And there is more to it.

Middle-aged man pursues the victory.

A terrifying Palm Blade slashed at him.


Death is coming!

The monstrous Death Aura envelops General Earth.

"Are you going to die?"

The corner of his mouth showed a sense of relief.

He is not afraid of death!

Death is more like a relief to him.

It’s just that he was not reconciled and died at the hands of a traitor!

"Brothers, I'm here!"

Slowly close your eyes, one after another blood and tears, dripping down the corner of the Earth general's eye.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying matchless Power of Destruction spread along his body.

At this time.

The Palm Blade of the middle-aged man was about to fall off. When he sensed this power of Destruction, his complexion changed.

"Damn, he...self-destruct!"


The middle-aged man felt the threat of death for the first time. Although the opponent was only in the Lord of Universe section, the destructive power produced by self-destruct could not be beyond his ability.

I dare not imagine the consequences. Even if he does not die, he will suffer severe damage. This is not what he wants to see.

"Servant shield!"

Almost hesitated, the man in the middle took the Palm Blade away, and at the same time, he took out a simple token on his waist in an instant.

oh la la!

The tokens full of weird rune, expanded rapidly, and instantly turned into an energy shield, shielding him to death.

Servant Shield, the ancient Number One Person personally condensed it, once taken out, even the self-destruct energy of Lord of Universe can be carried.

Extremely hard!

xiu xiu xiu!

The stream of light on the energy shield is like a dragon-like swimming, moving faster and faster along a specific route.

And the scene that happened between the calcium carbide fire was taken in the entire scene by Ning Tianlin below.

"Is it him?"

He doesn't recognize the face of this middle-aged man, but he can see the token that the other party just took out. .

This token is exactly the token he found in the maggot cave!

Whether it is the weird rune carved above or the very conspicuous "servant" character, they are exactly the same!

At this time, Ning Tianlin, who was in the realm of enlightenment, received a voice transformed by Formation.

"Quickly, get back that token!"


This sentence was suddenly resounded next to Ning Tianlin's ears, making him who was standing still stunned.

The sound is the same as when he first cracked the Hundred Death Chess.


"Get it back?"

What a joke!

Not to mention, he already has this token with the word servant in his hand, even in this illusion, he can't do it.

How should I get it? How can I get it!

Telling the truth by fiction?

How is it possible.

At this moment, as if to prove that the token was in his hand, Ning Tianlin couldn't help but touch it.

Authentic, real, but soon, Ning Tianlin discovered the difference.

The token in his hand is not like a dead thing, and there is simply no mysterious energy fluctuation.

And the one of the middle-aged man is not!


Is it?

Ning Tianlin soon thought of a possibility, the terrifying master who arranged the hundred death chess, that is, the master of the voice just now.

When the prohibition was laid out, the true mystery of the token was already sealed inside.

Now, this one in Ning Tianlin's hands is nothing more than an empty shell with a special texture, as if the remote control has no batteries and people have no souls.

One empty shelf, there is no use for eggs!

Ning Tianlin should not be allowed to think too much, with a thud, an energy cover printed with a huge "servant" character is condensed!

"tsk tsk!"

The panic at the corner of the mouth of the middle-aged man guarding the energy hood has long since disappeared, replaced by a brutal grin.

"It’s a shame that such a good blood food burst like this."

It's like the flesh and blood of the general Earth is far more than his life. More useful value.

"What a rich energy."

Looking at this scene, Ning Tianlin has already guessed that this painstakingly arranged one hundred death chess is for that token.


"Fuck, how do I get it back!"

Ning Tianlin corner of mouth twitching, the voice just said to get it back, but didn't say how to get it back.

It's like asking him to take out the item in the painting, which makes him unable to start for a while.

He is only in the realm of enlightenment now. Everything here is the illusion that he has enlightened, not real.

At this time, the mysterious rune of various Formation is rapidly turning in Ning Tianlin's mind.

He needs to go further.

And at this moment.


The trembling sound of Weng Ming resounded, a shock wave filled with destroying heaven extinguishing earth, like a wave, spreading in the sky .

