“weng! ”

“weng! ”

No one can see, inside the body of the Chiyan Black Dragon, the dragon ball is in the center The position, a mysterious and unfathomable rune, slowly rotating, seems to contain the heaven and earth principle, profound mystery.

Chiyan Black Dragon can obey Ning Tianlin's orders, and it is precisely the credit of this rune.

Naturalize Heaven and Earth array!

Allows those in the center to obey the instructions of the casters! Don't betray!

Especially this Formation is integrated into the Dragon Ball, it is already integrated, simply inalienable! It has even fundamentally changed the mind of this Chiyan Black Dragon! If one day, anyone who wants to forcibly destroy this Formation will lose his life even with the Chiyan Black Dragon!

It can be said that this Chiyan Black Dragon has been impossible to betray from Ning Tianlin's hands, and even in the bones, he has already determined that Ning Tianlin is his master.

"This Formation Dao, as expected, is much more powerful than just mind control!"

Ning Tianlin sighed with relief when she saw this. After all, this is the first time he has performed this kind of esoteric Formation. Although he has already been in the Arctic within cave, Full Mastery, he still has to be a little hesitant to perform it.

Before, he controlled others through "Soul Controlling Technique", which was relatively low-level, after all, he got it from Xue Gouwa.

And there is another requirement, that is, the person who performs the "Soul Controlling Technique" must have much stronger mental thinking than the other person.

But "Naturalized Heaven and Earth Array" does not have such troubles. If you have the ability to arrange this Formation in the opponent's body, you can completely control the opponent, even if your spirit is not as good as other side!

After all, the battle strength of the Chiyan Black Dragon at this moment has exceeded 100,000, which is higher than that of Ning Tianlin. Only this Formation control is the safest.

One more thing in particular, this Chiyan Black Dragon is different from human beings, he simply has no soul!

He came from the outer planet, Earth’s great formation, and simply didn’t give it a soul!

If you die, you really die forever!


"Get up."

Ning Tianlin said softly, he is also quite satisfied with the results he achieved, after all, he Created a tyrannical creature with his own hands. Although the battle strength is currently only 100,000, it is unique in Earth!

Moreover, its battle strength will continue to increase. Even a rapid increase.

If possible, leave Earth by yourself in the future, take it with you, and do things for yourself.

"It's just your appearance, there is no Chiyan Black Dragon appearance, from now on, I think you should call you Chiyan Golden Dragon. No, Xiaojin is more suitable!"

Ning Tianlin looked at Chi Yan Golden Dragon and said.

"Thank You Master, give me a name!"

Xiaojin nodded a huge dragon head in the air, with a respectful face.

"Chiyan Black Dragon!"

"It turns out that this Black Dragon is called Chiyan Black Dragon!"

Countless Chinese people have heard of Ning Tianlin The voice, I also know that this disturbed the entire Earth, and slaughtered countless humans. The original name of the Black Dragon is the Chiyan Black Dragon!

It’s just that now the golden light is shining, and it has long since disappeared from the darkness of the whole body. The Chiyan Golden Dragon is indeed more suitable.

But everyone stared at the Chiyan Golden Dragon, a Ning Tianlin the size of a paw, and was speechless. With your figure, it is appropriate to call a creature that is as large as a thousand meters in size as Xiaojin. . . . . .

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for the first time he created a creature on his own! Chiyan Golden Dragon! Special rewards of 3 million essence points!"

"Already issued, Please check!" Just when Ning Tianlin finished saying this sentence, the sound of the battle strength system suddenly sounded in his ears, reminding him that another amount of energy has arrived, making him involuntarily For a moment, "Creating creatures?"

"What's going on?" asked in the heart.

How could he create creatures!

He just resurrected the Chiyan Black Dragon. How did he create a creature?

This creature is so easy to create?

Is there no such thing as Chiyan Golden Dragon in this universe?

"Red Flame Black Dragon, a Peak creature in the galaxy. Although it belongs to Dragon Clan, it only has some bloodlines of Ancient Dragon Clan. The body does not even exist in Dragon Ball. In the true sense, it does not belong to it. Dragon Clan is just a relatively large crawler."

The battle strength system explained.


Ning Tianlin was taken aback, such a tyrannical creature, is it just a reptile? It almost wiped out Earth! Moreover, you all said he is the Peak creature of the Milky Way, how can it be described as a reptile?



The battle strength system said, "Although it is the top creature of the galaxy, it is fart outside. Not anymore. The Milky Way galaxy is larger than your current Earth, but in the vast universe, there are only sesame seeds."

"Even sesame seeds are not counted!"


"Its top creature, in the universe, is only a rateless thing. Compared with the real Ancient Dragon Clan, it is really nothing. It can only be described as a crawler."

Hearing this, Ning Tianlin can only describe it in speechlessness, no way, his pattern is still a bit small, and it is really incomparable with the battle strength system.

The Milky Way is so big, his Ning Tianlin hasn't even sold one step yet, in the eyes of the battle strength system, it is only the size of a sesame seed. He Ning Tianlin doesn't even know that when he walks out of Earth one day and enters the Milky Way, will it be a hundred, thousand, or ten thousand years to complete the galaxy?

"Dragon Balls are the treasures of Ancient Dragon Clan! They are the essence of their bodies! They are the only things in True Dragon nobles."

The battle strength system said, "This Chiyan Black Dragon is only a reptile in their eyes, how can it be owned!"

"In their Chiyan Black Dragon clan, no dragon has ever owned a dragon ball! It is completely equivalent to you Earth A primordial person has the ability to release nuclear bombs at any time!"

"So, this Chiyan Golden Dragon is a creature you created!"

"It is the first person to have a dragon ball The Chiyan Black Dragon!"

"It can be said that you created a creature, Chiyan Golden Dragon!"

"Another branch in Dragon Clan!"

"This..." Ning Tianlin was really unbelievable when he heard this. If he said that, he really created another creature, the Chiyan Golden Dragon.

"It's no wonder that no dragon ball was found on the body of the Chiyan Golden Dragon!"

This is also what Ning Tianlin had just wondered the most. There is no dragon ball in the dragon's body. It turns out that this thing is not something you want to have, but the nobles in Ancient Dragon Clan have it!

"In this way, the corpse of the dragon that Ge Hong got by chance is still Ancient Dragon Clan!"

Ning Tianlin couldn't help but think of the source of this dragon ball, no matter what. I expected that something I got accidentally had such a big background. The Ancient Dragon Clan that fell on Earth!

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