
Next, let out a gentle breath.

"Thanks to this seal, a lot of energy has been consumed in these hundreds of millions of years."

"Otherwise, I would be impossible in such a short period of time. , Just break it easily."

After a sigh of emotion, Ning Tianlin's feet flickered with silver light, his figure leaped into the seal.

oh la la!

Without hesitation, at the moment he entered the restriction, the essence in his body was secretly mobilized.

"This big guy, kill it first!"

Staring at the dead pig-like maggot beetle, a smattering splashed out of Ning Tianlin's black eyes The killing intent.


The Dualbladed Halberd in his hand was held tightly by him, one after another surging energy quickly condensed on it.

What he has to do now is to give this maggot beetle a fatal blow when it is at its weakest.


Dualbladed Halberd raised high, and the falling target is surprisingly the most vulnerable neck of the maggot beetle.


One halberd!

"No way?"

xiu xiu xiu!

"Then ten halberds!"


Ning Tianlin is not at ease!

xiu xiu xiu!

In an instant, the hundred halberd fell in the same position, and every time he waved the Dualbladed Halberd, Ning Tianlin tried his best!

The cold sweat ticked down from his forehead, and the essence of his body was consumed too quickly, making his complexion pale.

Until the battle strength system, the report of the essence points, when Ning Tianlin's mind was resounded, he stopped the movement in his hand.

So far, the maggot beetle is dead!


With a big wave, Ning Tianlin did not stop after taking away the maggot beetle body.

There, it is getting darker and more a bottomless black hole.

One day later.


Ning Tianlin's progress finally stopped.

"What is that?"

Feeling the bursts of faintly discernable energy fluctuations ahead, Ning Tianlin's black pupils could not help but squint slightly, muttering in a low voice.

"It a chessboard?"


Why is there this thing here?

At this moment Ning Tianlin was puzzled.

oh la la!

It seems to be verifying his statement, more like that energy fluctuation, which was activated because of his arrival.

Suddenly, the streamer flickered and the light flickered.

A virtual grid made up of energy bodies, staggered and spliced, just floats in the void ahead.

This is more than that.

xiu xiu xiu!

On the grid, a chess piece appeared instantly, a total of 100 pieces in total, densely packed on it.

Stand upright without a chess piece falling.

Extremely weird.

Not only that, Ning Tianlin can clearly feel that one after another vicissitudes of life escapes from the chessboard.

It seems that there is some kind of profound mystery in the universe, which is extremely mysterious.

At the time when Ning Tianlin was shocked, on the chessboard, a hollow sound was suddenly resounded.

No warning!

"This chessboard is called Baishiqi. It is an ancient forbidden chess."

There is no silhouette, only sound. That sound is like an energy body, The same as those stored in the chessboard in advance.

And it's an authentic Earth language!

"There are a hundred barren ancient prohibitions on the chessboard. As long as fifty bars can be cracked, they are eligible to move forward."

After hearing the content of the hollow voice, Ning Tianlin's complexion changed again.

Whether it is a cultivation technique, or a talisman, or prohibition, as long as it is stained with the word “horrible and ancient”, there is no simple existence.

And now, this inexplicable Hundred Death Chess is obviously the same.

That voice, although it did not clearly state the consequences of not being broken, but even thinking about it with toes, Ning Tianlin knew that it would not end well.

One hundred death chess, life or death, only one of the two fingers is left.

However, for these, Ning Tianlin is not afraid at all, prohibition, included in Formation, is his strong point.

Moreover, with the battle strength system, these things are not a problem for him.


As the footsteps fell, Ning Tianlin stood in front of Hundred Death Chess, with a pair of eyes staring straight at the chessboard.

This battle will be broken!

In my mind, my thoughts flashed!


The slender five fingers, facing the hundred death chessboard, kept clicking, and in an instant, the chess pieces began to move.

one minute!

Five minutes!

Ten minutes!

At this moment, a little bit of time passed, Ning Tianlin like a hot knife through butter, one after another restriction was broken.

After breaking the fifty prohibitions, he didn't mean to stop, a mysterious breath burst out of his body.

"The realm of enlightenment!"

At this moment, Ning Tianlin is not in a hurry to break all the prohibitions, but is feeling the hundred death chess.

Able to reach the realm of enlightenment, that can only mean that Ning Tianlin has completely penetrated the hundred death chess, and only then can he perceive the ancient rules in the chessboard.

Otherwise, you will never enter the realm of enlightenment.

Not only that.


