"Insect race, it’s been peaceful for too long before. This time, not only will it be strong, but it must also truly dominate the universe!"

"this Time, must be properly arranged, and all the remnants of the ancient Earth will be killed!"

Naiyoutu's face is full of sorrow. In his opinion, this time is a certain death situation. Who will kill? Who!

It seems that I remembered something, frowned on Youtu, and then asked:

"What about my son, Yuluo? Can you find out who it is and start with him?"

Hearing this, the subordinate quickly responded with a nervous look:

"The King You, Young Master can’t be contacted, the subordinate got the news that, The final place for Young Master is to take his guards to Fox Race."

"However, the highest battle strength in the entire Fox Race is only Star Desolation, and there is simply no opponent against Young Master!"


Naying the complexion turned cold, gritted his teeth:

"Fox Race!"

"Received my clan war post , Will definitely come, then, regardless of whether Fox Race did it or not, all of them will die!"

I would rather kill thousands of people by mistake than let go of one. I always believe in Youtu most. Guidelines!

This move was unsatisfactory, and it solved too many unnecessary troubles for him.

Even if he did not have an accident in Fox Race, he died after going to Fox Race!

It is the honor of their Fox Race to use the entire Fox Race to bury his son!

After saying this, Youtu's eyes are cold and icy:

"The order goes on, all powerhouses are prepared. Once the remnants of Earth come, they will have no return."


One day later.

In the vast universe, a silhouette dressed in a battle robe sits in the void, like a sculpture, motionless.

It's just that a trace of white energy around him is constantly condensing and condensing around him, one after another Spiritual Qi, like a flood, sweeping in.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

Spiritual Qi gathers his eyes and walks in, his breath continues to rise, getting stronger and stronger until the end!


A Weng sound resounded.

In the body of the man in the shirt, a torrent of explosion sounded like a tsunami, and the breath of the whole person instantly climbed to the 9th dan of the Lord of Universe!

Not only that, at the moment of breaking the breakthrough, the third eye in the center of the forehead suddenly opened.

Golden glow shines!

oh la la!

The stars in the surrounding Star Domain seem to have encountered the doomsday, with all their vitality drawn by fiercely, and the stars become death stars.

ka ka ka!

A trace of cracks spread over the stars, and then, the sound of pu chi resounded endlessly.

The nearby stars are all turned into one after another fragments, which suddenly disappeared with the turbulence of time and space.


This scene, if you are seen by the passing star Martial Artist, you will definitely be shocked.

Who would have thought that just an eye just opened can directly revitalize the majestic vitality of refining stars.

This is hard to imagine!

"The eyes of Divine Soul, finally merged successfully."

"Demon Spirit King?"

Looking at the endless starry depths ahead, War God A sharp curve appeared in the corners of Yang Jian's mouth!

That day, after SJM snatched Divine Soul's eyes from the Demon Spirit King's forehead, he didn't stop for a moment.

First, the head of the dark and dark divisions of the Black Palace searched for a secret place, settled down a bit, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he began to frantically refining the Divine Soul Eye.

Finally today, he will once again integrate the eyes of Divine Soul that belonged to him!

Now, his goal is extremely simple, which is to find the Demon Spirit King in the universe and kill it with his own hands!

The devil body, the killing machine, what can it do? These are not yet qualified to compete with his Divine Soul Eye!

However, at this moment.

"Grandfather, it's weird. There used to be thousands of stars here, but now they are all gone!"

A girl's voice that was as clear as a bell came.

War God Yang Jian turned his eyes, and saw a small starry sky vehicle galloping in with three people inside.

An old man, a young girl, and a white clothed youth.

Hearing the doubtful words of the girl, the old man and young man next to him are all frowned.

"Yes, although it is remote, I have been here several times before, and there are indeed thousands of stars."

"But now they are all gone. Immemorial is weird."

The white clothed youth who kept reminiscing about, the sinking brows became tighter, but when they heard the words of the two, the old man disapproved, slightly smiled:

"What's weird about this, stars are born and stars die, this is a great principle, let alone thousands of stars, just a few Star Domains, disappearing into the vast universe, that is also commonplace."

The old man is obviously experienced and knowledgeable, and he doesn't care too much at the moment. Upon hearing this, azure robed girl and white clothed youth, with an educated look, have been nodded one after another.

However, when the two of them saw War God Yang Jian standing alone, they were both taken aback:

"Huh? There are people here! Why is he standing here alone, Aren’t you afraid of being swallowed by the turbulence of time and space?"

Martial Artist Although the Fleshy body is powerful, it still can’t stand up to the complex environment of the universe, unless it is an absolute powerhouse.

Obviously, War God Yang Jian at this moment, in her eyes, does not exist at that level.

Powerhouse, guard one party, once you go out, it must be with attendants crowding round, how can you come to such a remote place alone?

Also, it was War God Yang Jian's battle robe, which suffered a lot of damage when he faced the Demon Spirit King.

More azure robed girl, confirmed that War God Yang Jian must have been ravaged by the turbulence of time and space, which led to that.

At this moment, on the pretty face of azure robed girl, a touch of anxiety and worry suddenly appeared, and Yang Jian kindly reminded the War God:

"Hey, you are very dangerous like this, If you want to come up, we will take you for a ride."

The azure robed girl is very kind, and seeing this scene, the old man is also satisfied and nodded, only the white clothed youth, frowned.

Especially, when he saw War God Yang Jian did not say a word, a sneered arc appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Okay, Junior Sister, stop shouting, I Look at this person, maybe you want to find your own short-sightedness, a short-lived ghost who is hard to say, let him live and die."


Hearing the words of the white clothed man, the old man and the young girl on the side were only eyebrows slightly frowned.

"Kun'er, what are you talking about? We are both Human Race. We should help each other. How can we look at our fellow Human Race compatriots and die?"

The old man Obviously, he was extremely dissatisfied with the attitude of white clothed youth, and his complexion was a little difficult to look at for a while.

It’s just that, after hearing the old man’s reprimand, the white clothed youth didn’t take it seriously. It was still a reasonable look:

"Master, your old man is too kind. Now in the universe What kind of form has become, this set is outdated."

While speaking, the white clothed youth saw that the old man and the young girl simply ignored themselves, raised their voice by one point again, and continued. My own words:

"Who should help each other. When the Demon Spirit King slaughtered our Human Race, it was the insect race who helped to subdue it. If you want me to say, our Human Race should look for insect. Race is better than blessing."

"Senior Brother,...you!"

The girl was excited speechless for a while, her pretty eyes rolled over, and she glanced at the white clothed youth with no anger. .

At this time, the old man had already driven the aircraft to the side of War God Yang Jian, and then he said:

"Youngster, come here, let’s take a while. There is also a response along the way."

The old man's words are extremely kind, without any malicious intent.

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