

Black Dragon, who has slaughtered hundreds of millions of humans, is really a little flustered, just like seeing even more powerful natural enemies.

Because it has recognized, this person, just a few minutes ago, rescued him from another person's hands! But it has long possessed good wisdom, but it doesn't feel that the other party has any kindness.

Because it doesn't care about this human being at all, how can the other party be so kind? You know, he has slaughtered and swallowed too many humans in the past few months!

Furthermore, it felt a strong pressure from the opponent. At this moment, it is clear that it is not the opponent's opponent!

"I pulled you out, or did I take the initiative?"

Bai Qi stared at the sea below, gloomy and coldly said to the void.

He didn’t know what he had done in vain, but the little flying dog next to him had already told him and let him know that the world is now billions of dollars. Human beings all died in its mouth!

This also shocked him! This animal is so indiscriminately killing, how much more terrifying than it was in the past!

However, he will not feel sorry for these dead people in vain, because among these people, not many are Chinese! In his mind, Huaxia is his clansman!

At that time, the first emperor unified the six countries, referring to China!

Hua Xia is what he valued in vain!

As for foreigners, they must be non-self, and their hearts must be different!

Back then, a Huns broke Da Qin's heart, and now he has died with such a stranger, he will not feel distressed in vain! Just shocked at the bloodthirsty and appetite of this Black Dragon!


As Bai Qi fell, the seabed Black Dragon shook its body directly, dived under the sea, and rushed into the sky, hovering in the void, floating in front of Bai Qi.

The body is huge, almost 400 meters, making Bai Qi look extremely small in front of it.

"It seems that I guessed right, you can understand what I said."

Bai Qi smiled. This also confirmed my conjecture. The Black Dragon in front of me is indeed a spirituality creature with wisdom, although I don't know why it can be understood.

Furthermore, Bai Qi's body is small, but in front of the Black Dragon, his waist is straight and it seems to be able to support the entire Heaven and Earth, and his eyes are full of domineering power!

Even the whole body exudes endless power.

After that, the huge Heaven and Earth coercion gathered, moved towards this Black Dragon fiercely! Although his body is small, he still needs to use an imposing manner to lower his head down the Black Dragon!



Black Dragon struggles and fights against it, of course it does not want to lower its noble head! Especially in front of tiny humans!

These human beings are just his food, just like ants, why should they bow their heads!

Furthermore, it has a noble birth. It has only been a year from birth to the present. In their Dragon Clan's long life, they only existed in a very short time.

It's not even a young dragon! Not to mention adulthood!

It's just a baby dragon just born!

If it wasn't that it was just a young dragon, give it some time, he would have slapped the human in front of him to death!

It also felt that although the human being in front of him is powerful, he only needs to give it another half a year, no, two or three months, it can swallow the other person in its stomach!

So, it will not bow its head, and will not bow to the death!



Even its whole body, under the pressure of white, all came The sound of skeleton shattering! After carrying it for more than ten seconds, a bone in the head and neck, under the precise control of Bai Qi, the ka-cha broke.

The noble head finally lowered!


"Professional guilt!"

Bai Qi saw this scene, coldly snorted, so what if you are a dragon, but at this moment You have to lie on your stomach too! In front of him Bai Qi, only Shi Huang could make him bow his head! The others, bow their heads to him!

All the nobility, in front of absolute power, are all decorations!

“roar! ”

The Black Dragon who was humiliated by this has an angry look in his eyes and a low and muffled roar in his throat. He even wants to do it with all his strength, but The difference in battle strength of 10,000 points, still let it be firmly suppressed by the opponent's breath, unable to move!

Only scarlet eyes are shining with anger!

It is not convinced!

How noble is its Chiyan Black Dragon, how can it be insulted!

But in the face of absolute power, all the insults can only be swallowed! Its Chiyan Black Dragon is not convinced, but what about it, at this moment, it can only be under this pressure, unable to move even a little bit!

"Don't worry."

"I won't kill you today."

At this time, Bai Qi spoke, and seemed to have gained The results are extremely satisfactory.


One of the original Myths and Legends!

At this moment, I was so crushed by myself that I couldn't lift my head!

He has a faint excitement in white, the excitement of conquering the powerhouse! Compared with suppressing Xu Fu, it is more refreshing and enjoyable!


As soon as the words fell, the entire body of the Chiyan Black Dragon was shaking, and I couldn't believe it. This human being in front of him, don't kill himself ?

You must know that it is the mortal enemy of humans. It has swallowed so many humans!

Is this human being unwilling to avenge them?

Especially when I thought of the first few minutes, it was this human being who blocked the mortal blow for himself, and I couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"I'm here just to tell you, China, this place is your forbidden place!"

"No matter how much you swallow in other places, how much killing you cause, I Bai Qi doesn’t care!"

"But Huaxia, you must not take one step further!"

Bai Qi’s voice is cold and full of threats, "But as long as I find you Entering Huaxia, I will definitely kill you immediately!"


As soon as Bai Qi finished speaking, the little flying dog next to him had a green light in his eyes. , Forming a green light curtain in the void, above it is the Terrain Map of Asia. At the same time, Huaxia's location is marked with red.

"This red place is your forbidden place!"

"Appear, kill!"

After Bai Qi finished speaking, just "wow", Withdrawing his pressure, and then without giving the Black Dragon a reaction, he jumped into the air and disappeared into the Sea Territory.

"Well, you can tell me where Shi Huang is now."

3 minutes later, Bai Qi said to the little flying dog next to him.

Although he doesn't know why this "Ning Tianlin" wants to let go of this Black Dragon and don't kill it directly, it doesn't matter at all. Because in his mind, only seeing Shi Huang is the first major event.

It is also the ultimate goal he pursued in vain.


Following his words, Xiaofeigou shot two rays of light again in his eyes, and then a light curtain appeared in front of him, above, There is a red dot, which is constantly flashing and jumping.

It reminds Bai Qi that that is the goal he is looking for.

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