Although Ning Tianlin’s identity is special, his battle strength is low and pitiful, even less than 20,000 yuan. He has to help himself. For himself, absolutely It is no effort at all.

It's like a beggar, like a billionaire borrowing two or three hundred dollars.

Too easy!

"I'm right now near your Yellow Springs Water, the Three-color Bridge, can you come over?"

"I have something that needs you... "

Before Ning Tianlin's help was spoken, Zhong Kui already said, "Sanseqiao?"

"Master Ning, are you in the Netherworld now?"

"Wait for me, come right away!"

At the same time, Zhong Kui hung up the phone without waiting for Ning Tianlin to continue speaking. And Ning Tianlin listened to the beeping sound in the phone and glanced at the guard beside him, secretly thought that Zhong Kui's temper was really anxious.

Can't you wait for yourself to finish talking about things!

Just before he finished complaining, a yin wind swept over him. Then, a big man wearing a red official robe, two wings on his head, full beard, and a red face appeared. In front of Ning Tianlin.

"Master Ning, long time no see!"

As soon as he showed up, Zhong Kui was laughing heartily.

"Master Zhong, long time no see!"

Ning Tianlin also laughed twice. He didn't expect that the other party came so fast, even for two seconds. Less than. Even with his current battle strength, he didn't even see how the opponent appeared just now.

"Master Zhong!"

"It really is Master Zhong Kui!"

And the generals on the side have been complexion greatly changed at this moment. Here comes the man, It is really Lord Zhong Kui, not only the Magicrate, but also the celebrity beside His Royal Highness King Yama! This is the one who came!

I couldn’t help but bowed down in a hurry, loudly said, "pay respects to Master Zhong!"

"Master Zhong is here, excuse me for not going out to meet you, please don’t Forgive me!"

The same was true with the two evil servants who followed.

He was terrified, didn't expect, the visitor turned out to be the legendary Master Zhong!

Netherworld, the official position is extremely strict. It is not known how stricter it is than in the ancient times of China. When the lower level meets the higher level, they must pay the worship service! Even the superiors have absolute power over the subordinates.

For trivial things, the superior can kill the inferior!

Because of Netherworld, there are too many ghosts living in it, not only humans, but also vegetation, insects, and mammals, all kinds.

Too many creatures and limited official positions.

Therefore, every official position holds infinite power.

Even a small bad guy has a lot of power in his hands.

It’s just Zhong Kui at this moment, but he didn’t pay attention to the few people who were kneeling at all. He didn’t even wave his hands and let them get up. Instead, they stared at Ning Tianlin eagerly and asked, "Master Ning, what Busy, you say, what Zhong Kui can do is absolutely duty-bound!" At the same time, he turned his head and glanced at the three kneeling men, and then landed on Ning Tianlin.

Zhong Kui is not a fool, he has vaguely realized that Ning Tianlin's request for help is likely to be related to the three inequalities in front of him. Maybe it was the three bad guys in front of him who had offended Ning Tianlin.

If it weren't the case, these three evils would not stand by their side.

Just suddenly, in Zhong Kui's eyes, an incredible color appeared again, as if he had seen something extremely incredible, his breathing was a little short.

"Two hundred thousand points!"

"Almost two hundred thousand points of battle strength!"

"How long is this? Less than two years! The Ning Tianlin’s battle strength has increased from more than 10,000 to 200,000!"

"How is this possible!"

"This speed is too terrifying! "

Zhong Kui's already huge eyes opened round and round at this moment, as if he had seen something extremely incredible. He cultivated a certain secret technique to be able to determine how much battle strength the opponent has, especially when he has an absolute advantage over the opponent in battle strength.

His judgment can't be wrong!

A year and a half ago, this Ning Tianlin's battle strength definitely did not exceed 20,000!

If not, King Yama would not send himself to relieve him.

But now, how much time has passed since, his battle strength has increased to 200,000! This kind of speed is a genius amongst geniuses, and there is no such concept, right! At the very least, I haven't seen it in Netherworld!

"No wonder King Yama valued this person for a reason."

Zhong Kui's mind changed, thinking of all possible possibilities, just this point alone, this Ning Tianlin is definitely worth it. Deep dating!

A genius!

It's not an exaggeration to call it peerless genius!

In less than two years, there has been such a big improvement. It is still in the Dharma End Era of Yang Sector. This speed is enough for any force to draw in! It is him, with such progress, a hundred years will be short!

When you make friends with this person, when he is weak, maybe there will be a very big return!


But Zhong Kui deserves to be Zhong Kui. Although he was shocked, he adjusted it quickly and showed nothing on his face.

"I was questioned by the guards here, and want to come over and you help me prove my identity." Ning Tianlin also glanced at the three ghosts who were kneeling on both sides, "I said to them, I am a friend of King Yama. I would like to ask you to prove it."

"That's it?" In Zhong Kui's heart, ten thousand heads *** rushed past, and I wanted to help myself, that's it. Trivial matter? Just to prove his identity in front of two petty officials?

Unfortunately, his big eyes like bells glared, and scolded loudly at the three kneeling on the ground, "I'm really blinding your dog's eyes!"

"Master Ning Can you question your identity?"

"Quickly give Master Ning kowtow and admit your mistake, otherwise, I will tear you up!"

"Hurry up!"

Zhong Kui’s voice was full of breath and was very loud, especially in front of the three bad guys, like Hong Zhongming, more like a reminder, so that the three bad guys’ hearts almost jumped to their throats. In his eyes, he quickly turned around and said to Ning Tianlin, "Master Ning, the villain have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai! Please forgive your sins!"

"Please forgive your sins!"

The voice was terrified, for fear that Ning Tianlin was not satisfied, and then Zhong Kui tore them to life!

"It's okay."

"Get up, you are also where your responsibility lies. I can't blame you."

Ning Tianlin waved his hand with a smile, and didn't care. Indeed, interrogating oneself is also the responsibility of the other party, the most important thing, the other party gives oneself a chance, not just overbearing and wronging oneself.

And instead of immediately, he found Magistrate Zhong Kui for this reason.

Also, when he found an acquaintance, he also had a lot to ask, and he had a lot of thoughts.

"Thank you Lord Ning!"

"Thank you Lord Ning!"

These three people quickly buckled their heads, moved towards Ning Tianlin and thanked them in gratitude.

"If that's the case, don't hurry up!"

At this time, Zhong Kui beside him scolded loudly.

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