

Knowing that she must die, Ruo Meng'er has never seen it before her eyes His silhouette, a miserable smile, feels like a desperate person at the end of the world. At the same time, after speaking the last sentence, he closed his eyes.

She will wait for the endless yellow sand to drown her body. Then she also turned into yellow sand and joined the army of starlit sand.


Three seconds.

Five seconds.

Ten seconds.

It’s just that when the sky was full of wind and sand and whistled past in her ears, with her eyes closed, she did not feel the slightest pain. Instead, she felt that she was staying in a comfortable room with something to shield her from wind and rain. .

The yellow sand erosion that I just thought about did not come.

I couldn't help but opened my eyes.


Just when she opened her eyes, what she revealed was completely unbelievable!

She can only see that her whole body is covered with a layer of astral qi, although the silhouette is not visible, it is like the substance. All the starry sand, blown on this astral qi's body, just like beating on a thick shield, it will not create any Shanghai.

It was this astral qi that blocked the endless yellow sand for her.

And what shocked her the most was that she just let the youngster who hurried to flee, floating in the void, with her hands on her back, her mouth wide open, and a monstrous suction emanating from his mouth. All the yellow sand, condensed into a long dragon, all sucked into his belly!

He is eating starry sky sand!


"What are you doing..."

Ruo Meng'er simply can't believe her Eyes, starry sky sand! Someone is eating starry sky sand!

How is this possible!

Starry sky sand is very corrosive! Not to mention swallowing it in the belly, even if it is prolonged for a long time, it will corrode the whole body into yellow sand! Below 100,000 battle strength, no one can stop simply!

How can the person in front of me swallow such a strongly corrosive thing in his stomach!

Moreover, with the passage of time, she no longer knows what language to use to describe her feelings. Who is the man in front of her? Is his stomach a bottomless pit?

Half disappeared, he absolutely swallowed the starry sand of ten mountains, haven't he eaten enough?

His stomach, what has become!

She even noticed at this time that the starry sky sand that was rushing forward suddenly stopped at this moment, as if it was forcibly blocked by an invisible force. !

One hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

After five full hours, the yellow sand in the sky completely dissipated, and all entered the belly of the man in front of him.

"Who are you..."

"How can you eat all the sand in the starry sky..."

Ruo Meng'er had only shock in her eyes.

It's amazing!

This man is really amazing!

She never thought, and never heard that someone could swallow the starry sky sand! This thing, isn’t it simply inedible!

And she was wrong, wrong, outrageous, the man in front of her, simply is not the fool she imagined, I'm afraid it is outrageous! simply is not the level she can imagine!

The battle strength definitely exceeds one hundred thousand!

It is a one-star powerhouse or above!

No, maybe the battle strength exceeds 200,000! Only that kind of powerhouse can ignore the starry sky sand and let him knead it.

"Who am I?"

"Am I not the idiot in your mouth!"

The man in front of him smiled, and he smiled slightly. Although the other party just called him an idiot, it didn't make him angry, but made him feel a little bit, let him leave Earth these days, for the first time to experience a touch of warmth.

Yes, this youngster is not someone else, it is Ning Tianlin who came out of Cuttlefish Star.

He never thought of saving this woman.

Life and death are fateful, and wealth is in heaven. When you encounter a problem yourself, you can solve it yourself. From the moment of resurrection on Earth that year, he is no longer a helpful person.

He doesn't care about a lot of nosy.

If you die, you die, so what do you do with me!

Earth is so, even more how in the galaxy!

It’s just this girl. The last move made him feel a little moved. She didn’t expect that she was going to die. She had to push herself and let her escape. At the same time Tell yourself not to give up!

It turned out to be to save yourself!

This kind of warmth from a long-lost stranger, he doesn't know how long he hasn't appeared.

I was even slightly moved.

At least, the girl in front of her has a very good heart, and she is kind.

And what his Ning Tianlin is now, is that you are good to me, and I also repay it. If you are evil, I will be worse than you.




"Sorry, senior, I really didn't mean it , I shouldn't call you that, sorry!"

When Meng'er heard this, her face was slightly red, and she hurriedly bowed to apologize. She really didn't mean it, and she never thought about calling a powerhouse a fool! I just felt that the youngster in front of me was so stunned.

critical moment I don’t know how to escape! It's like scared silly.


Ning Tianlin smiled, "I know you certainly didn't mean it, if not, would you stand here and talk to me!"

Just at the last moment, he took out an astral qi to protect the opponent's body.

Since the other party intends to save his own life, it is okay to repay him. Besides, it's just a matter of no effort at all.

For others, Xingkongsha is a sign of death, Death God’s sickle, but for him Ning Tianlin, it is a great medicine. Because the moment he appeared in this starry sky killing, he felt the longing for centipede in his body.

Although it is not a living creature, it is also a tonic for the centipede that can swallow everything.

Furthermore, after just swallowing, the battle strength of centipede has not only improved, but the most important toxicity and corrosiveness in its body have become more intense!

This starry sky sand is a tonic for it!



"Senior, I was wrong! Sorry!"

Ruo Meng'er is embarrassed He spit out his tongue slightly, his face slightly red. Also, if the other party really blames it, she still has life. However, she was still a little nervous. After all, this was the first time she encountered this kind of powerhouse in her lifetime.

One-star or even two-star powerhouse or above!

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief. The feeling of avoided a catastrophe is really uncomfortable.

"Okay, no need to call me senior."

"Just call me Mr. Ning."

Facing beauty, any man Will not be too strict, especially this kind of beauties, Ning Tianlin is also true, said with a slight smile.

"Mr. Ning."

Ruo Meng'er said hurriedly, just a little hesitating, looked at Ning Tianlin's eyes, and asked for his opinion, "Mr. Ning, you You are still so young, otherwise, I will call you Ning Young Master."

"Mr.'s name makes you a bit old."

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