
Ning Tianlin shook the head, in his hands, there really is nothing to prove his identity. But in his information system, there is one person's contact information, Magistrate Zhong Kui.

By the way, "Wait until I contact someone."

Zhong Kui’s contact information was sent by Zhong Kui when he was in Hundred Thousand Great Mountains that day when his Ning Tianlin was raised and threatened by his men. For him. Although Zhong Kui is a Yincao Magicstrate, he also has contact information with Yang Sector.

Mobile phone!

Unfortunately, through the battle strength system, I dialed Magicstrate's mobile phone number.

It’s just this mobile phone number. It’s a bit weird. It’s neither China Mobile nor China Unicom. It’s a bit complicated, and it’s not a uniform number.

The general on the side did not speak, but stared at Ning Tianlin, guarded, but with a trace of respect. If this person is really a friend of King Yama, it is really not something he can afford.

At the same time, I also want to know who this Ning Tianlin will contact.

"Master Ning, hello."

As soon as the call was connected, Ning Tianlin hadn’t spoken yet, and the other party’s diligent voice came from the microphone, full of energy and loud and loud. , It's not Zhong Kui who else can.

"Master Zhong, hello."

Ning Tianlin replied.

He didn't expect that the other party would be able to call out his name all at once. In his tone, it seemed to be filled with long-time joy.

"Master Zhong?"

"Which Master Zhong?"

At this moment, although his eyes are not staring at Ning Tianlin, his ears, But he stood up long ago, listening to Ning Tianlin's conversation. Especially when I heard Ning Tianlin speak, calling Master Zhong, I was taken aback.

Master Zhong?

Which Master Zhong?

No way?

I couldn't help but, in the general's mind, there appeared a figure wearing two wings, wearing a red-clothed robe, black official boots, and holding a huge Magicstrate pen.

This Master Zhong, wouldn't it be Master Zhong Kui?

There are many Master Zhong in the Jifu, and he doesn't even know three of them himself. However, there is only one with the most famous reputation, that is Magicrate Zhong Kui, the celebrity in the eyes of His Royal Highness King Yama.

And the youngster in front of him said that he is a friend of King Yama, then this master Zhong, it is estimated that there are three or four in ten, this is the Master Zhong of Magistrate!

It’s just that he can’t believe it, because Master Zhong Kui, what kind of identity is that, the famous Magicrate in the Netherworld, the celebrity in the eyes of His Royal Highness King Yama, the means are all over the sky, which one is in charge of guarding Yellow Springs Water The generals can be compared.

Moreover, he knew Master Zhong Kui, but Master Zhong Kui never knew him!

I couldn't help but his ears were straight up, wanting to hear the next conversation clearly, and wondering if Master Zhong is the one in the legend.

It’s just that he has heard of Zhong Kui’s name and met himself, but he has never heard his voice, so when the other party spoke just now, he didn’t hear Master Zhong. , Is it Zhong Kui!

"Master Ning has a lot of people and affairs, what are you looking for today?"

"If you have any instructions, don't hesitate to say."

"I Zhong Kui can do it, absolutely go through water and tread on fire, never give up!"

Zhong Kui laughed heartily.

Although I don't know why Ning Tianlin wants to call him, he has already promised. Nothing else, just for the identity of Ning Tianlin!

He met Ning Tianlin in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains of Yang Sector. At that time, King Yama sent him to help Ning Tianlin solve some problems. Although it was only no effort at all to himself, King Yama really exhorted him, must be very serious to finish the things Ning Tianlin explained!

From his attitude at the time, Zhong Kui could clearly feel that King Yama valued Ning Tianlin very much. At that time, I emphasized to him that no matter what conditions the other party has, they must be unconditionally satisfied.

And treat him as if you treat yourself.

Although I don't know why King Yama is so, but this attitude alone has shown everything.

He has been with King Yama for so many years, and he has never seen such an attitude towards anyone.

Countless years have passed, King Yama impartial and incorruptible, honest, decisive, very ruthless and fair. The impression has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but he asked him to take care of a Yang Sector character, and he was a good battle strength. Yang Sector character, how could Zhong Kui not guess wildly.

Especially the Yang Sector nowadays, which is already Dharma End Era, how can there be a youngster with a battle strength of more than 10,000.

The identity of Ning Tianlin is probably not simple.

Especially when he finished his work, he returned to the prefecture, and through some means, he wanted to investigate some information about Ning Tianlin, but the strange thing is that no matter how the investigation was done, no information about this Ning Tianlin was found. .

Although some people are also called Ning Tianlin, none of them are similar to the Ning Tianlin that I want to see.

So early, he engraved the name Ning Tianlin in his heart, and with his spirit attribute, he had forgotten it in his entire life. Only nearly two years later, he never contacted this person again.

Because this is the person King Yama explained to treat him seriously, if he offends him for anything, I am afraid that the gain will not be worth the loss.

Just when he thought that the other party would forget him, he didn't expect. At this time, the other party actually called him.

"Master Zhong is really polite."

Ning Tianlin smiled, not at this time, what can you remember me, it is my honor of Ning Tianlin. In other words, he now wants to leave a very powerful impression in front of the generals.

How can you surrender your status.

But he didn't know that the officer in front of him had his eyes wide open, his ears were almost erect like a rabbit, and the stormy sea surged in his heart.

"Master Zhong Kui!"

"Really Master Zhong Kui!"

"The person talking to Ning Tianlin is really Master Zhong Kui!"

" p>

Although he doesn't know what Zhong Kui's voice is, like you are a college student, he certainly doesn't know how Principal's voice is the same, but the other party is on the phone, admitting that he is Zhong Kui, there is nothing left to wonder.

As for counterfeiting?


Whoever has the guts in Netherworld has no idea how many layers of skin have been stripped.

What kind of battle strength Master Zhong Kui, as long as he mentions his name in the Netherworld, he may be able to perceive him and dare to impersonate him? Except for this kind of person, I really don't know what happened to Eighteen Levels of Hell in Netherworld!

Besides takes part or not, you will know later.

"Speaking of which, I really have something, I need the help of Master Zhong."

Ning Tianlin laughed, neither humble nor silly.


"Master Ning, please speak!"

Zhong Kui's figure is startled. He was just a courtesy talk just to draw the relationship closer. The other party really has something to help himself, but there is no contempt for it, but extremely excited.


The more you help, the more familiar!

This will also bring you closer!

Although the opponent's battle strength is not as good as his own, it must be not an ordinary person if King Yama can specifically ask for care.

Being good with this person is definitely beneficial and harmless!

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