This makes it feel incredible!

"What a stare, an idiot!"

Feeling the shocking gaze cast from the back of the maggot, the corner of Ning Tianlin's mouth evoked a playful arc.

"Today, it must be you who will die here. There is no suspense!"

Senran words, arrogant and domineering!

" arrogant bastard!"

At this moment, the queen was completely annoyed!

It doesn’t believe it!

Just now, it has been checked. The true bone age of this Ning Tianlin is only a few hundred years of trifling.

How can a youngster who has only lived for a few hundred years mastered the battle strength tactics so purely!

Even if you have been studying Formation from the moment you were born, you will only touch the fur at most, not even getting started.


This bastard kid, the move just now must be just a coincidence, nothing more.

If he really wants to be so powerful, he won't be able to cowering, and let the lord of nine wings go and fight for him.

It must be like this!

The empress was ruthless in her heart. This is what he can accept, the biggest bottom line fact. Otherwise, Ning Tianlin's cultivation base would be too terrifying.

The hundred-year-old Lord of Universe will also battle strength formation. The two are absolutely impossible to appear in one person.


And what makes the maggot more angry than this is that he will be defeated by a nine-winged lord.

This is a humiliation to the noble status, it is a humiliation that has never been seen before, and it almost makes it runaway.

This revenge must be paid!

"Now, I will kill the traitor of the Nine Wing Lord first!"

"Then, I will tear the blood and flesh of that bastard boy piece by piece. Torture to death!"

The eyes behind the maggots are as brutal as they are.

Only a ruthless killing can release the anger in its heart and redefine its kingship!

Battle Formation, can the body's essence be restrained and run slowly, resulting in a decrease in battle strength?

Then use spirit strength to attack!

The maggot queen didn't believe it, the man with black hair and black pupils in front of him had a secret technique for dealing with Spirit Attack!

Spirit Attack, the competition is the toughness of Sea of ​​Consciousness, a youngster with only a hundred years, can there be any shit and tyrannical Sea of ​​Consciousness!

This time, the Lord of Nine Wings must be defeated, and Ning Tianlin must die!

The corner of the mouth behind the maggot was filled with incomparable confidence, as if it had seen Ning Tianlin being attacked and blasted through the Sea of ​​Consciousness, becoming a fool!

Full of pleasure!

"The maggots dominate!"

The maggots and beetles are extremely domineering mind control!

Using the king's coercion of the maggot queen itself, within an instant, you can make Qi Feng dare not have the slightest resistance to it, and completely acknowledge allegiance to it.

Even, as long as it doesn't even need to use hands, it can send a command from Sea of ​​Consciousness to make the Nine Wing King commit suicide on the spot!

Can be born, can die, in a thought, domineering as far as possible!


A terrifying divine might pressure, instantly rushed out of the body behind the maggot, trying to envelop Qifeng in it.

That crazy Spirit Attack is extremely fast, and it seems that the abandoned front will be completely controlled.

However, at this moment.

"Better than Sea of ​​Consciousness? Then you are even worse!"

Ning Tianlin snort disdainfully for the sudden change of attack mode after the maggot, just a touch of banter at the corner of his mouth The moment of laughter.

oh la la!

The ancient chaos!


A terrifying wave of spiritual energy burst out from the center of his eyebrows in an instant.


The Spirit Attack, which was full of confidence after the maggot, was blocked by the ancient chaos that came first when it was only a few meters away from the abandoned front.

I can't go any further!

And then.

The stalemate only lasted for an instant!


As if you have encountered some kind of terrifying existence, the former began to fall apart, and burst into pieces in the blink of an eye!


At the moment when Spirit Attack was destroyed, the maggot only felt a sharp pain in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, which made him terrified. .


How is it possible!

It is full of horror!

"Come again!"

After the unbelievers, the maggots endured the severe pain in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and once again issued a Spirit Attack.

This time, it is no longer reserved, full strength attack!

Just, soon.


The spirit is broken!

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, there was a sudden buzzing sound, which shocked its eye socket cracked and its lips and teeth trembled!

On the other hand, Ning Tianlin has a calm and amorous look. It seems that the counterattack just now is just an extremely ordinary move.

This strong contrast makes it almost crazy after getting the maggot!

The first one!

Ning Tianlin is the first one to make it frustrated again and again!

And at this moment.

"When you are sick, you will kill you!"

At this moment, this great opportunity for counterattack naturally cannot escape the eyes of Qi Feng.


It has one fangs, its waist suddenly exerts force, the cold glow flashing sharp teeth, facing the body behind the maggot, fiercely bit it away.


A piece of bloody minced meat was torn off in an instant.


The maggot is going crazy!

The battle strength drops instantly, and even Spirit Attack is instantly destroyed!

