
Just at this moment, in the sky, there was a muffled roar. Although the sound was not loud, it made these Mainsons People's complexion greatly changed, because of this voice, they are so familiar with it, they just escaped from the hands of the owner of this voice!

It is the soldiers of Huaxia who are also startled with expressions and vaguely feel what is happening.

These days, everyone knows what happened, how could they not know. And the past few days, the Black Dragon raged in Mainson!

Did the other party really come here?

It's just that they didn't back up, but the long spear in their hands was tight, staring at the distant sky with a solemn expression.

What about Black Dragon, if you want to enter China, you have to step over their corpses! This is the duty of the soul since the first moment they are stationed here!


It's just that soon, the whole Heaven and Earth seems to be discolored, and the dark sky is becoming more gloomy at this moment.

The soldier looked up and saw in the sky in the distance, about two to three hundred meters above the ground. A huge creature, faintly discernible, bends and stretches sometimes, not in the world. What else is the Black Dragon that has been raging for so long!

"hua! ”

But it was only a moment, the Black Dragon outside several hundred meters had already come to the top of everyone’s heads, it seemed that it was just stretched out, and it was crushed. , Like a mountain pressing on their heads.

Staring at them with scarlet eyes.

"Black Dragon!"

"It's really that Black Dragon!"

Chinese soldiers are all complexion greatly changed, and my heart is shaken.

They have heard of the brutality of the Black Dragon, but they have all seen it in the video before, which is far less shocking than they are now in person. The coercion alone made them panicked because they were made of steel.

Even the legs are shaking involuntarily.

They are human beings, not gods! There are also joys, angers, sorrows, and more fearful things!

It's just these soldiers, but none of them backed away. Although their legs were trembling, they all mustered the greatest courage and looked straight into the eyes of this Black Dragon! There were even one or two people who resisted the fear in their hearts, raised their guns, and moved towards this Black Dragon!

Although they also know that this bullet is of no use to Black Dragon, and the other party is not afraid of nuclear bombs, let alone this small bullet. But this is the only way they can express their confrontation.

They will shoot this bullet even if they die!

Even if only a spark can be splashed on the body of this Black Dragon, it is their duty!

"Squad leader Wu, let them pass by the superior!"

"Also let us retreat as soon as possible!"

At this time, the person reporting to the superior came The instructions only made Squad Leader Wu a wry smile.


Where are you going to retreat at this time?

How can they compare the speed of this Black Dragon? And now, they are already under the nose of this Black Dragon!

However, he still waved his hand, indicating that the Mensons on the border can come over.

It's dead or alive, full-screen good luck!

"oh la la!"

"oh la la!"

And these nearly a thousand people saw his movements and quickly moved towards here. Come here. And as soon as I crossed the border, I quickly moved towards the distance!

What if you cross the border?

That is also under the nose of Black Dragon!

They won’t run away, waiting for Black Dragon to devour them!

Only escape as far as possible!

But Black Dragon, can you let them escape?

So many people in their country died in the hands of this Black Dragon!

At the same time, the eyes of the rest of the human beings in the whole world are concentrated here, and their hearts are extremely excited! Because at this time, Black Dragon is facing the Chinese people! It's a Chinese soldier!

Too many people believe that this Black Dragon was released by League of Legends! And League of Legends belongs to China, and it is very likely that this Black Dragon simply won't wreak havoc in China!

In the past, there was no chance to identify it. At this time, it was time to verify the accuracy of this guess!

Too many people want to see, this Black Dragon, does not massacre the Chinese people?

"Why don't you do it yet?"

"What is it looking at!"

"Why is it dangling overhead!"

Just to everyone's surprise, after two minutes, the Black Dragon hovering above his head still didn't do anything, but scarlet eyes, staring straight at the ground, not knowing what he was thinking.

It's very different from its past performance!

In the past, it rushed down and slaughtered humans! Even with a big mouth, he sucked the human on the ground into his belly!

What's going on now?

It’s just that, if someone can read its mind at this moment, they will find that the eyes of the Chiyan Black Dragon are directly looking at the stone tablet below! A stone tablet on the surface of the border!

It has wisdom, it has long known that China is ahead!

That person explained to it, if it breaks into China, kill it!

It's just proud and arrogant. It has always been bloodthirsty. It is a bit dissatisfied with the self-recognizing that it is noble. Break into China! At least swallow the Chinese people in front of you!

Struggling, unable to make a decision for a while!

Because if it really violates that person's words, it is likely to face the other party's revenge! And it is still unable to face this revenge!

"Quickly go!"

"Let's go quickly while it's not moving!"

This squad leader Wu waved his hand at the soldiers, signalling to retreat.

Although he knows why the Black Dragon didn't do anything, he also knew it was an opportunity. Didn't he see the Mainon soldiers who had crossed the border and had already run away from several hundred meters? In another two minutes, I am afraid I can't even see the silhouette.


This is when they first moved, the Black Dragon above their heads roared up to the sky, huge waves rushing into the sky, almost above their heads The black clouds are scattered.

And as soon as I woke up, I moved towards the distance and rushed away!

Leave Heaven and Earth here!

It is unwilling!

This is its first time, let these foods go, and escape from its mouth! But it is unwilling to be unwilling, but it dares not! If you really enter the territory of China, waiting for it, I am afraid it will be crazy revenge!

Although it is arrogant and temperament, it also knows how to forbearance!

At this time, against that person, I'm afraid it's only death!


In a moment, the silhouette of the Black Dragon disappeared from everyone's eyes!

"Let's go!"

"Then Black Dragon is gone!"

"Then Black Dragon did not swallow these Chinese soldiers, but left! ”

Countless people who saw this scene were shocked and didn't know what to say.

Especially Huaxia people, almost all of them are extremely excited, this Black Dragon, as expected, does not invade Huaxia.

Be aware that they were extremely nervous just now. Once the Black Dragon crosses the border, it enters the territory of Huaxia. When the time comes, the entire Huaxia will probably suffer a catastrophe!

No one knows whether it will become the same as the destruction of other countries!

Because of that, since the first appearance, no one knows where he is! I'm simply not sure, whether he will fight with this Black Dragon for the sake of the Chinese people!

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