A lightly fluctuating Law Power diffuses from Ning Tianlin's body. This Law Power is colorless and invisible, but it is real.

Only the real expert of Formation can be discovered.

oh la la!

Suddenly, the scene in front of Ning Tianlin changed. It was no longer a blunt chessboard. The place where you could see was a chaotic battlefield!

This battlefield at this moment is already in a mess.

There are blood and corpses everywhere, like an Asura battlefield, where countless terrifying creatures are buried.

Blood and fire, screaming and wailing, dyed this chaotic star into blood red.

"It feels so real, it's like being on the scene."

And when Ning Tianlin was surprised by the reality of this illusion.



In the sky, the battle between the two sides broke out again.

I looked up.

On one side, I saw a black robe powerhouse, and on the other side, I saw a War General in uniform.

Moreover, the number of the two lineups is also huge. At this moment, the latter is carrying out a frantic siege of the former.

The final battle is obvious!

Pu chi!

The arm of a War General was cut off by fiercely.

The man trembled in pain, but his face was crazy, and he endured the severe pain.


An Iron Fist blasted the head of that black robed man!

And another melee is all inside.

Four black robed men holding warblades are facing a war general with a tyrannical battle strength, launching a frantic siege.

Four-to-one, this War General, was soon bruised and bruised!

He was covered in blood, like a bloody man, but his complexion was like a stone, terrifying cold.

When four black robed man got closer and closer to this person, thinking that they would one strike certain kill, a hideous madness appeared on the face of this War General.

"Earth will not die, it will be eternal!"

"You shameless invaders, pay for your life!"

The sorrowful words fell.


A terrifying imposing manner suddenly spread from the body of this War General, a terrifying explosive force, destroying heaven extinguishing earth.


This War General, crazy retrograde spirit, his body burst instantly.


"Damn it!"



The four black robed men all around were horrified.

They wanted to escape, but they just turned around and sprang out, that terrifying explosive force was fiercely's blast on their bodies.

bang bang bang!

That violent and tyrannical energy instantly bombarded the four black robed man into a mass of blood mist.

Cruel, bloody!

At this moment, the surrounding black robed man was shocked beyond repair.

They can’t imagine that these Earth War Generals, which are already in the doomed ground, can be so iron and blood.

Even if they are killed in battle, they must be dragged to fall together and be buried together!


Not only them, but even Ning Tianlin, who is a bystander, was moved by it.

The most important thing is that, through the screams just now, he knew that this was a battlefield in the ancient Earth!

Although it is illusory, it actually happened.

However, this is just the beginning.

In the sky, a War General of Ancient Earth also chose to self-destruct on the spot after exhaustion.

One after another fire, burst into the sky.

Before they were dying, one after another screamed crazy, shaking the sky.

"Earth is immortal, and will be eternal!"

"Earth is immortal, and will be eternal!"


one after another monstrous roar, as if to trample the entire sky and shatter the entire earthquake.





In the blink of an eye, there are more than a dozen Earth War Generals, self-destruct.

The effect is also very obvious. Hundreds of black robed man died in the explosion.

Life for life!


In this scene, the densely packed black robed man around was completely frightened, and deep fear was glowing in each of his eyes.

The army's heart is broken.

And at this moment.


Resounded with a whistling sound.


All the black robed man began to retreat, and in the blink of an eye, they retreated to the outside of thousands zhang, only to surround themselves without fighting.

It seems that a new round of strategy needs to be rearranged.

Until this moment.

The War Generals of the ancient Earth got precious breathing time. Their panting faces were full of deep sadness and desolation.

Some War Generals even searched for the broken bones of Brother's corpse in the sky, and the scene was extremely sad.


These War Generals kept calling the name of the dead brother, and tears rolled down their cheeks.

The faces of each one are filled with incomparable thoughts and sorrow.

"Brothers, don't go too fast, wait, soon, we will get together soon!"

"For Earth, we are honored to die , Rest assured, you will not be alone, we will accompany you."

Silent swallows, uploading in the sky.

In this battle, although they knew that they would lose, they still resolutely decided that none of them chose to abandon their armor and escape.

Sadness, decisively, pervasive.

Seeing this scene, a burly Earth War General among the crowd, above the corner of his eye, one after another blood and tears flowed down.

"Earth, I'm sorry, we really did our best!"

At this moment, another Earth War General came over.

"General, don't blame yourself, brothers are still waiting for you, take us for the last charge!"

Hearing this, the general wiped it out. A hand of blood and tears on his face, nodded, said that he was okay.