It can't imagine how many terrifying methods this youngster, which is only a hundred years old, will restrict it everywhere!

And just when it was shocked, it took advantage of the abandoned front that defeated the pursuit, and the brutal offensive came again.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

One after another sharp claw, smashed down crazily, and accompanied by one after another mournful scream.


A sharp claw behind the maggot was cut by Fiercely by the abandoned front.



Its back is pierced by Fiercely by the abandoned front!

It’s just that this level of trauma is obviously not the ultimate goal of Qi Feng. The brutal attack is still going on!


The forelimbs behind the maggots were cut off by Fiercely by the abandoned front.


Abandoned front attack, bloody and bloody, very ruthless.

At this moment, the scene in front of you was a strong anti-kill, shocking all the maggots and beetles present.

This is not an evenly matched decisiveness, but a unilateral crush. It is the master of the Nine Wings who abandoned the front and crushed the maggots, beetles, and maggots!

Aided by Ning Tianlin's tactics, the sharp claw fangs of the abandoned front raged wildly at the maggot queen.

The body parts on its body were torn apart by Qifeng, one after another scarlet blood, splashed out of its body, flowing all over the ground.

"I am your maggot queen, don't!"


In the eyes of the maggot queen, there is no more Shi's half-point strength is replaced by boundless fear!

It, I feel Death Aura!

It wants to struggle, it wants to do its best, and it wants this nine-winged lord to slash it personally!

But, it can't do it!

The speed of the movement of the essence in its body is really too slow, and the overall battle strength can't even reach 2/3/2021.

This makes it miserable!

I clearly knew how to counterattack in the face of the opponent's fierce offensive, but when it just made adjustments, the sharp claw of abandoning the front had already fallen.

This feeling makes it seem like a powerful boxing champion has been injected with a tranquilizer.

In my mind, I have a set of mature fighting skills, but my body can't keep up with the rhythm of my brain, only to be abused again and again.

Until the end.

Completely defeated!

Pu chi!

I saw that the sharp claw that abandoned the front, fiercely inserted into the abdomen behind the maggot!

Pierce the flesh and go deep into the internal organs!


Abandoned Feng takes a turn!

sharp claw, one twist three hundred and sixty degrees!

The internal organs are broken!

Then, Qi Feng slammed it hard, and with a thud, a huge body was fiercely smashed to the ground.

This hit, the maggot cave vibrated, and the maggot beetle group trembled!

I lost!

After the maggot, it was so defeated!

Each of them was filled with a deep horror. Obviously, they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

However, there is more to it!

After looking at the maggot that collapsed to the ground, a sharp killing intent flashed past Ning Tianlin's eyes.


He moved, his body straightened, and he stepped on the head behind the maggot.

"I said, you must not live, you must die!"

Following the senran words.


Dualbladed Halberd, who quietly appeared in his hand, was lifted high by him, and then fiercely's slash was at the neck of the maggot.

Hands rise and fall!

Pu chi!

The fragile neck behind the maggot was chopped off by Qigen, leaving only layers of scarlet dead skin connected to the round head on the head .


Just like kicking a ball, Ning Tianlin kicked the head behind the maggot to fiercely.

From this to the end, Ning Tianlin, who was standing with a halberd, did not blink his eyes, leaving the scarlet blood on the halberd to fall to the ground.



The scene is bloody and cruel!

gu lu lu!

When the head behind the maggot was tumbling on the ground, the entire maggot cave was completely plunged into boundless silence.


The group of maggots and beetles watching the battle next to them is shaking all over!


The last scene in their eyes is the man with black hair and black pupils, cutting off the back of the maggot's head.

Although there is only one move, the very ruthless Slaughter Qi makes them understand that this is the real ruthless character, the terminator of the killing!

If you touch it, you will die!

And just as the maggot beetle was shocked, there was no maggot beetle, dare to doubt the cruel battle strength of Qifeng.

After all, the queen maggot was wounded by it, and it was still a heavy blow!

The current Qifeng is definitely the most powerful presence in the entire maggot beetle colony with battle strength.

No doubt!

Be aware that after this maggot beetle maggot, after waking up, it once again ruled the entire maggot group.

However, it is brutal and brutal.

Even, in order to be able to recover its own strength as quickly as possible, it would not hesitate to kill its own clansman with its own hands, and then swallow it alive.

In the hearts of these maggot beetles, the queen maggot is sacred and inviolable, and it cannot be desecrated and terrifying existence.

Although they are extremely dissatisfied in their hearts, their identities tell them that they must not resist the maggot queen.

And now.

This maggot, who had eaten for his own self-interest and exchanged children, was really lost in the hands of Qi Feng.

It is incredible to make maggots and beetles swarm!