Earth generals self-destruct!

puff puff puff!

Except for the middle-aged man, a black robed man who hadn't had time to escape, under the energy of self-destruct, was blown up into blood mist.


One hundred!



In the blink of an eye, thousands of black robed man were exploded!

As if was struck by lightning, they were bombarded by fiercely. At this moment, their bodies were covered with blood, their limbs were broken, and their skins and flesh turned out.

The rich and monstrous blood mist dyed the entire sky into a scarlet, and the remaining black robed man wailed.

It's terrifying.

They were bloody and bloody, and even the white skeletons were blown apart, and their bodies shuddered because of the majestic pain.

The big beads of sweat flowed down the forehead continuously.

Even the middle-aged man hiding in the energy shield just felt a burst of noise, and even the energy shield trembled.

"It's very risky. Fortunately, there is the Servant Shield, this desperate lunatic, almost hurt me."

Middle-aged man only feels that in the Lord of Universe Under the self-destruct, he was very lucky to be intact.

For those black robed man who has been bombed to death on the spot, he has no extra compassion.

It's just cannon fodder!

It's just that, tens of thousands of black robe army, in order to slaughter hundreds of Earth War General, in the end only less than half of the number is left, it is indeed a bit tragic.

In this battle, the madness of Earth War General made him criticize, but their fate was extremely tragic.

Really deserve it!


Middle-aged man's crazy laughter resounded.


"Earth War General is wiped out!"

Behind him, more than four thousand blacks survived by chance. robed man, all screamed.

"Earth will lose!"

"Earth will lose!"

"Earth will lose!"

"... "

The roar that shook the sky made the brutal smile on the corner of the middle-aged man's mouth more intense.

Just, at this moment.


One after another Law Power of mysterious fluctuations burst out from Ning Tianlin's whole body in an instant.

"This...this is the realm of transformation."


Even Ning Tianlin himself couldn't help but almost burst into swearing.

"It turned out to be successful!"

To ban a path, first comprehend, then enlightenment is enlightenment, and finally is the most difficult step, transformation!

And just now, Ning Tianlin has already used the ridiculous ancient rule of a hundred death chess, after many operations, finally stepped into the realm of transformation.

In other words, Ning Tianlin can reshape the prohibition of Hundred Death Chess according to his wishes. Between the virtual and the real, the two can be changed at will.

He is the king of this!


"There are still people!"

The energy fluctuations that suddenly emerged from Ning Tianlin below made the middle-aged man suddenly startled.

At the moment of his horror.


A monstrous halberd smashed up from below. This violent halberd seemed to come from hell.

Extremely terrifying!

The entire space was shattered, leaving one after another emptiness.

puff puff puff!

In the blink of an eye, thousands of black robed man were shattered by this halberd that almost covered the sky.


This is just the power of a halberd!

This scene made the middle-aged man and the remaining black robed man horrified!

"Who is it!"

"Who is it!"

They can’t figure out what terrifying existence is to kill thousands of powerhouses. .

This...I can hardly imagine it.

What's especially scary is that they don't know when this person appeared or even when he took the shot!

He seems to be standing there all the time!

da da da!

His eyes are tight.

Everyone saw that after the halberd disappeared, a young man holding a halberd slowly walked out.

His delicate and pretty face is gloomy at the moment, and most importantly, his black hair and pupils are the appearance of an Earth person!

Firmly staring at the pieces of blood mist falling below, a cold, hellish voice came from the youngster's mouth.

"You guys...damn it, the blood debt is going to be paid with blood!"


With this stern voice falling, let All the unbelievable scenes of black robed man appeared.

shua~ shua~ shua~!

In the sky, the flesh and blood scattered everywhere began to gather together again.


Five Ways!

Ten Dao!

Hundred Ways!

In the blink of an eye, all the flesh and blood of the Earth War General were condensed raw!

These people, no matter their appearance or aura, are all the Earth War General who just died, exactly the same.

Whether it is those killed or self-destructed, all reappear one by one.



