
"China ......"

When the white from the silhouette, leave this side of Heaven and Earth, red inflammation Black Dragon eyes exudes complex color, some easy, after all, just the other side of coercion, pressure is entirely his breath.

Some are even physical damage.

If more lasting some of its body probably will be pressed burst!

But more is not satisfied, because it's just strip Drake, if more give him some time, he can definitely give the other party after blasting! It also threatened, when the time comes it will be able to a paw to the other side to catch crushed by!

"can not go now, but one day, I will go!"

Black Dragon red red inflammation of the eyes, exudes a very ruthless light, it naturally He is in the bones, took the noble Dragon Clan, how could the subject of oppression! Even the "Chinese" word, firmly engraved in my mind!

wait for it to enhance the strength of that day, he was the first to destroy, it is China!

humans on this planet, all his food, no one can be spared out!


Then, swing stature, directly into the sky, moved towards a position just to escape fly. Originally it was fought for places, go to other countries, but white from leaving, he gave it a commanded!

East continue to win!

You know, the white from the resentment of Xu is quite substantial!

This is the place where Xu spent a thousand years, how can he not to destroy it!

What shit people, that are left then three thousand young boys and girls down, people abandoned it, he raised the white from how compassion!

Ten minutes later.



"That Black Dragon coming!"

"That Black Dragon yet come! "

Mount Fuji, EGL people, from just lose one's head out of fear of the spirit slowly recovers, watching the collapse of the mountain range, rolling lava heat wave has not yet dispersed, do not know how when run, I heard someone yelled.

looked quickly moved towards the sky.

only a heart is a thump, legs are shiver. I saw the clouds, a huge body faintly discernible, but quickly moved towards the bottom coming, not just to escape the Black Dragon who else!

"Oh my God! Run! Get out of it!"

several millions People's Congress cried, crazy moved towards the distant ran. Mount Fuji is their sustenance, but at the moment all of Mount Fuji collapse, eight differences big God is dead, who else can they save them!


Black Dragon's silhouette red inflammation has not yet to have been accompanied by a cold Xingfeng, the human body to the ground rolled up.

mouth piece, that is, thousands of people lining up, moved towards its mouth rushing.

a moment, gone into its mouth!

"day! This Black Dragon again!"

"again Silue a small day!"

"It just plays with white Xu leave ah, it came out! "

" is it just been hiding in the clouds? "

Meanwhile, the whole world of network screen transitions again into things live, let the whole world see the only remaining Asian, EGL again suffered massacres, Mount Fuji, once again set off a bloody.

after half a day.

Mount Fuji, several millions of the population, all entered the Black Dragon This red inflammation of the abdomen.

5 days later.

The penultimate seat EGL city destroyed, more than a million deaths.

Again thirteenth day of the EGL destroy the country!

This entanglement with neighboring China for thousands of years, destroy this country! Survived, not the tens of thousands of people! Less than one ten thousandth of the original!

They did not put an end to this feud in the hands of the Chinese, he was a Black Dragon to the death of the country!

. . . . .

"Kyrgyzstan Cambodia!"

"Myanmar Johnson!"

"North Vietnam!"

. . . . . .

Soon, one by one Asian country, in all the attention, constantly subjugation.

less than twenty days, they have buried in the eight countries under this Black Dragon's claws!

every moment, are available blood flowing into a river, not bleed through the scull drift!

piles and piles of the population, are treated as snacks in general, we entered the Black Dragon This red inflammation of the mouth, even spit out the bones, have not.


"This is Hua Xia Country border line!"

"without permission, you are not allowed to enter!"

in the border of China and Myanmar Johnson, stands a stone tablet, marked with here, is the North Myanmar Johnson, the South China territory, a perennial guarded by soldiers here. Moreover, this is not the Burma Road, China's leading Johnson, just one in a long border.

But at the moment, a large number of large number of Myanmar Johnson who crossed the mountains, towering appeared in here. Soldiers

at the border, and suddenly all of them as the enemy of the forest, hand on the gun, looking solemn watching them.

"big brother, let us go! Black Dragon coming!"

"yes ah, he is behind us, will be here soon!"

"has a lot of dead people!"

Johnson headed by a Burmese who know some Chinese language, standing in front of the team at the moment, on the edge of soldiers plead Road. Just look panic, just a finished, they moved towards the rear looked.

Black Dragon city will have to slaughter their lives, which they nearly 1,000 are from there escaped!

When they come, Black Dragon will place less than three years in the air, most likely, blink of an eye to be here!

"without permission, any person prohibited from entering Chinese territory!"

just soldiers guarding the frontier, which will care about them. They are iron man, only the hearts of command! No orders to want to enter the Chinese territory, it must be from riding past on their bodies!

Black Dragon has come and how?

Black Dragon they have to guard the border, you will be shut out of the Chinese border!

However, there are a flexible mind, I began to make a call to a higher level. Because By now, everyone knows what happened.

"big brother, I beg you!"

"Let's go in!"

"We are here, we will die!"

"you can also quickly escape it, I just saw that Black Dragon is moved towards the side of the fly over, maybe will kill you!"

headed person He urged.

Then, the rear looked Niutou Zhao and involuntarily.

"that is, let us go in, and you quickly escape it!"

"Black Dragon that is likely to come!"

"But it murder not long eye! "

there are a number of humanity.

And really flustered, worried about the back of the Black Dragon chase, involuntarily going across the border, moved towards the Chinese territory Melexis!


"This is Chinese territory! Anyone without permission, and not allowed to enter!"

angry soldiers, guarding territory, is his duty is to the heavens, no command he can not retreat! It is his duty! More important than life!

In particular, some see the situation out of control, so many people clamoring owned owned, they pick up their guns against the sky hit three times in a row.




Although not deafening, but humbling, let all who are ready to enter the Chinese territory admitted to the pace!



Even with the rest of the soldiers kicked the bolt is loaded, all of them on the muzzle these quasi-Myanmar border influx of people who want to Johnson!

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