Just then.


The head behind the maggot finally stopped rolling!

It stood there quietly, and in the pair of violent eyes, it was completely frozen in boundless horror and horror.

It seems that until the moment of death, it can't believe that it will be killed by others in this way.

Extremely unwilling!

It’s just that the silence didn’t last long,


The group of maggots and beetles who reacted, looked towards Qifeng's eyes, as if they were looking at a True King.

At this moment, the abandoned front is bloodied all over, all over his body is bruised and bruised, like a challenger who has just won, slowly moving towards the maggot beetle swarm.


The crazy imposing manner released by Qifeng made the whole group of maggots tremble.

Those who are not the diehards of Qifeng, at this time, they are shiver coldly looking towards Qifeng, full of this worship and awe.

They know that the queen of maggots has been defeated and abandoned the front to become the king. This is a fact and cannot be changed!

Looking at the abandoned front at this time, thinking of all the atrocities after the maggots, they quickly made a choice in the heart.

acknowledge allegiance The new king, abandon the front!

Sa Sa Sa!

On the fangs of Abandoned Front, the cold glow flickered.

It is facing the maggot beetle swarm, its mouth open and close, it seems to be roaring something.

Listening to Qi Feng's roar, the entire maggot beetle group swept their gazes, looking in the direction of Ning Tianlin, seemingly hesitating.

Until the end, as if they had gone through an ideological struggle, they made an important decision.


The most powerful nine-winged masters were the first to crawl to the ground.



All the maggot beetles in the maggot cave are crawling on the ground.

The scene is spectacular!

At this moment, in the entire maggot cave, all the maggots and beetles are kneeling down on their kings in mind.

Incomparable piety, strong fanaticism.


Seeing the sudden change, the corner of Ning Tianlin's mouth slowly showed a gratifying smile.

That Hitachi Qifeng was the king, and it was his unintentional act. Now, to regain the entire swarm of maggots and beetles, it is even more unexpected.

However, in the face of such a powerful battle strength maggot beetle swarm, he is naturally willing to take it under his command.

All of them are made up of the Lord of Universe, and each is extremely cruel. This is definitely an army that makes people become terror-stricken at the news!

Just thinking about it, Ning Tianlin's heart has a look of expectation.


At this moment, following Ning Tianlin's thoughts moved.

After knowing it, Qi Feng led all the maggots and beetles, moving wildly and violently, and suspended in midair.

It looks like a cloud of thunder, and the breath is chilling.

"Abandon the front and take them with you!"

"There are only two choices, the one who descends can live, and the adversary must die. With your clansman, go to conquer The entire nether space!"

Following Ning Tianlin's senrant words resounded.

xiu xiu xiu!

The first to bear the brunt, leading the swarm of maggots and beetles, toward the entrance of the Nether Abyss, rushing madly.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

The bloody crusade begins!

One after another gnawing sounds, from where they passed, resounded, pieces of blood and flesh of ghost creatures were torn apart!


"Come back, these are your food!"


The centipede with a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, whizzing.


With a sharp roar down, the centipede of the ten thousand races at this moment, the pair of scarlet pupils, glowing with strong excitement.

Crazy devouring, starting from behind the largest maggot!

After the maggots, but the entire maggot beetle group has the highest battle strength, the essence contained in the whole body is as rich as it is!

In particular, the terrifying venom contained in the body of the maggot is a super delicacy in the mouth of the centipede.




In the blink of an eye, the entire corpse behind the maggot was eaten up by the centipede of ten thousand races.

Until the corpses behind the maggots were all eaten, Ning Tianlin saw that the sharp claw and cold glow of the centipede of the ten thousand clan were splashing.

Especially above, there is a touch of green color all over, Ning Tianlin knows, that is the venom of maggot beetle, only after maggots.

Once the maggots use fangs or sharp claw to scratch the aliens, the super toxicity is too strong even for the Lord of Universe.

"Still not enough?"

Ning Tianlin felt that the imposing manner of the ten thousand centipede was climbing, but it was still too slow to be frowned.

"Go, swallow all the bodies of maggots and beetles here!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes flickered, and the corners of his mouth were upwards. At the same time, senran words spread again. Got out.

"If these are still not enough, go and devour the ghosts outside!"


At the moment, the Wanzu centipede is moving in a flash.



One after another The sound of gnawing came, and the scattered corpses were being gnawed madly by the footless centipede.

After a full five minutes, all the bones in the entire maggot cave were swallowed up.

bō bō bō!

At this time.

one after another The crisp sound of popping beans resounded.

Ning Tianlin saw that the shape of the centipede of the ten thousand clan had increased by one point, and the sharp claw under his feet became more and more terrifying.

