"However, it is also the young dragon in Ancient Dragon Clan!"

Thinking of the size of this dragon, Ning Tianlin also has a definition. After all, a Chiyan Black Dragon is thousands of meters long, but this dragon bone is only two more than a hundred meters, which is far from it.


"The three million points of energy are completely for nothing."

Ning Tianlin chuckled lightly, he could Never thought that after surrendering this Chiyan Black Dragon, there would be a reward of 3 million points of spirit. But these are nothing compared to his consumption.

A such a small dragon ball can exchange 10 million points for him. There is also the Bone Dragon, which also cost him millions of energy, which adds up to tens of millions.

To compensate 3 million now, that’s not much.

"Okay, you go back first."

"Stay in the sky above the Golden Cauldron community."

Ning Tianlin waved his hand to indicate this Chi Yan Golden Dragon can leave, and a wisp of Divine Sense shot in his mind, sending it the location of the Golden Cauldron community, and letting it guard there.

Originally, this responsibility belonged to that Bone Dragon. Now, since you have his life, it is yours!


Chiyan Golden Dragon respectfully nodded, then hovered his lower body, then turned and left, and in a moment, he disappeared into the billowing clouds.


"The Chiyan Golden Dragon is gone!"

"It's gone!"

Huh !

Countless people saw this scene, they were shocked, and left, this Chiyan Golden Dragon just left!

In other words, there is no Chiyan Black Dragon in this world, but there is another Chiyan Golden Dragon!

And it looks even more powerful than Chiyan Black Dragon!

The size of the Chiyan Black Dragon is only 600 meters, while this Chiyan Black Dragon has reached more than one thousand meters!

"This doesn't mean that this youngster Ning Tianlin can already Sovereign world?"

"No one would dare not listen to what he said?"

Very Few people know who and what Ning Tianlin that appeared suddenly is, but this is no longer important, because this youngster, without mentioning his own ability, only said that he only controls the Chiyan Golden Dragon. It's already extremely scary!

Whoever refuses, release the Chiyan Black Dragon and bite him!

In this world, who would dare to defy this youngster's word!

"I don't know if he has a girlfriend?"

"Very handsome!"

Too many young women moved like this after seeing this scene thought.

Men conquer the world, women conquer men, if you can be the girlfriend of this kind of man, you don’t have anything you want, this world you want, this world!

Who dares to resist!

This man is just like Spiritual God between Heaven and Earth!


"Look up where this Golden Cauldron community is!"

"Which city has this Golden Cauldron community!"

Countless people have heard this Ning Tianlin's last order, the place where the Chi Yan Golden Dragon stays is this Golden Cauldron community! In other words, this Golden Cauldron community is closely related to this youngster.

In just a few minutes, there have been too many news about the Golden Cauldron community on major websites of China.

All Huaxia, a total of 68 communities, named Golden Cauldron community! And the most famous is undoubtedly the No.1 rich man's community in Beijing North City! Golden Cauldron community!

Suddenly countless people speculated that this youngster might be from this Golden Cauldron community! The direction that Chiyan Black Dragon flew to was the Golden Cauldron community in Beijing North City!

But there are also many people who disagree with this view, thinking that the Golden Cauldron community mentioned by Ning Tianlin belongs to other small cities. After all, the big concealed with the dynasty, the small concealed in the city, really concealed with the people!

This awesome youngster may be hidden in the ordinary person group!

It’s just that today’s picture does not move with the departure of the Chiyan Golden Dragon, but has always been focused here, making the hearts of some impatient people really tickling, I really want to see this. Where did Chiyan Golden Dragon go!

"Now, it's your turn!"

It's just that Ning Tianlin didn't pay attention to the turmoil of the world, but instead set his gaze on Bai Qi on the side. At this moment, Bai Qi's body and body were fine, but his breath was sluggish, his essence was scattered, and it seemed that he could not survive.

Besides, since there is no soul, this is dead in vain but it is really dead 1


Ning Tianlin thought for a while, As soon as his palm stretched out, a dark green medicine pill appeared in his hand, and then he flicks with the finger, directly submerged in his white mouth.

The white mouth was originally closed. Medicine pill hit his lips directly, pierced his lips, knocked out his teeth, and then sent it to his throat. His Ning Tianlin did not have the patience to break his lips and feed in.


As soon as the medicine pill entered the abdomen, one after another energy, along the white limbs and hundreds of skeletons, entered his body, and it was only a moment , His lips are snorted, and he woke up.

Then, slowly, opened his eyes.

'Oh! "

As soon as he woke up, Bai Qi turned over and turned from lying state to standing, his body was tight, and he was in a fighting state. Only Ning Tianlin was standing in front of him, no When that Black Dragon, his eyes narrowed!

"It's you! "

Bai Qi's tone is cold, although he has realized that it is very likely that Ning Tianlin in front of him saved him, but he did not express the slightest gratitude.

Because of all this, you can It’s said that the youngster in front of me bestowed it on me!

If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have made this embarrassing look!

Once, everything behind it is this The youngster was manipulating it that day that he sent his subordinates to find himself, and told him to go to Dongying to stop Xu Fu from killing the Black Dragon! If he didn't stop him, the Black Dragon might have died at the time!

Not now So tyrannical!

I can kill Xu Fu after a while!

That Xu Fu’s battle strength has not grown so rapidly as the Black Dragon!

Secondly, my true strength was sealed by the youngster in front of me! Although I unblocked myself a little when I went to Dongying, it was worse than when I was in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains!

If you can play the Peak battle strength, you can kill the Black Dragon!

It can be said that all of this is calculated by the youngster in front of him, and he is behind the scenes. With all this!

However, he couldn't help but feel terrifying for the meticulousness of this youngster! Because this youngster is probably already calculated, the second time he saw this red flame Black Dragon , It’s no longer his opponent!

If it weren’t, I wouldn’t increase my strength to that point!


Just Ning Tianlin did not answer Bai Qi's words, but directly shot out a wisp of Divine Sense in his eyes, and instantly disappeared into Bai Qi's mind. For a moment, Bai Qi's eyes were a little confused, and finally faint. Yes, it's like a idiot.

And scenes of scenes, but constantly forming in Ning Tianlin's mind.

3 minutes later, he has read the memory of Bai Qi. Especially about the Tomb of the First Emperor and the Twelve Bronze Men!

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