"The leader of the black robe was hit by me before, and now the enemy camp is going to be replaced by another powerhouse."

"Just this time, the black robed man attacked , It may be the last temptation, just to wait for that person to come!"

Speaking of which.

The general's face is full of worries.

"I feel that the next big battle will be the final battle, and the opponent will wipe us all out in one fell swoop."

Annihilated in one fell swoop.

A thick cold glow flashed through the general's eyes.

During this period of time, after hundreds of fierce battles, each of them was almost exhausted, all covered with cuts and bruises, and their battle strength was exhausted.

He is ready, and when the black robed man strikes again, he will fall with all the War Generals.

"Fight to the end!"

The general's words are full of mortal determination. At the moment, let the War General face full of solemnity.

"Yes, General!"

After that, the War General wiped a tear from the corner of his eye, and turned around to arrange other combatants.

They are the Earth War General, they can only live on their feet and never die on their knees!

Boiling solemn killing aura, spreading away.

Looking at the preparations before this lore, although there are countless killings, I have long been accustomed to seeing Ning Tianlin who foul wind and bloody rain, and the corners of my eyes are moist.

He couldn't imagine how desperate and helpless the many War Generals in the ancient Earth were when they faced the enemy.

It's just that the next scene made him angry instantly.

Soon, the densely packed black robe army, once again culled, and the final battle officially started.

bang bang bang!

At this moment, in the sky, a black robe powerhouse holding a warblade descends.

Ten people!

A hundred people!

Thousands of people!

Ten thousand people!

There are nearly 10,000 black robed man.

This time, in the up ahead of the black robe army, the leader is a middle-aged man with a blank face.

His baleful aura, terrifying coercion, makes the surrounding space tremble, as if between hands and feet, it can destroy heaven extinguishing earth.

The most obvious thing is his exposed appearance, black hair, black pupil, an Earth Martial Artist!

"You group of foolish and loyal martial artists, today, as long as you surrender with me, you will be saved from death."

Heavenly Might general violent drink, from the middle The -aged man's mouth uttered, and suddenly, the War General of the Earth shook fiercely.


At this moment, the generals of the Earth side led the remaining dozens of War Generals, flying in the air.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the opposite side of the middle-aged man, his eyes confronted, and various murderous intentions splashed!

The game with swords drawn and bows bent is formed instantly!

Hundreds of exhausted people, against the aggressive tens of thousands!

This is almost a certain death situation!

However, none of the War Generals on the Earth side felt scared, and their faces were full of bloodthirsty madness.

"It's you!"

"You are a traitor to Earth!"

The eyes of the War Generals in Earth are full of icy coldness. Swallow the other party alive.

When he heard this, the middle-aged man smiled coldly, and a thick sorrow appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"tsk tsk, really a group of loyal fools, if it weren’t for the love of the past, I would be too lazy to talk to you too much."

"Last time, live on I’ve already given you the opportunity to cherish it. If you don’t know how to cherish it, don’t blame me for being cruel."

"Soon, I will chop up your bodies one by one with a knife and let you The flesh and blood is useful!"


very ruthless, the sound of brutal laughter, clearly passed into every Earth War General’s Ears.

Only at this moment, the vicious words of the middle-aged man did not reduce their fighting intents at all. Instead, they became more and more crazy!

"All the soldiers!"

At this moment, the general turned around, and his eyes swept the War General behind him one after another.

On the face, there is a boundless fighting intent.

"Earth is the place where we were born!"

"It is also the source of our beliefs. Today, we must fight for Earth and die without regrets!"

His words instantly made every War General excited, and they raised their arms one by one, screaming frantically.

"Fight for Earth, fight!"

"Dead without regrets, fight!"

"Fight, fight!"

The monstrous sound of war, resounding through Heaven and Earth, the imposing manner of a hundred people, not weaker than the other, the imposing manner of tens of thousands of people.

Every black robed man is shocked.

They can't imagine what kind of desperate lunatics can condense in such an imposing manner.

Only the middle-aged man knows how crazy and determined the War General of Earth is, and only their flesh and blood can be more in line with the appetite of maggot beetles!

In this battle, he is bound to win!

It is here.


The horn of the charge has sounded, and hundreds of War Generals on the Earth side chose to take the lead. They rushed away frantically against tens of thousands of black robed man.

Hundreds of people, actively rushing to kill 10,000 people, only lunatics can do it.

"Damn it!"

The middle-aged man's complexion is so gloomy, these Earth War General desperate behaviors are crazier than he expected!