It seems that there is a terrifying power that is about to burst out, but it has not reached that critical point.

"Go and continue to swallow!"

A trace of aura, from Ning Tianlin's body, diffused out, as if, all the creatures in this nether space can be Treated as food.


The ten thousand centipede who came out of tyranny also became violent. Seeing this scene, even Ning Tianlin couldn't help but his eyelids twitched.

This centipede of ten thousand races, known as the destroyer of the universe, has been with him since birth. It can be said that Ning Tianlin has been suppressing the growth of centipede of ten thousand races.

Otherwise, the perverted existence of Wanzu centipede would have grown to a terrifying level long ago.

Now, let it go and let it swallow...

Ning Tianlin can't even imagine the consequences.

"Fortunately, this is a nether space, and it will not cause too much chaos."

This is also an important reason why Ning Tianlin dares to make Wanzu centipede do this. .

And then.

"Also, what is hidden inside that hole!"

Ning Tianlin suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and stared at the maggot with a pair of eyes. The hole in the depths of the cave!

There is the place where the maggot beetle came out after the maggot, and possibly another exit from the nether space.

Thinking of this, Ning Tianlin is body flashed right now, before quickly coming to the air port, there is no maggot beetle here at this moment.

It's just that when Ning Tianlin followed the entrance of the cave and looked down, his brows suddenly frowned, and his feet trembled fiercely. is it possible! "

Ning Tianlin's mind rolls over.

Because, he feels that under the deep hole, there is also a terrifying seal.

And seal Among them, a huge maggot beetle is lying on the ground with closed eyes and motionless.

Obviously, this maggot beetle is sleeping!

Just, no matter what. The appearance is still breath, this sleeping maggot beetle is exactly the same as the one he killed just now!

Is it... the energy Avatar?


The maggot just now is not only flesh and blood, but also Spirit Attack. It is definitely not a pure energy body!

shook the head, Ning Tianlin suddenly thought of a certain possibility.


However, if you want to condense a real avatar, the conditions are extremely demanding, and it is simply not so easy to condense!

This... .

Think carefully and fear!

Ning Tianlin can't imagine what kind of existence this maggot beetle would be if it were completely awakened.

Amazed, Ning Tianlin thought about it again.

"Hundreds of millions of years ago, there was a swarm of maggots and beetles that swept the starry sky, and the ancient Earth powerhouse was slaughtered. "

" After that, when Earth was about to be destroyed, the maggot beetle group suddenly disappeared, and there was a seal for reinforcement. "

"Could it be..."

A single thought, came to mind, and immediately made him shivered all over.

That’s right!

The seal here must be ancient Earth, some super terrifying power, personally arranged.

Who would this person be?

Ancient Number One Person !

Ning Tianlin was the first one to think of this kind of probability. In this universe, I am afraid that only that person can do that.

"Then this person will do it again. who is it? "

Suddenly remembering the old card with the word "servant" that I once picked up in the maggot cave, Ning Tianlin's brows have become deeper.


There is no answer again!

This conjecture, without getting the answer you want from the battle strength system, Ning Tianlin can’t help shook the head.


"If it was really the ancient Number One Person who sealed the maggot beetle swarm, and this servant would find countless powerhouse corpses and feed them. "

"But in the end, the servant who managed to keep the maggot beetles was eaten by the maggot beetle swarm...? "

Faudly, Ning Tianlin felt that this servant must have some kind of relationship with the ancient one.

Even, it is very likely to belong to the ancient Number One Person. Servant of War.

"Perhaps, there is an answer I want to know. "

Ning Tianlin looked at the dark hole, the corner of his mouth evoked a cold arc.

"Anyway, after this maggot, he must never wake up, he must be killed! "

Through the seal, staring at the maggot beetle, Ning Tianlin's somewhat ugly expression became more and more gloomy.

Behind the maggot beetle, there is an incarnation. It was an invincible existence hundreds of millions of years ago. Once it awakens and regains its strength, it will definitely be more terrifying.

Once it is born, not only will the entire Earth be in trouble, I am afraid that other races in the universe will also fall into In the foul wind and bloody rain.

Think of this.

Ning Tianlin did not hesitate at all.

oh la la !

The slender fingers were instantly covered with all kinds of obscure runes, facing the seal, little by little moved over.

shua~ shua~ shua~ !

One after another strange symbol, drawn on the volley.

The densely packed cracks began to follow Ning Tianlin’s hands and spread across the seal.

One point. Another point.

The seal is beginning to break!

After two hours, the entire seal has leaked a hole that is only one person wide.

Not only In this way, rune flickers constantly, and Power of Seal is getting weaker than before.

Until then, Ning Tianlin dared to separate his mind and gently wiped the exuding silk on his forehead. Silky cold sweat.

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