"How is it possible!"

The middle-aged man only feels his scalp burst.

These Earth War Generals have all been killed, and the fleshy body has been shattered. How can it be reborn again!

He couldn't believe his eyes!

It's just that, for Ning Tianlin who has entered the realm of transformation, these are just flashes of thought in his mind.

However, these are just the beginning, and then, in everyone's horrified eyes.

Ning Tianlin waved his hand at hundreds of Earth War General.




one after another, resounded from each of them, resounded like the sound of a bean burst.

Then, one after another rising imposing manner, permeated every Earth War General's body.


As young men shout out loudly.

The battle strengths of the hundred Earth War Generals have all soared on the basis of the original ones, becoming the all Lord of Universe!

And these Earth War Generals who were resurrected just now had confused eyes, and they were instantly filled with deep shock!

The spirit is surging, and they are so excited that they just feel the strength of their bodies bursting, and they need fiercely to vent.

However, this does not stop.

In their Sea of ​​Consciousness, Ning Tianlin quickly flashed the status quo of Earth and the universe in the form of a slideshow.

After that, they trembled one by one!

"Earth, is about to dominate the universe!"

"This youngster... is the descendant of Earth!"

One hundred Earth War Generals, nothing I can believe what Ning Tianlin let them see.

Until the end, one by one wept with joy.

Earth is immortal, it has recovered!


Only kneeling to the sky, the one hundred Earth War General kneeling on the ground bowed deeply in the direction of Ning Tianlin.

In their hearts, such a gift, the youngster called Ning Tianlin, can bear it!

"Thank you, descendants of Earth!"


This voice, this action, is like a bomb of thunder, making the middle-aged man and those The only remaining black robed man, are all dumbfounded.

A descendant of Earth?

Earth? Posterity?

Also bowed collectively!

This...what's the situation!

Is it all crazy!

And what really made them feel that their scalp was bursting is that after being resurrected, the Earth War General all soared.

Only the middle-aged man knows that at this moment, standing opposite them is the all-colored Lord of Universe!



Ning Tianlin didn't care about the awkwardness and shock of everyone on the other side.

The hundred War Generals of the ancient Earth, fighting to the death, as the descendants of Earth, he should tell them that.

Even in a hundred death chess, Ning Tianlin wants to make their lives as good as possible, even if it is just a moment of happiness, it is worth it.


As his gaze turned, Ning Tianlin took a step forward slowly and walked towards the middle-aged man. He turned over the palm with an extra token.

"Say, what's the use of this thing?"


The middle-aged man couldn't believe it, how could the token on his body slip into the opponent's hands silently.

After feeling the terrifying breath of Ning Tianlin at close range, his eyelids jumped wildly.

As everyone knows, in this hundred death chess, Ning Tianlin is the True King. What you want to do is just a thought.

Only, before he speaks.


His Sea of ​​Consciousness fluctuates strangely in an instant, one after another Divine Consciousness energy, passing towards Ning Tianlin's eyebrows.

"so that's how it is!"

Staring at the middle-aged man, Ning Tianlin seems to be looking at a dead person.

"You betrayed the ancient Number One Person, trying to throw them into the Nether Abyss, you really damn it!"

Words, horror, crippling.

Gu du!

Sea of ​​Consciousness was read inexplicably, and the middle-aged man was frightened.

Obviously, this youngster also already knows that the token that was taken away can connect the Netherworld Abyss with the outside world!

"Dead, must let him die!"

At this moment, fly into a rage out of humiliation middle-aged man, in a pair of eyes, the murderous to Ning Tianlin Intention is monstrous.

However, the murderous intention of the Earth side is even more prosperous!




Hundreds of War General screamed.

"Damn it!"

The middle-aged man ignored the rest at the moment, body flashed, and hit the Iron Fist destroying heaven extinguishing earth, and hit this Ning Tianlin crashingly.

ka ka ka!

The space around Ning Tianlin is under the Iron Fist, like glass, shattered inch by inch, and a wave of Death Aura is shrouded in front of him.

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