Now, sternly shouted:

"Kill me, kill one Earth War General, reward one million, kill ten War Generals, reward ten million!"


"Whoever kills the leader of Earth first, can directly seal the borders and crack the soil and become the overlord!"


The words of the middle-aged man , The temptation was too great, and tens of thousands of black robed man suddenly became completely crazy.

The densely packed horror silhouette, in the blink of an eye, he was fighting with hundreds of Earth War Generals.

This moment.

A patter of blood rained down the entire sky, and corpses one after another fell from the sky.

Tragic, tragic!

"Earth is immortal, and will be eternal!"

An Earth War General was frantically besieged by ten black robed man. He was bruised and bruised and roared frantically.


Immediately afterwards, a shocking explosion resounded. This War General and dozens of black robed men around, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke together.

This move again!

At this moment, the rest of the black robed man was completely shocked to death.

bang bang bang!

In every corner of the battlefield, one after another terrifying self-destruct sound resounded endlessly.





In the blink of an eye, there were more than 30 Earth War General self-destructs. Thousands of black robed men were blown up into blood mist.

The entire sky is filled with scarlet.

The tragic “Earth is immortal, and will be eternal in the end!”, echoed endlessly in the sky, and shocked to the point.

It’s just that this is just the beginning.

"General, I'm sorry, I can't accompany you in the battle, I have to go one step first."


Crazy laughter resounded.

An Earth War General, like crazy, rushed towards the nearest group of black robed man.

Until his body fell in the black group.

The roar of the explosion was suddenly resounded, and hundreds of black robe powerhouses were blown up into a blood mist.

"Earth is immortal and will be eternal, brethren, I am coming!"


Another Earth War General, and hundreds The name is black robed man perish together.





Self-destruct again!

bang bang bang!

At this moment, the number of Earth War Generals is drastically decreasing.

Eighty people!

Seventy people!

Sixty people!

Fifty people!


a Earth War General frantically reverses the body's energy, chooses self-destruct, and smashes those black robed man to the flesh and blood in the sky.

And the remaining black robe powerhouse, one by one, was horrified.


The densely packed black robe powerhouse, shuaa~, ran wildly.

Fear permeates the hearts of each of them. When they get closer, they will directly self-destruct, which makes it impossible for them to start.

Crazy man!

In the eyes of these black robe powerhouses, every Earth War General is a fatal lunatic. At this moment, there is a dramatic scene.

Dozens of Earth War Generals chased nearly 10,000 black robe powerhouses like a tiger driving away the flock. It’s incredible.

A short moment.

As the last War General, more than 100 black robed men were bombarded, and 100 Earth War Generals died!

And tens of thousands of black robed man, more than thousands of powerhouse died, the price paid was extremely tragic.

Every black robed man who survived has a pale complexion, as if he had just turned a circle from the line of life and death, with horror and horror.

"Dead, all dead!"

The only remaining general, Earth, has a strong sadness on his resolute face.

He knows that these heroic War Generals have all died, so next...

"It's me!"

After that talk.

The general's body flashed, madly mobilizing the energy in his body, and the whole person went to the middle-aged man, killing him violently.

Even if he died, he must not make this traitor feel better!

bang bang bang!

At this moment, Two Great Powerhouses fought together in an instant.

One after another space is broken, and above the sky, one after another is violent and violent.

I have to say, that middle-aged man, with a terrifying battle strength, he raised his hands and feet, one after another with terrifying strength, and stabled toward the opponent.

puff puff puff!

The space was pierced by inch by inch, and the body of General Earth left one after another bloodstain.

This is more than that!

"Chaos space!"

With the middle-aged man yelling.

ka ka ka!

Around the Earth general, a space cage, one by one, instantly condenses, one after another terrifying killing, moved towards his body, madly hacked down.

puff puff puff!

He fought hard to resist, but the effect was not great. On his body, there were still hideous wounds from his debut!


He tried his best to make the space prison burst.

War war war!

At this moment, two powerhouses, destroying heaven and extinguishing earth.

The more they fought, the more crazier the two became. One after another scarlet wounds flashed from the body of General Earth.

His face was ashen ashes, already exhausted, unable to fight anymore.

"Go to hell!"

With the middle-aged man's terrifying Iron Fist, Fiercely's strikes are on the back of General Earth.


His spine was fractured, his body trembled fiercely, and he was blown away.

The rain of blood is falling.

Until the Earth general stabilized his figure, a trace of scarlet blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

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